

A. Nasri1, M. Sabin2 and Z. Yasseen1
1American University of Beirut, Department of Computer Science
2Numerical Geometry Ltd

2020/03/03 Jackdos整理翻译


Given an n-sided region bounded by a loop of n polylines, we present a general algorithm to fill such a region by a quad mesh suitable for a subdivision scheme.


Typically, the approach consists of two phases: the topological phase and the geometrical phase. 通常,该方法包括两个阶段:拓扑阶段和几何阶段。

In the first part, the connectivity of the mesh is based on determining a partitioning of the region into rectangular subregions across which regular grid could be constructed. 在第一部分中,网格的连通性是基于确定将区域划分为矩形子区域的划分,在该子区域上可以构建规则网格。

The geometrical phase generalizes discrete Coon’s patches to position the vertices in the 3D space. 几何阶段将离散孔斯片推广到三维空间中定位顶点。

The generated mesh could be taken as input to any quad-based subdivision scheme,


such as that of Catmull–Clark or Doo–Sabin to generate the corresponding limit surface.


The goal of the algorithm is to generate smooth meshes with minimum number and less valence of extraordinary vertices deemed undesirable in such subdivision schemes. 



:subdivision surfaces, curve interpolation, quad mesh generation, hole filling, n-sided patches 关键词:细分曲面,曲线插值,四元网格生成,补孔,n边补片
ACM CCS: I.3.5 [Computer Graphics]: Computational Geometry and Object Modeling, curve, surface, solid, and object representations. 


 1. Introduction介绍

Filling n-sided holes is a central issue in surface modelling and computer graphics.


This problem is tightly coupled with the generation of n-sided patches to fill a hole that may occur in various situations,


such as when many traditional rectangular patches are assembled together.


Typically, the hole is defined by a loop of n curves, each defined by a control polygon (polyline),通常,孔由n条曲线组成的循环定义,每条曲线由一个控制多边形(折线)定义,

forming the boundary of the hole as depicted in Figure 1. 形成如图1所示的孔的边界。

The generalization of rectangular Coon’s patches to n-sided patches is then of a great interest.将矩形孔斯曲面片推广到n边补片,引起了人们极大的兴趣。

Since 1964, many methods emerged to address this problem, as outlined in the following Section. 自1964年以来,出现了许多方法来解决这个问题,如下一节所述。

In the discrete setting, filling rectangular regions with matching number of vertices on opposite boundary sides could be achieved using discrete Coon’s patches [FH99]. 在离散设置下,使用离散的孔斯曲面片可以实现在相对的边界边上用匹配数量的顶点填充矩形区域[FH99]。

If two opposite sides are defined by control polygons with different number of vertices, the solution is not trivial. 如果两个相对的边由顶点数目不同的控制多边形定义,解决方案并不简单。

In the case of B-spline, knot insertion could be used to match the number of vertices on both sides. 在b样条的情况下,可以使用节点插入来匹配两边的顶点数。

This, however, may not be possible if the control mesh of the hole is to be integrated in the polyhedron defining an existing subdivision surface.


Besides, it results in adding unnecessary vertices to define the same shape.


Consequently, a more general solution to handle the filling of n-sided (n ≥ 3) region bounded by polylines with different number of vertices is still needed.


In this paper we propose a coherent approach to address this issue.


The problem can thus be formulated as follows: given a region bounded by a loop of n polylines, 这个问题可以这样表述: 给定一个被n条折线包围的区域,

we need to determine a partitioning into rectangular subregions in which regular grid can be constructed. 我们需要确定一个划分为矩形子区域的区域,在这个区域中可以构造规则的网格。

As the subregions are being established, the need for a vertex incident to a number m (m ≠ 4) of edges could well be inevitable. We call such a vertex a dislocation.  

随着子区域的建立,不可避免地需要与许多m (m≠4)条边关联的顶点。我们称这样的顶点为位错。

In the context of quad meshing, a dislocation vertex can be described as either negative when m < 4, or positive when m > 4. 

在四元网格的情况下,位错顶点可以描述为m < 4时为负,也可以描述为m > 4时为正。

For quad-based subdivision schemes, such a vertex is called an extraordinary vertex.


In certain cases that will be investigated later, the dislocation could be a non-quadrilateral polygonal element that we call a facet dislocation. 


Our proposed algorithm generates the quad mesh for a hole aiming at minimizing the number of dislocations.我们所提出的演算法以减少位错的数目为目标来产生一个孔的四元网格。

Figure 1: An example of filling a five-sided region. Top-left: the control polygons of five curves; right: The topological configuration of the region; bottom-left: the Catmull–Clark subdivision surface of the mesh generated by our algorithm.


For quad-based subdivision scheme, the distortion d of a vertex v i of the mesh is defined by

在基于四分法的细分方案中,网格顶点v i的变形d定义如下

It is proven [SWZ04] that |n − 4| is a lower bound on the total distortion in a quadrangulated n-sided region, thus: 事实证明,|n4|是四边形n边区域总畸变的一个下界,即:

Our proposed algorithm creates a maximum of one n-valent dislocation in most cases, thus the total distortion is n − 4. 


We also generate quad meshes with as smooth flow as possible. 


This is indicated by the way and the number of flow lines directed from one side to the other.这是通过从一边到另一边的流线的方式和数量来表示的。

A flow line is simply a sequence of edges connecting a number of vertices by departing from one side and landing on another. 


The number of vertices on each flow line is determined by the solution of a system of linear equations.每条流线上的顶点数由一个线性方程组的解决定。

Throughout this paper, we will refer to distances or lengths as logical distances or logical lengths to describe the topology of the structure at hand.


The logical distance between two vertices is the number of edges connecting them.


The logical length of a side is thus the number of edges connecting its two endpoints.


