1. 下载Orion 4版本的库
下载链接:orion — Legacy Releases — Ultraleap for Developershttps://developer.leapmotion.com/releases/category/orion2. 安装后,将原sdk解压文件夹加入C盘Program Files/Leap Motion中
3. 在TD中添加 Leap Motion CHOP,在Library Folder中点出文件管理器的弹窗,选择LeapSDK/lib/x64,点选择文件夹按钮。
Leap Motion CHOP | Derivativehttps://derivative.ca/UserGuide/Leap_Motion_CHOP
Library Folder
- This parameter should point to the location of the library file (.dll on Windows) that corresponds to the selected API version. The dll file can be found in the driver kit downloaded from the Ultra Leap website inside the 'LeapSDK/lib/x64' folder. For V2, the file will be called 'Leap.dll' and for V4, it is called 'LeapC.dll'.