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原创 Unity3d美颜滤镜


2017-09-14 16:00:40 8096 6

转载 关于Unity中Shader的内置值


2015-12-21 21:16:49 706

原创 Arduino 学习上拉电阻和下拉电阻遇到的问题

1.如果不存在电阻,输入引脚就不连接任何东西(悬空),因此电压是浮动的,Why? 援引资料讲解: Fig 5.3 Our two alternative switch wiring possibilities For example, in these schematics we can connect and disconnect pin 2 to 5V, or we can con

2015-11-22 17:26:07 6807

转载 Shader 学究

CubemapA Cubemap is a collection of six square textures that represent the reflections on an environment. The six squares form the faces of an imaginary cube that surrounds an object; each face represe

2015-11-22 17:01:08 392

原创 Shader Usage method

1.The words is a picture with transparency use the shader you will find that the words color is affected by the behind particle color because It is transparent. 2.Solution:Use the shader- you

2015-07-06 15:02:28 504

转载 制作lightMap

Link: http://www.unitysnippets.theoriginalyeti.co.uk/index.php/2014-08-18-21-13-43

2015-06-26 19:03:20 552

原创 Particle system study section 1

Preview: 1.The particle system exist the phenomenon of scaling with camera viewpoint. 2.Change the legacy particle system into new particle system.Details: 1.After effects particle system.The textur

2015-06-26 17:23:12 578

原创 What is the difference between using a script and an animation?

1.Scripted movement is easier for movements that can be described as a simple algorithm (the simplest being moving in a straight line at a fixed pace). Scripted movement is prohibitively hard for

2015-06-12 12:17:01 433

原创 UGUI 学习笔记

1.Transform.sizeDelta The size of this RectTransform relative to the distances between the anchors. If the anchors are together, sizeDelta is the same as size. If the anchors are in each of the four

2015-06-12 11:55:41 466

原创 扫雷游戏原理

1.原理1.n*n网格,一定数目的雷,如Windows7 Minesweeper游戏2.雷的位置随机分配到网格上。3.网格上不是雷的位置上 显示的方块上显示周围上下左右四个角的有雷的个数。4.雷数计数器显示余下的未发现的雷数。

2015-06-12 10:12:54 7616

原创 欢迎使用CSDN-markdown编辑器

欢迎使用Markdown编辑器写博客本Markdown编辑器使用StackEdit修改而来,用它写博客,将会带来全新的体验哦:Markdown和扩展Markdown简洁的语法代码块高亮图片链接和图片上传LaTex数学公式UML序列图和流程图离线写博客导入导出Markdown文件丰富的快捷键快捷键加粗 Ctrl + B 斜体 Ctrl + I 引用 Ctrl

2015-06-10 22:38:03 374

原创 3d 视频切换到全屏播放

项目:3d场景中播放一个小窗口的视频,点击视频,放大为屏幕上的全屏视频。再点击视频,缩小为原来的小窗口的视频继续播放视频。1.Unity3D 中,在三维场景中呈现播放视频,将视频组件放到相应的Plane下,调整其位置,缩放,旋转。2.在视频所附Plane上放置世界空间的UI canvas Button,大小一致,处于透明状态,注意UGUI的Image组件不能remove,butto

2015-06-10 22:01:44 3267

原创 Particle System调整

1.Shape 调整为box,x,y,z分别为0。2.Velocity over lifetime,x,y,z对应于想要粒子朝向的方向。3.Renderer下面的Render mode 设置为Mesh,这样可以调整gameobject的transform的rotation来调整朝向.

2015-05-29 09:37:51 766

转载 二叉树遍历算法和源码


2015-05-13 23:23:57 678

原创 增强现实版攻击特效


2015-05-12 22:26:38 729

原创 UGUI Make Use Of Grid Layout Group

1.ButtonsGrid layout Group,Set group of Buttons vertical by one column,but The Size is hard to arrange.So1>Create new GameObject in canvas with component of rect transform and Grid layout

2015-04-06 14:15:09 678 2

原创 Playmaker random Bug

1.Play random audio ,random event is often make mistake.2.Play random audio will create a One shot audio in scene which is unidentified .

