



Given your experience with batch least squares (where all measurements are processed at once), you now decide convert your batch solution to a recursive one for added flexibility. Recall that you have the following data:

Current (A)Voltage (V)

This time, you intend to fit a linear model that includes an offset term, V = R I + b V = RI + b V=RI+b. If Ohm’s law ( V = R I V = RI V=RI) holds, you expect this offset to be very near to zero.

To use the recursive least squares formulation, you must have a prior estimate of the resistance and its associated uncertainty (otherwise, you won’t know how to weigh the information you receive from a new measurement). You choose to set the initial parameters under the assumption that your prior estimate of the resistance, R = 4 R = 4 R=4, is not very good. Also, since you are fairly sure that Ohm’s law ( V = R I V = RI V=RI) does, in fact, hold, you feel that it is safe to assume with high confidence that the offset term b b b is close to zero. After some thought, you choose to intialize the recursive estimator as follows:

R ^ ∼ N ( 4 , 9.0 ) ,    b ^ ∼ N ( 0 , 0.2 ) \hat{R} \sim \mathcal{N}(4, 9.0),~~\hat{b} \sim \mathcal{N}(0, 0.2) R^N(4,9.0),  b^N(0,0.2)

Your initial guess is that R ^ \hat{R} R^ follows a Gaussian or normal distribution (recall that you do not know the exact value of R R R, so it must be considered as a random variable) with a mean of 4   Ω 4~\Omega 4 Ω and a standard deviation of 3   Ω 3~ \Omega 3 Ω (i.e., a variance of 9   Ω 2 9~\Omega^{2} 9 Ω2). Similarly, your intial guess is that b ^ \hat{b} b^ should also follow a normal distribution with a mean of 0   V 0~V 0 V and a variance of 0.2   V 2 0.2~V^{2} 0.2 V2.

With the data again in hand, your goals are to:

  1. Fit a line to the data that includes an offset term (i.e., determine the parameters R R R and b b b for y = R x + b y = Rx + b y=Rx+b) by using the method of recursive least squares.
  2. Reflect on the differences between the batch and recursive least squares solutions.

You may assume that the current values are known exactly, and that the voltage measurements are corrupted by additive, independent and identitically distributed zero-mean Gaussian noise with a standard deviation of 0.15   V 0.15~V 0.15 V (i.e., a variance of 0.0225   V 2 0.0225 ~ V^2 0.0225 V2). You may also assume that your initial estimates for R ^ \hat{R} R^ and b ^ \hat{b} b^ are uncorelated (i.e., the off-diagonal elements of the 2 × 2 2 \times 2 2×2 covariance matrix are zero).

Getting Started

As before, the first step is to import the neccesary Python modules and load the current values and voltage measurements into NumPy arrays:

import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import inv
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

I = np.array([[0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6]]).T
V = np.array([[1.23, 1.38, 2.06, 2.47, 3.17]]).T

# 绘制散点图
plt.scatter(I, V)
plt.xlabel('Current (A)')
plt.ylabel('Voltage (V)')

Estimating the Slope and Offset Parameters

Batch Estimator

Before implementing the recursive least squares estimator, let’s examine the parameter estimates given by the batch least squares method used in the previous assignment. This time, you will be fitting a model which contains an offset y = R x + b y = Rx + b y=Rx+b. This result can be used later for comparison.

## Batch Solution

H = np.ones((5, 2))
H[:, 0] = I.ravel()
x_ls = inv(H.T.dot(H)).dot(H.T.dot(V))
print('The slope and offset parameters of the best-fit line (i.e., the resistance and offset) are [R, b]:')
print(x_ls[0, 0])
print(x_ls[1, 0])

# Plot line.
I_line = np.arange(0, 0.8, 0.1).reshape(8, 1)
V_line = x_ls[0]*I_line + x_ls[1]

plt.scatter(I, V)
plt.plot(I_line, V_line)
plt.xlabel('Current (A)')
plt.ylabel('Voltage (V)')


The slope and offset parameters of the best-fit line (i.e., the resistance and offset) are [R, b]:

As expected, the offset parameter b ^ \hat{b} b^ is near zero, while R ^ \hat{R} R^ closely approximates the true resistance value of R = 5   Ω R = 5~\Omega R=5 Ω.

