ros小车关于 navigation的错误


joint_state_publisher (joint_state_publisher/joint_state_publisher)
    map_server_for_test (map_server/map_server)
    move_base (move_base/move_base)
    robot_pose_ekf (robot_pose_ekf/robot_pose_ekf)
    robot_state_publisher (robot_state_publisher/robot_state_publisher)
    rplidarNode (rplidar_ros/rplidarNode)
    send_mark (turn_on_wheeltec_robot/
    wheeltec_robot (turn_on_wheeltec_robot/wheeltec_robot_node)

auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [2347]

setting /run_id to e40b7516-ccc8-11ed-a339-e2e1a99d055e
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [2365]
started core service [/rosout]
process[wheeltec_robot-2]: started with pid [2373]
process[move_base-3]: started with pid [2374]
process[base_to_link-4]: started with pid [2380]
[ INFO] [1679939877.993133841]: Data ready
[ INFO] [1679939878.006718585]: wheeltec_robot serial port opened
process[base_to_laser-5]: started with pid [2381]
process[base_to_camera-6]: started with pid [2387]
process[base_to_gyro-7]: started with pid [2393]
process[joint_state_publisher-8]: started with pid [2400]
process[robot_state_publisher-9]: started with pid [2404]
process[robot_pose_ekf-10]: started with pid [2412]
process[rplidarNode-11]: started with pid [2413]
process[map_server_for_test-12]: started with pid [2415]
process[amcl-13]: started with pid [2428]
process[send_mark-14]: started with pid [2431]
[ INFO] [1679939879.430653181]: output frame: odom_combined
[ INFO] [1679939879.480904130]: base frame: base_footprint
[ INFO] [1679939879.815912891]: Initializing Odom sensor
[ INFO] [1679939879.865667712]: Odom sensor activated
[ INFO] [1679939879.889741431]: Kalman filter initialized with odom measurement
[ INFO] [1679939879.916925501]: Initializing Imu sensor
[ INFO] [1679939879.966406154]: min_distance:0.000000,max_distance:30.000000
[ INFO] [1679939879.981146195]: angle_start:0.000000,angle_end:360.000000
[ INFO] [1679939880.023254349]: Imu sensor activated
[ INFO] [1679939880.184888175]: RPLIDAR running on ROS package rplidar_ros, SDK Version:2.0.0
[ INFO] [1679939880.237555013]: RPLIDAR S/N: 81B7ED95C4E493C8A5E69EF010674B6C
[ INFO] [1679939880.237990474]: Firmware Ver: 1.29
[ INFO] [1679939880.238234017]: Hardware Rev: 7
[ INFO] [1679939880.290334727]: RPLidar health status : OK.
[ INFO] [1679939880.557103312]: current scan mode: Sensitivity, sample rate: 8 Khz, max_distance: 12.0 m, scan frequency:10.0 Hz,
[ INFO] [1679939883.226036289]: global_costmap: Using plugin "static_layer"
[ INFO] [1679939883.348505187]: Requesting the map...
[ INFO] [1679939883.574425041]: Resizing costmap to 192 X 384 at 0.050000 m/pix
[ INFO] [1679939883.673547349]: Received a 192 X 384 map at 0.050000 m/pix
[ INFO] [1679939883.711197353]: global_costmap: Using plugin "obstacle_layer"
[ INFO] [1679939883.771515817]:     Subscribed to Topics: scan
[ INFO] [1679939884.013604596]: global_costmap: Using plugin "inflation_layer"
[ INFO] [1679939884.492096664]: local_costmap: Using plugin "obstacle_layer"
[ INFO] [1679939884.518986732]:     Subscribed to Topics: scan
[ INFO] [1679939884.713379284]: local_costmap: Using plugin "inflation_layer"
[ INFO] [1679939885.023196361]: Created local_planner dwa_local_planner/DWAPlannerROS
[ INFO] [1679939885.048502378]: Sim period is set to 0.10
[ INFO] [1679939885.778217276]: Recovery behavior will clear layer 'obstacles'
[ INFO] [1679939886.154376352]: odom received!
[ INFO] [1679940011.667648628]: Got new plan
[ INFO] [1679940012.667541838]: Got new plan
[ INFO] [1679940013.667647091]: Got new plan
[ INFO] [1679940014.667950387]: Got new plan
[ INFO] [1679940015.667823764]: Got new plan
[ INFO] [1679940016.667941267]: Got new plan
[ INFO] [1679940017.667618351]: Got new plan
[ INFO] [1679940018.667533436]: Got new plan
[ INFO] [1679940019.667754190]: Got new plan
[ INFO] [1679940020.667562233]: Got new plan
[ INFO] [1679940021.667623444]: Got new plan
[ INFO] [1679940022.667945407]: Got new plan
[ INFO] [1679940023.668067868]: Got new plan
[ INFO] [1679940024.667641993]: Got new plan
[ INFO] [1679940025.667622704]: Got new plan
[ INFO] [1679940026.667849874]: Got new plan
[ INFO] [1679940027.667593750]: Got new plan
[ INFO] [1679940028.667591961]: Got new plan
[ INFO] [1679940029.667675630]: Got new plan
[ INFO] [1679940030.668015385]: Got new plan
[ INFO] [1679940031.667720469]: Got new plan
[ERROR] [1679940032.067584594]: Aborting because the robot appears to be oscillating over and over. Even after executing all recovery behaviors
[ INFO] [1679940034.244483386]: Got new plan
[ INFO] [1679940035.244565306]: Got new plan
[ INFO] [1679940036.244497308]: Got new plan
[ INFO] [1679940037.244528185]: Got new plan
[ INFO] [1679940038.244435104]: Got new plan
[ INFO] [1679940039.244537149]: Got new plan
[ INFO] [1679940040.244479359]: Got new plan
[ INFO] [1679940041.244655196]: Got new plan
[ INFO] [1679940042.248191927]: Got new plan
[ INFO] [1679940043.244469908]: Got new plan
[ INFO] [1679940044.244411243]: Got new plan
[ERROR] [1679940044.345015518]: Aborting because the robot appears to be oscillating over and over. Even after executing all recovery behaviors
[ INFO] [1679940047.226288899]: Got new plan
[ INFO] [1679940048.226453652]: Got new plan
[ INFO] [1679940049.226383029]: Got new plan
[ INFO] [1679940050.226261656]: Got new plan
[ INFO] [1679940051.226277950]: Got new plan
[ INFO] [1679940052.227077082]: Got new plan
[ INFO] [1679940053.226829708]: Got new plan
[ INFO] [1679940054.227912633]: Got new plan
[ INFO] [1679940055.226388336]: Got new plan
[ INFO] [1679940056.226863424]: Got new plan
[ INFO] [1679940057.226672342]: Got new plan
[ERROR] [1679940057.326440403]: Aborting because the robot appears to be oscillating over and over. Even after executing all recovery behaviors
[ERROR] [1679940079.242829028]: Failed to get a plan.
[ERROR] [1679940079.440835934]: Aborting because a valid plan could not be found. Even after executing all recovery behaviors
[ WARN] [1679940153.328843776]: Costmap2DROS transform timeout. Current time: 1679940153.3285, global_pose stamp: 1679940152.8265, tolerance: 0.5000
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'serial::SerialException'
  what():  SerialException device reports readiness to read but returned no data (device disconnected?) failed.
[ WARN] [1679940159.328057786]: Costmap2DROS transform timeout. Current time: 1679940159.3278, global_pose stamp: 1679940158.8092, tolerance: 0.5000
[ WARN] [1679940160.328203873]: Costmap2DROS transform timeout. Current time: 1679940160.3279, global_pose stamp: 1679940158.8092, tolerance: 0.5000
[wheeltec_robot-2] process has died [pid 2373, exit code -6, cmd /home/cat/hl/wheeltec_robot/devel/lib/turn_on_wheeltec_robot/wheeltec_robot_node __name:=wheeltec_robot __log:=/home/cat/.ros/log/e40b7516-ccc8-11ed-a339-e2e1a99d055e/wheeltec_robot-2.log].
log file: /home/cat/.ros/log/e40b7516-ccc8-11ed-a339-e2e1a99d055e/wheeltec_robot-2*.log
[ INFO] [1679940161.122890053]: Odom sensor not active any more
[ INFO] [1679940161.123181430]: Imu sensor not active any more

