
1.TAF is the weather forcast information applied to an area within ( ) from the center of an airport.(TAF(终端机场预报)是为一个机场周围( )半径确立的报告。)

  • A. 5 to 10 miles.(5-10英里)
  • B. 5 miles.(5英里)
  • C. 3 to 5 miles.(3-5英里)

解析:TAF 是 Terminal Aerodrome Forecasts (终端机场天气预报) 的缩写,终端机场预报是为一个机场周围5法定英里半径确立的报告。

参考知识点:主考点-航站天气预报和天气实况(TAF和METAR)) #20942.130E47

2.Clouds are divided into three families according to their(根据( )云分为三族)

  • A. height range(云底高度)
  • B. Composition(构成成分)
  • C. outward shape(外貌特征)


参考知识点:主考点-5.1.1(云的分类和特征) #12631.B087A2

3.Before takeoff, the pilots find the clouds have the following characteristics: very low and thick clouds, flat and gray bottoms with light rain. This clouds is referred as(起飞前,飞行员发现云有如下特征:高度很低并且云层厚,底部平坦呈灰色有小雨,这种云是)

  • A. stratus or nimbostratus(层云或雨层云)
  • B. altostratus or stratocumulus(高层云或层积云)
  • C. cumulonimbus or altocumulus(积雨云或高积云)


参考知识点:主考点-5.1.1(云的分类和特征) #12633.6EFE3C

4.Which of the following will cause advection wind?(下列会形成水平运动的风的是)

  • A. The difference of the atmosphere.(大气差异)
  • B. The wind moves up and down to the mountain.(风上下运动到山上)
  • C. The horizontal difference of the temperature.(气温的水平差异)


参考知识点:主考点-风的变化) #12639.412F44

5.In flight, pilots find forane clouds consisting of cloud bar and cloud band with flat floor and piled clouds on the top of some clouds. The descriptive cloud should be.(飞行中飞行员发现远处的包括云堤、平底云带,以及一些云底上的堆积云,以上描述的云是)

  • A. cumulus congestus(浓积云)
  • B. cumulostratus(层积云)
  • C. towering clouds(堡状云)


参考知识点:主考点-5.1.1(云的分类和特征) #12641.2BEFF9

6.When flying over the nimbostratus clouds, the pilot finds that there are uptowering clouds on the thick layer. Top of the towering clouds extends to 9000 meters high and are blown to one side by the strong wind like horse’s mane. Based on this situation, he predicts that there must be ( ) in the sheet clouds.(当在雨层云上飞行时,飞行员发现在厚厚的云层上有向上的塔状云,塔状云顶延伸到9000米高度并且总像马鬃一样被强风吹到一边,基于这种情形,飞行员预计在层状云内必定有)

  • A. cumulonimbus clouds(积雨云)
  • B. altocumulus clouds(高积云)
  • C. false cirrus clouds(伪卷云)


参考知识点:主考点-5.1.1(云的分类和特征) #12643.F7060C

7.The heaviest icing that easy to accumulate in flight is associated with(飞行中,最易产生严重积冰的云是)

  • A. cumuliform clouds(积状云)
  • B. high clouds, such as cirrus(高云,如卷云)
  • C. altocumulus cloud(高积云)


参考知识点:主考点-5.3.2(飞机积冰的大气环境) #12645.7D3DCF

8.The clouds which can produce thunderstorm and hail are(能产生雷暴和雹的云叫做)

  • A. nimbostratus(雨层云)
  • B. cumulonimbus(积雨云)
  • C. altostratus(高层云)


参考知识点:主考点-雷暴的形成) #12647.E604A9

9.Airplanes may encounter heavy turbulence in(飞机可能在( )中遇到严重颠簸?)

  • A. cumulonimbus and towering cumulus(积雨云和浓积云)
  • B. stratocumulus and altocumulus(层积云和高积云)
  • C. altocumulus and cumulonimbus(高积云和积雨云)


参考知识点:主考点-5.1.1(云的分类和特征) #12651.1D4D1F

10.Which are the only cloud types forecast in the Terminal Aerodrome Forecast?(终点机场预报中只预报哪种类型的云?)

  • A. Altocumulus(高积云)
  • B. Cumulonimbus(积雨云)
  • C. Stratocumulus(层积云)


参考知识点:主考点-航站天气预报和天气实况(TAF和METAR)) #12653.9B56BF

11.Which type wind flows downslope becoming warmer and dry?(哪种类型的风下坡时将变得干热?)

  • A. valley wind(山谷风)
  • B. land breeze(陆风)
  • C. katabatic wind(下坡风)


参考知识点:主考点-地方性的风) #12655.500FFD

12.How does Coriolis force affect wind direction in the Southern Hemisphere?(在南半球,克里奥利力如何影响风向?)

