
Jean-Yves Bouguet "Pyramidal Implementation of the Lucas Kanade Feature Tracker Description of the algorithm"
unit OpticalFlowLK;


  Math, Windows, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, unitypes, ColorConv;


  TOpticalFlowLK = class
    ImageOld, ImageNew: TTripleLongintArray;
    ImageGray, dx, dy, dxy: TDoubleLongintArray;
    Eigenvalues: TDoubleExtendedArray;
    WBPoint: TDoubleBooleanArray;
    Height, Width, L, RadioX, RadioY: longint;
    procedure CornerDetect(sWidth, sHeight: longint; Quality: extended);
    procedure MakePyramid(var Images: TTripleLongintArray; sWidth, sHeight, sL: longint);
    Frame: TBitmap;
    Features: TSinglePointInfoArray;
    FeatureCount, SupportCount: longint;
    Speed, Radio: extended;
    procedure Init(sWidth, sHeight, sL: longint);
    procedure InitFeatures(Frames: TBitmap);
    procedure CalOpticalFlowLK(Frames: TBitmap);
    destructor Destroy; override;


procedure TOpticalFlowLK.CornerDetect(sWidth, sHeight: longint; Quality: extended);
  i, j, fi, fj: longint;
  a, b, c, sum, MinAccept, MaxEigenvalue: extended;
  FeatureCount := 0;
  下面采用Good Feature To Track介绍的方法
  J. Shi and C. Tomasi "Good Features to Track", CVPR 94
  for i := 1 to sWidth - 2 do
    for j := 1 to sHeight - 2 do begin
      dx[i, j] := ImageGray[i - 1, j - 1] + 2 * ImageGray[i - 1, j] + ImageGray[i - 1, j + 1]
        - (ImageGray[i + 1, j - 1] + 2 * ImageGray[i + 1, j] + ImageGray[i + 1, j + 1]);
      dy[i, j] := ImageGray[i - 1, j + 1] + 2 * ImageGray[i, j + 1] + ImageGray[i + 1, j + 1]
        - (ImageGray[i - 1, j - 1] + 2 * ImageGray[i, j - 1] + ImageGray[i + 1, j - 1]);
      dxy[i, j] := ImageGray[i + 1, j - 1] + ImageGray[i - 1, j + 1]
        - (ImageGray[i - 1, j - 1] + ImageGray[i + 1, j + 1]);
  {求取Sobel算子的Dx, Dy, Dxy
  |1 0 -1|
  |2 0 -2|
  |1 0 -1|
  |-1 -2 -1|
  | 0  0  0|
  | 1  2  1|
  |-1  0  1|
  | 0  0  0|
  | 1  0 -1|}
  MaxEigenvalue := 0;
  for i := 2 to sWidth - 3 do
    for j := 2 to sHeight - 3 do begin
      a := 0; b := 0; c := 0;
      for fi := i - 1 to i + 1 do
        for fj := j - 1 to j + 1 do begin
          a := a + sqr(dx[fi, fj]);
          b := b + dxy[fi, fj];
          c := c + sqr(dy[fi, fj]);
      a := a / 2; c := c / 2;
      Eigenvalues[i, j] := (a + c - sqrt((a - c) * (a - c) + b * b));
      if Eigenvalues[i, j] > MaxEigenvalue then MaxEigenvalue := Eigenvalues[i, j];
    |∑Dx*Dx   ∑Dxy|
  M=|               |
    |∑Dxy   ∑Dy*Dy|
  λ= ∑Dx*Dx + ∑Dy*Dy - ((∑Dx*Dx+∑Dy*Dy)^2-4*(∑Dx*Dx * ∑Dy*Dy - ∑Dxy * ∑Dxy))^1/2}
  MinAccept := MaxEigenvalue * Quality;

  for i := 8 to sWidth - 9 do
    for j := 8 to sHeight - 9 do
      if Eigenvalues[i, j] > MinAccept then begin
        WBPoint[i, j] := true;
      end else
        WBPoint[i, j] := false;

  for i := 8 to sWidth - 9 do
    for j := 8 to sHeight - 9 do
      if WBPoint[i, j] then begin
        sum := Eigenvalues[i, j];
        for fi := i - 8 to i + 8 do begin
          for fj := j - 8 to j + 8 do
            if sqr(fi - i) + sqr(fj - j) <= 64 then
              if (Eigenvalues[fi, fj] >= sum) and ((fi <> i) or (fj <> j)) and (WBPoint[fi, fj]) then begin
                WBPoint[i, j] := false;
          if not WBPoint[i, j] then break;

