About Variables

Assessing Variable Types

“It all began with a variable”, the storyteller began.

Just kidding, no one starts their stories that way, even though variables are where all data stories begin.

Variables define datasets. They are the characteristics or attributes that we evaluate during data collection. There are two ways to do that evaluation: we can measure or we can categorize.

How we evaluate determines what kind of variable we have. Since there are only two ways to get data, there are only two types of variables: numerical and categorical.

Every observation (the individuals or objects we are collecting data about) is classified according to its characteristics. In “flat” file formats (like tables, csvs, or DataFrames), the observations are the rows, the variables are the columns, and the values are at the intersection.

We’ll go deeper into categorical and numerical variables in the following exercises.

Typically, the best way to understand your data is to look at a sample of it.

In the example dataset about cereal below, we can look at the first few rows with the .head() method to get an idea of the variable types that we have.

022341100% Bran…NestleC10.068.40top2543.46
122791100% Natur…Quaker OatsC2.033.98top013.36
320001All-Bran w…KelloggsC14.093.70top2533.57
467121Almond Del…Ralston P..C1.034.38top2515.21

There are several types of variables. For example:

  • The price column describes how much the cereal costs. We don’t know if that’s how much the consumer pays or the grocer pays, but we can be fairly sure that it’s a numerical variable.

  • In the mfr column, there are labels like NestleQuaker Oats, and Kelloggs, which seem like brands. Since brands are categories, mfr is most likely a categorical variable.

  • The id column also has numbers, but we can assume that since it’s the id, it’s not actually representing a value. It’s probably the label for the observation. Since it’s a label, even though it’s a number, id is a categorical variable.

If we were downloading this from a data repository, we would expect a data dictionary to define these variables and validate (or invalidate) our assumptions.

It is still important to inspect our dataset because it gives us a better understanding of the data that we are working with and the kinds of operations that will be possible.

Let’s practice inspecting a dataset to identify its variable types.

This dataset is a modified version of this Netflix data. The est_budget (USD) and cast_count variables were created for illustration purposes.

1.The movies dataframe is composed of the television shows and movies hosted on the Netflix platform in 2019. Print the first five rows of the dataframe using the .head() method.

2.The rating variable describes the Motion Picture Association Film Rating Board rating for each film and the TV Parental Guidelines Monitoring Board rating for each television show. We have consolidated the ratings for simplicity.

Inspect the first five rows that were just printed out from the .head() method. Identify whether the rating variable is quantitative or categorical and assign the value of 'numerical' or 'categorical' to a variable called rating_variable_type.

import codecademylib3

# Import pandas with alias
import pandas as pd

# Import dataset as a Pandas dataframe
movies = pd.read_csv("netflix_movies.csv", index_col=0)

# View the first five rows of the dataframe

# Set the correct value for rating_variable_type
rating_variable_type = 'categorical'

Categorical Variables

Without getting too philosophical about it, “your mind is a categorization machine” - HBR. We move through the world by categorizing things into various groups: safe/unsafe, best/worst, on/off. These categorizations help us process information. They also create major problems for us when we over-categorize, and can lead to bias and unfair assumptions.

However, we still do it, and regardless of the dangers, categorization helps us transform the world around us into data. (Being aware of the dangers is a crucial part of data analysis, but outside the scope of this lesson.)

Categorical variables come in 3 types:

  • Nominal variables, which describe something,
  • Ordinal variables, which have an inherent ranking, and
  • Binary variables, which have only possible variations.

Let’s look at each one separately

Nominal Variables

When we want to describe something about the world, we need a nominal variable. Nominal variables are usually words (i.e., red, yellow, blue or hot, cold), but they can also be numbers (i.e., zip codes or user id’s).

Often, nominal variables describe something with a lot of variation. It can be hard to capture all of that variation, so an ‘Other’ category is often necessary. For example, in the case of color, we could have a lot of different labels, but might still need an ‘Other’ category to capture anything we missed.

Ordinal variables

When our categories have an inherent order, we need an ordinal variable. Ordinal variables are usually described by numbers like 1st, 2nd, 3rd. Places in a race, grades in school, and the scales in survey responses (Likert Scales) are ordinal variables.

Ordinal variables can be a little tricky because even though they are numbers, it doesn’t make sense to do math on them. For example, let’s say an Olympian won a Gold medal (1st place) and a Bronze medal (3rd place). We wouldn’t say that they averaged Silver medals (2nd place).

Though there is some debate about whether Likert scales should be treated like intervals or ordinal categories, most statisticians agree that they are ordinal categories and therefore should not be summarized numerically.