Let us assume that the side i of the hole has a length l i (l i ≥ 2).

假设某孔的第i边的长度为l i (l i ≥ 2 )。

Its endpoints C i and C i+1, where i is taken mod n, define the two corresponding corners at which other polylines connect to form the boundaries of the hole (see Figure 1).

它的端点C i和C i+1 (其中i对n取余)定义了其他折线连接起来形成孔边界的两个相应的角(参见图1)。

Typically, there are two phases in the filling algorithm: The topological phase and the geometrical phase. 通常,填充算法有两个阶段:拓扑阶段和几何阶段。

In the first phase, we determine how the internal vertices of the region shall be connected and in the second, how these vertices are positioned in space.


The proposed algorithm is focused on solving the topological problem and generalizes discrete Coon’s patches [FH99] to handle the geometrical phase.


The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 gives an overview of related work. The general framework of the proposed filling algorithm is detailed out in Section 3. Filling quadrilateral regions need special attention and could be handled by extending the general algorithm as described in Section 4. In Section 5, we cover the geometrical phase that completes the process of mesh construction. Finally, discussions and limitations are give in Section 6, whereas conclusions and future work are outlined in Section 7.


2. Related Work相关工作

Filling n-sided holes bounded by a set of n curves or polylines is a central problem addressed in various domains. Computer Aided Geometric Design, finite element analysis, and texturing are some of these domains. In this section, we present an overview of some of the most related work to our proposed algorithm. For more details, the reader is referred to the references cited therein.


Malraison [Mal00] presented a brief survey of various techniques for filling n-sided regions. Generally there are three approaches for filling an n-sided region: the single patch approach, the splitting approach and the subdivision approach.

Malraison [Mal00]简要介绍了填充n边区域的各种技术。通常有三种方法来填充一个n边区域:单个patch方法、分割方法和细分方法。

In the first approach, a single multi-sided patch is defined, such as the Gregory patches [Gre86, HM97], the Sabin 3- and 5-sided patches [Sab83] which were extended to n-sided as in [ZB97, HK84], and the S-patches as in [LD90]. General overviews of these patches are also provided, such as those in Varady [Var87], Gregory et al. [GLZ90], and Hosaka [HK84].

在第一种方法中,我们定义了一个单一的多边patch,例如Gregory patches [Gre86, HM97], Sabin 3- and 5-sided patches [Sab83],将其扩展到n-sided,如[ZB97, HK84], S-patches如[LD90]。还提供了这些补丁的一般概况,如Varady [Var87]、Gregory等[GLZ90]和Hosaka [HK84]。

The second approach consists of filling a region with multiple patches. Typically, an initial vertex is chosen at the centre of the region, which is split into rectangular patches, such as the bicubic Hermite patches [BS89], or even the B-spline patches [PGVACN06], etc. The smoothness of the patches along the shared edges and in particular at the centre vertex required special attention. Our proposed algorithm does not require the input of a centre vertex.


The third and the more relevant approach to our algorithm is the one that uses subdivision surfaces. For instance, an nsided patch can be designed from Hermite data [BS89]. In the situation of vertex-corner blending such as those dealt with in Varady [VR97], Charrot and Gregory [CG84], Hwang et al. [HC03], subdivision is also used to fill the arising n-sided regions. Some specific schemes can be tuned to fill an n-sided hole such as the combined scheme as in Levin [Lev99]. Clearly, in most of these situations, an essential and decisive step is how to create a control mesh to be used as input to the underlying subdivision scheme. To do this, an arbitrary interior vertex, selected by the user, is typically employed. However, it is not intuitive how best to choose such a vertex.

第三种,也是与我们的算法更相关的一种方法是使用细分曲面。例如,可以根据Hermite数据设计一个n边patch [BS89]。在顶点角混合的情况下,如Varady [VR97]、Charrot和Gregory [CG84]、Hwang等[HC03],也使用细分来填充上升的n边区域。一些特定的方案可以调整来填补一个n边的洞,例如Levin [Lev99]中的组合方案。显然,在大多数情况下,一个关键和决定性的步骤是如何创建一个控制网格来作为底层细分方案的输入。为此,通常使用用户选择的任意内部顶点。然而,如何选择这样一个顶点是不直观的。

Figure 2: A comparison between the quadrangulation in Schaefer et al. [SWZ04] (left) and our scheme (right). 图2:Schaefer等人[SWZ04]的四边形(左)与我们的方案(右)的比较。

Schaefer et al. [SWZ04] partially addressed the filling of a region by quadrilateral elements in the context of constructing meshes over net of curves. While their work does not consider generating extraordinary vertices away from the boundary of the region as a priority to build on, we base the quadrangulation on extraordinary vertices being placed interior to the region, as depicted in Figure 2. To avoid this in Schaefer et al., this may require that the discrete lengths be sufficient enough. Being a recursive process, it is not easy to predict the topology of the generated mesh. Yet, they state that the maximum of (n  2) 5-valent and two 3-valent extraordinary vertices are generated, thus obtaining a mesh with a total distortion of n. In general, our proposed algorithm generates a quadrangulation of minimal distortion of (n  4). As such, our algorithm produces less extraordinary vertices with valency depending on the number of sides in a hole. In addition, they observe that their quad meshing algorithm produces a non-quadrilateral face if the summation of all the lengths of the boundary polylines is odd. When we discuss the need for non-quadrilateral faces, we show that this is partially but not always true.

