Time Limit:3000MS Memory Limit:10000KB 64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64u
Description Give you three sequences of numbers A, B, C, then we give
you a number X. Now you need to calculate if you can find the three
numbers Ai, Bj, Ck, which satisfy the formula Ai+Bj+Ck = X.Input
There are many cases. Every data case is described as followed: In the
first line there are three integers L, N, M, in the second line there
are L integers represent the sequence A, in the third line there are N
integers represent the sequences B, in the forth line there are M
integers represent the sequence C. In the fifth line there is an
integer S represents there are S integers X to be calculated. 1<=L, N,
M<=500, 1<=S<=1000. all the integers are 32-integers.Output
For each case, firstly you have to print the case number as the form
“Case d:”, then for the S queries, you calculate if the formula can be
satisfied or not. If satisfied, you print “YES”, otherwise print “NO”.Sample Input
3 3 3
1 2 3
1 2 3
1 2 3
Sample Output Case 1: NO YES NO
给定A B C 三个数组 求能否在三个数组中分别找到一个数,使得他们的和是给定的K
我们将表达式变形得 A + B = K - C;
这样我们只需要将A + B 求出来 然后枚举c 二分查找 A + B
枚举的时间复杂度 N
时间复杂度 O(NlogN)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
__int64 a[505], b[505], c[505], la, lb, lc;
__int64 sum[505 * 505], len;
int bin(__int64 x)
__int64 l = 0, r = len - 1;
while (l <= r)
__int64 mid = (l + r) >> 1;
if (sum[mid] == x)
return 1;
else if (sum[mid]>x)
r = mid - 1;
l = mid + 1;
return 0;
int main()
__int64 m, s, cas = 1, i, j, k;
while (~scanf("%I64d%I64d%I64d", &la, &lb, &lc))
for (i = 0; i<la; i++)
scanf("%I64d", &a[i]);
for (i = 0; i<lb; i++)
scanf("%I64d", &b[i]);
for (i = 0; i<lc; i++)
scanf("%I64d", &c[i]);
sort(c, c + lc);
len = 0;
for (i = 0; i<la; i++)
for (j = 0; j<lb; j++)
sum[len++] = a[i] + b[j];
sort(sum, sum + len);
len = unique(sum, sum + len) - sum;
scanf("%I64d", &m);
printf("Case %I64d:\n", cas++);
while (m--)
scanf("%I64d", &s);
if (s>sum[len - 1] + c[lc - 1] || s<sum[0] + c[0])
__int64 flag = 0;
for (i = 0; i<lc; i++)
int kk = s - c[i];
if (bin(kk))
flag = 1;
if (flag)
return 0;