Android14 InputManager-ANR原理





  1. Service ANR:前台20s,后台200s;startForeground超时10s
  2. Broadcast ANR:前台10s,后台60s
  3. Input ANR:按键或触摸事件在5s内无响应
  4. ContentProvider ANR:10s,少见


inputANR 分为两种

无响应anr: 应用连接正常但是未相应事件,并且发生了超时

无焦点窗口anr: 当前有焦点应用,但是无焦点窗口,并且超时

void InputDispatcher::dispatchOnce() {
    nsecs_t nextWakeupTime = LLONG_MAX;
    { // acquire lock
        std::scoped_lock _l(mLock);

        // Run a dispatch loop if there are no pending commands.
        // The dispatch loop might enqueue commands to run afterwards.
        if (!haveCommandsLocked()) {

        // Run all pending commands if there are any.
        // If any commands were run then force the next poll to wake up immediately.
        if (runCommandsLockedInterruptable()) {
            nextWakeupTime = LLONG_MIN;

        // If we are still waiting for ack on some events,
        // we might have to wake up earlier to check if an app is anr'ing.
        const nsecs_t nextAnrCheck = processAnrsLocked();
        nextWakeupTime = std::min(nextWakeupTime, nextAnrCheck);

        // We are about to enter an infinitely long sleep, because we have no commands or
        // pending or queued events
        if (nextWakeupTime == LLONG_MAX) {
    } // release lock

    // Wait for callback or timeout or wake.  (make sure we round up, not down)
    nsecs_t currentTime = now();
    int timeoutMillis = toMillisecondTimeoutDelay(currentTime, nextWakeupTime);
nsecs_t InputDispatcher::processAnrsLocked() {
    const nsecs_t currentTime = now();
    nsecs_t nextAnrCheck = LLONG_MAX;
    // Check if we are waiting for a focused window to appear. Raise ANR if waited too long
    if (mNoFocusedWindowTimeoutTime.has_value() && mAwaitedFocusedApplication != nullptr) {
        if (currentTime >= *mNoFocusedWindowTimeoutTime) {
            processNoFocusedWindowAnrLocked();// 无焦点anr
            mNoFocusedWindowTimeoutTime = std::nullopt;
            return LLONG_MIN;
        } else {
            // Keep waiting. We will drop the event when mNoFocusedWindowTimeoutTime comes.
            nextAnrCheck = *mNoFocusedWindowTimeoutTime;

    // Check if any connection ANRs are due
    nextAnrCheck = std::min(nextAnrCheck, mAnrTracker.firstTimeout());
    if (currentTime < nextAnrCheck) { // most likely scenario
        return nextAnrCheck;          // everything is normal. Let's check again at nextAnrCheck

    // If we reached here, we have an unresponsive connection.
    std::shared_ptr<Connection> connection = getConnectionLocked(mAnrTracker.firstToken());
    if (connection == nullptr) {
        ALOGE("Could not find connection for entry %" PRId64, mAnrTracker.firstTimeout());
        return nextAnrCheck;
    connection->responsive = false;
    // Stop waking up for this unresponsive connection
    onAnrLocked(connection);// 无响应anr
    return LLONG_MIN;

mNoFocusedWindowTimeoutTime 和 mAwaitedFocusedApplication 的设置是在 InputDispatcher::findFocusedWindowTargetLocked


sp<WindowInfoHandle> InputDispatcher::findFocusedWindowTargetLocked(
        nsecs_t currentTime, const EventEntry& entry, nsecs_t* nextWakeupTime,
        InputEventInjectionResult& outInjectionResult) {
    std::string reason;
    outInjectionResult = InputEventInjectionResult::FAILED; // Default result

    int32_t displayId = getTargetDisplayId(entry);
    sp<WindowInfoHandle> focusedWindowHandle = getFocusedWindowHandleLocked(displayId);
    std::shared_ptr<InputApplicationHandle> focusedApplicationHandle =
            getValueByKey(mFocusedApplicationHandlesByDisplay, displayId);

    // If there is no currently focused window and no focused application
    // then drop the event.
    if (focusedWindowHandle == nullptr && focusedApplicationHandle == nullptr) {
        ALOGI("Dropping %s event because there is no focused window or focused application in "
              "display %" PRId32 ".",
              ftl::enum_string(entry.type).c_str(), displayId);
        return nullptr;