Schaefer等人[SWZ04]在构建曲线网格的背景下,部分解决了四边形元素填充区域的问题。虽然他们的工作并没有将生成远离区域边界的非规则顶点作为优先级进行构建,但是我们将四边形基于放置在区域内部的非规则顶点,如图2所示。为了避免在Schaefer等人,这可能要求离散长度足够。作为一个递归的过程,对生成的网格的拓扑结构进行预测是不容易的。然而,他们国家的最大(n2) 5-valent和两个3-valent非凡的顶点生成,从而获得网总失真n。总的来说,我们的算法生成一个quadrangulation最小失真的(n4)。这样,我们的算法会产生更少的顶点和化合价的数量取决于双方在一个洞。此外,他们还观察到,如果所有边界折线长度之和为奇数,则他们的四元网格划分算法会产生一个非四边形的面。当我们讨论对非四边形面的需求时,我们表明这是部分正确的,但并不总是正确的。

Quad meshing or re-meshing schemes are also relevant to our work. The reader is referred to the surveys presented in [Owe98] and [AUGA05] for an overview of existing schemes and their categorizations. Each survey proposes different criterion for classification and evaluation. Our overview of quad mesh generation schemes classifies according to the global/local aspect in which the problem input is handled.


In general, global treatment performs unified analysis over the input represented as boundary lines or triangular meshes. This analysis is done by defining a scalar function, vector fields, parametrization, optimization, or other operations. Although these schemes mostly produce satisfactory results, their potential drawback is the high complexity of the algorithm and its low efficiency. Alliez et al. [ACSD03], Marinov and Kobbelt [MK04], Ray et al. [RLL06], and Dong et al. [DKG05] use vector fields for anisotropic mesh generation. Others such as Lee et al. [LMH00] Litke et al. [LLS01], and Dupont et al. [LDB07] fit scanned geometry to template subdivision surfaces. Some quad meshing algorithms are based on parametrization methods [BMRJ04, GGH02, HG00, EH96]. Quadros et al. [QRPG] use medial axis transform to quadrangulate the region enclosed by the input boundary lines. Shimada et al. [SL98] propose a computational method that creates quad meshes by a node placement and connection procedure.

通常,全局处理对以边界线或三角形网格表示的输入进行统一分析。这种分析是通过定义标量函数、向量场、参数化、优化或其他操作来完成的。虽然这些方案大多能得到令人满意的结果,但其潜在的缺点是算法复杂度高、效率低。Alliez等人[ACSD03],Marinov和Kobbelt [MK04], Ray等人[RLL06], Dong等人[DKG05]使用向量场进行各向异性网格生成。Lee等人[LMH00] Litke等人[LLS01]和Dupont等人[LDB07]将扫描几何图形贴合到模板细分表面。一些四元网格划分算法是基于参数化方法[BMRJ04, GGH02, HG00, EH96]。Quadros等人[QRPG]利用中轴变换对输入边界线包围的区域进行四边形划分。Shimada等人[SL98]提出了一种通过节点放置和连接过程来创建四网格的计算方法。

The techniques that create quad elements by applying local operations usually lack to guarantee for the topological regularity of the resulting mesh. 


The advancing front techniques [CBMB96, WK, PNJK07] start with a set of fronts consisting of the edges at the boundary of the domain. Quads are systematically combined at the front, advancing towards the interior of the area. 前沿技术[CBMB96, WK, PNJK07]从一组前沿开始,包括领域边界的边缘。方阵在前方有系统地组合,向区域内部推进。

If the input is a triangular mesh Owen et al. [OSCS99] and Merhof et al. [MGTG07] perform local operations to convert triangles to quadrilateral elements.如果输入是三角形网格,Owen等[OSCS99]和Merhof等[MGTG07]进行局部操作,将三角形转换为四边形元素。

As outlined in the following section, our proposed algorithm provides a coherent theory for this mesh construction problem, generating coarse grids that match the density requirements along the given boundary edges.如下一节所述,我们提出的算法为这个网格结构问题提供了一个一致的理论,生成的粗网格符合给定边界边的密度要求。(这里的density是指折线上的顶点数。)

3. The General Framework Filling Algorithm一般框架填充算法

The input to the problem is a closed configuration of n polylines (p i) meeting at their endpoints. Each polyline p i has a length denoted by l i and connects its two endpoints C i and C i+1. Note that the indices throughout this paper are always taken mod n.

该问题的输入是n条折线(p i)在其端点处相交的封闭配置。每个折线p i的长度用l i表示,并将两个端点连接起来,即C iC i+1。注意,整篇论文的下标都是对n取余。

Figure 3: The general solution that partitions the region into n quadrilateral regions: G connects to all boundary polyline by d i long rays that meet the edges at E i. The light red lines show the direction of the flow lines between the sides of the region.

图3:将区域划分为n个四边形区域的通解:G通过在E i处与边相接的d i长射线与所有边界折线相连,其中的淡红箭头线表示区域两侧流线的方向。

In order to construct the quad mesh that fills the region defined by the closed loop of these n polylines,为了构建填充这n条折线的闭合环所定义的区域的四元网格,

a typical solution is to split this region into a partitioning of rectangular subregions across which regular grid can be constructed. 


As the partioning is determined, the direction of flow of the vertices from one boundary polyline to another lays out the topology of the interior of the generated mesh. 


To present the main idea of the algorithm, let G be a dislocation located at a distance d i from each boundary polyline p i. 

为了说明算法的主要思想,设G为一个位错,位于每个边界折线p i的距离d i处。

A ray of length d i initiates from G and hits the i side (defined by the polyline pi) at a vertex E i as depicted in Figure 3. 

一条长度d i的射线从G出发,到达i边(由折线p i定义)的一个顶点E i。(图3),

Note that n is arbitrary and as such, the valence of G is n.


Consider the n quadrilateral regions constructed by the corners G, E i -1, C i, and E i.

想一下,这n个四边形区域由角G、E i -1、C i和E i构成的。

In order to construct quad meshes within these regions without any other dislocation,


the conditions are, for each i:  对于每一个i的条件是:

where  is the distance between the vertices A and B.These conditions imply that:


Having this partitioning, we construct regular grids across each rectangular region. 


