.dll.a 和.la 文件的作用

1. dll.a 其实是MinGW下的DLL文件的imp-lib (Import Library)


.dll.a文件的最初用意其实是MinGW下的DLL文件的imp-lib (Import Library),即与VC下DLL文件附带了一个引入库.lib类似。在VC下编程,当要使用DLL文件时,在开发时必须要有.lib文件才能链接通过。.dll.a文件就是这样的作用。




2. Building an Import Library (Reference)

Sun's distribution of the Java Development Kit includes a file in the lib/ directory calledjvm.lib. This is a Win32 static library against which compilers like VC++ can link. However,gcc can't handle the .lib file (as far as I know), so we need to create a UNIX-y import library (a.a file) against which we can link.

In order to do this, I tried to come up with the minimal set of JNI functions that need to be visible to native programs in order to link. I believe the following list of functions is minimal. Intuitively, it's because these are the only functions that can be called without having a reference to a pointer returned from one of these three functions:

  • JNI_CreateJavaVM
  • JNI_GetDefaultJavaVMInitArgs
  • JNI_GetCreatedJavaVMs

Next, we'll create a DLL exports file to use with dlltool to build an import library. In order to do that, we'll export the symbols for the functions using the Pascal calling convention. (The numbers after the '@' sign indicate how many bytes need to be allocated on the stack for arguments.)

Here are the contents of the file:


By convention, DLL exports files are given the extension .def, so we'll save this file in our directory with the namejvm.def.

Now, we need to generate our import library. We can do that with dlltool, as follows:

dlltool --input-def jvm.def --kill-at --dllname jvm.dll --output-lib libjvm.dll.a
Naming the output file libjvm.dll.a will allow gcc to recognize it as a library named jvm. The .dll.a suffix indicates (by convention) that it is an import library, rather than a static library (which would simply be named libjvm.a, again by convention).

All of that said, I believe the libjvm.dll.a file would be standard across installations. So if you don't feel like building your own, you may be able to usemine. (If you try it, pleaselet me know whether it works.)

Note that in the dlltool argument list, we don't specify where jvm.dll is located, or which one we want to use. The name jvm.dll is what is embedded inlibjvm.dll.a (and hence in executables we will compile against it); no content fromjvm.dll is used. When a running program sees a reference to jvm.dll, it will attempt to locate it at that time. (Each Sun JVM has its ownjvm.dll, so we can take advantage of this feature to select which VM implementation to use at runtime.)

3. la 文件


la file is textual file that includes description of library. It allows libtool create platform independent names. 即 la  文件是纯文本文件,只存放真实library的名字和路径。

For example, libfoo goes to:

Under linux:

/lib/libfoo.so       # symlink to shared object
/lib/libfoo.so.1     # symlink to shared object
/lib/libfoo.so.1.0.1 # shared object
/lib/libfoo.a        # static library
/lib/libfoo.la       # libtool library

Under cygwin:

/lib/libfoo.dll.a    # import library
/lib/libfoo.a        # static library
/lib/libfoo.la       # libtool library
/bin/cygfoo_1.dll    # dll

Under windows mingw:

/lib/libfoo.dll.a    # import library
/lib/libfoo.a        # static library
/lib/libfoo.la       # libtool library
/bin/foo_1.dll       # dll

So.. libfoo.la is the only file that preserved between platforms by libtool allowing to understand, what happens with:

  • library dependencies
  • actual file names
  • library version and revision

Without depending on specific platform implementation of libraries.


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MSVC vs. MinGW 之 (lib,dll,def,obj,exe) vs (a,dll,def,o,exe) 玩转攻略手记 一份粗糙的研究记录,有待补完和整理。 MinGW: c -> o gcc -c a.c c -> exe gcc a.c libs.o -o a.exe (从主程序a.c,附加libs,生成a.exe) o -> exe gcc a.o b.o ... -o main.exe c -> dll,def,a gcc a.c -shared -o a.dll -Wl,--output-def,a.def,--out-implib,liba.a a -> dll a2dll liba.a dll -> a: dlltool --dllname a.dll --def a.def --output-lib liba.a (需要def文件) a -> def: dumpbin /exports lib.a > lib.def (在windows上调用,def需要修改) dll -> def : pexports a.dll -o > a.def (这里的-o是指给函数标序号) lib -> def : reimp -d a.lib lib -> a: (for __cdecl functions in most case) reimp a.lib; (for __stdcall functions) MSVC: c -> lib cl /LD a.c (注意已经定义了export列表) c -> dll cl /LD a.c c -> obj cl /c a.c c -> exe cl a.c /out:a.exe dll ->lib lib /machine:ix86 /def:a.def /out:a.lib (需要def文件) obj ->lib lib a.obj b.obj... /out:mylib.lib dll ->def DUMPBIN a.dll /EXPORTS /OUT:a.def (生成的def需要做修正) lib ->def reimp -d a.lib (这个要在MSYS+MinGW下用) 关于这些工具的适用范围可以很容易的理解和记忆。 dll和exe都是PE文件,所以可以使用pexports. lib和a是静态库文件,都是归档类型,不是PE格式。所以不能使用pexports. dll可以使用dlltool. lib可以使用lib, 和reimp(lib->a工具) 所有的bin文件,包括dll,exe,lib,a都可以使用dumpbin. 参考: http://hi.baidu.com/kaien_space/blog/item/5e77fafa2ba9ff16a8d3110a.html Mingw官网文档: http://www.mingw.org/wiki/MSVC_and_MinGW_DLLs http://oldwiki.mingw.org/index.php/CreateImportLibraries http://www.mingw.org/wiki/FAQ http://hi.baidu.com/opaquefog/blog/item/9b21b6deb324e25dccbf1ab7.html http://qzone.qq.com/blog/8330936-1238659272 http://hi.baidu.com/jzinfo/blog/item/b0aa1d308de99f9da8018e00.html 本篇测试用代码: 1. main.cpp #include #include #include "mylib.h" using namespace std; int main() { char str[]="Hello world!"; printhello(str); return 0; } 2. mylib.cpp #include #include #include "mylib.h" using namespace std; void EXPORT printhello(char *str) { cout << str << endl; } 3. mylib.h #define EXPORT __declspec(
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