CHRE: hardware/interfaces/contexthub/1.0


hal文件:IContexthub, IContexthubCallback 和type.hal

其中Ixxx类型的hal文件会生成文件interface, 实现interface的service/ client, type.hal生成进程传输的对应数据处理的文件。


public interface Ixxx extends android.hidl.base.V1_0.IBase {

  public static final class Proxy implements Ixxx{}
  public static abstract class Stub extends android.os.HwBinder implements Ixxx{}


abstract class说的什么,需要实现abstract的接口才能使用?

final class意思是说这个类可以被实例化,而abstract不行?

从该目录下的Android.bp得知srcs:被处理的源文件,生成接口的名字由name决定 基于Ixxx对应的接口生成了实现该接口的Client/Service, 但该Service现在还是abstract的?

android.hardware.contexthub@1.0::IContexthub, android.hardware.contexthub@1.0::IContexthubCallback

hidl_interface {
    name: "android.hardware.contexthub@1.0",
    root: "android.hardware",
    vndk: {
        enabled: true,
    srcs: [
    interfaces: [
    types: [
    gen_java: true,


 * context hub hal提供了和低功耗DSP交互的接口
 * The Context Hub HAL provides an interface to a separate low-power processing
 * domain that has direct access to contextual information, such as sensors.
 * nanoapps运行在CHRE中、低功耗DSP中
 * Native applications that run within a context hub are known as nanoapps, and
 * they execute within the Context Hub Runtime Environment (CHRE), which is
 * standardized via the CHRE API, defined elsewhere.
interface IContexthub {
     * Enumerate all available context hubs on the system.
    getHubs() generates (vec<ContextHub> hubs);

     * Register a callback for the HAL implementation to send asynchronous
     * messages to the service from a context hub. There can be a maximum of
     * one callback registered with the HAL. A call to this function when a
     * callback has already been registered must override the previous
     * registration.
     registerCallback(uint32_t hubId, IContexthubCallback cb) generates (Result result);

     * Send a message to a hub
    sendMessageToHub(uint32_t hubId, ContextHubMsg msg)
            generates (Result result);

     * Loads a nanoApp. After loading, the nanoApp's init method must be called.
     * After the init method for nanoApp returns success, this must be indicated
     * to the service by an asynchronous call to handleTxnResult.
     * Loading a nanoapp must not take more than 30 seconds.
    loadNanoApp(uint32_t hubId,NanoAppBinary appBinary,
                uint32_t transactionId)
            generates (Result result);

     * Unloads a nanoApp. Before the unload, the apps deinit method is called.
     * After this, success must be indicated to the service through an
     * asynchronous call to handleTxnResult.
     * Unloading a nanoapp must not take more than 5 seconds.
    unloadNanoApp(uint32_t hubId, uint64_t appId, uint32_t transactionId)
            generates (Result result);

     * Enables a nanoApp. The app's init method is called.
     * After this, success must be indicated to the service through an
     * asynchronous message.
    enableNanoApp(uint32_t hubId, uint64_t appId, uint32_t transactionId)
            generates (Result result);

     * Disables a nanoApp. The app's deinit method is called.
     * After this, success must be indicated to the service through an
     * asynchronous message.
     * Disabling a nanoapp must not take more than 5 seconds.
    disableNanoApp(uint32_t hubId, uint64_t appId, uint32_t transactionId)
            generates (Result result);

     * Queries for Loaded apps on the hub
    queryApps(uint32_t hubId) generates (Result result);


hidl_interface {
    name: "android.hardware.contexthub@1.0",
    root: "android.hardware",
    vndk: {
        enabled: true,
    srcs: [
    interfaces: [
    types: [
    gen_java: true,


public interface IContexthub extends android.hidl.base.V1_0.IBase {
    public static final String kInterfaceName = "android.hardware.contexthub@1.0::IContexthub";

    /* package private */ static IContexthub asInterface(android.os.IHwBinder binder) {

    public android.os.IHwBinder asBinder();

    public static IContexthub getService(String serviceName, boolean retry) {


    public static final class Proxy implements IContexthub{}     
    public static abstract class Stub extends android.os.HwBinder implements IContexthub{}



callback is passed by the Contexthub service to the HAL implementation to allow the HAL to send asynchronous messages back to serive

interface IContexthubCallback {
     * This callback is passed by the Contexthub service to the HAL
     * implementation to allow the HAL to send asynchronous messages back
     * to the service and registered clients of the ContextHub service.
     handleClientMsg(ContextHubMsg msg);