The primary unknown of the analysis is the distance d i. 分析的主要未知数是距离di。

In what follows, we discuss the existence and feasibility of d i 

在接下来的分析中,我们讨论了d i的存在性和可行性,

and construct the topological outcome of the solution in terms of rectangular regions, and vertex or facet dislocations.


3.1. Existence of the solution方案的存在性

The rectangular partitioning of the region implies relations between interior unknown distances d i and the known lengths of the sides of the region l i. Consider the other form of relation 1

区域的矩形划分意味着内部未知距离d i和区域l i的已知边长之间的关系。考虑关系1的另一种形式

We denote by sub(1) the first substitution of relation 2 that is:


We can prove by induction that after the kth substitution, we obtain:


The relation binding the d i unknowns to each other orders the system in a circular way. 

将d i未知数相互绑定的关系以一种循环的方式对系统进行排序。

Under certain conditions, this ordering results in the reappearance of d i in the right-hand side of Equation (4). These conditions must imply that for some k = k 0 we have

在一定条件下,这种排序会导致方程(4)的右边再次出现d i。这些条件一定意味着对于k = k 0,我们有

That is:那么

Because k 0 is the number of substitutions needed to make Equation (4) with one unknown, the smallest value of k 0 is enough. 

因为k 0是令方程(4)含有一个未知数所需要的替换次数,所以k 0的最小值就足够了。

It can be easily shown that using higher values of k 0 in the above conditions will only result in additional computation yielding the same solution for d i.

可以很容易地看出,在上述情况下使用较高的k 0值只会导致对d i产生相同的解的额外计算。

The following cases can then be considered:然后可以考虑以下情况:

Case n is odd The smallest value of k 0 could be obtained by q = 2 giving k 0 = n and

当n为奇数时,k 0的最小值可以由q = 2得到,其中k 0 = n,那么

Case n is even Here q = 1 gives the smallest k 0 = n/2i A solution then exists iff k 0 = n/2 is odd, that is n is not a multiple of 4 and

当n为偶数时,这里q = 1给出了最小的k 0 = n/2i一个解, 然后存在当且仅当 k 0 = n/2是奇数,那就是n不是4的倍数,那么

3.2. Feasibility of the solution方案的可行性

The discussion presented in the previous section yields the two formulae in 5 and 6 to calculate d i.

上一节的讨论给出了计算d i的两个公式(5)(6)。

In the case where n is even, the formula is valid if n/2 is odd. 

当n为偶, n/2为奇时,这个公式是有效的。

An even value of n/2 eliminates d i from the equation by making its coefficients on both sides equal to +1.n/2的偶值时,使方程两边的系数都为+1,从而消除了d i

Therefore, this algorithm provides a solution when n mod 4 ≠ 0


Clearly, d i must be a positive integer. 显然,d i一定是正整数。

The following sections investigate the conditions and treatments under which this requirement is realized. 下面几节将研究实现这一要求的条件和处理方法。

3.3. Conditions for integer solutions整数解的条件

Clearly Equations (5) and (6) guarantee the existence of a solution but the 0.5 factor could possibly make it non-feasible. 显然,式(5)和式(6)保证了解的存在,但0.5因子可能使其不可行。

For instance, an integer solution for d i requires this value of the summation to be even.

例如,d i的整数解决方案要求总和的这个值是偶数。

In what follows we show that there are three patterns of the rectangular partitioning depending on the configuration of a region as follows.


• Case n is odd 当n是奇数时

therefore d i is integer iff s i is even, that is iff  is even.

因此,当且仅当s i是偶数时,d i是整数,当且仅当是偶数时。

If is even, we obtain a set of n rectangular regions and a positive n-valent vertex dislocation exactly as described in the general solution (see Figures 4 and 5(a)). 如果为偶数,则得到一组n个矩形区域和一个正的n价顶点位错,与通解中的描述完全相同(参见图4和图5(a))。

The rectangular regions are formed by the corners: G, E i1, C i, and E i.

矩形区域由角:G, E i1,C i,和E i构成。

If  is odd, we reduce the length of each side l i by one.Let  be the reduced lengths and  be their summation, hence:

如果是奇数,则每边的长度l i减1。假设  是减少后的长度, 是他们的和,则有:



which is the difference between two odd integers giving an even result. Thus

 is even. A similar equation to calculate d i can be devised as follows:

这是两个奇数之间的差,得到一个偶的结果。因此是偶数。计算d i的类似公式如下:

In this case, instead of a vertex dislocation, we obtain an n-sided facet dislocation.


This facet is formed by sparing one edge from each side l i, thus using  instead to build the system of equation. 这个小平面是由每边l i保留一条边形成的,因此 使用来建立方程组。

The facet is defined by 小平面的定义是

As such, for each i, there will be two rays emanating from G i and G i+1 meeting the corresponding side of the region at two points  and  with an in-between distance of 1. The region is then divided into 2n rectangular regions and one n-sided facet, as illustrated in Figures 4 and 5(b).

同样的,对于每一个i, G i和G i+1发出的两条射线会在点的区域对应的一侧,两者之间的距离为1。然后将区域划分为2n个矩形区域和一个n边小平面,如图4和图5(b)所示。

Figure 4: Examples of odd-sided regions where the total number of vertices on the boundary is even (top) and odd (bottom). The light red lines show the direction of the flow lines between the sides of the region.



