
show databases ;
use schoolSql;

create  table  if not exists  student(
    stu_id int(10),
    stu_name  varchar(10),
    stu_age  datetime,
    stu_gender  varchar(10)

insert  into student values

create  table  if not exists  course(
    cou_id int(10),
    cou_name  varchar(10),
    tea_id  int(10)

insert into  course values

create  table  if not exists  teacher(
    tea_id int(10) primary key ,
    tea_name varchar(20)
insert into  teacher values

select  * from teacher;

drop table  result;
create  table  if not exists  result(
    stu_id int(10),
    cou_id int(10),
    score decimal (18,1)

insert into  result values

# 1、查询"1"课程比"2"课程成绩高的学生的信息及课程分数
select  s.* ,b.score as '1分数',c.score as '2分数'
from student as s
inner  join result b  on b.stu_id=s.stu_id  and b.cou_id='1'
inner join result c on c.stu_id=s.stu_id  and c.cou_id='2'
where b.score>c.score;

select  s.*,r.score '1分数',c.score '2分数'
from student s
left join  result r on s.stu_id = r.stu_id and r.cou_id='1'
left join result c on c.stu_id=s.stu_id and c.cou_id='2'
where r.score<c.score;

select  s.stu_id,s.stu_name ,avg(score) as avg_score
from student as s
left join  result r on s.stu_id = r.stu_id
group by s.stu_id, s.stu_name
HAVING avg_score>=60;

select s.stu_id,s.stu_name,avg(score) as  avg_score
from student as s
left join  result r on s.stu_id = r.stu_id
group by s.stu_id, s.stu_name
having  avg_score<60;

select  s.stu_id,s.stu_name,count(r.cou_id) as count,sum(r.score) as sum_score
from student as s
left join    result r on s.stu_id = r.stu_id
group by s.stu_id, s.stu_name;

select count(t.tea_name)
from teacher as t where  t.tea_name like '李%';

select  s.*
from student as s
left join result r on s.stu_id = r.stu_id
left join course c on r.cou_id = c.cou_id
left join teacher t on c.tea_id = t.tea_id
where t.tea_name='张三';

/*   错误
select  s.*
from student as s
left join result r on s.stu_id = r.stu_id
left join course c on r.cou_id = c.cou_id
left join teacher t on c.tea_id = t.tea_id
where t.tea_name!='张三';*/

select  s2.* from student as s2
where s2.stu_id not in
(select  s.stu_id
from student as s
left join result r on s.stu_id = r.stu_id
left join course c on r.cou_id = c.cou_id
left join teacher t on c.tea_id = t.tea_id
where t.tea_name='张三');

select s.*
from student as s
left join result r on s.stu_id = r.stu_id
left join result r2 on s.stu_id=r2.stu_id
where  r.cou_id='1' and r2.cou_id='2';

select  s.* from student as s
left join result r on s.stu_id = r.stu_id
left join result r2 on s.stu_id=r2.stu_id
where r.cou_id='1' and r2.cou_id is null ;

select  s.* from student as s
left join result r1 on s.stu_id = r1.stu_id
and  r1.cou_id='1'
left join result r2 on s.stu_id=r2.stu_id
and r2.cou_id='2'
left join  result r3 on s.stu_id=r3.stu_id
and r3.cou_id='3'
where  r1.score is null  or r2.score is null  or r3.score is null ;

SELECT  st.stu_id,st.stu_name,st.stu_age,stu_gender
FROM student st
LEFT JOIN result sc ON st.stu_id=sc.stu_id
GROUP BY st.stu_id ,stu_name,stu_age,stu_gender
HAVING COUNT(sc.score)<3;

select  distinct s.* from student  as s
left join result r on s.stu_id = r.stu_id
where r.cou_id in(
    select r2.cou_id from result r2
    left join  student s2 on s2.stu_id = r2.stu_id
    where  r2.stu_id='1'

select  s.* from student as s  where stu_id in(
    select  r.stu_id  from
    (select  * from result where stu_id='1') as  r
    join  result as r2 on r.cou_id=r2.cou_id
    group by  r2.stu_id
    having  count(*)=(select  count(*) from result where  r.stu_id='1' group by  r.stu_id)
and stu_id<>'1';

select s.stu_name from student as s
where s.stu_id  not in
    (select s2.stu_id from student as s2
        left join  result r on s2.stu_id = r.stu_id
        left join course c on r.cou_id = c.cou_id
        left join teacher t on c.tea_id = t.tea_id
        where  t.tea_name='张三'

select s.stu_id, s.stu_name,avg(r.score) from student as s
left join result r on s.stu_id = r.stu_id
where  r.stu_id in(
    select  r.stu_id from result r
    where  r.score<60 or r.score is null
    group by  r.stu_id
    having  count(1)>=2
group by s.stu_id, s.stu_name;