  • A. causes clockwise rotation around a low(使低压区空气沿顺时针方向旋转)
  • B. causes wind to flow out of a low toward a high(使风从低压吹向高压)
  • C. has exactly the same effect as in the Northern Hemisphere(和在北半球的影响完全相同)


参考知识点:主考点-风的形成) #12657.7D0D46

13.How does Coriolis force affect wind direction in the Northern Hemisphere?(在北半球,克里奥利力如何影响风向?)

  • A. causes counterclockwise rotation around a low(使低压区空气沿逆时针方向旋转)
  • B. causes wind to flow out of a low toward a high(使风从低压吹向高压)
  • C. has exactly the same effect as in the Southern Hemisphere(和在南半球的影响完全相同)


参考知识点:主考点-风的形成) #12659.CE8D63

14.At which location does Coriolis force have the least effect on wind direction?(在什么位置,克里奥利力对风向的影响最小?)

  • A. at the poles(在两极)
  • B. at the middle latitudes (30°to 60°)(中纬度地区 (30°到 60°))
  • C. at the equator(在赤道)


参考知识点:主考点-风的形成) #12661.14EFBA

15.At which location does Coriolis force have the most effect on wind direction?(在什么地方克里奥利力对风向的影响最大?)

  • A. at the Poles(在两极)
  • B. at the middle latitudes (30°to 60°)(中纬度地区 (30°到 60°))
  • C. at the Equator(在赤道)


参考知识点:主考点-风的形成) #12663.56BB73

16.In the friction layer of the northern hemisphere, the wind of low pressure area is(北半球摩擦层,低压区的风是)

  • A. clockwise inbound wind(顺时针吹向低压区的风)
  • B. counter clockwise outbound wind(逆时针从低压区吹出的风)
  • C. counter clockwise inbound wind(逆时针吹向低压区的风)


参考知识点:主考点-风的形成) #12665.932489

17.In the Northern Hemisphere, if a pilot makes a long-distance flight from east to west, under which of the following conditions, might he encounter tailwind forming by air pressure system?(在北半球,如果飞行员从东向西做远程飞行,在下列哪种情况下会遇到气压系统的顺风?)

  • A. when the airplane is in the south of high pressure system and in the north of low pressure system(当飞机处于高压系统的南部和低压系统的北部)
  • B. when the airplane is in the north of high pressure system and in the south of low pressure system(当飞机处于高压系统的北部和低压系统的南部)
  • C. when the airplane is in the north of high pressure and low pressure systems(当飞机处于高压系统的北部和低压系统的北部)


参考知识点: #12667.58C41C

18.In northern hemisphere, the air cyclone circumfluence is(在北半球,气旋回流是)

  • A. outward, downward and clockwise(向外,向下,顺时针)
  • B. outward, upward and clockwise(向外,向上,顺时针)
  • C. inward, upward and counterclockwise(向内,向上,逆时针)


参考知识点:主考点-气旋) #12669.96CA29

19.If the airplane flies through a high pressure center in the northern hemisphere, the wind direction usually changes(如果飞机飞越北半球的高压中心,风向通常如何变化?)

  • A. from headwind to tailwind(由逆风变为顺风)
  • B. from left crosswind to right crosswind(由左侧风变为右侧风)
  • C. from right crosswind to left crosswind(由右侧风变为左侧风)


参考知识点:主考点-风的形成) #12671.5C660A

20.If the airplane flies through a low pressure center in the northern hemisphere, the wind direction usually changes(如果飞机飞越北半球的低压中心,风向通常变化)

  • A. from left crosswind to right crosswind.(由左侧风变为右侧风)
  • B. from headwind to tailwind.(由逆风变为顺风)
  • C. from right crosswind to left crosswind.(由右侧风变为左侧风)


参考知识点:主考点-风的形成) #12673.469314

21.Which is a definition of “severe wind shear”?(“剧烈风切变”的定义是)

  • A. Any change of airspeed greater than 20 knots which is sustained for more than 20 seconds or vertical speed changes in excess of 100 ft/min.(大于20海里/小时且持续时间超过20秒或垂直速度改变超过100英尺/分的空速发生的任何变化)
  • B. Any rapid change of horizontal wind shear in excess of 25 knots; vertical shear excepted.(水平风切变超过25海里/小时的任何剧烈变化,垂直风切变除外)
  • C. Any rapid change in wind direction or velocity which causes airspeed changes greater than 15 knots or vertical speed changes greater than 500 ft/min.(导致空速改变大于15海里/小时或垂直速度大于500英尺/分钟的任何风向和速率的任何剧烈变化)

解析:严重风切变 – 风向或风速的快速变化导致空速的变化大于 15 海里/小时或垂直速度的变化大于 150 米 (500 英尺) /分钟。

参考知识点:主考点-低空风切变分类) #12677.4110C2

22.What is an important characteristic of wind shear?(风切变的重要特征是?)