• Case n is even当n是偶数时

In this case, we assemble the lengths into two summations 1 and 2 as follows:


In this case, s i is dependent on either 1 or 2. Consequently, we distinguish between the following cases:

在这种情况下,s i依赖于。因此,我们区分以下情况:

1. If bothand  are even then  is integer. 

Again this yields the same result as the general solution. 这和通解得到的结果一样。

Thus, we obtain a set of n rectangular regions and an n-valent vertex dislocation [see Figures 6 and 7(a)].这样,我们得到一组n个矩形区域和一个n价顶点位错(见图6和图7(a))。

2.  If both and   are odd then we obtain a set of 2n rectangular regions and an n-sided facet dislocation. 如果 都是奇数,那么我们得到了一个2n个矩形区域和一个n边小面位错的集合。

The same solution follows as the case where n and  were both odd (see Figures 6 and 7(c)).相同的解决方案与n和都是奇数的情况相同(参见图6和图7(c))。

3.  If  is even and  is odd, a length reduction by one is applied to the sides  contributing to the value of :  




In this case, the vertex dislocation is replaced by an n/2-sided facet dislocation whose vertices are 5-valent vertex dislocations:


A side with corners C i and C i+1 where (i = 2k + 1)1≤k≤ n2 is hit by a ray emanating from G k+1 at a vertex E i on this side.

角为C i和C i+1的边被从G k+1发出的射线击中在这条边的顶点E i处,其中(i = 2k + 1)1≤k≤ n2

As for a side with corners C i and C i+1 where (i = 2k)1≤k≤ n2 , two rays emanating from G k and

G k+1 contact the corresponding side in two points  and  . The region is then divided into 3n/2 rectangular regions and one n/2-sided facet dislocation, see Figures 6 and 7(b).

对于一个角为C i和C i+1的边,其中(i = 2k)1≤k≤ n2,从G k和G k+1发出的两条射线在接触对应边后得到两个点。然后将该区域划分为3n/2个矩形区域和1个n/2边的小面位错,见图6和图7(b)。

4. If  is odd and  is even, the treatment is similar to the one described in the previous case.


                           (1)                                                                          (2)


Figure 6: Examples of even-sided regions where the summations of the number of vertices on non-adjacent sides are both even (top), both odd (middle), or odd and even (bottom). The light red lines show the direction of the flow lines between the sides of the region.



(a) 都是偶数

(b)  是偶数,是奇数

(c)    都是奇数

Figure 7: Examples of regions with even number of sides. For each sub-figure: Given polylines (top left), constructed mesh (top right), one Catmull–Clark refinement (bottom left), and the corresponding limit surface (bottom right).图7:边数为偶数的区域示例。对于每个子图:给定的折线(左上),构造网格(右上),一个Catmull-Clark细分(左下),以及相应的极限曲面(右下)。

Figure 8: A quadrilateral region is divided into nine rectangular regions with two dislocations. The original flow lines of a rectangular region are shown in light green while the diamond shaped region redirects the flow lines in light blue. 图8:将一个四边形区域划分为9个具有两个位错的矩形区域。矩形区域的原始流线显示为浅绿色(①③④⑥处交叉的直线),而流线被菱形区域重定向,显示为淡蓝色(α和β处的两条曲线)。

4. Filling Quadrilateral Regions填充四边形区域

As mentioned in the previous section, the general framework algorithm cannot handle quadrilateral regions, i.e. 4-sided regions where opposite sides have different lengths.


In this section, we describe how the proposed algorithm can be extended to fill such regions.


The problem could be solved by using a refractor. 这个问题可以用折射镜来解决。

A refractor is a topological entity that redirects some flow lines and causes a deviation in their original direction of flow.


In the filling process, a set of four refractors formed in a diamond shaped setting are used to refract a subset of flow lines to adjacent instead of opposite sides.


In what follows we describe the extension of the algorithm in detail.


4.1. The general solution 通用解决方案

Let the lengths of the sides be as follows l 0 = m, l 1 = p, l 2 = n and l 3 = q.

假设有如下的长度l 0 = m, l 1 = p, l 2 = n, l 3 = q。

Without loss of generality, we assume that m > n and p > q.

为了不失一般性,我们假设m > n和p > q。

The filling algorithm creates two vertex dislocations, one negative G n and one positive G p, according to the basic structure given in Figure 8.

填充算法根据图8所示的基本结构创建了两个顶点位错,一个是负G n,一个是正G p

This will determine the location of the refractor element and the rest of the mesh as follows:


1.Without loss of generality, we can also assume that the difference between m and n is greater than that between p and q.


Let α and β be the number of flow lines refracting from the side of length m to its adjacent side of length p and to q, respectively.


Thus the difference between m and n is α + β where α and β are defined by the following system: 因此m和n之间的区别是α+β,α和β是由以下系统:

We initially assume that  is even, that is, α and β are integers.


In the following section we study the special cases where k is odd and β is zero.

在接下来的部分中,我们研究下 k是奇数 和 β是零 的特殊情况。

2. Let the four lengths f 0, f 1, f 2 and f 3 shown in Figure 9 be defined by

假设图9中的四个长度f 0, f 1, f 2, f 3有如下定义

3.Determine the location of the refractor and the points of contacts from the rays emanating from its vertices to the boundary sides.


Let those vertices be E 0 , … , E 7, they are then determined by the following distances (see Figure 9): 假设那些顶点为E 0,…,E 7, 它们由以下决定(见图9):

Clearly, the distances显然 

4. The quadrilateral region is then divided into 9 rectangular sub-regions as indicated in Figure8. 然后将四边形区域划分为9个矩形子区域,如图8所示。

Quad meshing is then a simple operation of grid generation as shown in Figure 10(a) illustrating

an example of integer values of α and β.


