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SAP Retailing学习总结

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原创 Logistical Variants - 后勤变式

A logistical variant is the variant of a generic article for a specific  unit of measure.后勤变式是指一般物料在特定的计量单位下的变式。Using logistical variants, you can carry separate stocks in  various units of me

2015-05-31 14:17:35 748

原创 Structured Articles - 结构商品

Structured articles are made up of several different articles. You must enter these components and their  quantities in the bill of material of the structured article.  结构商品由很多不同的商品组成。必须在结构物料的BOM中输入

2015-05-31 14:13:18 859

原创 Pricing Control - 价格控制

Generic article variants can either automatically inherit a sales price from the generic article or have their  own separate sales price.一般商品变式可以自动继承销售对应的一般商品销售价格,也可以拥有自己的价格。 The sales price c

2015-05-31 14:12:20 1129

原创 Generic Article - 一般商品

Variants are articles that only differ from one another in certain characteristics  (for example, color, size). 变式用于区分同一样商品存在不同的特性值(如颜色,尺码)。 Article variants are grouped under one generic arti

2015-05-27 10:49:43 1548

原创 Discontinuation for Article - 冻结商品

You can delete the article by either deleting the article listing conditions or by discontinuing the  article.冻结物料时,既可以删除商品列表也可以冻结该物料Deleting the article listing conditionsIf you delete an artic

2015-05-27 10:42:58 563

原创 Assortment List - 分类列表

The assortment list provides an overview of the listed assortment.  分类列表为已经列出的分类提供一个总体概览。 By using the assortment list, the store or customer (assortment user) is kept informed of any  changes

2015-05-27 10:39:47 2295

原创 Customized Article Master - 商品主数据客制化

In the article maintenance you can maintain all the views connected with article maintenance in  their correct sequence. 可以根据顺序依次维护商品主数据所有视图内的数据。 The individual data screens that correspond to

2015-05-23 11:33:15 647

原创 European Article Number (EAN) - 欧洲商品编号

Different units of measure can be used when handling an article. You can create a European  Article Number (EAN) for each unit of measure that you define in your system for an article (order unit, d

2015-05-18 18:59:04 3010

原创 参考商品 - Reference Article

1. Due to the large amount of data that is generated in article maintenance, templates are available  when you are creating article master records. 由于在维护商品主数据中需要维护大批量的参数,因此在创建商品主数据中需要使用模板。 2. Refe

2015-05-18 18:46:04 984

原创 商品主数据 - Article Master Record

1. 商品主数据定义    The article master data record is a data record  that contains all the basic information required for an article in the system and organizes this data according to various criteria.

2015-05-10 22:00:02 1577

原创 清单过程 - Listing Procedure

An article is allocated to an assortment module using a listing procedure. The listing procedure determines which checks apply when articles or assortment modules are assigned to assortments. In the

2015-04-29 19:14:01 1265

原创 分类组合计划 - Assortment Planning

The assortment is a part of the company-wide product range  that is assigned to a target group for a particular period of validity.    分类是由部分公司范围内的产品的集合组成,并且在某一个特定有效期分配给目标组。    An assortment d

2015-04-28 15:59:54 3147

原创 工厂与商品分类的关系-Correlation Between Sites and Merchandise Categories

1. 商品分类与工厂的关系      商品分类(merchandise category)被分配在工厂(site)下,商品分类(merchandise category)层面又被分配了以下业务                     The assignments and their effects:    1. Department: Department in which

2015-04-27 21:58:57 1353

原创 物料分类层级-Merchandise category hierarchies

如上一章节所讲,零售行业中的商品是基于分类功能,采用多个商品分类层(Merchandise Category Hierarchy levels)和最底层的商品分类(Merchandise category)组合成一个完整的商品分类层级结构(Merchandise Category Hierarchy )    商品分类层级结构(Merchandise Category Hierarch

2015-04-27 16:55:52 5721

原创 前言

由于项目的原因,MM-Retails的学习商品主数据开始起。    手里的学习资料只有标准教材和项目上的一些文档,所以目前来说,笔记的内容以根据标准教材的翻译理解为主,尽最大的努力掺杂一些个人的理解和总结。如果发现哪里有问题,请随时打脸。谢谢!    在零售行业中,由于其业务的灵活及复杂性,商品(物料),工厂,分配表(Alloc.Tables),促销(Promotions)等业务都使用了分

2015-04-27 13:36:19 725

原创 开始

从2010年入行开始起,从跟着顾问屁股后面要活干,在公交车上背事物代码到现在也四处游荡了几年了。一直做的电力,制造行业的SAP实施,升级,优化等项目。从来没想过会去进入到零售行业。本以为就在某大厂就这么一直做下去,可是没想到因为一些不可抗拒的因素和阴差阳错的选择,进入了零售SAP行业。    其实也只是做WM模块,没多大差别,但是好歹也做了几年MM模块,一直叫嚣自己是MMWM双核重量级(体

2015-04-27 13:33:42 477 1





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