  setlength(Features, FeatureCount); fi := 0;
  for i := 8 to sWidth - 9 do
    for j := 8 to sHeight - 9 do
      if WBPoint[i, j] then begin
        Features[fi].Info.X := i;
        Features[fi].Info.Y := j;
        Features[fi].Index := 0;

procedure TOpticalFlowLK.Init(sWidth, sHeight, sL: longint);
  Width := sWidth; Height := sHeight; L := sL;
  setlength(ImageOld, Width, Height, L);
  setlength(ImageNew, Width, Height, L);
  Frame := TBitmap.Create;
  Frame.Width := Width; Frame.Height := Height;
  Frame.PixelFormat := pf24bit;
  setlength(ImageGray, Width, Height);
  setlength(Eigenvalues, Width, Height);
  setlength(dx, Width, Height);
  setlength(dy, Width, Height);
  setlength(dxy, Width, Height);
  setlength(WBPoint, Width, Height);
  FeatureCount := 0;

procedure TOpticalFlowLK.MakePyramid(var Images: TTripleLongintArray; sWidth, sHeight, sL: longint);
  i, j, k, ii, jj, nWidth, nHeight, oWidth, oHeight: longint;
  oWidth := sWidth; oHeight := sHeight;
  for k := 1 to sL - 1 do begin
    nWidth := (oWidth + 1) shr 1; nHeight := (oHeight + 1) shr 1;
    for i := 1 to nWidth - 2 do begin
      ii := i shl 1;
      for j := 1 to nHeight - 2 do begin
        jj := j shl 1;
        Images[i, j, k] := (Images[ii, jj, k - 1] shl 2 +
          Images[ii - 1, jj, k - 1] shl 1 + Images[ii + 1, jj, k - 1] shl 1 + Images[ii, jj - 1, k - 1] shl 1 + Images[ii, jj + 1, k - 1] shl 1 +
          Images[ii - 1, jj - 1, k - 1] + Images[ii + 1, jj - 1, k - 1] + Images[ii - 1, jj + 1, k - 1] + Images[ii + 1, jj + 1, k - 1]) shr 4;
    for i := 1 to nWidth - 2 do begin
      ii := i shl 1;
      Images[i, 0, k] := (Images[ii, 0, k - 1] shl 2 +
        Images[ii - 1, 0, k - 1] shl 1 + Images[ii + 1, 0, k - 1] shl 1 + Images[ii, 0, k - 1] shl 1 + Images[ii, 1, k - 1] shl 1 +
        Images[ii - 1, 0, k - 1] + Images[ii + 1, 0, k - 1] + Images[ii - 1, 1, k - 1] + Images[ii + 1, 1, k - 1]) shr 4;
      Images[i, nHeight - 1, k] := (Images[ii, oHeight - 1, k - 1] shl 2 +
        Images[ii - 1, oHeight - 1, k - 1] shl 1 + Images[ii + 1, oHeight - 1, k - 1] shl 1 + Images[ii, oHeight - 2, k - 1] shl 1 + Images[ii, oHeight - 1, k - 1] shl 1 +
        Images[ii - 1, oHeight - 2, k - 1] + Images[ii + 1, oHeight - 2, k - 1] + Images[ii - 1, oHeight - 1, k - 1] + Images[ii + 1, oHeight - 1, k - 1]) shr 4;
