AHB 协议有哪些版本,区别是什么?




slave memory region
normal mode
boot mode

1. AHB2, AHB Lite(AHB3), AHB5 信号列表

1.1 提示

(AHB original: original black part and red part.)

AHB5 与 AHB Lite 几乎一样。
(AHB-Lite new added:Orange part.)
(AHB4 new added: Blue part)

1.2 信号列表

信号 NameSourceDestination方向位宽说明
HCLKclock source时钟 => 总线1
HRESETnreset controller复位 => 总线1active LOW to resets the system and bus. This is the only active LOW (AHB-Lite) signal.
来自 master 的信号
HADDR[31:0]masterslave and decodermaster => busmax = 6432-bit system addr bus.
HBURST[2:0]masterslavemaster => busmax = 3表明 transfer 是否为 burst 传输的一部分; indicate if the transfer is a singal transfer or forms part of a burst. Fixed lengh bursts of 4, 8 and 16 beats are supported and the burst may be either incrementing or wrapping. (Incrementing bursts of undefined lenght are also supported.) (SINGLE, INCR, WRAP4,INCR4,WRAP8,INCR8,WRAP16,INCR16)
HLOCKx (Locked transfers, AHB2)mastermaster => busasserted by master to carry out a locked trans. (when HIGH this signal indicates that the master requires locked access to the bus and no other master should be granted the bus until this signal is LOW.)
HMASTERLOCKmasterslavemaster => busWhen HIGH, this signal indicates that the current transfer is part of a locked sequence, It has the same timing as the address and control signals.
HBUSREQx (Bus request)mastermaster => busasserted by master to request access to the bus. (A signal from bus master x to the bus arbiter which indicates that the bus master requires the bus. There is an HBUSREQx signal for each bus master in the system, up to a maximum of 16 bus masters.)
HSIZE2:0]masterslavemaster => busindicates size of transfer. (typically size: byte 8-bit, halfword 16-bit or word 32-bit. maximum 1024-bit. )
HTRANS[1:0]masterslavemaster => busindicates the type of transfer beding performed. ( Type: IDLE, BUSY, NONSEQ, SEQ)
HNOOSECmasterslave and decodermaster => Indicates that the current transfer is either a Non-secure transfer or a Secure transfer. This signal is supported if the AHB5 Secure_Transfer property is True.
HEXCLmasterexclusive access monitormaster=> Exclusive Transfer. Indicates that the transfer is part of an Exclusive access sequence. This signal is supported if the AHB5 Secure_Transfers property is True.
HMASTER[3:0]masterexclusive access monitor and slavemaster =>Master identifier. Generated by a master if it has multiple Exlusive capable threads. Modified by an interconnect to ensure each master is uniquely identified. This signal is supported if the AHB5 Exclusive_Transfer property is True.
HWDATA[31:0]masterslavemaster => busThe write data bus transfers data from the master to the slaves during write operations. A minimum data bus width of 32-bit is recommended. This can be extended to enable higher bandwidth operations.
HWRITEmasterslavemaster => buswrite signal. 1/0 : write/read. It has the same timing as the address signals, it must remain constant throughout a burst transfer.
HPROT[3:0]masterslavemaster => busprotection control signals. (保护控制信号提供有关总线访问的附加信息,主要供希望实现某种级别保护的任何模块使用。这些信号表明传输是操作码获取还是数据访问,以及传输是特权模式访问还是用户模式访问。对于带有内存管理单元的总线主机,这些信号还指示当前访问是可缓存的还是可缓冲的。)
HPROT[6:4]masterslavemaster => busThe 3-bit extentsion of the HPROT signal that adds extended memory types. This signal extension is supported if the AHB5 Extended_Memory_Types property is True.
信号 NameSourceDestination方向位宽说明
来自 decoder 的信号
HSELx (Slave select)decoderslaveEach AHB slave has its own slave select signal HSELx and this signal indicates that the current transfer is intended for the selected slave. This signal is simply a combinatorial decode of the address bus. (When the slave is initially selecetd, it must also monitor the status of HREADY to ensure that the previous bus transfer has completed, before it responds to the current transfer.)
来自 arbiter 的信号
HGRANTx (Bus grant)arbiterarbiter => bus
HMASTER[3:0] (master number)arbiterarbiter => bus表明当前哪个master has the owership for addr and control bus (These signals from the arbiter indicate which bus master is currently performing a transfer and is used by the slaves which support SLPIT transfers to determine which master is attempting an access. The timing of HMASTER is aligned with the timing of the address and control signals.)
HMASTERLOCK(Locked sequence)arbiter(slave)arbiter => busindicates that the current master is performing a locked sequence of transfers. This signal has the same timing as the HMASTER signal.
来自 slave 的信号
HRDATA[31:0] (Read data bus in AHB2)slave Multiplexor (AHB Lite)slave => (During read opearations, the read data bus transfers data from the selected slave to the multiplexor. The multiplexor then transfer the data to the transfer. )
HREADY (transfer done) (AHB2)slaveslave => busWhen HIGH the HREADY signal indicates that a transfer has finished on the bus. This signal may be driven LOW to extend a transfer. Note: Slaves on the bus require HREADY as both an input and an output signal.
HREADYOUTslave Multiplexerslave =>When HIGH, the HREADYOUT signal indicates that a transfer has finished on the bus. This signal may be driven LOW to extend a transfer. Note: Slaves on the bus require HREADY as both an input and an output signal.
HRESP[1:0] (transfer response, AHB2)slaveslave => busThe transfer response provides additional information on the status of a transafer. Four differnent responses: OKAY, ERROR, RETRY and SPLIT.
HRESP (AHB Lite)slaveMultiplexerslave => bus The transfer response, after passing through the multiplexor, provides the master with additional information on the status of a transfer. When LOW, the HRESP signal indicates that the transfer status is OKAY. When HIGH, the HRESP signal indicates that the transfer status is ERROR.
HEXOKAYslaveMultiplexorslave => Exclusive Okay. Indicated the success or failure of an exclusive transfer. This signal is supported if the AHB5 Exclusive_Transfer property is True.
HSPLITx[15:0] (Split completion request, AHB2)slave(SPLIT-capable)slave => busThis 16-bit split bus is used by a slave to indicate to the arbiter which bus masters should be allowed to re-attempt a split transaction. Each bit of this split bus corresponds to a single bus master.
信号 NameSourceDestination方向位宽说明
来自 multiplexor 的信号 (AHB Lite, AHB5)
HRDATA[31:0]multiplexormasterslave =>Read data bus, selected by the decoder.
HREADYmultiplexormaster and slave=>When HIGH, the HREADY signal indicates to the master and all slaves, that the previous transfer is complete.
HRESP (AHB Lite)multiplexormaster=>The transfer response, selected by the decoder.
HEXOKAYmultiplexormaster=> exlusive okay, selected by the decoder.

