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翻译 aws lambda_简化sdk另一个强大的nodejs框架来管理aws lambda函数依赖项
aws lambdaWhen working with AWS services, you’ve got several choices to build and deploy your lambda functions: Serverless Framework, AWS Amplify Framework, and AWS SAM CLI are the three most popular ...
2020-09-20 20:47:28
翻译 你的句子应该多久
Writers like to write. Shocking, I know. But how much are we supposed to write before people lose interest? 作家喜欢写作。 令人震惊,我知道。 但是在人们失去兴趣之前,我们应该写多少? To write is to translate the billions of interelated...
2020-09-20 20:37:22
翻译 numpy机器学习_用于机器学习的numpy
numpy机器学习NumPy library is an important foundational tool for studying Machine Learning. Many of its functions are very useful for performing any mathematical or scientific calculation. As it is known ...
2020-09-20 20:27:38
翻译 任务编码_得到了带回家的编码任务,这是如何准备它
任务编码Do you want to do great on your next take-home assignment? If so, this article is for you. 您想在下一次带回家的工作上做得更好吗? 如果是这样,那么本文适合您。 Reviewing take-home assignments is part of my job, and I’ve seen many...
2020-09-20 20:17:56
翻译 as效率 java 效率_效率使之成为实践
as效率 java 效率Looking at the python built-ins that we can use for improving the efficiency much noticeably, let’s now look at the ways we can consume when we have to efficiently count, combine, and iter...
2020-09-20 20:08:13
翻译 selenium基础教程_弹性Selenium基础设施
selenium基础教程HelloFresh values a strong user experience, so proper testing is at the core of how we build great software. With a growing customer base and added code complexity, our Platform team reali...
2020-09-20 19:58:26
翻译 通过抢占式实例节省多达50的kubernetes成本
Containers have come a long way, and Kubernetes isn’t just changing the technology landscape — but also the organisational mindset. With more and more companies moving towards cloud-native technologie...
2020-09-20 19:48:15
翻译 facebook 架构_facebook系统架构简介
facebook 架构How your social media data on Facebook are organized and stored 如何在Facebook上组织和存储您的社交媒体数据 There is no need for an introduction to Facebook. Facebook has more than 1 billion active users wh...
2020-09-20 19:38:51
翻译 gcp设置root登录_我在gcp上进行数据工程的本地环境设置
gcp设置root登录This guide is intended to be a handy reference for myself when i’m looking for a specific link or command, or setting up a new workstation. I’m expecting this guide to grow with more comman...
2020-09-20 19:28:13
翻译 python条件语句多条件_python条件语句的非常基本的介绍
python条件语句多条件A video version of this tutorial can be found here. 该教程的视频版本可在此处找到。 In this tutorial we will learn how to use the if-else conditional statement. Along with variables, conditional stateme...
2020-09-20 19:17:57
翻译 sidecar 容器_kubernetes学习sidecar容器模式
sidecar 容器Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration engine for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. A pod is the basic building block of kubernetes ...
2020-09-20 19:07:57
翻译 terraform借助aws rds数据库在k8s上启动wordpress
Hello readers, in this blog i will be deploying the Wordpress application on Kubernetes locally and using AWS RDS as database for our application by using Terraform. 读者好,在本博客中,我将在本地Kubernetes上部署Wordpr...
2020-09-20 18:57:18
翻译 ios 个推 apn 推送_使用apn从节点js API发送ios推送的simplertapp
ios 个推 apn 推送This article is also available on my personal blog 我的个人博客中 也提供了这篇文章 This article is part of a series that aims to build a system to send notifications of relevant articles of Twitter, wi...
2020-09-20 18:47:49
翻译 glsl着色器_着色器到glsl的第一步
glsl着色器When I just started work with the 3D graphics I was surprised about shaders. This is a very powerful tool to manipulate a 3D object. But for me a long time ago that looked very complicated and ...
2020-09-20 18:38:07
翻译 argo airflow_在Argo CD中配置自定义工具
argo airflowSome time after writing the first article, where I cleverly use jsonnet and gitlab, I realized that pipelines are certainly good, but unnecessarily difficult and inconvenient. 在写了第一篇文章 (我巧...
2020-09-20 18:27:12
翻译 一流大学和一流专业_一流的功能到底是什么
一流大学和一流专业In programming, a first-class function is when a function is treated as a variable. This is special because it means that a function can be passed into another function as an argument. 在编程中, ...
2020-09-20 18:16:13
翻译 qt ui网格布局_材质ui网格组件简介
qt ui网格布局Material-UI Grid Component is the Material-UI (MUI) grid system option. It also has the features and APIs of MUI components that MUI users are familiar with. The question when considering usi...
2020-09-20 18:07:09
翻译 dataloader_我如何使用graphql dataloader进行分页
dataloaderSince its release in 2015, GraphQL, which was developed by Facebook, is predicted to be the most advanced technology that will replace the role of REST API to communicate between client and ...
2020-09-20 17:56:22
翻译 在您的应用程序中对kubernetes进行运行状况检查
Making your application more resilient with health checks 通过运行状况检查使您的应用程序更具弹性 Over the past year containerizing applications has become an extremely popular practice to quickly develop, ship and depl...
2020-09-20 17:45:37
翻译 numpy发现了新手指南
Summarizing key takeaways from my learnings of the famous Python scientific Library Numpy . 从我对著名的Python科学图书馆Numpy的学习中总结了重要的收获。 To run the codes as shown in this article, use this online Python compi...
2020-09-20 17:35:43
翻译 heroku_在heroku上部署Django项目
heroku Django,Heroku,网络开发 (Django, Heroku, Web Development)As we know Django is python based open-source framework which follows MVC(Model View Controller) architectural pattern used in the rapid dev...