    for j := 1 to nHeight - 2 do begin
      jj := j shl 1;
      Images[0, j, k] := (Images[0, jj, k - 1] shl 2 +
        Images[0, jj, k - 1] shl 1 + Images[1, jj, k - 1] shl 1 + Images[0, jj - 1, k - 1] shl 1 + Images[0, jj + 1, k - 1] shl 1 +
        Images[0, jj - 1, k - 1] + Images[1, jj - 1, k - 1] + Images[0, jj + 1, k - 1] + Images[1, jj + 1, k - 1]) shr 4;
      Images[nWidth - 1, j, k] := (Images[oWidth - 1, jj, k - 1] shl 2 +
        Images[oWidth - 2, jj, k - 1] shl 1 + Images[oWidth - 1, jj, k - 1] shl 1 + Images[oWidth - 1, jj - 1, k - 1] shl 1 + Images[oWidth - 1, jj + 1, k - 1] shl 1 +
        Images[oWidth - 2, jj - 1, k - 1] + Images[oWidth - 1, jj - 1, k - 1] + Images[oWidth - 2, jj + 1, k - 1] + Images[oWidth - 1, jj + 1, k - 1]) shr 4;
    Images[0, 0, k] := (Images[0, 0, k - 1] shl 2 +
      Images[0, 0, k - 1] shl 1 + Images[1, 0, k - 1] shl 1 + Images[0, 0, k - 1] shl 1 + Images[0, 1, k - 1] shl 1 +
      Images[0, 0, k - 1] + Images[1, 0, k - 1] + Images[0, 1, k - 1] + Images[1, 1, k - 1]) shr 4;
    Images[0, nHeight - 1, k] := (Images[0, oHeight - 1, k - 1] shl 2 +
      Images[0, oHeight - 1, k - 1] shl 1 + Images[1, oHeight - 1, k - 1] shl 1 + Images[0, oHeight - 2, k - 1] shl 1 + Images[0, oHeight - 1, k - 1] shl 1 +
      Images[0, oHeight - 2, k - 1] + Images[1, oHeight - 2, k - 1] + Images[0, oHeight - 1, k - 1] + Images[1, oHeight - 1, k - 1]) shr 4;
    Images[nWidth - 1, 0, k] := (Images[oWidth - 1, 0, k - 1] shl 2 +
      Images[oWidth - 2, oHeight - 1, k - 1] shl 1 + Images[oWidth - 1, oHeight - 1, k - 1] shl 1 + Images[oWidth - 1, oHeight - 1, k - 1] shl 1 + Images[oWidth - 1, oHeight - 1, k - 1] shl 1 +
      Images[oWidth - 2, oHeight - 1, k - 1] + Images[oWidth - 1, oHeight - 1, k - 1] + Images[oWidth - 2, oHeight - 1, k - 1] + Images[oWidth - 1, oHeight - 1, k - 1]) shr 4;
    Images[nWidth - 1, nHeight - 1, k] := (Images[oWidth - 1, oHeight - 1, k - 1] shl 2 +
      Images[oWidth - 2, oHeight - 1, k - 1] shl 1 + Images[oWidth - 1, oHeight - 1, k - 1] shl 1 + Images[oWidth - 1, oHeight - 2, k - 1] shl 1 + Images[oWidth - 1, oHeight - 1, k - 1] shl 1 +
      Images[oWidth - 2, oHeight - 2, k - 1] + Images[oWidth - 1, oHeight - 2, k - 1] + Images[oWidth - 2, oHeight - 1, k - 1] + Images[oWidth - 1, oHeight - 1, k - 1]) shr 4;