  • A. it is primarily associated with the lateral vortices generated by thunderstorms(它主要与雷暴产生的横向涡旋相关。)
  • B. it usually exists only in the vicinity of thunderstorms, but may be found near a strong temperature inversion(它通常只存在于雷暴的附近,但也可能在强逆温层中发现。)
  • C. it may be associated with either a wind shift or a wind speed gradient at any level in the atmosphere(它可能与风向转变或者与大气层中任意层面上的风速梯度有关。)


参考知识点:主考点-低空风切变分类) #12679.308626

23.Which is a necessary condition for the occurrence of a low-level temperature inversion wind shear?(低空逆温风切变发生的必要条件是什么?)

  • A. the temperature differential between the cold and warm layers must be at least 10℃(冷暖层之间的温度差必须是至少为10℃。)
  • B. a calm or light wind near the surface and a relatively strong wind just above the inversion(近地面层的静风或微风和略高于逆温层的相对强烈的风)
  • C. a wind direction difference of at least 30° between the wind near the surface and the wind just above the inversion(在近地面层的风和略高于逆温层的风之间的风向差至少为30°)


参考知识点:主考点-容易产生低空风切变的天气) #12681.DC7B6C

24.Which of the following area has the highest probability to produce low level wind shear?(下列哪种区域最有可能产生低空风切变?)

  • A. area with strong cold advection(强冷空气平流区)
  • B. area where the sea and the land meet(海洋和陆地交接地区)
  • C. area near the front with thunderstorms(靠近有雷暴的锋区)


参考知识点:主考点-容易产生低空风切变的天气) #12683.822515

25.Which INITIAL cockpit indications should a pilot be aware of when a constant tailwind shears to a calm wind?(当顺风转为静风时,飞行员应注意驾驶舱仪表哪些初始指示)

  • A. altitude increase; pitch and indicated airspeed decrease(高度增加;俯仰和指示空速减小)
  • B. altitude, pitch, and indicated airspeed decrease(高度、俯仰和指示空速都减小)
  • C. altitude, pitch, and indicated airspeed increase(高度、俯仰和指示空速都增大)


参考知识点:主考点-低空风切变分类) #12687.91948B

26.Which INITIAL cockpit indications should a pilot be aware of when a headwind shears to a calm wind?(从逆风切变转为静风时,飞行员应意识到最初的驾驶舱指示变化为)

  • A. indicated airspeed decreases, aircraft pitches up, and altitude decreases(指示空速降低,飞机上仰以及高度下降)
  • B. indicated airspeed increases, aircraft pitches down, and altitude increases(指示空速增大,飞机低头以及高度增加)
  • C. indicated airspeed decreases, aircraft pitches down, and altitude decreases(指示空速降低,飞机低头以及高度下降)


参考知识点:主考点-低空风切变分类) #12689.0CEB6F

27.Which wind shear condition results in a loss of airspeed?(哪种风切变条件导致空速减小?)

  • A. headwind or tailwind decrease(逆风或顺风减弱)
  • B. decrease headwind and increasing tailwind(逆风减弱和顺风增强)
  • C. increasing headwind and decreasing tailwind.(逆风增强和顺风减弱)


参考知识点:主考点-低空风切变分类) #12691.D13088

28.Which wind shear condition results in an increase in airspeed?(哪种风切变条件导致空速增加?)

  • A. increasing tailwind wind and decreasing headwind(顺风增强和逆风减弱)
  • B. headwind or tailwind increase(逆风或顺风增强)
  • C. increasing headwind and decreasing tailwind(逆风增强和顺风减弱)


参考知识点:主考点-低空风切变分类) #12693.628849

29.Which condition would INITIALLY cause the indicated airspeed and pitch to increase and the sink rate to decrease?(以下哪种条件会引起表速、俯仰增加,下降率减小?)

  • A. Sudden decrease in a headwind component.(逆风分量突然减少)
  • B. Tailwind which suddenly increases in velocity.(顺风速度突然增加)
  • C. Sudden increase in a headwind component.(逆风分量突然增加)


参考知识点:主考点-低空风切变分类) #12699.370F3A

30.Which will cause the wind shear to become heavier?(会导致风切变增强的是)

  • A. sharp drop in temperature(温度急剧下降)
  • B. terrain obstacles(地形障碍)
  • C. sudden jump in temperature(温度突然增高)


参考知识点:主考点-容易产生低空风切变的天气) #12701.8B86B4

31.The abbreviated plain language " WS WRNG " expressing(普通用语缩写“WS WRNG”表示的是)

  • A. wind shear warning(风切变警告)
  • B. aerodrome warning(机场警告)
  • C. hazardous weather warning(危险天气警告)

解析:风切变警告(Wing Shear Warnings)是机场气象台观测到或预期将出现风切变时发布的一种简明气象情报。

参考知识点:主考点-航站天气预报和天气实况(TAF和METAR)) #12707.25A880

32.In which condition it is possible to present very serious icing conditions for protracted flight?(对于延长航程飞行,在什么条件下有可能出现严重积冰)

  • A. associated with the smallest size of water droplet similar to that found in low-level stratus clouds(与类似于在低层层云中发现的最小雨滴有关)
  • B. associated with thick extensive stratified clouds that produce continuous rain such as altostratus and nimbostratus(与能产生连续降雨的广泛分布的层云如高层云和雨层云相关)
  • C. a cold-soaked aircraft descends into warm, moist air(经过冷浸的飞机下降到温暖、潮湿的空气中)


参考知识点:主考点-5.3.2(飞机积冰的大气环境) #12709.1AB5BD

33.Which type of icing is associated with the smallest size of water droplet similar to that found in low-level stratus clouds?(哪种结冰现象是与类似低空云层中发现的最小水滴有关的?)