Figure 9: The lengths of the nine rectangular regions. 9个矩形区域的长度。

4.2. Non-integer solutions非整数解

The system used to find the values of α and β in Equation(8) may result in non-integer solutions if  is odd. 如果是奇数,该系统用于查找方程(8)中α和β的值,可能会出现非整数的解。

In such a case, the system constructed to find α and β gives a solution of the form:

在这种情况下, α和β的值可如下算出:

The partitioning of the region is slightly modified as follows(see Figure 11):


a  Merge regions 7 and 8 into one region. Consequently, E 1 and G n no longer exist;

   将区域7和区域8合并到一个区域中。因此,E 1和G n不再存在;

   We obtain 7 rectangular regions and one triangular(G 1 G 2 G p).

   我们得到了7个矩形区域和1个三角形区域(G 1 G 2 G p)。

b  Set the lengths of the following sides: 设置以下边的长度:

c  Fill the 7 rectangular regions with quad elements. 用四边形填充7个矩形区域。

d  Starting from G 1 towards G 2 on the largest side of the triangular region,

   从G 1到G 2,在三角形区域的最大一侧,

   let  (respectively  ) lines flow to the side of length  (respectively  ).

   假设 (分别)条线流向长度为 (分别)的边。

The lines cross at 4-valent vertices and produce a 3-sided facet dislocation at the side G 1G 2.这些线在4价顶点相交,并在侧G 1G 2处产生3边小平面位错。

The obtained partitioning, as illustrated in Figure 11, results in a positive 5-valent vertex dislocation, and a negative 3-sided facet dislocation, see Figure 10(b).


(a) α = 3, β = 2

 (b) α = 2.5, β = 1.5

(b) α = 2,  β = 0

Figure 10: Examples of quadrilateral regions (see Section 4.1 for the definitions of α and β). For each subfigure: Given polylines (top left), constructed mesh (top right), one Catmull–Clark refinement (bottom left), and the corresponding limit surface (bottom right).四边形区域的例子(见4.1节定义的α和β)。对于每个子图:给定的折线(左上)、构造的网格(右上)、一个Catmull-Clark细分(左下)和相应的极限曲面(右下)。

Figure 11: An example of a quadrilateral region where the number of vertices is odd. The resulting mesh has a 5-valent dislocation and a three-sided facet.

图11: 一个顶点数为奇数的四边形区域的例子。由此产生的网格有一个五价位错和一个三边面。

Figure 12: An example where the mismatch between opposite sides are similar. Using one refractor, a quad mesh is generated with two dislocations.


Furthermore, when the length difference, say p  q, between two opposite sides is identical to the difference m  n between the other two sides, the system assigns β a zero value.

此外,当长度不同时,比如pq, 在两个相对的边之间,等于另两个边之间的差mn, 系统将β赋值为零。

In this case regions 2, 8, and 9 collapse and the region is partitioned into 6 rectangular regions (see Figures 12 and 10(c)).


Figure 13: A quadrilateral region where p  α = q  β < 0.

图13:四边形区域: pα = qβ < 0。

4.3. Higher distortion solutions高畸变的解决方案

The algorithm that fills a quadrilateral region uses 2 dislocations to generate a quad mesh with a minimum total distortion of 2. 


This meshing is based on redirecting flow lines from opposite to adjacent sides.


When the difference between one couple of opposite sides is larger than the total length of the other couple (see Figure 13), an alternative way must be devised.


Since we have a lower bound for f 0 and f 1(l 2 = n ≥ 2), the distances that may need special treatment are f 2 and f 3.

因为我们有一个f 0和f 1的下界(l 2 = n≥2),可能需要特殊处理的距离是f 2和f 3

Null or negative values for f 2 or f 3 may be considered as special cases where: p  α = q  β  0

当p  α = q  β  0时,f 2或f 3的空值或负值,可视为特殊情况:

In such situations, i.e. where f 2 + f 3 < 0, we propose splitting the region into two parts.

在这种情况下,即f 2 + f 3 < 0时,我们建议将区域分成两部分。

The polyline that splits the region has M (a vertex on the side C 0C 1) and E 7 as its extremities (see Figure 14). 分割区域的折线的末端是M (C 0C 1边上的一个顶点)和E 7(参见图14)。

Figure 14: The region shown in Figure 13 is filled by a mesh with a total distortion of 4 (α´= 3, β´= 1, and δ = 8).图14:图13中的该区域被填充成一个总畸变为4的网格(α´= 3, β´= 1, δ = 8)

The selection of M and the number of vertices generated on the side M E 7 guarantee that the resultant quad mesh has a total distortion of 4.

M的选择和边M E7上生成的顶点数保证生成的四元网格的总失真为4。

To begin with, we force f2 and f3 to both have the minimal positive value 1 and find alternative values α´ and β´ instead of α and β, respectively. Thus:

一开始,我们强制f 2 和 f 3都为最小值1,分别找到α和β的替代值α´和β´。因此:

We then define δ = (α + β)  (α+ β).然后,我们定义 δ = (α + β)  (α´ + β´).

Now M is located f 0 + β´+ δ/2 away from C 0. 现在,M 位于距离C 0的 f 0 + β´+ δ/2 处。

The number of vertices generated on the side ME 7 is δ/2 + 1 and thus:

M E 7边上生成的顶点数为δ/2 + 1, 因此:

The quadrilateral region initially defined by the corners: C0, C1, C2, and C3 is now split into two regions defined by  最初由角定义的四边形区域: C0, C1, C2, C3现在被分割成两个区域

1. C0, M, E7, and C3
2. M, C1, C2, and E7

Having this configuration (see Figures 14 and 15), the two new quadrilateral regions can be filled with a sub-total distortion of 2 each, yielding a total distortion of 4 in the initial region.


Figure 15: An Example of a four sided region filled by a quad mesh with a total distortion of 4.   图15:一个四边区域的例子,由一个总变形为4的四面网格填充。

5. The Geometrical Phase几何阶段

Since the topological phase determines a partitioning to rectangular regions, the geometrical problem reduces to finding the geometric position of the vertices of the generated mesh.


