OSPF 邻居状态详解


OSPF Neighbor States Explained (OSPF States)

While forming an adjacency with each other, OSPF speaking neighbors go through several states(OSPF neighbor states) before the routers are fully adjacent with each other.

OSPF Neighbor States

Below is the detailed examination of OSPF states during the transition from Down to Full State – Advertisements
以下是从“关闭”状态过渡到“完全状态”期间对 OSPF 状态的详细检查通告

  • Down state 关闭状态
  • Attempt state 尝试状态
  • Init state 初始化状态
  • 2-Way state 2 路状态
  • Exstart state Exstart 状态
  • Exchange state 交换状态
  • Loading state 加载状态
  • Full state 完整状态


The diagram above shows the different states (i.e.OSPF neighbor states) OSPF routers will go through when discovering their OSPF neighbors.
上图显示了 OSPF 路由器在发现其 OSPF 邻居时将经历的不同状态(即 OSPF 邻居状态)。

  • Down – The initial state of a neighbor conversation when no “Hellos” packets have been received from the neighbour, however, Hellos can still be sent to neighbour in this state (Hellos are sent every PollInterval).If a router doesn’t receive a hello packet from a neighbor within the RouterDeadInterval time, then neighbour state changes from full to down.
    Down – 当未从邻居收到“Hellos”数据包时邻居对话的初始状态,但是,在此状态下,您好仍然可以发送到邻居(每个 PollInterval 发送 Hello)。如果路由器在 RouterDeadInterval 时间内未收到来自邻居的你好数据包,则邻居状态将从满变为关闭。

  • Attempt – This state applies only to neighbors on NBMA networks, where neighbors are manually configured. A DR-eligible router transitions a neighbor to the Attempt state when the interface to the neighbor first becomes Active or when the router is the DR or BDR.A router sends packets to a neighbor in Attempt state at the HelloInterval instead of the PollInterval.
    尝试 – 此状态仅适用于 NBMA 网络上的邻居,其中邻居是手动配置的。当邻居的接口首次变为活动状态或路由器是 DR 或 BDR 时,符合 DR 条件的路由器会将邻居转换为尝试状态。路由器以 HelloInterval 而不是 PollInterval 向处于 Attempt 状态的邻居发送数据包。

  • Init – This state indicates that a Hello packet has been seen from the neighbor in the last RouterDeadInterval, but two-way communication has not yet been established. A router includes the Router IDs of all neighbors in this state, in the Neighbor field of the Hello packets. If OSPF Hello parameters, such as timer values, do not match, OSPF routers will never progress beyond this state.
    Init — 此状态表示在最后一个 RouterDeadInterval 中已从邻居看到 Hello 数据包,但尚未建立双向通信。路由器在 Hello 数据包的 Neighbor 字段中包含处于此状态的所有邻居的路由器 ID。如果 OSPF Hello 参数(如计时器值)不匹配,则 OSPF 路由器将永远不会超过此状态。

  • 2-Way – This state indicates that the router has seen its own Router ID in the Neighbor field of the neighbor’s Hello packets, which means that a bidirectional conversation has been established.On multi-access networks, neighbors must be in this state or higher to be eligible to be elected as the DR or BDR.Two routers will form neighbor adjacency and stay in this state if they are not the DR or BDR on the network segment, 2WAY/DROTHER
    2-Way — 此状态表示路由器已在邻居的 Hello 数据包的 Neighbor 字段中看到自己的路由器 ID,这意味着已建立双向对话。在多接入网络上,邻居必须处于此状态或更高,才有资格被选为 DR 或 BDR。如果两个路由器不是网段 2WAY/DROTHER 上的 DR 或 BDR,则它们将形成邻居邻接并保持此状态

  • ExStart – This state specifies that DR and BDR have been elected and master-slave relation is determined. An initial sequence number for adjacency formation is also selected.The router with the highest router ID becomes the master and begins to exchange Link State data. Only the Master router is able to increment the sequence number.
    ExStart – 此状态指定已选择 DR 和 BDR,并确定了主从关系。此外,还选择了用于邻接关系形成的初始序列号。具有最高路由器 ID 的路由器成为主路由器,并开始交换链路状态数据。只有主路由器才能增加序列号。

  • Exchange – In this state, OSPF routers exchange DataBaseDescriptor (DBD) packets. These contain Link State Advertisement (LSA) headers describing the content of the entire Link State Database (LSD).The contents of the DataBaseDescriptor (DBD) received by the router are compared with its own Link State Database (LSD) to check if changes or additional link-state information is available from its neighbor.
    交换 — 在此状态下,OSPF 路由器交换 DataBaseDescriptor (DBD) 数据包。它们包含链接状态通告 (LSA) 标头,用于描述整个链接状态数据库 (LSD) 的内容。将路由器接收的 DataBaseDescriptor (DBD) 的内容与其自己的链路状态数据库 (LSD) 进行比较,以检查其邻居是否提供更改或其他链路状态信息。

  • Loading – In this state, routers exchange full Link State information based on DataBase Descriptor (DBD) provided by neighbors, the OSPF router sends Link State Request (LSR) and receives Link State Update (LSU) containing all Link State Advertisements (LSAs).Link State Updates (LSU) actually act as an envelope that contains all the Link State Advertisements (LSAs) – that have been sent to neighbors with new changes or new networks learned.
    加载 — 在此状态下,路由器根据邻居提供的数据库描述符 (DBD) 交换完整的链路状态信息,OSPF 路由器发送链路状态请求 (LSR) 并接收包含所有链路状态通告 (LSA) 的链路状态更新 (LSU)。链路状态更新 (LSU) 实际上充当一个信封,其中包含所有链路状态广告 (LSA) – 这些广告已发送给具有新更改或学习新网络的邻居。

  • Full – Full state is the normal operating state of OSPF that indicates everything is functioning normally. In this state, routers are fully adjacent with each other and all the router and network Link State Advertisements (LSAs) are exchanged and the routers’ databases are fully synchronized.For Broadcast and NBMA media, routers will achieve the Full State with their DR and BDR router only, while for Point-to-point and Point-to-multipoint networks a router should be in the Full State with every neighboring router.
    完全 – 完全状态是 OSPF 的正常运行状态,表示一切正常。在这种状态下,路由器彼此完全相邻,并且所有路由器和网络链路状态通告 (LSA) 都会交换,并且路由器的数据库会完全同步。对于广播和 NBMA 媒体,路由器将仅通过其 DR 和 BDR 路由器实现完整状态,而对于点对点和点对多点网络,路由器应与每个相邻路由器一起处于完整状态。


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