Recursive Estimator(递归最小二乘估计)

Now let’s try to implement the least squares method recursively! Recall the steps described in Module 1, Lesson 2 - “Recursive Least Squares”:

Initialize the parameter and covariance estimates:

x ^ 0 = E [ x ] , P 0 = E [ ( x − x ^ 0 ) ( x − x ^ 0 ) T ] \hat{\mathbf{x}}_0 = E\left[\mathbf{x}\right],\quad \mathbf{P}_0 = E\left[(\mathbf{x} - \hat{\mathbf{x}}_0)(\mathbf{x} - \hat{\mathbf{x}}_0)^T\right] x^0=E[x],P0=E[(xx^0)(xx^0)T]

For every measurement k:

  • Calculate the gain term: K k = P k − 1 H k T ( H k P k − 1 H k T + R k ) − 1 \mathbf{K}_k = \mathbf{P}_{k-1}\mathbf{H}_k^T\left(\mathbf{H}_k\mathbf{P}_{k-1}\mathbf{H}_k^T + \mathbf{R}_k\right)^{-1} Kk=Pk1HkT(HkPk1HkT+Rk)1
  • Update the parameter estimate: x ^ k = x ^ k − 1 + K k ( y k − H k x ^ k − 1 ) \hat{\mathbf{x}}_k = \hat{\mathbf{x}}_{k-1} + \mathbf{K}_k\left(\mathbf{y}_k - \mathbf{H}_k\hat{\mathbf{x}}_{k-1}\right) x^k=x^k1+Kk(ykHkx^k1)
  • Update the covariance estimate: P k = ( I − K k H k ) P k − 1 \mathbf{P}_k = \left(\mathbf{I} - \mathbf{K}_k\mathbf{H}_k\right)\mathbf{P}_{k-1} Pk=(IKkHk)Pk1

In this case, the initial parameter vector x ^ 0 \hat{\mathbf{x}}_0 x^0 should contain R ^ \hat{R} R^ and b ^ \hat{b} b^.

本质就是用 k − 1 k-1 k1时刻d的估计量估计 k k k时刻的未知量,需要通过计算一个 K k K_k Kk才能得到。
此外还要维护一个待估计量( V = R I + b V = RI + b V=RI+b,本例中为电阻 R R R和偏置 b b b)的协方差矩阵 P P P

## Recursive Solution

# Initialize the 2x1 parameter vector x (i.e., x_0).
x_k = np.array([4,0])
print("x_k.shape: ",x_k.shape)

#Initialize the 2x2 covaraince matrix (i.e. P_0). Off-diangonal elements should be zero.
P_k = np.array([[9,0],[0,0.2]])

# Our voltage measurement variance (denoted by R, don't confuse with resistance).
R_k = np.array([[0.0225]])

# Pre allocate space to save our estimates at every step.
num_meas = I.shape[0]
x_hist = np.zeros((num_meas + 1, 2))
P_hist = np.zeros((num_meas + 1, 2, 2))

x_hist[0] = x_k
P_hist[0] = P_k

# Iterate over all the available measurements.
for k in range(num_meas):
    # Construct H_k (Jacobian).
    H_k = H[k,:].reshape((1,-1))    # 1*2
    print("H_k shape: ",H_k.shape)

    # Construct K_k (gain matrix).
    test_a =  P_k.dot(H_k.T).reshape((-1,1))
    test_b = inv(H_k@P_k@(H_k.T)+R_k)
    K_k = test_a @ test_b   # 2*1x1*1
    print("K_k shape ",K_k.shape)
    # Update our estimate.
    x_k = x_k + K_k@(V[k,:] - H_k@x_k)
    print("【Update our estimate.】x_k.shape : ",x_k.shape)
    # Update our uncertainty (covariance)
    E = np.eye(2)
    P_k = (E-K_k@H_k) @ P_k   

    # Keep track of our history.
    P_hist[k + 1] = P_k
    x_hist[k + 1] = x_k
print('The slope and offset parameters of the best-fit line (i.e., the resistance and offset) are [R, b]:')
# print(x_k[0, 0])
# print(x_k[1, 0])


Plotting the Results

Let’s plot out the solution at each step. Does the resistance value converge towards the batch least squares solution?

plt.scatter(I, V, label='Data')
plt.plot(I_line, V_line, label='Batch Solution')
plt.xlabel('Current (A)')
plt.ylabel('Voltage (V)')

I_line = np.arange(0, 0.8, 0.1).reshape(8, 1)

for k in range(num_meas):
#     V_line = x_hist[k, 0]*I_line + x_hist[k, 1]
    V_line = x_hist[k, 0]*I_line + x_hist[k, 1]

    plt.plot(I_line, V_line, label='Measurement {}'.format(k))

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