    // Drop key events if requested by input feature
    if (focusedWindowHandle != nullptr && shouldDropInput(entry, focusedWindowHandle)) {
        return nullptr;

    // Compatibility behavior: raise ANR if there is a focused application, but no focused window.
    // Only start counting when we have a focused event to dispatch. The ANR is canceled if we
    // start interacting with another application via touch (app switch). This code can be removed
    // if the "no focused window ANR" is moved to the policy. Input doesn't know whether
    // an app is expected to have a focused window.
    if (focusedWindowHandle == nullptr && focusedApplicationHandle != nullptr) {
        if (!mNoFocusedWindowTimeoutTime.has_value()) {
            // We just discovered that there's no focused window. Start the ANR timer
            std::chrono::nanoseconds timeout = focusedApplicationHandle->getDispatchingTimeout(
            mNoFocusedWindowTimeoutTime = currentTime + timeout.count();
            mAwaitedFocusedApplication = focusedApplicationHandle;
            mAwaitedApplicationDisplayId = displayId;
            ALOGW("Waiting because no window has focus but %s may eventually add a "
                  "window when it finishes starting up. Will wait for %" PRId64 "ms",
                  mAwaitedFocusedApplication->getName().c_str(), millis(timeout));
            *nextWakeupTime = *mNoFocusedWindowTimeoutTime;
            outInjectionResult = InputEventInjectionResult::PENDING;
            return nullptr;
        } else if (currentTime > *mNoFocusedWindowTimeoutTime) {
            // Already raised ANR. Drop the event
            ALOGE("Dropping %s event because there is no focused window",
            return nullptr;
        } else {
            // Still waiting for the focused window
            outInjectionResult = InputEventInjectionResult::PENDING;
            return nullptr;

    // we have a valid, non-null focused window

    // Verify targeted injection.
    if (const auto err = verifyTargetedInjection(focusedWindowHandle, entry); err) {
        ALOGW("Dropping injected event: %s", (*err).c_str());
        outInjectionResult = InputEventInjectionResult::TARGET_MISMATCH;
        return nullptr;

    if (focusedWindowHandle->getInfo()->inputConfig.test(
                WindowInfo::InputConfig::PAUSE_DISPATCHING)) {
        ALOGI("Waiting because %s is paused", focusedWindowHandle->getName().c_str());
        outInjectionResult = InputEventInjectionResult::PENDING;
        return nullptr;

    // If the event is a key event, then we must wait for all previous events to
    // complete before delivering it because previous events may have the
    // side-effect of transferring focus to a different window and we want to
    // ensure that the following keys are sent to the new window.
    // Suppose the user touches a button in a window then immediately presses "A".
    // If the button causes a pop-up window to appear then we want to ensure that
    // the "A" key is delivered to the new pop-up window.  This is because users
    // often anticipate pending UI changes when typing on a keyboard.
    // To obtain this behavior, we must serialize key events with respect to all
    // prior input events.
    if (entry.type == EventEntry::Type::KEY) {
        if (shouldWaitToSendKeyLocked(currentTime, focusedWindowHandle->getName().c_str())) {
            *nextWakeupTime = *mKeyIsWaitingForEventsTimeout;
            outInjectionResult = InputEventInjectionResult::PENDING;
            return nullptr;

    outInjectionResult = InputEventInjectionResult::SUCCEEDED;
    return focusedWindowHandle;

可以看出引发 无焦点ANR 的两个条件:
1.mNoFocusedWindowTimeoutTime.has_value() && mAwaitedFocusedApplication != nullptr 并且 currentTime >= *mNoFocusedWindowTimeoutTime

mNoFocusedWindowTimeoutTime 和 mAwaitedFocusedApplication 的设置是在 InputDispatcher::findFocusedWindowTargetsLocked 函数中:

当有焦点应用但没有焦点窗口,设置 mNoFocusedWindowTimeoutTime 的值,开启 ANR 倒计时。对于当前事件返回 PENDING 。
接着在当前的派发循环中执行 processAnrsLocked 函数判断是否引发 ANR。

重置 mNoFocusedWindowTimeoutTime 和 mAwaitedFocusedApplication 是在 InputDispatcher::resetNoFocusedWindowTimeoutLocked 中。