Typically, the quality of the resulting mesh could possibly be improved by employing any of the existing fairing techniques, 通常情况下,网格的质量可以通过使用现有的整流罩技术来提高,

such as those used in physically-based modelling, energy minimization, or any other scheme based on curvature flow [YI99].


Our geometric phase is based on generalizing discrete Coons introduced in [FH99].


The Coons construction normally gives good quality results cheaply and could be used as a good starting point for iterative fairing, minimizing variation of curvature if desired.


Initially, we determine the locations of the vertices on the flow lines bounding the subregions,


these are the rays emanating from the dislocations and landing on the given polylines.


Once these vertices are determined, the interior vertices of each of the subregions could be easily computed using discrete Coon’s patches.


The essential part is then how to determine the position of the dislocations.


We distinguish between the two cases: nonquadrilateral and quadrilateral regions.


In the following, we explain how to compute the positions of these dislocations,


and after that the remaining vertices of the region could be easily computed.


5.1. Dislocations in non-quadrilateral regions 非四边形区域的位错

For a non-quadrilateral region, the geometric position of a vertex dislocation can be estimated as follows:


  1. Let Ei and Ei+1 be the points of contact at which the rays from the dislocation G meet the sides of the corner Ci.  


  1. We construct a rectangular region Ei-1,C i,Ei,G.  我们构造一个矩形区域Ei-1, C i, E i, G

Let us denote by a i its logical area. 假设我们用a i来表示它的逻辑区域。

The logical area of a region defined by four vertices 一个由四个顶点定义的区域的逻辑区域

is considered here to be the number of quad elements in the parallelogram or the rectangular region defined by these vertices.


3.  Using the geometry of the edges of the parallelogram defined by the three corners, we can compute an estimate of the position of the dislocation G by: 利用由三个角定义的平行四边形的边的几何性质,我们可以通过以下方法计算出错位位置G的估计值:

Ei + Ei-1 - Ci.

4.  The step above is repeated n times, one for each corner, giving n estimators of G.


We then take a weighted mean of the these estimators using weights inversely proportional to the area of the parallelogram. 然后,我们使用与平行四边形面积成反比的权值对这些估计量取加权平均值。

Accordingly the vertex will be given by:因此,顶点将由下面公式给出:

5.2. Dislocations in quadrilateral regions

Finding the position of dislocations in quadrilateral region is not straightforward.


The problem can be summarized as calculating the position of a vertex dislocation by relating it to every corner C i of the region and associate this relation with the appropriate edge vertices Ei and the areas of the corresponding subregions.

该问题可以归结为计算一个顶点位错的位置,通过将其与区域的每个角C i联系起来,将这种关系与适当的边顶点Ei和相应的子区域的区域联系起来。

Details of the solution of every case will stretch this section needlessly. 


We limit our discussion to the case of the quadrilateral region described in Section 4.1 and find the location of G p . 我们只讨论4.1节中描述的四边形区域的情况,并找到G p的位置。

The solutions in other configurations could follow a similar approach.


The four estimators of G p corresponding to the four corners are as follows (see Figures 8 and 9):

四个角对应的G p的四个估计量如下(见图8和图9):

1. (E1 + E5 - C 0) with weight (a1 + a2 + a7 + a9)-1,

2. (E1 + E4 - C 1) with weight (a4 + a5 + a8 + a9)-1,

3. (E4 + E7 - C 2) with weight (a6)-1,

4. (E5 + E7 - C 3) with weight (a3)-1,

Where the (ai) are the corresponding logical areas of the nine subregions.


5.3. Remaining vertices剩余的顶点

Once the position of the dislocation is computed, the vertices on the rays emanating from it to the sides of the region can be constructed using discrete Coon’s patches.


To begin with, we denote by  the vertex on ray i which is at distance j(1 < j < d i) away from Ei and d i - j away from G (see Figure 16). 首先,我们用表示射线i上的顶点,它与Ei之间的距离为j(1 < j < d i),与G之间的距离为d i - j (见图16)。

Let  and  be the counterpart vertices of  on the sides i - 1 and i + 1, respectively.

分别是i - 1i + 1两边的对应顶点。

We then consider the rectangular subregion that represents the boundaries of the discrete Coon’s patch defined by the four corners Ei-1, C i, C i+1, and Ei+1,

然后我们考虑矩形子区域可以由四个角Ei-1, C i, C i+1, Ei+1所定义的离散孔斯补片的边界来表示

assuming that the polyline connecting Ei-1, G, and Ei+1 is considered as one side of the patch.

假设折线Ei-1, G, Ei+1补片的一条边。

The four counterpart vertices of  are then:  的四个对应顶点为:

1.  on the side Ei-1 C i,
2. Ei on the side C i C i+1,
3.  on the side C i+1 Ei+1,
4. G on the side Ei+1 Ei-1.

Using the formula in [FH99], we then calculate all the vertices on the rays emanating from the dislocations.


After that, the interior vertices of the n subregions defined by (G, Ei, C i, Ei+1) are computed.

然后由(G, Ei, C i, Ei+1)定义的n个子区域的内部顶点就可以被计算出来了

Figure 16: The rectangular region involved in locating ray vertices.


6. Discussion and Limitations讨论和局限性

Our filling algorithm system was implemented where Figures 5–15 show a variety of holes with different boundary configurations, their corresponding generated meshes, and limit surfaces.


The surfaces are Catmull–Clark subdivision surfaces but the meshes could be used for any quad-based subdivision scheme.


As mentioned in the previous section, our proposed algorithm creates meshes with a maximum of one n- valent vertex dislocation in most cases, and with a total distortion of n  4; that is achieving the minimum distortion.如前一节所述,我们提出的算法可以在大多数情况下创建这样的网格最多有一个n价顶点位错,总失真为n4;这是最小失真的一种实现方式。

For certain cases with n even, the algorithm creates n/2 5-valent vertex dislocations and an n/2-sided dislocation facet. The total distortion is then:


Considering that the n/2-sided facet adds |n/2  4| distortion.


