Structured articles are made up of several different articles. You must enter these components and their
quantities in the bill of material of the structured article.
A display is a number of single articles or variants of one or more generic articles that are sold as
individual items to consumers. A display has an own article number, purchasing price and purchase price
conditions. Displays are made up by the manufacturer or vendor.
A sales set is a number of single articles or variants of one or more generic articles. A sales set has an
own article number and an own sales price.
Purchased sets are already in the form of a set when the articles are purchased, are managed as a set right
through the supply chain and are sold as a set or as individual components.
A prepack is a number of variants of one or more generic articles that are sold as individual items. A
prepack has an own article number, purchase price and purchase price conditions. Unlike displays, the
components in prepacks must belong to the same merchandise category as the prepack itself.
A sales set is usually a collection of separate articles that has an own sales price. The sales set articles
can often be sold as separate articles.
In Purchasing, sales sets are made up of more than one article. In Sales, the articles in a sales set have a
sales price and a tax code.
Sales set components can be considered as individual articles They may belong to different merchandise
categories and have different tax codes. The set itself, however, can only have one tax code.
Inventory is managed on component level, if the components can be sold separately. It can also be
carried out on the set level. You can make a setting in Customizing for the level on which you want to
have the stock-related resolution.
Another form is the price set: The set is only created by assigning a common sales price. This is
generally lower than the total of the components' sales prices which can basically all be sold
individually. Components do not become a set if they are simply all packaged together.
If sets and the articles contained in them are sold individually in the store (for example, cases and a set of
three cases), then you should carry the stock as individual articles (components). The component stock
decreases as the sets are sold. Any profit losses incurred by the sale of the set are posted to a separate
account (POS inbound).
A display is always a quantity of articles grouped together by the manufacturer or vendor, which may
have a common purchasing price and are usually bought under the same article number. The articles are
usually presented in the same packaging.
It is not until the display reaches the stores that it is split up into its individual components for sale to the
consumer. Displays are used most often in promotions. Usually, they are not ordered directly by the
stores, but are allocated to the stores centrally.
Inventory is usually managed in the store on individual component level, and in the distribution center, it
is managed on complete display level. You can make a setting in Customizing for the level on which you
want to have the stock-related resolution for the display.
A prepack can be put together by either the manufacturer, vendor, or the retailer. Prepacks are mostly
used in the textile sector or in shoe manufacturing.
A prepack is maintained as an individual article. It has its own article number, its own purchasing price
and its own purchasing conditions. The prepack components have to belong to the same merchandise
category as the prepack itself.
Inventory is usually managed in the store on individual component level, and in the distribution center, it
is managed on complete prepack level. You can make a setting in Customizing for the level on which
you want to have the stock-related resolution for the prepack.
In the retail industry, prepacks are only sold in their individual components, whereas in wholesale, they
are sold as complete prepacks.
In this Customizing view, you can determine on which levels in the logistics chain (distribution center,
store) you want to resolve the set, display and prepack bills of material for stock:
In purchase orders, the resolution is purely informative.
A resolution in the goods receipt means that, from this level, inventory is managed on component
level and the header article has no stock.
You can set the resolution of the structured articles to the following levels: store/DC, distribution chain,
individual sites and for individual structured articles.
Sets, displays, prepacks and empties are structured articles that consist of several components. In this
case, you must specify not only the components, but also the quantities in which the components are
contained in the structured article. This relationship is shown in the bills of material.
The item category controls the classification of the item in a bill of material according to set criteria,
such as the object reference (article master record) or the inventory management. This enables item relevant
data to be processed for the bill of material. You can control field selection, default values in
bill of material maintenance or special system activities with the item category that you select.
For example, for an item category such as a stock item, you can maintain article data which enables
inventory management.
The prepack article that is to be created has to be labeled with the article category PREPACK.
The merchandise category in which the prepack is being created has to be the merchandise category in
which the generic articles were created whose variants then, in turn, become the components of the
The components are assigned to the prepack in the basic data view, that is, from there the bill of material
is maintained. You need to determine here in the basic data how many of the variants are to be assigned
to the prepack. You can distribute the quantities of variants using value and quota scales.
An empties article is a form of returnable transport packaging or sales packaging that is usually subject
to a deposit. The empties article is assigned to a full product.
You can flag a full product by setting the indicator in the basic data screen to 'With bill of material for
empties'. The bill of material for empties shows the relationship between a full product and an empties
可以在基本数据屏幕中设置 'With bill of material for empties'来标识一个完整的商品,用于展示完整的商品和空商品的关系。
1. The full product and the unit of measure together make up the BOM header.
2. The empties article that you have assigned forms the components.
The individual BOM components and the full product itself all have their own article master record.
In the standard SAP Retail system, you create an empties article as a single article with the article type
'Empties' and a full product as a single article too, with the article type 'Full products'.
If you are listing a full product that is assigned an empties article, then the empties article will also be
listed automatically.