procedure TOpticalFlowLK.InitFeatures(Frames: TBitmap);
  i, j: longint;
  Line: pRGBTriple;
  SetStretchBltMode(Frame.Canvas.Handle, Stretch_Halftone);
  StretchBlt(Frame.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, Width, Height, Frames.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, Frames.Width, Frames.Height, SrcCopy);
  for i := 0 to Height - 1 do begin
    Line := Frame.ScanLine[i];
    for j := 0 to Width - 1 do begin
      ImageOld[j, i, 0] := (Line^.rgbtBlue * 11 + Line^.rgbtGreen * 59 + Line^.rgbtRed * 30) div 100;
      ImageGray[j, i] := ImageOld[j, i, 0];
  MakePyramid(ImageOld, Width, Height, L);
  CornerDetect(Width, Height, 0.01);

procedure TOpticalFlowLK.CalOpticalFlowLK(Frames: TBitmap);
  i, j, fi, fj, k, ll, m, dx, dy, gx, gy, px, py, kx, ky, ed, edc, nWidth, nHeight: longint;
  nx, ny, vx, vy, A, B, C, D, E, F, Ik: extended;
  Ix, Iy: TDoubleExtendedArray;
  Line: pRGBTriple;
  Change: boolean;
  SetStretchBltMode(Frame.Canvas.Handle, Stretch_Halftone);
  StretchBlt(Frame.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, Width, Height, Frames.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, Frames.Width, Frames.Height, SrcCopy);
  for i := 0 to Height - 1 do begin
    Line := Frame.ScanLine[i];
    for j := 0 to Width - 1 do begin
      ImageNew[j, i, 0] := (Line^.rgbtBlue * 11 + Line^.rgbtGreen * 59 + Line^.rgbtRed * 30) div 100;
  MakePyramid(ImageNew, Width, Height, L);
  setlength(Ix, 15, 15); setlength(Iy, 15, 15);
  for m := 0 to FeatureCount - 1 do begin
    Jean-Yves Bouguet "Pyramidal Implementation of the Lucas Kanade Feature Tracker Description of the algorithm"}
    gx := 0; gy := 0;
    for ll := L - 1 downto 0 do begin
      px := Features[m].Info.X shr ll;
      py := Features[m].Info.Y shr ll;
      nWidth := Width shr ll; nHeight := Height shr ll;
      A := 0; B := 0; C := 0;
      for i := max(px - 7, 1) to min(px + 7, nWidth - 2) do
        for j := max(py - 7, 1) to min(py + 7, nHeight - 2) do begin
          fi := i - px + 7; fj := j - py + 7;
          Ix[fi, fj] := (ImageOld[i + 1, j, ll] - ImageOld[i - 1, j, ll]) / 2;
          Iy[fi, fj] := (ImageOld[i, j + 1, ll] - ImageOld[i, j - 1, ll]) / 2;
          A := A + Ix[fi, fj] * Ix[fi, fj]; B := B + Ix[fi, fj] * Iy[fi, fj];
          C := C + Iy[fi, fj] * Iy[fi, fj];
        |Ix(x,y)*Ix(x,y)  Ix(x,y)*Iy(x,y)|
      ∑|Ix(x,y)*Iy(x,y)  Iy(x,y)*Iy(x,y)|}
      D := A * C - B * B;
      vx := 0; vy := 0; dx := 0; dy := 0;
      if abs(D) > 1E-8 then begin
        for k := 1 to 10 do begin
          E := 0; F := 0;
          for i := max(px - 7, 1) to min(px + 7, nWidth - 2) do
            for j := max(py - 7, 1) to min(py + 7, nHeight - 2) do begin
              fi := i - px + 7; fj := j - py + 7;
              kx := i + gx + dx; ky := j + gy + dy;
              if kx < 0 then kx := 0; if kx > nWidth - 1 then kx := nWidth - 1;
              if ky < 0 then ky := 0; if ky > nHeight - 1 then ky := nHeight - 1;
              Ik := ImageOld[i, j, ll] - ImageNew[kx, ky, ll];
              E := E + Ik * Ix[fi, fj];
              F := F + Ik * Iy[fi, fj];
          nx := (C * E - B * F) / D;
          ny := (B * E - A * F) / (-D);
          vx := vx + nx; vy := vy + ny;
          dx := trunc(vx); dy := trunc(vy);
      gx := (gx + dx) shl 1; gy := (gy + dy) shl 1;
    gx := gx div 2; gy := gy div 2;
    px := px + gx; py := py + gy;
    Features[m].Info.X := px;
    Features[m].Info.Y := py;
    Features[m].Vector.X := gx;
    Features[m].Vector.Y := gy;
    if (px > Width - 1) or (px < 0) or (py > Height - 1) or (py < 0) then Features[m].Index := 1;

  for k := 0 to L - 1 do begin
    nWidth := Width shr k; nHeight := Height shr k;
    for i := 0 to nWidth - 1 do
      for j := 0 to nHeight - 1 do
        ImageOld[i, j, k] := ImageNew[i, j, k];
    Change := false;
    for i := 0 to FeatureCount - 1 do begin
      if Features[i].Index = 1 then
        for j := i + 1 to FeatureCount - 1 do begin
          Features[j - 1] := Features[j];
          Change := true;
      if Change then break;
    if Change then Dec(FeatureCount);
  until not Change;