Binary variables

When there are only two logically possible variations, we need a binary variable. Binary variables are things like on/off, yes/no, and TRUE/FALSE. If there is any possibility of a third option, it is not a binary variable.

Let’s take a look at our cereal dataset.

022341100% Bran…NestleC10.068.40top2543.46
122791100% Natur…Quaker OatsC2.033.98top013.36
320001All-Bran w…KelloggsC14.093.70top2533.57
467121Almond Del…Ralston P..C1.034.38top2515.21

There are some obvious categorical variables: The name of the product, the mfr (manufacturer), and the shelf are all nominal categorical variables. We know this because they are written in descriptive words or letters.

A little less obvious is the type field. They are all ‘C’, which could be a ranking (A, B, C, and therefore an ordinal variable) or it could be a description and therefore a nominal variable. We would have to return to the data dictionary to find out for certain.

The id field may also cause confusion. It’s a number, but it’s not a count or a measurement. Rather, ‘id’ is a categorical variable since it is describing each observation in the same way that the name is.

Let’s go over our Netflix dataset to get a little more practice working with categorical variables.

1.Run the code in the workspace to view the first five rows of the movies dataframe.

2.Print the unique values of the country column to assess its variable type.

3.Identify whether the country column is ordinal or nominal and assign the value of country_variable_type to either 'ordinal''nominal', or 'binary'.

import codecademylib3

# Import pandas with alias
import pandas as pd

# Import dataset as a Pandas dataframe
movies = pd.read_csv("netflix_movies.csv")

# View the first five rows of the dataframe

# Print the unique values in the country column

# Set the correct value for country_variable_type
country_variable_type = 'nominal'

Quantitative Variables

Numerical variables are created two ways: through measurement and counting. While measurement is a matter of philosophical debate, counting is pretty straightforward. The result is continuous and discrete variables.

Continuous variables come from measurements. For a variable to be continuous, there must be infinitely smaller units of measurement between one unit and the next unit. Continuous variables can be represented by decimal places (but because of rounding, sometimes they are whole numbers). Length, time, and temperature are all good examples of continuous variables because they all increase continuously.

Discrete variables come from counting. For a variable to be discrete, there must be gaps between the smallest possible units. People, cars, and dogs are all good examples of discrete variables.

Some variables depend on context to determine if they are continuous or discrete. Money and time can both be measured continuously or discretely.

For money, all currencies have a smallest-possible-unit (i.e., the cent in USD) and are therefore discrete. However, banks and other institutions sometimes measure money in fractions of a cent, treating it like a continuous variable.

It is therefore always essential to understand how your data was created in order to represent it appropriately.

Let’s take a look at the cereal dataset again.

022341100% Bran…NestleC10.068.40top2543.46
122791100% Natur…Quaker OatsC2.033.98top013.36
320001All-Bran w…KelloggsC14.093.70top2533.57
467121Almond Del…Ralston P..C1.034.38top2515.21

There are five numerical variables: fiber, rating, vitamins, coupons, and price.

Without looking at the data dictionary, we can make some guesses about what kind of numerical variables they are:

Fiber, rating, and price all have decimal places. That’s our first clue that they might be continuous. Based on our limited knowledge, we might guess that fiber and rating are both continuous measurements that could have more decimal places, and price is discrete because there’s nothing smaller than a cent.

Vitamins and coupons do not have decimal places. Vitamins and coupons both seem like good candidates to be counts and therefore discrete. The answers to “how many vitamins” and “how many coupons” would both be whole numbers. (We already said that ID is categorical in the last exercise)

We would be more confident in our answers if we were able to inspect the documentation. But sometimes documentation isn’t available and you have to take your best guess.

Let’s try it out on our Netflix data.

1.Run the code in the workspace to view the first five rows of the movies dataframe.

2.The release_year variable expresses the year that a movie or television show was originally released. Inspect the first five rows of the dataset that were printed, and identify whether this column is discrete or continuous. From this inspection, assign the value of release_year_variable_type to either 'discrete' or 'continuous'.

3.The cast_count variable describes how many cast members are in the show. Inspect the first five rows of the printed dataset, and identify whether this column is discrete or continuous. From this inspection, assign the value of cast_count_variable_type to either 'discrete' or 'continuous'.

import codecademylib3

# Import pandas with alias
import pandas as pd

# Import dataset as a Pandas dataframe
movies = pd.read_csv("netflix_movies.csv")

# View the first five rows of the dataframe

# Set the correct value for release_year_variable_type
release_year_variable_type = 'discrete'

# Set the correct value for cast_count_variable_type
cast_count_variable_type = 'discrete'

Changing Numerical Variable Data Types

Congratulations - being able to identify variable types is the first (and most important) step towards working with data. The next is understanding how Python (and the pandas library) store your data.