select s.* from student as s
left join result r on s.stu_id = r.stu_id
where r.stu_id  in(
    select  r.stu_id from result
    where r.cou_id='1' and r.score<60
order by  r.score desc ;

select s.stu_id,s.stu_name,
       (case when avg(r4.score) is null then 0 else avg(r4.score) end) "平均分",
       (case when r1.score is null then 0 else r1.score end) "语文",
       (case when r2.score is null  then 0 else r2.score end) "数学",
       (case when  r3.score is null  then 0 else r3.score end) "英语"
from student as s
left join result r1 on s.stu_id = r1.stu_id and r1.cou_id='1'
left join result r2 on s.stu_id=r2.stu_id and r2.cou_id='2'
left join result r3 on s.stu_id=r3.stu_id and r3.cou_id='3'
left join result r4 on s.stu_id=r4.stu_id
group by s.stu_id, s.stu_name, (case when r1.score is null then 0 else r1.score end), (case when r2.score is null  then 0 else r2.score end), (case when  r3.score is null  then 0 else r3.score end)
order by  avg(r4.score) desc ;

#   及格为>=60,中等为:70-80,优良为:80-90,优秀为:>=90
select c.cou_id,c.cou_name,max(r.score) "最高分" ,min(r.score) "最高分",avg(r.score) "平均分",
       sum(case when r.score>=60 then 1 else 0 end)/count(1) "及格率",
       sum(case when r.score>=70 and r.score<80 then 1 else  0 end)/count(1) "中等率",
       sum(case when r.score>=80 and r.score<90 then 1 else  0 end)/count(1) "优良率",
       sum(case when r.score>=90 then 1 else 0 end)/count(1) "优秀率"
from course as c
left join result r on c.cou_id = r.cou_id
group by c.cou_id, c.cou_name;

select c.cou_name ,r.score from course as c
left join result r on c.cou_id = r.cou_id
group by c.cou_name, r.score
order by c.cou_name, r.score desc;

select s.stu_id,s.stu_name,sum(r.score) as "总成绩" from student as s
left join result r on s.stu_id = r.stu_id
group by  s.stu_id, s.stu_name
order by  sum(r.score) desc;

select t.tea_id,t.tea_name,c.cou_id,avg(r.score) from teacher as t
left join course c on t.tea_id = c.tea_id
left join result r on c.cou_id = r.cou_id
group by t.tea_id, t.tea_name,c.cou_id
order by avg(r.score) desc;

select  t1.* from
(select s.*,c.cou_id,c.cou_name,r.score from student as s
left join result r on s.stu_id = r.stu_id
inner join course c on r.cou_id = c.cou_id and c.cou_id='1'
order by r.score desc limit  1,2)t1

union all

select  t2.* from
(select s.*,c.cou_id,c.cou_name,r.score from student as s
left join result r on s.stu_id = r.stu_id
inner join course c on r.cou_id = c.cou_id and c.cou_id='2'
order by r.score desc limit  1,2)t2

union all

select  t3.* from
(select s.*,c.cou_id,c.cou_name,r.score from student as s
left join result r on s.stu_id = r.stu_id
inner join course c on r.cou_id = c.cou_id and c.cou_id='3'
order by r.score desc limit  1,2) t3;

select c.cou_id,c.cou_name,
        sum(case  when r.score >=0 and r.score<60 then 1 else 0 end) as "0-60",
       sum(case  when r.score>=60 and r.score<70 then 1 else  0 end) as "70-60",
       sum(case  when r.score>=70 and r.score<85 then 1 else 0 end) as "85-70",
       sum(case  when r.score>=85 and r.score<100 then 1 else  0 end) as"100-85",
       sum(case  when r.score >=0 and r.score<60 then 1 else 0 end)/count(1) as "0-60百分比",
       sum(case  when r.score>=60 and r.score<70 then 1 else  0 end)/count(1) as "70-60百分比",
       sum(case  when r.score>=70 and r.score<85 then 1 else 0 end)/count(1) as "85-70百分比",
       sum(case  when r.score>=85 and r.score<100 then 1 else  0 end)/count(1) as"100-85百分比"
from course as c
left join result r on c.cou_id = r.cou_id
group by c.cou_id, c.cou_name;

select s.stu_name,avg(r.score) from student as s
left join result r on s.stu_id = r.stu_id
group by s.stu_name
order by avg(r.score) desc ;