  • A. Clear ice.(明冰)
  • B. Frost ice.(霜冰)
  • C. Rime ice.(雾凇)


参考知识点:主考点-5.3.1(飞机积冰的类型) #12711.1EB430

34.What condition is necessary for the formation of structural icing in flight?(飞行中形成结构型积冰的必要条件是什么?)

  • A. flying in any clouds(在任何云中飞行)
  • B. flying in rain(在雨中飞行)
  • C. the temperature of the aircraft surface is 0℃ or colder and supercooled water drops(飞机表面温度等于或低于0℃和过冷水滴落下)


参考知识点:主考点-5.3.1(飞机积冰的类型) #12713.D37FD3

35.Structure icing needs(结构性积冰的形成需要有)

  • A. invisible moisture(不可见的水气)
  • B. visible moisture(可见的水气)
  • C. supercooled rain or water-drop(过冷的雨或水滴)


参考知识点:主考点-5.3.1(飞机积冰的类型) #12715.86EC53

36.Frost most likely form on aircraft surface(飞机表面最易结霜的条件是)

  • A. On overcast nights with freezing drizzle precipitation.(在寒冷的细雨绵绵的阴暗夜晚)
  • B. On clear nights with stable air and light wind.(在有稳定气团和微风的晴朗夜晚)
  • C. On clear nights with convective action and a small temperature/dewpoint spread.(在有对流运动和微温差/露点差的晴朗夜晚)


参考知识点:主考点-5.3.1(飞机积冰的类型) #12717.245D66

37.Which is the necessary condition for the formation of frost?(下列哪项是形成霜的必要条件?)

  • A. The temperature and dew point of the collecting surface are above the freezing point.(附着表面的温度和露点高于结冰点)
  • B. Clear stable air with light wind on clear nights.(晴朗夜晚的空气清新稳定并伴有微风)
  • C. Warm and dry air.(空气干热)


参考知识点:主考点-5.3.1(飞机积冰的类型) #12719.9D5BD3

38.Generally, ozone distributes in(臭氧一般分布在)

  • A. Troposphere(对流层)
  • B. Tropopause(对流层顶)
  • C. Stratosphere(平流层)

解析:平流层范围是从对流层顶到大约55km的高度。在高度约10—50km的大气中,臭氧含量较多,特别是在20—25km 高度处,臭氧含量最大,可达空气体积比的百万分之几。

参考知识点:主考点-高空影响飞行的因素) #15966.0A4CFC

39.What are basic conditions to form a thunderstorm?(形成雷暴雨的基本条件是什么?)

  • A. an unstable lapse rate and terrain lifting force(不稳定的气温递减率和地形提升力)
  • B. an unstable lapse rate, an initial lifting force, and sufficient water vapor(不稳定的气温递减率,初始提升力,充沛的水汽)
  • C. sufficient water vapor and front area(充沛的水汽和锋区)



参考知识点:主考点-雷暴的形成) #12721.6485F4

40.When taking off or landing at the airport on the edge of thunderstorm region, which of the following descriptive weather should be watchouted particularly?(当在雷暴雨边缘的机场起飞或着陆时,特别应注意下列哪种天气?)

  • A. visibility and low clouds(能见度和低云)
  • B. windshear at low altitude(低空风切变)
  • C. hail and rainstorm(冰雹和暴雨)


参考知识点:主考点-容易产生低空风切变的天气) #12723.E9CBDC

41.What feature is normally associated with the cumulus stage of a thunderstorm?(雷暴雨的积云阶段特征通常是)

  • A. beginning of rain at the surface(地表开始形成降雨)
  • B. frequent lightning(频繁的闪电)
  • C. continuous updraft(持续的上升气流)


参考知识点:主考点-一般雷暴单体的生命史) #12725.D6AE00

42.Summer thunderstorms in the arctic region will generally move(夏季,北极地区的雷暴通常怎么移动?)

