清单过程 - Listing Procedure

    An article is allocated to an assortment module using a listing procedure. The listing procedure   determines which checks apply when articles or assortment modules are assigned to assortments. In the  article maintenance you can determine whether modules should be assigned automatically or manually.  Therefore, the listing procedure controls the result of the listing process.
    商品根据列表程序(listing procedure)分配到分类模块(assortment module)。列表程序(listing procedure)决定商品或者分类模块分配到分类时用何种检查规则。在商品维护中,可以决定分类模块是自动被分配到商品中还是手动分配。因此,列表程序(listing procedure)控制了列表过程(listing process)的结果。

    There are two kinds of listing procedure:
        1. Automatic module assignment using previously set rules .
            根据预先设定好的规则来自动分配分类模块(assortment module)。
         2. Manual module assignment to sites.

    You can make settings for procedures for each user in the user master and create an authorization for   each procedure.
    可以在用户主数据中位每个用户配置列表程序(listing procedure)并且可以为每个列表程序(listing procedure)创建权限。

    The number of listing procedures at a time should be kept to a minimum   (if possible, no more than 10).
    列表程序(listing procedures)应该保持最小数量,如果可能,不能超过10个。

    Exactly one of the listing procedures should be flagged as:
        列表程序(listing procedures)需要做一下标识:
        General standard procedure check (is always preset when the system is started)
        Standard procedure for a mass process: Change assortment grade in site merchandise category   assignment ("Profile Change") 
        批量处理的标准过程(在assortment grade层面进行修改)
        Standard procedure for promotions
        Standard procedure for allocation tables
        The basic procedure‘profile check’checks whether the merchandise category to which the article   belongs has been assigned to the assortment. Only then, the article will be listed for this assortment.
        通过“profile check”来检查商品归属的商品分类是否在分类中,如果在,则该商品会在该分类的清单中。
        The following are checked in the basic procedure profile check with assortment grades:
            1. Whether the merchandise category to which the article belongs has been assigned to the assortment .
                商品归属的商品分类( merchandise category)是否被分配在分类( assortment)中。

            2. Whether the article assortment grade is contained in the result level of the merchandise category in the   assortment.
                商品分类等级(article assortment grade)是否包含在分类的商品分组(merchandise category)的结果层中。

            3. Whether the listing algorithm which contains the assortment grade has been entered in the listing   procedure.
                分类等级包含的清单算法是否在清单过程(listing  procedure)中。

        Only then, the article will be listed for this assortment.

        Assortment Grade Rules
        A listing algorithm describes the way in which assortment grades are combined in the assortment grade   rules. Assortment grade rules describe the relationship between the various assortment grades.  Assortment grade rule entries that should belong together are combined in the “Listing Algorithm”.

        Several listing algorithms can be used for defining the assortment grade rules. The required listing   algorithm must then be entered in the listing procedures.

        You must maintain assortment grades and listing algorithms to be able to use the assortment grade rules.

        A maximum of 20 assortment grades can currently be contained in one assortment grade rule.

        Check in listing procedure

        1. 基本过程:布局检查 - Basic Procedure: Layout Check
        A listing algorithm describes the way in which assortment grades are combined in the assortment grade   rules. Assortment grade rules describe the relationship between the various assortment grades.  Assortment grade rule entries that should belong together are combined in the “Listing Algorithm”.

        Several listing algorithms can be used for defining the assortment grade rules. The required listing   algorithm must then be entered in the listing procedures.

        You must maintain assortment grades and listing algorithms to be able to use the assortment grade rules.

        A maximum of 20 assortment grades can currently be contained in one assortment grade rule.

        Check in listing procedure

        1. 基本过程:布局检查 - Basic Procedure: Layout Check
        In the basic procedure for the ‘layout check’, the the system checks if:
            1.1 The article has been assigned to a layout module
            1.2 The site is linked to a layout 
            1.3 The article layout module forms a layout area in the assortment layout.
          Only then, the article be will listed for this assortment
            2. Layout Check with Space Management
            2.1 If space management is used for listing, then you are guaranteed that there will be space on the shelf for   the new article and that the article will be listed in the stores where that shelf can be found (this means in  the stores to which the relevant layout module has been assigned) and will also be listed in the  distribution centers that deliver to the stores.
            2.2 A layout module can contain several layout module versions. Layout module versions have a time   reference and contain articles in a shelf. Layout module versions can contain articles from different  merchandise categories. In addition, an article can be assigned to several layout module versions and can  be positioned in different points of a shelf in the same layout module version. The versions enable you to  plan in advance. Validity periods for individual versions are unique in a layout module and do not  overlap.
            2.3 Due to the time-based scheduling for layout modules, you can map seasonal changes in a shelf.

            2.4 The listing period corresponds to the validity period of the relevant layout module versions to which the   articles are assigned.

            2.5 There are layout variants on the layout module version level. Layout module variants refer to just one  layout module version and are used to map regional or even store-specific variances in layout modules.  The layout module variants have the same validity period as their versions.
                3. Classification Check
                3.1 In this procedure, you run a check for whether the classifying parameters for the article (characteristics   and values) match those of the assortment.

                Only then will the article be listed for this assortment.

         4. 清单过程控制参数
        4.1 Assortment listing procedure:
              If "X" appears (i.e. If the indicator is selected), the system uses the listing procedure defined in the   assortment. If "EMPTY" appears (i.e. if the indicator is not selected), the procedure entered in the dialog  box is carried out.

        4.2 External procedure:
              This procedure can be used directly in external interfaces (assortment maintenance), as long as the   interface allows you to enter data.
         4.3 Multiple listing:
               If an article has already been listed using an assortment module, it can only be listed using other modules   if you set this indicator. That is the normal case for example for promotion listing and standard listing.
               如果一个商品在某个分类模块的清单中。该商品只能在清单过程中勾选了Multiple listing标识的情况下允许放到别的模块清单中。
          4.4 Sequential control:
                With this control you can set up various combinations of basic procedures.
           4.5 Rules:
                The type of check is determined using the rules of the basic procedures and their links respectively. Each   basic procedure must be linked with a function module. The rules are implemented with user exits and  can be replaced by your own rules.

            5. Listing in SAP System
          5.1 In the listing process, the listing conditions are updated with the listing in table WLK1. They contain,   among other things, the validity periods and the module numbers.
           5.2 Data is also added to MVKE, the table in which the sales data for the article is stored (for example, the   distribution chain and the sales unit of measure).
            5.3 More data is stored in the table MARC. This table contains site-specific article data, such as   requirements planning type and planning cycle, planning calendars, and so on. Data records for the  current supplying sites are written into the table MARC along side the listed sites of a distribution chain.
            5.4 Additional tables that contain data records created by the listing process include MARA, WLK2,  MBEW, MAW1.

            6. 一般控制
        6.1  A reference site provides certain logistics data when creating or changing article data. This reduces the  amount of data that you have to generate yourself; changes to the reference articles are automatically  integrated into the relevant data records.

        6.2 Distribution chain control: Here you can only create reference sites for store distribution chains.  Furthermore, none of the stores entered here are allowed to match up with the reference store in the  general Retail Master Data controls.

         6.3 You may create a reference site for each distribution chain from which the logistical data for the article  is defaulted. This logistical data relates, for example, to data for requirements planning, forecasting and  warehouse management.


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