When you read a data file (such as a csv) with pandas, data types are assigned to each column. Pandas does its best to predict what kind of data type each variable should contain. For example, if a column contains only integer values, it will be stored as an int32 or int64. This usually works, but problems can arise for our analysis later on when there’s a mismatch between the real-world variable type and the data type pandas assigns.

With numerical variables, pandas expects any column that has decimal values to be a float and anything without and decimal values to be an integer. If any non-numeric characters appear in the column, pandas will treat it as an object.

It’s possible to determine the data types of the columns in your DataFrame with the .dtypes attribute.

For example, in our cereal dataset, Pandas returned the following list:

dtype: object

Best practices for data storage say that we should match the data type of the column with its real-world variable type. Therefore:

  • Continuous (numerical) variables should usually be stored as the float data type because they allow us to store decimal values.

  • Discrete (numerical) variables should be stored as the int datatype to represent mathematically that they are discrete.

(note that the difference between int32/int64 and float32/float64 does not concern us here – it is an issue for much larger numbers)

Using float and int to store quantitative variables is important so that you can later perform numerical operations on those values. It also helps indicate what the variables refer to in the real world. Keeping them separate helps ensure that we perform the right calculations and get the right results. For example,

If a variable appears with the wrong data type, we can change it with the .astype() function.

cereal['id'] = cereal['id'].astype("string")
dtype: object

The .astype() function can be used to convert between a numerical data types, including:

  • int32 int64
  • float32 float64
  • object
  • string
  • bool

However, some data types require all values to be filled in. For example, you cannot convert between a float and an int if there are any null values.

Let’s go ahead and try to clean up our Netflix data.

1.Run the code in the workspace to view the first five rows of the movies dataframe.

2.Check the data types of all the numerical variables in the movies DataFrame with .dtypes. Make sure to print the data types to the console.

Are there any mismatches between data types and variable types?

3.Try to change the cast_count variable to a float of type int64.

This will cause an error - that is OK! We expect there to be an error here. As long as the check mark on the left of the screen turns green, you’ve done it correctly.

If we didn’t check for null values in advance, this error message might be the first time we find out that we have null values.

4.Turns out we have to fill in the missing values. We actually don’t have a good way to know how many people are in each movie, so we will fill in the missing values with 0. We know that no movie has zero cast members, so this will logically be very odd, but will allow us to preserve the integrity of the data while converting the values.

First, uncomment the line of code that replaces the null values with 0. (movies['cast_count'].fillna(0, inplace = True)) Note that it is above the line of code you just wrote.

Then, re-run the code.

5.Now check the data types again and be sure they match what you expected.

import codecademylib3

# Import pandas with alias
import pandas as pd

# Import dataset as a Pandas dataframe
movies = pd.read_csv("netflix_movies.csv")

# View the first five rows of the dataframe

# Print the data types

# Fill in the missing cast_count values with 0
movies['cast_count'].fillna(0, inplace = True)

# Change the type of the cast_count column

# Check the data types of the columns again. 

Changing Categorical Variable Data Types

Now let’s focus on Categorical variables and make sure they are in the correct format. Let’s take another look at the cereal dataset to assess the data types of our categorical variables.

dtype: object

Just like with numerical variables, best practices for categorical data storage say that we should match the data type of the column with its real-world variable type. However, the types are a little more nuanced:

  • Nominal variables are often represented by the object data type. Columns in the object data type can contain any combination of values, including strings, integers, booleans, etc. This means that string operations like .lower() are not possible on object columns.

  • Nominal variables are also represented by the string data type. However, Pandas usually guesses object rather than string, so if you want a column to be a string, you will likely have to explicitly tell pandas to make it a string. This is most important if you want to do string manipulations on a column like .lower().

  • Ordinal variables should be represented as objects, but pandas often guesses int since they are often encoded as whole numbers.

  • Binary variables can be represented as bool, but pandas often guesses int or object data types.

We have a lot to change in our cereal dataset, so let’s go through them one by one.

We already learned about the .astype() function and can be used to convert into the following categorical data types:

  • object

  • string

  • bool

    We’ll start by looking at the data types again.

dtype: object
  • id should be an object since it’s a nominal variable that is not a string.
  • name and mfr should be strings since they are words and we may want to lowercase, uppercase, or otherwise transform them with string methods.
  • shelf and type can stay as objects since they are codes (though it would be just as valid to make them into strings)
cereal['id'] = cereal['id'].astype("object")
cereal['name'] = cereal['name'].astype("string")
cereal['mfr'] = cereal['mfr'].astype("string")
dtype: object

Now it’s time for you to try it on the Netflix data. Be sure to take into account how the data is recorded and what you might want to do with each variable.