  • A. southwest to northeast with the jetstream flow(从西南向东北伴随急流流动)
  • B. directly north to south with the low level polar airflow(直接从北到南并伴随低层极地气流)
  • C. northeast to southwest in polar easterlies(在极地东风带上从东北到西南)


参考知识点:主考点-雷暴的活动特征) #12727.006B71

43.There is ribbon like precipitation under the clouds but it evaporated before reaching the ground. This phenomenon is referred to as(云下有一条像降雨的带状物,但在到达地面前就蒸发了,这种现象称作)

  • A. plume(羽流)
  • B. virga(雨幡)
  • C. downdraft(下降气流)


参考知识点:主考点-5.1.3(降水) #12729.D3404F

44.What is a feature of supercooled water?(过冷水的特点是什么?)

  • A. the water drop sublimates to an ice particle upon impact(雨滴受到冲击时就会升华为冰粒子)
  • B. the unstable water drop freezes upon striking an exposed object(不稳定的雨滴击打裸露的物体时就会结冰)
  • C. the temperature of the water drop remains at 0℃ until it impacts a part of the airframe, then clear ice accumulates(雨滴的温度保持在0℃直到它影响了一部分机体,然后明冰就会积累)


参考知识点:主考点-5.1.3(降水) #12731.B1ED8F

45.What is the expected duration of an individual microburst?(一个独立微暴预计持续时间多长?)

  • A. two minutes with maximum winds lasting approximately 1 minute(两分钟,其中最大风速持续时间约为1分钟)
  • B. one microburst may continue for as long as 2 to 4 hours(一个微暴持续时间长达2至4小时)
  • C. seldom longer than 15 minutes from the time the burst strikes the ground until dissipation(从突然来临直到消散的时间一般不超过15分钟)


参考知识点:主考点-下击暴流) #12735.4DA9E6

46.Where can the maximum hazard zone caused by wind shear associated with a thunderstorm be found?(雷暴雨的最危险风切变区域位于哪里?)

  • A. in front of the thunderstorm cell (anvil side) and on the southwest side of the cell.(在雷暴单体的前边(砧状边)和西南边)
  • B. ahead of the roll cloud or gust front and directly under the anvil cloud.(在卷云或飑锋的前方和砧云的正下方)
  • C. on all sides and directly under the thunderstorm cell.(在雷暴单体正下方的各个方向)


参考知识点:主考点-5.4.3(雷暴对飞行的影响) #12737.7A4E0F

47.Atmosphere pressure change due to a TS will be at the lowest value(由于雷暴活动引起的气压变化什么时候最低?)

  • A. during the downdraft and heavy rain showers(在出现下降气流和强阵雨期间)
  • B. when the TS is approaching(当雷暴临近时)
  • C. immediately after the rain shower have stopped(在阵雨已经停止的时刻)


参考知识点:主考点-一般雷暴单体的生命史) #12739.B83CBF

48.When the in-cloud temperature and under-cloud temperature both are below zero, there will be ( ).(云中和云下的温度都低于零度,会出现)

  • A. wet snow(湿雪)
  • B. dry snow(干雪)
  • C. freezing rain and dry snow(冻雨和干雪)


参考知识点:主考点-5.1.3(降水) #12741.936A6E

49.The embedded thunderstorm is suddenly and violently and(嵌入式雷暴形成迅速、强烈,且)

  • A. they are obscured by other type of clouds(被其它云团覆盖)
  • B. they are predicted to develop in a stable air mass(可形成稳定云团)
  • C. they are embedded a squall line(嵌入一个飑线)


参考知识点:主考点-5.4.2(雷暴的种类及活动特征) #12743.E82AAB

50.Which of the following is the characteristic of heat thunderstorm?(热雷暴的特征是什么?)

  • A. it moves with the weather system(伴随天气系统移动)
  • B. it covers small area and is isolated with openings(覆盖范围小,各个雷暴云间被空隙分隔开)
  • C. it strengthens at night and weakens in the day on land(在陆地夜间增强,白天减弱)


参考知识点:主考点-热雷暴) #12745.CA11E1

51.Which of the following cases provides impulse force for forming heat thunderstorm?(下列哪种情况加速热雷暴形成?)

  • A. water vapor coagulating and then releasing latent heat(水汽凝结,然后释放潜热)
  • B. rising terrain(地势上升)
  • C. uneven heat on the ground(地面热度分布不均匀)


参考知识点:主考点-热雷暴) #12747.880BC4

52.Which of the following statements about “hailstone” is correct?(下列关于“冰雹”的说法哪种是正确的?)

  • A. ground rain means that the hailstone disappears in the air(地面雨意味着冰雹会在空气中消失)
  • B. towering clouds usually produce hailstones(堡状云通常会产生冰雹)
  • C. the hail can be thrown several kilometers out of the thunderstorm(冰雹会降落到离雷暴雨几千米以外的地方)


参考知识点:主考点-强雷暴) #12751.1C9B94

53.Which of the following weather phenomenon signals that thunderstorm is at its mature phase?(下列哪一种天气现象表明雷暴雨进入成熟阶段?)