执行 resetNoFocusedWindowTimeoutLocked 的几个时机:

(2)InputDispatcher::setFocusedApplication 中,切换焦点应用后;

(3)InputDispatcher::setInputDispatchMode 中;

(4) InputDispatcher::resetAndDropEverythingLocked


void InputDispatcher::processNoFocusedWindowAnrLocked() {
    // Check if the application that we are waiting for is still focused.
    std::shared_ptr<InputApplicationHandle> focusedApplication =
            getValueByKey(mFocusedApplicationHandlesByDisplay, mAwaitedApplicationDisplayId);
    if (focusedApplication == nullptr ||
        focusedApplication->getApplicationToken() !=
                mAwaitedFocusedApplication->getApplicationToken()) {
        // Unexpected because we should have reset the ANR timer when focused application changed
        ALOGE("Waited for a focused window, but focused application has already changed to %s",
        return; // The focused application has changed.

    const sp<WindowInfoHandle>& focusedWindowHandle =
    if (focusedWindowHandle != nullptr) {
        return; // We now have a focused window. No need for ANR.
void InputDispatcher::onAnrLocked(std::shared_ptr<InputApplicationHandle> application) {
    std::string reason =
            StringPrintf("%s does not have a focused window", application->getName().c_str());
    updateLastAnrStateLocked(*application, reason);

    auto command = [this, application = std::move(application)]() REQUIRES(mLock) {
        scoped_unlock unlock(mLock);


void InputDispatcher::onAnrLocked(const std::shared_ptr<Connection>& connection) {
    if (connection == nullptr) {
        LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("Caller must check for nullness");
    // Since we are allowing the policy to extend the timeout, maybe the waitQueue
    // is already healthy again. Don't raise ANR in this situation
    if (connection->waitQueue.empty()) {
        ALOGI("Not raising ANR because the connection %s has recovered",
     * The "oldestEntry" is the entry that was first sent to the application. That entry, however,
     * may not be the one that caused the timeout to occur. One possibility is that window timeout
     * has changed. This could cause newer entries to time out before the already dispatched
     * entries. In that situation, the newest entries caused ANR. But in all likelihood, the app
     * processes the events linearly. So providing information about the oldest entry seems to be
     * most useful.
    DispatchEntry* oldestEntry = *connection->waitQueue.begin();
    const nsecs_t currentWait = now() - oldestEntry->deliveryTime;
    std::string reason =
            android::base::StringPrintf("%s is not responding. Waited %" PRId64 "ms for %s",
    sp<IBinder> connectionToken = connection->inputChannel->getConnectionToken();
    updateLastAnrStateLocked(getWindowHandleLocked(connectionToken), reason);

processConnectionUnresponsiveLocked(*connection, std::move(reason));
// cnnel所有事件

    // Stop waking up for events on this connection, it is already unresponsive
void InputDispatcher::processConnectionUnresponsiveLocked(const Connection& connection,
                                                          std::string reason) {
    const sp<IBinder>& connectionToken = connection.inputChannel->getConnectionToken();
    std::optional<int32_t> pid;
    if (connection.monitor) {
        ALOGW("Monitor %s is unresponsive: %s", connection.inputChannel->getName().c_str(),
        pid = findMonitorPidByTokenLocked(connectionToken);
    } else {
        // The connection is a window
        ALOGW("Window %s is unresponsive: %s", connection.inputChannel->getName().c_str(),
        const sp<WindowInfoHandle> handle = getWindowHandleLocked(connectionToken);
        if (handle != nullptr) {
            pid = handle->getInfo()->ownerPid;
    sendWindowUnresponsiveCommandLocked(connectionToken, pid, std::move(reason));
void InputDispatcher::doNotifyWindowUnresponsiveLockedInterruptible(CommandEntry* commandEntry) {
    mPolicy->notifyWindowUnresponsive(commandEntry->connectionToken, commandEntry->reason);  //调用到jni层,向java层传递

ANR 的通知

// Native callback
private void notifyWindowUnresponsive(IBinder token, int pid, boolean isPidValid,
        String reason) {
            isPidValid ? OptionalInt.of(pid) : OptionalInt.empty(), reason);

调用java层发送弹窗命令, 就不细说了

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