Changing Categorical Variable Data Types

Now let’s focus on Categorical variables and make sure they are in the correct format. Let’s take another look at the cereal dataset to assess the data types of our categorical variables.

dtype: object

Just like with numerical variables, best practices for categorical data storage say that we should match the data type of the column with its real-world variable type. However, the types are a little more nuanced:

  • Nominal variables are often represented by the object data type. Columns in the object data type can contain any combination of values, including strings, integers, booleans, etc. This means that string operations like .lower() are not possible on object columns.

  • Nominal variables are also represented by the string data type. However, Pandas usually guesses object rather than string, so if you want a column to be a string, you will likely have to explicitly tell pandas to make it a string. This is most important if you want to do string manipulations on a column like .lower().

  • Ordinal variables should be represented as objects, but pandas often guesses int since they are often encoded as whole numbers.

  • Binary variables can be represented as bool, but pandas often guesses int or object data types.

We have a lot to change in our cereal dataset, so let’s go through them one by one.

We already learned about the .astype() function and can be used to convert into the following categorical data types:

  • object

  • string

  • bool

    We’ll start by looking at the data types again.

dtype: object
  • id should be an object since it’s a nominal variable that is not a string.
  • name and mfr should be strings since they are words and we may want to lowercase, uppercase, or otherwise transform them with string methods.
  • shelf and type can stay as objects since they are codes (though it would be just as valid to make them into strings)
cereal['id'] = cereal['id'].astype("object")
cereal['name'] = cereal['name'].astype("string")
cereal['mfr'] = cereal['mfr'].astype("string")
dtype: object

Now it’s time for you to try it on the Netflix data. Be sure to take into account how the data is recorded and what you might want to do with each variable.

The Pandas Category Data Type

For ordinal categorical variables, we often want to store two different pieces of information: category labels and their order. None of the data types we’ve covered so far can store both of these at once.

For example, let’s take another look at the shelf variable in our cereal DataFrame, which contains the shelf each item is on stored as strings. We can use the .unique() method to inspect the category names:


# Output
[top, mid, bottom]

At this point, Python does not know that these categories have an inherent order. Luckily, there is a specific data type for categorical variables in pandas called category to address this problem! The pandas .Categorical() method can be used to store data as type category and indicate the order of the categories.

cereal['shelf'] = pd.Categorical(cereal['shelf'], ['bottom', 'mid', 'top'], ordered=True)

Now, not only does Python recognize that the shelf column is an ordinal variable, it understands that top > mid > bottom. If we call .unique() on this column again, we see how Python retains the correct rankings.


# Output
[bottom, mid, top]
Categories (6, object): [bottom < mid < top]

This is helpful in the event that we would like to sort the column by category; if we use .sort_values(), the DataFrame will be sorted by the logical order of the rating column as opposed to the alphabetical order.

One-Hot Encoding

In the previous exercise, we saw how label encoding can be useful for ordinal categorical variables. But sometimes we need a different approach. This could be because:

  • We have a nominal categorical variable (like breed of dog), so it doesn’t really make sense to assign numbers like 0,1,2,3,4,5 to our categories, as this could create an order among the species that is not present.

  • We have an ordinal categorical variable but we don’t want to assume that there’s equal spacing between categories.

Another way of encoding categorical variables is called One-Hot Encoding (OHE). With OHE, we essentially create a new binary variable for each of the categories within our original variable. This technique is useful when managing nominal variables because it encodes the variable without creating an order among the categories.

Let’s take a look at the titanic dataframe.

003Braund, Mr. Owen Harris107.2500NaNS
111Cumings, Mrs. John Bradley (Florence Briggs Th…1071.2833C85C
213Heikkinen, Miss. Laina007.9250NaNS
311Futrelle, Mrs. Jacques Heath (Lily May Peel)1053.1000C123S
403Allen, Mr. William Henry008.0500NaNS

To perform OHE on a variable within a pandas dataframe, we can use the pandas .get_dummies() method which creates a binary or “dummy” variable for each category. We can assign the columns to be encoded in the columns parameter, and set the data parameter to the dataset we intend to alter. The pd.get_dummies() method will also work on data types other than category.