  • A. the appearance of disordered low clouds(出现无序低云)
  • B. the appearance of anvil clouds top(出现砧状云顶)
  • C. it begins to rain on the ground(地面开始降雨)


参考知识点:主考点-一般雷暴单体的生命史) #12753.7C4715

54.Which type precipitation is an indication that supercooled water is present?(哪种类型降水表明有过冷水出现?)

  • A. wet snow(湿雪)
  • B. freezing rain(冻雨)
  • C. ice pellets(冰粒)


参考知识点:主考点-5.1.3(降水) #12757.309CA7

55.If an airplane enters into the undershoot airflow under thunderstorm clouds, it will encounter(飞机飞入雷暴云的下冲气流中会遇到)

  • A. head windshear(逆风切变)
  • B. turbulence(大气湍流)
  • C. vertical windshear(垂直风切变)


参考知识点:主考点-下击暴流) #12759.ED2478

56.During the life cycle of a thunderstorm, which stage is characterized predominately by downdraft?(在一个雷暴雨周期,哪一阶段是以下降气流为主的?)

  • A. cumulus(积云阶段)
  • B. dissipating(消散阶段)
  • C. mature(成熟阶段)


参考知识点:主考点-一般雷暴单体的生命史) #12761.B0007F

57.What feature is normally associated with the cumulus stage of a thunderstorm?(以下哪种特征出现在雷暴的积云阶段?)

  • A. beginning of rain at the surface(地表出现降雨)
  • B. frequent lightning(频繁闪电)
  • C. continuous updraft(连续的上升气流)


参考知识点:主考点-一般雷暴单体的生命史) #12765.A2885A

58.(Refer to figure ATP5-1) What effect will a microburst encounter have upon the aircraft in position 3?((参考图ATP5-1)微下击暴流对位置3的飞机产生了哪些影响?)

  • A. Decreasing headwind.(逆风减弱)
  • B. Strong downdraft.(强下降气流)
  • C. Increasing tailwind.(顺风增强)


参考知识点:主考点-下击暴流) #12773.02EBF6

59.(Refer to figure ATP5-1) What effect will a microburst encounter have upon the aircraft in position 4?((参考图ATP5-1)微下击暴流对位置4的飞机会产生哪些影响?)

  • A. Strong updraft.(强上升气流)
  • B. Significant performance increase.(飞机的性能显著提升)
  • C. Strong tailwind.(强烈的顺风)


参考知识点:主考点-下击暴流) #12775.BA0712

60.(Refer to figure ATP5-1) How will the aircraft in position 4 be affected by a microburst encounter?((参考图ATP5-1)微下击暴流对位置4的飞机有哪些影响?)

  • A. Performance increasing with a tailwind and updraft.(随着顺风和上升气流性能上升)
  • B. Performance decreasing with a tailwind and downdraft.(随着顺风和下降气流性能下降)
  • C. Performance decreasing with a headwind and downdraft.(随着逆风和下降气流性能下降)


参考知识点:主考点-下击暴流) #12777.CE8A17

61.(Refer to figure ATP5-1) If involved in a microburst encounter, in which aircraft positions will the most severe downdraft occur?((参考图ATP5-1)如果进入微下击暴流,哪一位置的飞机会遇到最强的下降气流?)

  • A. 2 and 3.(2 和 3)
  • B. 3 and 4.(3 和4)
  • C. 4 and 5.(4 和5)


参考知识点:主考点-下击暴流) #12779.29FD92

62.(Refer to figure ATP5-1) When penetrating a microburst, which aircraft will experience an increase in performance without change in pitch or power?((参考图ATP5-1)当穿越微下击暴流时,哪一位置的飞机在俯仰或功率不改变的条件下性能会提高?)

  • A. 1(1)
  • B. 3(3)
  • C. 2(2)


参考知识点:主考点-下击暴流) #12781.BD0DD7

63.If the aircraft enters the strong downdraft burst, where is the aircraft expected to meet the strongest downdraft?(如果飞机进入强下降气流,预计在哪里遇到最强的下降气流?)

  • A. in the center of strong downdraft burst(在强下降暴流的中心)
  • B. when it enters the strong downdraft burst(进入强下降暴流时)
  • C. when it leaves the strong downdraft burst(离开强下降暴流时)


参考知识点:主考点-下击暴流) #12783.B8BBB0

64.Maximum downdrafts in a microburst encounter may be as strong as(微下击暴流中最强的下降气流可能为)

  • A. 1,500 ft/min.(1,500英尺/分)
  • B. 6,000 ft/min.(6,000英尺/分)
  • C. 4,500 ft/min.(4,500英尺/分)


参考知识点:主考点-下击暴流) #12785.FC9113

65.In northern hemisphere, if flying from high pressure area to low pressure area at 6000 meters, the wind on the course is(在北半球,高度为6000米,如果从高压区飞向低压区,航路上的风为)

  • A. right crosswind(右侧风)
  • B. tailwind(顺风)
  • C. left crosswind(左侧风)