2015-03-18 21:19:05 610

原创 Playmaker Activate and send event

1.Activate a gameObect2.the GameObject that have events to Execute in sequence3.When send a Event to the GameObject that is Disactivate,It take place mistakes.Problem;what's the internal pri

2015-03-17 02:01:40 784

原创 抽象类与接口


2015-03-14 19:22:49 401

原创 String 变量必须赋初值

1.String类型的变量是引用类型的,不是值类型,引用类型即是指针类型,指向某个地址,当不复制,就只有引用的箭头,却没有方向,就不成立。2.public Class MyClass{public readOnly string Name;private MyClass() : this("Default Name"){}public MyClass(str

2015-03-14 11:29:44 2472

原创 Animation 动画如何改变scale值


2015-03-09 23:01:12 886

原创 Playmaker 如何让设计人员也能用

Playmaker 状态机,State,Action,Event,variables.如何在这四个要素组建一个封装的功能模块,像垒积木一样,凭想象创造就够了。Playmaker并不简单,非程序人员还需更多综合素质,数学,Unity3d游戏编程基础。最终目的:框架,积木模块,设计思路。问题:如何做到。

2015-03-08 23:05:36 825

原创 Playmaker edit Actions parameters at runtime

Solution:1.set  Fsm variables ,by object of Action type2.A new Action accessing the Action to edit the parameters at runtime3. By writing special script

2015-03-04 22:54:18 483

原创 Itween is coroutine

1.Itween is a coroutine which would make mistake once its attached game Object is disabled,2.coroutine is running in update method.

2015-03-03 22:27:59 548

原创 Itween Stop

Itween stop .Question:Console-Error:ArgumentOutOfRangeException: startIndex + length > this.lengthParameter name: lengthSystem.String.Substring (Int32 startIndex, Int32 length) (at /Users/bu

2015-03-02 23:06:55 1338

原创 3D Reconstruction

Preview: playing an augmented reality game in which zombies chase you around your own home. Tech:3D mapping and modeling tools hold the key to truly augmenting our realities.(Paracosm has

2015-03-02 13:43:14 686

原创 Particle Become Smaller When Game running

Particle system start working once it's attached gameObject is enabled .

2015-02-28 23:53:11 425

原创 编程学习


2015-02-14 00:38:06 367

原创 Maya Programming

1.Maya编程能做什么?      如果你只是模型渲染之类的,MaYa编程可以不学.甚至你用3DS MAX都可以~无所谓就是个建模操作平台..MAYA的脚本语言是MEL,做特效,动画之类学好它是很必要的,特别是粒子特效。需要你去定义粒子的动态,必定只是靠预设的那几个参数设置是调不好的。一定要增加新的条件语句...这样例子才能运动的更好..当然如果你只是想从事模型建造之类的,也用不到MEL

2015-02-12 22:55:40 555

转载 Does Unity Care is a texture of power of two

1.I`ve heard rumours that future graphics cards are not longer bound to the pow 2 rule, but current Graphics cards uses a power of two texturesizes to work with them. 2, 4 , 8, 16 ... 128, 256,

2015-02-11 23:13:54 870

原创 模板与顺势思维两种编程

模板编程,就是对写过的功能可以重复利用,随即我就要写这些功能(诸如滑动图片并且轮换图片),过程之中同时要想这个函数,事件如何再一次用时,只需替换重要的一个部件即可完成整个功能的实现。为此我就要处理整个流程不是直线型的(即从简单程序功能到复杂程序功能的车到山前必有路的direct思维),作出接口(与外界或其他程序结合的地方)出来。        顺势思维,即是纯粹为完成此次项目为目的,脚本编写很

2015-02-10 23:50:20 464

转载 万向锁


2015-01-11 11:51:47 510

原创 在Unity3D中使用DV&Kinect

kinect的就是去看看脚本,基本用到的也就是些get开头的方法 If you need to invoke a public function from KinectManager in your scripts, use the following line to get reference to KinectManager: ‘KinectManager kinectMa

2014-12-07 20:49:26 2086

原创 unity Inspector

Editor interfacepublic enum Smoothing : int { None, Default, Medium, Aggressive }public Smoothing smoothing = Smoothing.Default;

2014-12-07 12:16:19 830

原创 Itween Ease Type

1.When using iTween you can select from a range of ease types. Knowing what they are ain’t easy. Luckily you can find a list of all easy types all along with a graphshowing what movement to expect.

2014-12-03 12:53:04 1114

原创 贪吃蛇总结之二


2014-12-02 10:27:04 756

原创 Raycast用法

1.射线RayRay from the camera    The Ray always corresponds to a point in the view, so the Camera class provides the ScreenPointToRay and ViewportPointToRay functions. The difference between the

2014-11-28 18:36:28 1498

原创 SnakeGame Conclusion


2014-11-26 12:45:58 642

原创 Chrome浏览器安装开发者模式的扩展程序方法


2014-11-26 11:41:07 18324

原创 Unity study 141125-1

协同程序原理       在主程序运行时同时开启另一段逻辑处理,来协同当前程序的执行。FlappyBird 制作

2014-11-25 23:05:49 709





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