In the case where n/2 > 4, we have  在n/2 > 4的情况下,我们有

where |n  4| is the lower bound of distortion in an n-sided mesh. 其中|n4|是n边网格中畸变的下界。

Therefore, the algorithm tends to also minimize distortion in the created mesh.


This minimum distortion solution is valid as long as all computed logical distance are nonnegative.


In some situations, the lengths of certain sides are relatively too large, causing negative values of the distances from the dislocation to that side (See Figure 17).


The following indicates when such situations are encountered:


1.If the region is 3-sided, then all solutions are positive iff the lengths of its sides obey the triangle inequality: 如果区域是3边的当且仅当它的边长遵循三角形不等式时所有解都为正数

li + li+1 ≥ li+2  i = 1 : 3

2. With five-sided regions, the necessary and sufficient condition for a minimal distortion solution is to have the sum of the length of any two adjacent sides less than the sum of the other three, thus:


li + li+1 ≤ li+2 + li+3 + li+4

3. For n-sided regions with odd n (a similar approach may be followed for even n), we present another form of Equation (5) as follows:对于n为奇数的n边区域(对于偶数n也可以采用类似的方法),我们将式(5)的另一种形式表示为:

Thus if for some i the sum of the lengths of the sides with indices:


is greater than the sum of the other n/2, 大于其他n/2之和,

the region cannot be filled with the minimal distortion quad mesh.


Refractors can be used to get rid of negative distances by reducing the high density of the sides causing such solutions. 通过降低边的高密度折射可以用来避免产生这种解的负的距离。

Figure 17: An example where the distance from the dislocation to the side with extremities C0 and C1 is negative (d 0 = -1, d 1 = 2, d 2 = 4, d 3 = 6, d 4 = 2).


The sides causing the negative results could be identified using the above formula.


For instance, in the example shown in Figure 17, the sides causing d0  to be 1 are l2  and l3.  


To avoid having the dislocation on the boundary, we set d0 to 1 and thus the negative term in the above formula is reduced by δ = 4where  δ = (1 - d0) × 2

为了避免边界上的位错,我们d0设置为1, 因此在上述公式中当δ = (1 - d0) × 2时通过设置δ= 4来减少负值的出现

This value is to be distributed over l2 and l3. The system is reset to the initial lengths having virtual values for l2 and l3: 这个值要在l2和l3上分布。系统复位到初始长度,l2和l3的虚拟值为:

The new region lengths become: , giving positive new distances as shown in Figure 18. 新的区域长度为: ​​​​​​​,给出正的新距离,如图18所示。

The refractor’s role is to create a channel to redirect a beam of δ/2 flow lines to depart from l2 and land on l3 (see Figure 18).

折射的作用是创建一个通道:重定向这个由δ/ 2条从l2射向l3的流线所组成的光束 (参见图18)。

Figure 18: Using the refractor to fill the region with a quad mesh of total distortion = |6  4| + |3  4| = 3.

图18:使用折射镜,用四重网格填充区域,总变形 = |64| + |34| = 3。

7. Conclusions and Future Work结论与未来工作

The proposed filling algorithm provides a coherent approach for generating control meshes of holes bounded by a set of polylines.

我们所提出的填充算法为”一组折线为边界” 所组成的孔生成控制网格提供了一种连贯的方法。

The meshes are quad-based, having as smooth flow as possible, and with a minimum total distortion of its vertices.


As such, they could be integrated in any quadrilateral subdivision scheme with less artefact, typically caused by dislocations.


Because the topological and geometrical information are only generated from the given polylines vertices, 由于拓扑和几何信息都是由给定的多边形顶点生成的,

the approach generalizes rectangular discrete Coon’s patches to n-sided patches.


Furthermore, it is extended to handle rectangular discrete Coon’s patches defined by non-matching density of boundary vertices.


The boundaries of a hole are B-spline curves of their corresponding polygons.


They are of degree inferred by the subdivision scheme employed: 它们的程度由细分方案来推断:

that is cubic B-spline in the Catmull–Clark setting, or quadratic B-spline in the Doo–Sabin setting.


If we replace each of these polylines by a polygonal complex such as [Nas00, NA02, Nas03]

如果我们将每一条折线都替换成多边形,例如[Nas00, NA02, Nas03]所提到的,

then the limit surface of the filled holes will interpolate their corresponding curves.


In the Doo–Sabin setting, it should be possible to construct n holes sharing a non-4-valent corner


at which n curves could be interpolated with cross tangent boundary conditions.


A similar solution in the cubic case is still under investigation but with cross curvature conditions along the interpolated curves.


As for the types of holes, since the vertices of the generated meshes are linear combinations of the given boundary vertices, the algorithm could mainly handle convex holes.


A concave hole, such as an L-shaped one, could be handled by completing it with virtual boundaries that makes it convex, and then use edge collapsing to remove the unnecessary part.


This will also be investigated in future work.这也将在今后的工作中进行研究。

Finally, future work could also include experimenting with a 4-sided hole with various edge length differences to examine the number of extraordinary vertices or degenerate quads generated.



Ali Charara worked on the implementation of an early version of this algorithm back in 2005. His efforts are greatly appreciated. Thanks are also due to Khalid Sinno for reimplementing part of the solution in the odd case. Their feedback helped us in implementing the complete system presented in this paper.

Ali Charara早在2005年就致力于实现该算法的早期版本。他的努力受到极大的赞赏。感谢Khalid Sinno在奇怪的情况下重新实现了部分解决方案。他们的反馈帮助我们实现了本文提出的完整系统。



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