最基本的协议就在c_com.h这个文件中。 这里我们以向EV3发message这种最简单的形式来看一下协议是如何使用了。 先摘录一段c_com.h中关于发message协议的内容。 1.基本的发送协议 General Protocol Overview\verbatim ,------,------,------,------,------,------,------,------, |Byte 0|Byte 1|Byte 2|Byte 3| | | |Byte n| '------'------'------'------'------'------'------'------' Byte 0 – 1: Command size, Little Endian\n Byte 2 – 3: Message counter, Little Endian\n Byte 4: Command type. The 7 lowest bit of this byte is used for identifying the command type. Bit 7 (MSB) is used for identifying whether the command should give a reply message or not. Byte 5 - n: Dependent on command type WRITEMAILBOX: ------------- Bytes sent to another brick: Mailbox name has to be zero terminated but name length has to be number of chars excluding the zero termination. xxxxxxxx819Exxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx bbbbmmmmttssllaaaaa...LLLLppp... bbbb = bytes in the message, mmmm = message counter, tt = type of message, ss = system command, ll = Name Length, aaa... = Name, LLLL = Payload length, ppp... = Payload 有了这个格式,下面我们需要的就是编写一个方法来实现这个message的内容。 // 组织message的方法 - (int)messageWithMailboxName:(const char*)mailboxName message:(const char*)msg outBuffer:(unsigned char *)outBuffer { outBuffer[2] = 0x00; // message count outBuffer[3] = 0x00;
outBuffer[4] = 0x81; // command not reply outBuffer[5] = 0x9e; // write mailbox command
int cur_p = 6; // cursor, to count bit
int size = strlen(mailboxName) + 1; outBuffer[cur_p++] = size; memcpy(&outBuffer[cur_p], mailboxName, size); cur_p+=size;
size = strlen(msg) +1; outBuffer[cur_p++] = size & 0xff; outBuffer[cur_p++] = (size & 0xff00) >> 8; memcpy(&outBuffer[cur_p], msg, size); cur_p+=size;
outBuffer[0]=(cur_p - 2)&0xff; outBuffer[1]=((cur_p - 2)&0xff00) >> 8;
return cur_p;
} - (void)sendMessage:(NSString *)message title:(NSString *)title { BTstackManager *bt = [BTstackManager sharedInstance]; uint8_t data[bt.mtu]; uint16_t length = [self messageWithMailboxName:[title UTF8String] message:[message UTF8String] outBuffer:data];
[bt sendRFCOMMPacketForChannelID:bt.connectedChannelId data:datadataLength:length]; } -(BTstackError) sendRFCOMMPacketForChannelID:(uint16_t)connectionID data:(uint8_t*)data dataLength:(uint16_t)length{ if (state < kActivated) return BTSTACK_NOT_ACTIVATED;
bt_send_rfcomm(connectionID, data, length);
return 0; } |
Hacking EV3系列之五:iOS通过BTstack发送message给EV3
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