参考知识点:主考点-风的形成) #12787.24A990

66.An aircraft that encounters a headwind of 40 knots, within a microburst, may expect a total shear across the microburst of(一架飞机在微暴流中遭遇40节的顶风,那么它可能在微暴流中遇到( )完全切变。)

  • A. 40 knots(40 海里/小时)
  • B. 80 knots(80海里/小时)
  • C. 90 knots(90海里/小时)


参考知识点:主考点-下击暴流) #12795.2B4BDB

67.Thunderstorms are generally classified as(雷暴一般分为)

  • A. heat thunderstorms, orographic thunderstorms and frontal thunderstorms(热雷暴,地形雷暴,锋面雷暴)
  • B. air mass thunderstorms and steady-state thunderstorms(气团雷暴和稳态雷暴)
  • C. orographic thunderstorms and frontal thunderstorms(地形雷暴和锋面雷暴)


参考知识点:主考点-5.4.2(雷暴的种类及活动特征) #12801.CFC96F

68.What are the reasons for thunderstorm formation?(雷暴形成的原因是)

  • A. moist and stable atmosphere(潮湿和稳定的大气)
  • B. unstable lapse rate and moist atmosphere(不稳定的气温直减率和潮湿的大气)
  • C. moist and unstable atmosphere, steep lapse rate(潮湿不稳定的大气,急剧变化的气温直减率)


参考知识点:主考点-雷暴的形成) #12803.A8CEFE

69.The mountain wave is unstable in(山岳波在哪个位置不稳定?)

  • A. windward(上风面)
  • B. leeward(背风面)
  • C. 1500m from the top of the mountain(自山顶1500米)


参考知识点:主考点-山地背风波) #12805.1A5CD1

70.What is a feature of a stationary front?(静止锋的特点是什么?)

  • A. Surface winds tend to flow parallel to the frontal zone.(地面风趋向于平行于锋区流动)
  • B. Weather conditions are a combination of strong cold front and strong warm front weather.(强冷锋和强暖锋的天气情况的组合)
  • C. The warm front surface moves about half the speed of the cold front surface.(地面暖锋的移动速度是地面冷锋的一半)


参考知识点:主考点-准静止锋) #12807.496EBD

71.On the weather chart of ground, the area which has great difference in temperature between cold and warm air mass is(在地面天气图上,冷暖气团温度差异最大的是)

  • A. front(锋)
  • B. low pressure center(低压中心)
  • C. shear line(切变线)


参考知识点:主考点-地面天气图) #12811.5F3AFF

72.Just prior to takeoff, the captain learns that an unstable fast cold front is passing his destination airport, and he can realize that the current weather may be(就在起飞前,机长得知一个不稳定的快速冷锋正在通过目的地机场,他意识到目前天气情况可能是)

  • A. thunderstorm, shower and high wind(雷雨,阵雨和大风)
  • B. clear, high wind, good visibility(晴朗,大风,能见度好)
  • C. stratonimbus, light rain, poor visibility(层雨,小雨,能见度低)


参考知识点:主考点-冷锋) #12813.4E7117

73.Which of the following cases illustrates airplane’s entry one type of air mass to another one? (下列哪一种现象表明飞机从一种气团进入另一种气团?)

  • A. the airplane flies through high level turbulence(飞机穿过高层乱流)
  • B. obvious change of temperature and wind direction within a short period of time(短时期内温度和风向的明显变化)
  • C. the airplane meets rolling airflow when crossing mountainous areas(穿越山区时飞机遇到滚动的气流)


参考知识点:主考点-锋面简介) #12815.E58E4B

74.The flight crew learn that there is a stationary front over their destination airport. Therefore, they can conceive the present weather at the destination as(机组获悉静止锋经过目的地机场,因此,可以知道目的地机场当前天气是)

  • A. cumulus, shower, thunderstorm, good visibility(积云,阵雨,雷雨,能见度好)
  • B. stratus, light rain, poor visibility cause by low clouds or fog(层云,小雨,低云或雾导致的低能见度)
  • C. cirrus, radiation fogs or strong turbulence(卷云,辐射雾或强湍流)


参考知识点:主考点-准静止锋) #12817.4F802B

75.The property change of the air mass is chiefly due to(气团变性主要是由于)

  • A. the change of sun radiation(太阳辐射的变化)
  • B. the property change of the underlying cushion(下垫面的性能变化)
  • C. the movement of the weather system(天气系统的运动)


参考知识点:主考点-气团的变性及天气) #12819.6F3A12

76.The air mass will hold more water vapor in(气团在什么情况下会携带较多水汽?)