1.3 block diagram



AHB-Lite (AHB3)




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AXI(Advanced eXtensible Interface)协议是一种高性能、可扩展、流水线化的总线协议,与APB(Advanced Peripheral Bus)和AHB(Advanced High-performance Bus)协议相比,具有以下优缺点: 优点: 1. 高性能:AXI协议支持乱序传输和并发操作,能够提供高效的数据传输和处理,满足现代高性能芯片对总线带宽和处理能力的需求。 2. 可扩展性:AXI协议支持多主设备和多从设备的连接,能够满足大规模集成电路设计的需求,提供更高的设备连接性。 3. 流水线化:AXI协议采用流水线的传输方式,使每个数据包在总线上流动的时间更短,能够最大限度地提高总线带宽,提高数据传输效率。 4. 灵活性:AXI协议支持不同的传输类型,如读写传输、突发传输和单个传输等,可以根据不同应用的需要进行配置,提供了更大的灵活性。 缺点: 1. 复杂性:与APB和AHB相比,AXI协议更加复杂,需要对其详细的规范和协议进行掌握和理解,对于初学者来说学习成本较高。 2. 资源占用:由于AXI协议支持更高的性能和扩展性,需要更多的物理资源来实现,如引脚数量、片上存储等,可能导致芯片设计资源消耗的增加。 总体来说,AXI协议在高性能、可扩展性和灵活性方面较APB和AHB协议更为优越,但其复杂性和资源消耗也相对较高。对于需要满足大规模集成电路设计需求的高性能应用,或者追求更高传输效率和可扩展性的设计,选择AXI协议是一个不错的选择。


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