The E-Learning Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to Online Learning

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The e-Learning Handbook provides a critical reflection on the current state of e-learning with contributions from the world's foremost e-learning experts and best-selling authors from academe and industry, including Margaret Driscoll, Brent Wilson, Lee Christopher, William Horton, L. Wayne Precht, Harvey Singh, Jim Everidge, Jane Bozarth, Pat Brogan, Patrick Parrish, Marc J. Rosenberg, Steve Forman, Pat McGee, M. David Merrill, Philip C. Abrami, Gretchen Lowerison, Roger C?t, Marie-Claude Lavoie, Thomas C. Reeves, Jan Herrington, Ron Oliver, and Patrick Lambe. The book offers a comprehensive and up-to-date assessment of the technological, design, economic, evaluation, research, economic, and philosophical issues underlying e-learning.?Each chapter includes a chart that summarizes the key take-away points, contains questions that are useful for guiding discussions, and offers suggestions of related links, books, papers, reports, and articles.

The e-Learning Handbook explores a range of topics such as the wide difference between the promised and actual uses of e-learning in industry and academe, the struggle to implement standards, the problems with learning objects, the drabness of actual e-learning courses, the problems with current instructional design models for e-learning, and the limitations of current methods for researching and evaluating e-learning. Each of the book's six parts, examines e-learning from a different perspective, including technology, design, theory and research, and economics.

The e-Learning Handbook is a timely reference for all e-learning stakeholders and decision makers in for-profit, non-profit, governmental, and educational settings, and makes an excellent text for an advanced course analyzing e-learning.
The CUDA Handbook begins where CUDA by Example (Addison-Wesley, 2011) leaves off, discussing CUDA hardware and software in greater detail and covering both CUDA 5.0 and Kepler. Every CUDA developer, from the casual to the most sophisticated, will find something here of interest and immediate usefulness. Newer CUDA developers will see how the hardware processes commands and how the driver checks progress; more experienced CUDA developers will appreciate the expert coverage of topics such as the driver API and context migration, as well as the guidance on how best to structure CPU/GPU data interchange and synchronization. The accompanying open source code-more than 25,000 lines of it, freely available at specifically intended to be reused and repurposed by developers. Designed to be both a comprehensive reference and a practical cookbook, the text is divided into the following three parts: Part I, Overview, gives high-level descriptions of the hardware and software that make CUDA possible. Part II, Details, provides thorough descriptions of every aspect of CUDA, including * Memory * Streams and events * Models of execution, including the dynamic parallelism feature, new with CUDA 5.0 and SM 3.5 * The streaming multiprocessors, including descriptions of all features through SM 3.5 * Programming multiple GPUs * Texturing The source code accompanying Part II is presented as reusable microbenchmarks and microdemos, designed to expose specific hardware characteristics or highlight specific use cases. Part III, Select Applications, details specific families of CUDA applications and key parallel algorithms, including * Streaming workloads * Reduction * Parallel prefix sum (Scan) * N-body * Image ProcessingThese algorithms cover the full range of potential CUDA applications.




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