# coding: utf-8
# In[1]:
FN = 'predict'
# if your GPU is busy you can use CPU for predictions
# In[2]:
import os
os.environ['THEANO_FLAGS'] = 'device=cpu,floatX=float32'
# In[3]:
import theano
DEBUG = False
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore','.*Warning, Cannot compute test value')
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore','.*has no test value')
# theano.config.optimizer='fast_compile'
# theano.config.exception_verbosity='high'
theano.config.compute_test_value = 'warn'
# In[4]:
import keras
# Generate headlines using the "simple" model from http://arxiv.org/pdf/1512.01712v1.pdf
# Use indexing of tokens from [vocabulary-embedding](./vocabulary-embedding.ipynb) this does not clip the indexes of the words to `vocab_size`.
# Use the index of outside words to replace them with several `oov` words (`oov` , `oov0`, `oov`...) that appear in the same description and headline. This will allow headline generator to replace the oov with the same word in the description
# In[5]:
FN0 = 'vocabulary-embedding'
# we will generate predictions using the model generated in this notebook
# In[6]:
FN1 = 'train'
# input data (`X`) is made from `maxlend` description words followed by `eos`
# followed by headline words followed by `eos`
# if description is shorter than `maxlend` it will be left padded with `empty`
# if entire data is longer than `maxlen` it will be clipped and if it is shorter it will be padded.
# labels (`Y`) are the headline words followed by `eos` and clipped or padded to `maxlenh`
# In other words the input is made from a `maxlend` half in which the description is padded from the left
# and a `maxlenh` half in which `eos` is followed by a headline followed by another `eos` if there is enough space.
# The labels match only the second half and
# the first label matches the `eos` at the start of the second half (following the description in the first half)
# the model parameters should be identical with what used in training but notice that `maxlend` is flexible
# In[7]:
maxlend=50 # 0 - if we dont want to use description at all
maxlen = maxlend + maxlenh
rnn_size = 512
rnn_layers = 3 # match FN1
# the out of the first `activation_rnn_size` nodes from the top layer will be used for activation and the rest will be used to select predicted word
# In[8]:
activation_rnn_size = 40 if maxlend else 0
# In[9]:
# training parameters
p_W, p_U, p_dense, weight_decay = 0, 0, 0, 0
optimizer = 'adam'
# In[10]:
nb_train_samples = 30000
nb_val_samples = 3000
# # read word embedding
# In[11]:
import cPickle as pickle
with open('data/%s.pkl'%FN0, 'rb') as fp:
embedding, idx2word, word2idx, glove_idx2idx = pickle.load(fp)
vocab_size, embedding_size = embedding.shape
# In[12]:
nb_unknown_words = 10
# In[13]:
print ('dimension of embedding space for words',embedding_size)
print ('vocabulary size', vocab_size, 'the last %d words can be used as place holders for unknown/oov words'%nb_unknown_words)
print ('total number of different words',len(idx2word), len(word2idx))
print ('number of words outside vocabulary which we can substitue using glove similarity', len(glove_idx2idx))
print ('number of words that will be regarded as unknonw(unk)/out-of-vocabulary(oov)',len(idx2word)-vocab_size-len(glove_idx2idx))
# In[14]:
for i in range(nb_unknown_words):
idx2word[vocab_size-1-i] = '<%d>'%i
# In[15]:
for i in range(vocab_size-nb_unknown_words, len(idx2word)):
idx2word[i] = idx2word[i]+'^'
# In[16]:
empty = 0
eos = 1
idx2word[empty] = '_'
idx2word[eos] = '~'
# In[17]:
import numpy as np
from keras.preprocessing import sequence
from keras.utils import np_utils
import random, sys
# In[18]:
def prt(label, x):
print (label+':'),
for w in x:
print (idx2word[w]),
# # Model
# In[19]:
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers.core import Dense, Activation, Dropout, RepeatVector
from keras.layers.recurrent import LSTM
from keras.layers.embeddings import Embedding
from keras.regularizers import l2
from keras.layers.core import Lambda
import keras.backend as K
# In[20]:
# seed weight initialization
# In[21]:
regularizer = l2(weight_decay) if weight_decay else None
# ## rnn model
# start with a stacked LSTM, which is identical to the bottom o
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