  • A. high temperature(高温)
  • B. low temperature(低温)
  • C. low altitude(低海拔)


参考知识点:主考点-气团的形成及分类) #12821.11E7C0

77.What is indicated about an air mass if the temperature remains unchanged or decreases slightly as altitude is increased?(高度上升,如果气温保持不变或略有下降,表明气团)

  • A. the air is unstable(空气不稳定)
  • B. a temperature inversion exists(逆温现象存在)
  • C. the air is stable(空气稳定)


参考知识点:主考点-对流) #12825.2897A1

78.Warm wet airflow flows to the cold ground, it will usually produce(暖湿气流流经冷地表,将产生)

  • A. layer clouds(云层)
  • B. smooth airflow and advection fog(平稳气流,平流雾)
  • C. warm front clouds(暖锋云)


参考知识点:主考点-5.2.1(大气的水平运动) #12827.0BBE7B

79.Which of the following differs most greatly at the two sides of the front?(锋面两侧哪个要素区别最大?)

  • A. wind speed(风速)
  • B. air temperature(气温)
  • C. air pressure(气压)


参考知识点:主考点-锋面简介) #12831.5616BD

80.Before taking off, the captain finds that on weather map, a stable cold front is slowly moving towards his arrival airport, he should predict that the weather at the arrival airport might be(起飞前,机长发现天气图上一条稳定的冷锋正慢慢移向着陆机场,据此他可以预测目的机场天气可能为)

  • A. cloudy with drizzle, low clouds and weak turbulent current(多云伴有小雨,低云和弱湍流)
  • B. cumulonimbus clouds, shower and gale(积雨云,阵雨和大风)
  • C. clear after rain, north deflecting wind and strong turbulent current(雨后天晴,北偏转风和强湍流)


参考知识点:主考点-冷锋) #12833.C90654

81.The leading edge of an advancing warm air mass is(前进的暖气团前缘是)

  • A. warm front(暖锋)
  • B. stationary front(静止锋)
  • C. cold front(冷锋)


参考知识点:主考点-暖锋) #12837.4FCE7F

82.The leading edge of an advancing cold air mass is(前进的冷气团前缘是)

  • A. warm front(暖锋)
  • B. stationary front(静止锋)
  • C. cold front(冷锋)


参考知识点:主考点-冷锋) #12839.841902

83.Which event usually occurs after an aircraft passes through a front into the colder air?(飞机从锋面进入较冷空气时)

  • A. Atmospheric pressure increases.(大气压力增加)
  • B. Temperature dew point decreases.(露点温度降低)
  • C. Wind direction shifts to the left.(风向左转)


参考知识点:主考点-冷锋) #12843.DE79EB

84.At lower levels of the atmosphere, friction causes the wind to flow across isobars into a low because the friction(在低层大气中,摩擦引起风穿越等压线流向低压区,是因为摩擦)

  • A. decreases windspeed and Coriolis force(使风速和科里奥利力都减弱)
  • B. decreases pressure gradient force(使气压梯度力减小)
  • C. creates air turbulence and raises atmospheric pressure(形成大气湍流并使气压升高)


参考知识点:主考点-风的形成) #12845.EDB486

85.What action is recommended when encountering turbulence due to a wind shift associated with a sharp pressure trough?(低压槽引起的风向改变导致颠簸时,推荐采用的做法是)

  • A. Increase speed to get out of the trough as soon as possible.(加大速度尽快离开低压槽)
  • B. Climb or descend to a smoother level.(爬升或下降到更平稳的高度层)
  • C. Establish a course across the trough.(建立跨越低压槽的航向)


参考知识点:主考点-槽线和切变线) #12847.9C39BE

86.Which weather condition is defined as an anticyclone?(哪种天气状况被称为反气旋?)

  • A. COL(冷低压区)
  • B. Calm(静风)
  • C. High pressure area(高压区)


参考知识点:主考点-反气旋) #12849.B2E8F0

87.What term describes an elongated area of low pressure?(狭长的低压区域叫做)

  • A. Hurricane or typhoon.(飓风或台风)
  • B. Ridge.(脊)
  • C. Trough.(低压槽)


参考知识点:主考点-槽线和切变线) #12855.C8ABC4

88.Where is the usual location of a thermal low?(热低压通常位于)

  • A. Over the surface of a dry, sunny region.(在干燥,阳光充足的地表上方)
  • B. Over the eye of a hurricane.(在飓风风眼上方)
  • C. Over the arctic region.(在北极地区上方)


参考知识点:主考点-气旋) #12857.4E7100

89.Where do squall lines most often develop?(飑线通常形成于)

  • A. in an occluded front(在锢囚锋里)
  • B. ahead of a cold front(在冷锋之前)
  • C. behind a stationary front(在静止锋之后)


参考知识点:主考点-冷锋) #12861.0F4232

90.In the SIGMET 8 of the figure ATP5-2, which weather phenomenon that influence fly be described(参考图ATP5-2重要天气图8,影响飞行的天气现象是)

  • A. severe mountain wave, obscured thunderstorm with hail(强烈的山地波,伴有冰雹的隐藏雷暴)
  • B. severe turbulence, embedded thunderstorms(严重颠簸,嵌入式雷暴)
  • C.




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