Notice that when using pd.get_dummies(), we are effectively creating a new dataframe that contains a different set of variables to the original dataframe.

titanic = pd.get_dummies(data=titanic, columns=['Embarked'])
111Cumings, Mrs. John Bradley (Florence Briggs Th…1071.2833C85100
311Futrelle, Mrs. Jacques Heath (Lily May Peel)1053.1000C123001
601McCarthy, Mr. Timothy J0051.8625E46001
1013Sandstrom, Miss. Marguerite Rut1116.7000G6001
1111Bonnell, Miss. Elizabeth0026.5500C103001

By passing in the dataset and column that we want to encode into pd.get_dummies(), we have created a new dataframe that contains three new binary variables with values of 1 for True and 0 for False, which we can view when we scroll to the right in the table. Now we haven’t assigned weighting to our nominal variable. It is important to note that OHE works best when we do not create too many additional variables, as increasing the dimensionality of our dataframe can create problems when working with certain machine learning models.

 1.Run the code in the workspace to view the first five rows of the cereal dataframe.

2.One-Hot Encode the mfr variable with pd.get_dummies().

3.Check the new variables by printing the first five rows of the cereal dataframe. Make sure to scroll to the right to view all of the variables.

import codecademylib3

# Import pandas with alias
import pandas as pd

# Import dataset as a Pandas Dataframe
cereal = pd.read_csv('cereal.csv', index_col=0)

# Show the first five rows of the `cereal` dataframe

# Create a new dataframe with the `mfr` variable One-Hot Encoded

cereal = pd.get_dummies(data=cereal,columns=['mfr'])
# Show first five rows of new dataframe

Variable Types Review

You’ve done a fantastic job! In this lesson, you have:

  • Discovered the different types of variables you will encounter when working with data and their corresponding data types in Python.
  • Explored datasets with .head().
  • Assessed categories within variables with the .unique() method.
  • Practiced ways to check the data type of variables like the .dtypes attribute and .info() method.
  • Altered data with the .replace() method.
  • Learned how to change the data types of variables using the .astype() method.
  • Investigated the pandas category data type.
  • Developed your One-Hot Encoding skills with the pd.get_dummies() method.

In this lesson, we used a cereal dataset from Kaggle , which was originally created by Chris Crawford and which contains data on various cereal brands in the US. We made alterations to this data for the purposes of the lesson. The other datasets used in this lesson can be found here:

  • The movies dataset courtesy of Shivam Bansal via Kaggle.
  • The auto dataset courtesy of UCI Machine Learning Repository.
  • The titanic dataset courtesy of Khashayar Baghizadeh Hosseini via Kaggle.
  • The clothes dataset courtesy of Nicapotato via Kaggle.

Let’s practice all these skills in a final set of checkpoints.


  1. Return the first 10 rows of the auto dataframe.

  2. Return the data types of the auto dataframe with the .dtypes attribute.

  3. Change the price category from int to float with the .astype() method, then recheck the data types with .dtypes.

  4. Convert the engine_size variable to the category data type with an order of [‘small’, ‘medium’, ‘large’], and check the order with the .unique() method.

  5. Create a new variable called engine_codes which contains the numerical codes associated with each category in the engine_size variable with the .cat.codes accessor. Check the new values with the .head() method.

  6. One-Hot Encode the body-style category in the auto dataframe. Then check the dataframe with .head().


  1. Fill in the following code:

  2. Fill in the following code:

  3. Fill in the following code:

    auto['price'] = auto['price']._____('float')
  4. Fill in the following code:

    auto['engine_size'] = pd.Categorical(auto['engine_size'], ['_____','_____','_____'], ordered=True)
  5. Fill in the following code:

    auto['engine_codes'] = auto['_____'].cat.codes
  6. Fill in the following code:

    auto = pd.get_dummies(auto, columns = ['_____'])
    # Check the order of the type column
    import codecademylib3
    # Import pandas with alias
    import pandas as pd
    # Import dataset as a Pandas Dataframe
    auto = pd.read_csv('autos.csv', index_col=0)
    # Print the first 10 rows of the auto dataset
    # Print the data types of the auto dataframe
    # Change the data type of price to float
    auto['price'] = auto['price'].astype("float")
    # Set the engine_size data type to category
    auto['engine_size'] = pd.Categorical(auto['engine_size'],['small','medium','large'],ordered=True)
    # Create the engine_codes variable by encoding engine_size
    auto['engine_codes'] = auto['engine_size'].cat.codes
    # One-Hot Encode the body-style variable
    auto = pd.get_dummies(auto,columns=['engine_size'])

Which of the following data types would be most appropriate for ordinal categorical data?

For categorical data, and for ordinal categorical data in particular, it can be useful to represent categorical values as both a string and numerical value.





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