2020-09-20 17:26:28
翻译 python的快车智能车牌号码识别系统的开发
It is not always possible to prove some crimes. To achieve this, modern tools may be needed which must threaten the “self-esteem” of criminals. However, when we want to learn the license plate of a ca...
2020-09-20 17:16:38
翻译 在流中抛出张量_在张量流中实现胶囊网络
在流中抛出张量We are well aware that Convolution Neural Network(CNN) has outperformed humans in many computer vision tasks. All the CNN based models have the same base architecture of the Convolution layer f...
2020-09-20 17:07:06
翻译 julia 编程语言_Julia(Julia)编程语言入门
julia 编程语言A bird’s eye view of Julia as a Programming language, it’s capabilities and shortcomings 鸟瞰Julia作为一种编程语言,它的功能和缺点 “Julia”, which got the limelight in the recent years is considered as the Pr...
2020-09-20 16:57:43
翻译 如果它坏了那就很好
Let me tell you a story. 让我告诉你一个故事。 Once upon a time, there was a brave warrior named Devel Oper. This brave warrior had seen enough corruption in the kingdom he was serving, and decided to burn it t...
2020-09-20 16:47:56
翻译 贝叶斯回归 线性回归 区别_贝叶斯时间序列线性回归的第一步
贝叶斯回归 线性回归 区别 介绍 (Introduction)Today time series forecasting is ubiquitous, and decision-making processes in companies depend heavily on their ability to predict the future. Through a short series of...
2020-09-20 16:38:44
翻译 numba python_python代码分析和使用numba加速计算
numba pythonJust in case you can’t read it here, you can find this also in my personal blog. 万一您在这里看不到它,也可以在我的个人博客中找到它。 You wrote up your excellent idea as a Python program/module but you are unsatis...
2020-09-20 16:28:07
翻译 how manyhdu_使用how参数合并的python熊猫
how manyhduIn reality, Data Science projects often involves gathering information from variety of sources which might require data from multiple tables. Therefore, in order to conduct analysis, there ...
2020-09-20 16:17:20
翻译 css 颤动_颤动介质,如文本编辑器
css 颤动 颤振教程 (Flutter Tutorial)In the following tutorial, we‘re going to build a simplified version of the text editor used in the ‘New Story’ section of the Medium mobile app. Afterward, your app sho...
2020-09-20 16:07:09
翻译 使用numpy创建灰度图像_使用numpy open cv增强灰度图像
使用numpy创建灰度图像We often scan papers to convert them into images. We have various tools available online to enhance those images to make them brighter and remove any shading in those images. What if we c...
2020-09-20 15:56:33
翻译 Farmwave如何利用大本营打击全球粮食生产
I recently wrote an article about how I’ve been using various tools to work remotely for years. At this point, it’s engrained in me. It started in the military, but it’s just part of who I am at this ...
2020-09-20 15:45:51
翻译 ruby on rails_在Rails中用ruby构建查询语言
ruby on railsURL parameters are the easiest way to support filtering in a rails app. If you have a /offersendpoint which returns all offers you might be interested in, then you could filter it by any ...
2020-09-20 15:36:48
翻译 k均值聚类算法python_python中从头开始的k均值聚类算法和逐步降维指南
k均值聚类算法pythonWhat is K mean clustering? K是什么意思聚类? K means clustering is the most popular and widely used unsupervised learning model. It is also called clustering because it works by clustering the da...
2020-09-20 15:26:19
翻译 kotlin编码格式_Kotlin编码技巧
kotlin编码格式Kotlin is a cross-platform, statically typed, general-purpose programming language with type inference. Kotlin is designed to interoperate fully with Java, and the JVM version of Kotlin’s st...
2020-09-20 15:16:28
翻译 向英雄的前辈们致敬_向新国王致敬
向英雄的前辈们致敬 每个旅程的起点 (Where each journey begins)Let’s imagine for a while that you’re a Java team lead who is going to start a new project. A completely fresh and shiny, beginning from scratch. Cool fee...
2020-09-20 15:05:57
翻译 keras训练文本识别模型_文本分类,无需模型训练
keras训练文本识别模型 摘要 (Summary)Are you struggling to classify text data because you don’t have a labeled dataset? In this article, using BERT and Python, I will explain how to perform a sort of “unsupervi...
2020-09-20 14:56:27
翻译 android 破折号_使用破折号来试验心脏病的预测模型
android 破折号 背景 (Background)In a previous article a model for predicting heart disease was developed using PyCaret. Now, assume we wish to pilot this model in a clinical setting. The first thing we ne...
2020-09-20 14:45:43
翻译 托马斯微积分和微积分学教程_为什么微积分很重要
托马斯微积分和微积分学教程Same with linear algebra, calculus is also closely related to programming. 与线性代数一样,微积分也与编程紧密相关。 You might know the first two courses in the first grade of computer science and engineerin...
2020-09-20 14:25:33
翻译 angular css_angular d3js是通过CSS调整图表的更好模式
angular cssHi, everyone. In this article, I’ll explain several problems that I used to find every time I had to do something with a visual component in Angular and D3. 嗨,大家好。 在本文中,我将解释每次不得不对Angular和D3...
2020-09-18 19:07:41
翻译 golang json_使用http修补程序方法在golang中创建RFC6902 JSON修补程序
golang json 介绍 (Introduction)HTTP is the widely used protocol for fetching resources over the web. It’s the building block for any data exchange that happens over the world wide web. Several applicat...
2020-09-18 18:57:50
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