  setlength(Features, FeatureCount);
  Speed := 0; Radio := 0; RadioX := 0; RadioY := 0;
  if FeatureCount > 0 then begin
    SupportCount := 0;
    for i := 0 to FeatureCount - 1 do
      if (Features[i].Vector.X <> 0) and (Features[i].Vector.Y <> 0) then begin
        RadioX := RadioX + Features[i].Vector.X;
        RadioY := RadioY + Features[i].Vector.Y;
        Speed := Speed + sqrt(sqr(Features[i].Vector.X) + sqr(Features[i].Vector.Y));
    if SupportCount > 0 then begin
      Speed := Speed / SupportCount; //*0.0352778;
      Radio := ArcTan2(RadioY, RadioX);
  Frame.Canvas.Pen.Style := psSolid;
  Frame.Canvas.Pen.Width := 1;
  Frame.Canvas.Pen.Color := clLime;
  Frame.Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear;
  for i := 0 to FeatureCount - 1 do
    Frame.Canvas.Ellipse(Features[i].Info.X - 4, Features[i].Info.Y - 4, Features[i].Info.X + 4, Features[i].Info.Y + 4);
  Frame.Canvas.Pen.Color := clYellow;
  for i := 0 to FeatureCount - 1 do begin
    Frame.Canvas.MoveTo(Features[i].Info.X - Features[i].Vector.X, Features[i].Info.Y - Features[i].Vector.Y);
    Frame.Canvas.LineTo(Features[i].Info.X, Features[i].Info.Y);
  if (SupportCount > 0) and (Speed > 3) then begin
    Frame.Canvas.Pen.Style := psSolid;
    Frame.Canvas.Pen.Width := 6;
    Frame.Canvas.Pen.Color := clWhite;
    Frame.Canvas.Ellipse(Width div 2 - 100, Height div 2 - 100, Width div 2 + 100, Height div 2 + 100);
    Frame.Canvas.MoveTo(Width div 2, Height div 2);
    Frame.Canvas.Pen.Color := clBlue;
    Frame.Canvas.LineTo(Width div 2 + trunc(90 * Cos(Radio)), Height div 2 + trunc(90 * Sin(Radio)));
    Frame.Canvas.Pen.Style := psClear;
    Frame.Canvas.Brush.Style := bsSolid;
    Frame.Canvas.Brush.Color := clRed;
    Frame.Canvas.Ellipse(Width div 2 + trunc(90 * Cos(Radio)) - 8, Height div 2 + trunc(90 * Sin(Radio)) - 8, Width div 2 + trunc(90 * Cos(Radio)) + 8, Height div 2 + trunc(90 * Sin(Radio)) + 8);

destructor TOpticalFlowLK.Destroy;
  setlength(ImageOld, 0);
  setlength(ImageNew, 0);
  setlength(ImageGray, 0);
  setlength(Eigenvalues, 0);
  setlength(dx, 0);
  setlength(dy, 0);
  setlength(dxy, 0);
  setlength(WBPoint, 0);


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Lucas-Kanade光流算法是一种基于局部区域的光流算法,它假设图像中任意两帧之间的像素值变化是平滑的,然后使用局部区域内的像素值变化来估计每个像素的运动向量。在本文中,我们将介绍如何在OpenCV中自实现Lucas-Kanade光流算法。 步骤一:读取图像 首先,我们需要读取两张待计算光流的图像。在本例中,我们将使用名为“frame1”和“frame2”的两张图像。 Mat frame1 = imread("frame1.jpg"); Mat frame2 = imread("frame2.jpg"); 步骤二:提取关键点 接下来,我们需要从两个图像中提取关键点。我们可以使用OpenCV中的FAST或SIFT等算法来提取关键点。在本例中,我们将使用FAST算法。 vector<KeyPoint> keypoints1, keypoints2; int threshold = 20; // 设置FAST算法的阈值 bool nonmaxSuppression = true; // 设置是否进行非极大值抑制 FAST(frame1, keypoints1, threshold, nonmaxSuppression); FAST(frame2, keypoints2, threshold, nonmaxSuppression); 步骤三:计算光流 现在我们已经提取了关键点,接下来我们需要计算这些关键点的光流向量。我们可以使用OpenCV中的calcOpticalFlowPyrLK函数来计算光流向量。该函数使用金字塔表示法和Lucas-Kanade算法来计算光流向量。 vector<uchar> status; vector<float> err; Size winSize = Size(21, 21); // 设置光流计算窗口的大小 int maxLevel = 3; // 设置金字塔的最大层数 TermCriteria criteria = TermCriteria(TermCriteria::COUNT+TermCriteria::EPS, 30, 0.01); // 设置终止条件 calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(frame1, frame2, keypoints1, keypoints2, status, err, winSize, maxLevel, criteria); 步骤四:绘制光流 最后,我们可以将光流向量绘制在第一张图像上,以便我们可以观察到光流的效果。 for (int i = 0; i < keypoints1.size(); i++) { if (status[i]) { Point2f p1 = keypoints1[i].pt; Point2f p2 = keypoints2[i].pt; line(frame1, p1, p2, Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2); } } imshow("Optical Flow", frame1); 完整代码:
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