SELECT a.*,COUNT(b.cou_id)+1 AS ascore
FROM result a
LEFT JOIN result b
ON a.cou_id=b.cou_id AND a.score<b.score
GROUP BY 1,2,3
HAVING ascore<=3
ORDER BY a.cou_id,ascore;
select s.stu_name,c.cou_name,count(r2.cou_id)+1 as ascore from result r
left join result r2 on r.cou_id=r2.cou_id and r.score<r2.score
left join student s on r.stu_id = s.stu_id
left join course c on r.cou_id = c.cou_id
group by s.stu_name, c.cou_name
having  ascore<=3
order by c.cou_name,ascore;

select c.cou_name,count(r.cou_id) as "选修人数" from course as c
left join result r on c.cou_id = r.cou_id
group by c.cou_name;

select s.stu_id,s.stu_name from student as s
left join result r on s.stu_id = r.stu_id
group by s.stu_id, s.stu_name
having  count(r.cou_id)=2;

select s.stu_gender,count(1) from student as s
group by s.stu_gender;

select s.* from student as s
where s.stu_name like '%羽%';

select s.stu_name,count(1) from student as s
group by s.stu_name
having count(1)>1;

select s.* from student as s
where year(s.stu_age)=1000;

select r.cou_id,c.cou_name,avg(r.score) as avg_score from result as r
left join course c on r.cou_id = c.cou_id
group by r.cou_id, c.cou_name
order by avg_score desc ,r.cou_id ;

select s.stu_id,s.stu_name,avg(r.score) "平均分" from student as s
left join result r on s.stu_id = r.stu_id
group by s.stu_id, s.stu_name
having  avg(r.score)>=80;

select s.stu_id,s.stu_name,r.score  from student as s
left join result r on s.stu_id = r.stu_id
inner  join course c on r.cou_id = c.cou_id
where c.cou_name='数学'
having r.score<60;

select s.stu_id,s.stu_name,c.cou_id,c.cou_name,r.score from student as s
left join result r on s.stu_id = r.stu_id
left join course c on r.cou_id = c.cou_id
group by s.stu_id, s.stu_name, c.cou_id, c.cou_name, r.score;

select s.stu_name,c.cou_name,r.score from student as s
left join result r on s.stu_id = r.stu_id
left join course c on r.cou_id = c.cou_id
group by s.stu_name, c.cou_name, r.score
having r.score>80;

select s.stu_id,s.stu_name,c.cou_name,r.score from student as s
left join  result r on s.stu_id = r.stu_id
left join course c on r.cou_id = c.cou_id
where r.score<60
group by s.stu_id, s.stu_name, c.cou_name, r.score;

select s.stu_id,s.stu_name,r.score  from student as s
left join result r on s.stu_id = r.stu_id
left join course c on r.cou_id = c.cou_id
where  c.cou_id='1' and  r.score>80;

select c.cou_name,count(c.cou_id) from course as c
left join result r on c.cou_id = r.cou_id
group by c.cou_name;

select s.*,r.score from student as s
left join result r on s.stu_id = r.stu_id
left join course c on r.cou_id = c.cou_id
left join teacher t on c.tea_id = t.tea_id
where t.tea_name='张三'
order by r.score  desc  limit  1;

select r.stu_id,r.cou_id,r.score from result as r
left join result r2 on r.score=r2.score and r.cou_id <>r2.cou_id
#group by 1,2,3
group by r.stu_id, r.cou_id, r.score
having  count(r2.stu_id)>0;

select r.* from result as r
left join result r2 on r.score=r2.score and r.cou_id <>r2.cou_id
group by 1,2,3
having  count(r2.stu_id)>0;

select r1.stu_id,r1.cou_id,r1.score from result as r1
left join  result r2 on r1.cou_id=r2.cou_id and r1.score<r2.score
group by  r1.stu_id, r1.cou_id, r1.score
having  count(r2.cou_id)<2
order by r1.cou_id,r1.score  desc;

select c.cou_id,count(r.cou_id) as acount from course as c
left join result r on c.cou_id = r.cou_id
group by c.cou_id
having acount>2
order by acount  desc ,c.cou_id;

select s.stu_id,s.stu_name ,count(r.cou_id) as acount from student as s
left join result r on s.stu_id = r.stu_id
group by s.stu_id, s.stu_name
having  acount>=2;

select s.stu_id,s.stu_name,s.stu_age,s.stu_gender from student as s
left join result r on s.stu_id = r.stu_id
group by s.stu_id, s.stu_name, s.stu_age, s.stu_gender
having  count(r.cou_id)=3;

select s.*,(YEAR(CURDATE())-YEAR(s.stu_age))as "年龄" from student as s;

select s.* from student as s
where weekofyear(s.stu_age)=weekofyear(curdate());

select s.* from student as s
where weekofyear(s.stu_age)=weekofyear(curdate())+1;

select  s.* from student as s
where month(s.stu_age)=month(curdate());

select  s.* from student as s
where month(s.stu_age)=month(curdate())-1;


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