Single-stage Methods
• SSD : a classic and widely used single-stage detector with simple model architecture, proposed in 2015.
• RetinaNet : a high-performance single-stage detector with Focal Loss, proposed in 2017.
• GHM : a gradient harmonizing mechanism to improve single-stage detectors, proposed in 2019.
• FCOS : a fully convolutional anchor-free singlestage detector, proposed in 2019.
• FSAF: a feature selective anchor-free module for single-stage detectors, proposed in 2019.
Two-stage Methods
• Fast R-CNN : a classic object detector which requires pre-computed proposals, proposed in 2015.
• Faster R-CNN : a classic and widely used two stage object detector which can be trained end-to-end, proposed in 2015.
• R-FCN : a fully convolutional object detector with faster speed than Faster R-CNN, proposed in 2016.
• Mask R-CNN : a classic and widely used object detection and instance segmentation method, proposed in 2017.
• Grid R-CNN : a grid guided localization mechanism as an alternative to bounding box regression, proposed in 2018.
• Mask Scoring R-CNN : an improvement over Mask R-CNN by predicting the mask IoU, proposed in 2019.
• Double-Head R-CNN : different heads for classi-fification and localization, proposed in 2019.
Multi-stage Methods
• Cascade R-CNN : a powerful multi-stage object detection method, proposed in 2017.
• Hybrid Task Cascade : a multi-stage multi-branch object detection and instance segmentation method, proposed in 2019
. General Modules and Methods
• Mixed Precision Training : train deep neural networks using half precision flfloating point (FP16) numbers, proposed in 2018.
• Soft NMS : an alternative to NMS, proposed in 2017.
• OHEM : an online sampling method that mines hard samples for training, proposed in 2016.
• DCN : deformable convolution and deformable RoI pooling, proposed in 2017.
• DCNv2 : modulated deformable operators, proposed in 2018.
• Train from Scratch : training from random initialization instead of ImageNet pretraining, proposed in 2018.
• ScratchDet : another exploration on training from scratch, proposed in 2018.
• M2Det : a new feature pyramid network to construct more effective feature pyramids, proposed in 2018.
• GCNet : global context block that can effificiently model the global context, proposed in 2019.
• Generalized Attention : a generalized attention formulation, proposed in 2019.
• SyncBN : synchronized batch normalization across GPUs, we adopt the offificial implementation by PyTorch.
• Group Normalization : a simple alternative to BN, proposed in 2018.
• Weight Standardization : standardizing the weights in the convolutional layers for micro-batch training, proposed in 2019.
• HRNet : a new backbone with a focus on learning reliable high-resolution representations, proposed in 2019.
• Guided Anchoring : a new anchoring scheme that predicts sparse and arbitrary-shaped anchors, proposed in 2019.
• Libra R-CNN : a new framework towards balanced learning for object detection, proposed in 2019.
3、Faster R-CNN:https://arxiv.org/pdf/1506.01497.pdf
4、Fast R-CNN:https://www.cv-foundation.org/openaccess/content_iccv_2015/papers/Girshick_Fast_R-CNN_ICCV_2015_paper.pdf