当在ROS中使用move_base时出现"Failed to get a plan"的错误消息时,这通常表示路径规划失败,move_base无法生成有效的路径。这个问题可能由多种原因引起,下面是一些常见的解决方法: 1. 确认地图和机器人位置:首先,确保你的地图已经正确加载,并且机器人的初始位置和目标位置都在地图范围内。 2. 检查地图和传感器配置:确保全局代价地图和局部代价地图的参数配置正确,并与实际使用的传感器数据匹配。检查参数文件(如global_costmap_params.yaml和local_costmap_params.yaml)中的参数设置,确保地图分辨率、传感器数据源等配置正确。 3. 检查路径规划算法和参数:move_base使用了路径规划算法(如Dijkstra或A*)来生成路径。确保路径规划算法的设置正确,并且参数(如权重、速度限制等)合理。 4. 检查障碍物数据:如果地图中存在未被正确识别的障碍物或者障碍物数据不准确,可能会导致路径规划失败。确保传感器数据准确并且更新及时,以便正确地感知环境。 5. 调整路径规划参数:尝试调整路径规划的参数,如搜索半径、规划频率等,以获得更好的路径规划结果。 6. 查看错误消息和日志:仔细阅读错误消息和ROS日志,可以提供更多关于问题的线索。查看move_base节点的输出日志,以了解具体的错误信息和警告。 7. 确保机器人能够达到目标位置:检查机器人是否能够到达目标位置,是否存在无法通过的障碍物或者限制。确保机器人的运动范围和机械结构满足路径规划的要求。 如果以上方法仍无法解决问题,可以考虑进一步调试、查找其他相关节点或者寻求ROS社区的帮助。




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领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