     * This callback is passed by the Contexthub service to the HAL
     * implementation to allow the HAL to send the response for a
     * transaction.
     handleTxnResult(uint32_t txnId, TransactionResult result);

     * This callback is passed by the Contexthub service to the HAL
     * implementation to allow the HAL to send an asynchronous event
     * to the ContextHub service.
     handleHubEvent(AsyncEventType evt);

     * This callback is passed by the Contexthub service to the HAL
     * implementation to allow the HAL to send a notification to the service
     * that a nanp-app has aborted.
     * This method must be called when a nanoapp invokes chreAbort(...)).
     handleAppAbort(uint64_t appId, uint32_t abortCode);

      * This callback is passed by the Contexthub service to the HAL
      * implementation to allow the HAL to send information about the
      * currently loaded and active nanoapps on the hub.
      handleAppsInfo(vec<HubAppInfo> appInfo);

calback是service passed by serive to HAL implement to allow HAL send a  message to service为什么还是实现成client/server的形式?  


public interface IContexthubCallback extends android.hidl.base.V1_0.IBase {

public static abstract class Stub extends android.os.HwBinder implements IContexthubCallback{
public void onTransact(int _hidl_code, android.os.HwParcel _hidl_request, final android.os.HwParcel _hidl_reply, int _hidl_flags)
        throws android.os.RemoteException {
    switch (_hidl_code) {
        case 1 /* handleClientMsg */:
android.hardware.contexthub.V1_0.ContextHubMsg msg = new android.hardware.contexthub.V1_0.ContextHubMsg();

public static final class Proxy implements IContexthubCallback {
public void handleClientMsg(android.hardware.contexthub.V1_0.ContextHubMsg msg){
    android.os.HwParcel _hidl_request = new android.os.HwParcel();

    android.os.HwParcel _hidl_reply = new android.os.HwParcel();
    try {
        mRemote.transact(1 /* handleClientMsg */, _hidl_request, _hidl_reply, 0 /* flags */);





struct NanoAppBinary {
    uint64_t appId;            // Nanoapp identifier
    uint32_t appVersion;       // Version of the app (semantics defined by app)
    bitfield<NanoAppFlags> flags;

    // The version of the CHRE API that this nanoApp was compiled against. See
    // the CHRE API header file chre/version.h for more information. The hub
    // implementation must use this to confirm compatibility before loading
    // this nanoApp.
    uint8_t targetChreApiMajorVersion;
    uint8_t targetChreApiMinorVersion;

    // Implementation-specific binary nanoapp data. This does not include the
    // common nanoapp header that contains the app ID, etc., as this data is
    // explicitly passed through the other fields in this struct.
    vec<uint8_t> customBinary;
public final class NanoAppBinary {
    public long appId;
    public int appVersion;
    public int flags;
    public byte targetChreApiMajorVersion;
    public byte targetChreApiMinorVersion;
    public final java.util.ArrayList<Byte> customBinary = new java.util.ArrayList<Byte>();
public final void readFromParcel(android.os.HwParcel parcel) {
    android.os.HwBlob blob = parcel.readBuffer(40/* size */);
    readEmbeddedFromParcel(parcel, blob, 0 /* parentOffset */);
public final void readEmbeddedFromParcel(
        android.os.HwParcel parcel, android.os.HwBlob _hidl_blob, long _hidl_offset) {
    appId = _hidl_blob.getInt64(_hidl_offset + 0);
    appVersion = _hidl_blob.getInt32(_hidl_offset + 8);
    flags = _hidl_blob.getInt32(_hidl_offset + 12);
    targetChreApiMajorVersion = _hidl_blob.getInt8(_hidl_offset + 16);
    targetChreApiMinorVersion = _hidl_blob.getInt8(_hidl_offset + 17);
        int _hidl_vec_size = _hidl_blob.getInt32(_hidl_offset + 24 + 8 /* offsetof(hidl_vec<T>, mSize) */);
        android.os.HwBlob childBlob = parcel.readEmbeddedBuffer(
                _hidl_vec_size * 1,_hidl_blob.handle(),
                _hidl_offset + 24 + 0 /* offsetof(hidl_vec<T>, mBuffer) */,true /* nullable */);

        for (int _hidl_index_0 = 0; _hidl_index_0 < _hidl_vec_size; ++_hidl_index_0) {
            byte _hidl_vec_element;
            _hidl_vec_element = childBlob.getInt8(_hidl_index_0 * 1);




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