人对物品进行竞价,出价p,可卖出的价格w,收益profile = w - p
更新价格公式:新价格 = (最大利润)-(次大利润)+ ε + 先前价格
取 ε = 0.001,防止价格不上涨,导致死循环,价格从0开始
- 数据
- 根据w,选择物品对其出价,价格p一般从0开始
// auction.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。
#include "stdafx.h"
Maximilien Danisch
May 2017
Feel free to use these lines as you wish. This is an efficient C implementation of the Auction algorithm for the assignement problem such as detailed in:
D.P. Bertsekas, A distributed algorithm for the assignment problem,Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems Working Paper (M.I.T., March 1979).
It should easily scale to hundreds of millions of nodes and/or edges if the data is not too adverserial.
To compile:
"gcc auction.c -O3 -o auction".
To execute:
"./auction edgelist.txt res.txt eps".
"edgelist.txt" should contain the edges with integral weights in the bipartite graph: one edge on each line separated by spaces "n1 n2 w", n1 for 0 to n1max and n2 for 0 to n2max.
"res.txt" contains the results: one edge "n1 n2 w" of the assignement on each line.
eps is the stepsize, if eps<1/min(n1,n2) then the algorithm is optimal.
Will print some information in the terminal.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <math.h>
#define NLINKS 65536
using namespace std;
void CreatRandomEdge(char* filePath, int n1, int n2);
typedef struct {
unsigned u;//first node
unsigned v;//second node
unsigned w;//weight of the edge
} edge;
typedef struct {
//edge list
unsigned n1;//number of nodes
unsigned n2;//number of nodes
unsigned e;//number of edges
edge *edges;//list of edges
bool b;//b=1 iff n1>n2
unsigned *cd;//cumulative degree: (start with 0) length=dim+1
unsigned *adj;//list of neighbors
unsigned *w;//weight of the edges
} bipgraph;
void freebg(bipgraph *g) {
//compute the maximum of two unsigned
inline unsigned max2u(unsigned a, unsigned b) {
return (a>b) ? a : b;
//reading the edgelist of bipartit weighted graph from file
bipgraph* readedgelist(char* edgelist) {
unsigned e1 = NLINKS;
bipgraph *g = (bipgraph*)malloc(sizeof(bipgraph));
FILE *file;
g->n1 = 0;
g->n2 = 0;
g->e = 0;
file = fopen(edgelist, "r");
g->edges = (edge*)malloc(e1 * sizeof(edge));
//e1 += NLINKS;
//g->edges = (edge*)realloc(g->edges, e1 * sizeof(edge));
while (fscanf(file, "%u %u %u\n", &(g->edges[g->e].u), &(g->edges[g->e].v), &(g->edges[g->e].w)) == 3) {
g->n1 = max2u(g->n1, g->edges[g->e].u);
g->n2 = max2u(g->n2, g->edges[g->e].v);
if (g->e++ == e1) {
e1 += NLINKS;
g->edges = (edge*)realloc(g->edges, e1 * sizeof(edge));
g->edges = (edge*)realloc(g->edges, g->e * sizeof(edge));
return g;
//Building a special sparse graph structure
void mkbg(bipgraph *g)
unsigned int i, u;
unsigned int *d;
if (g->n1 <= g->n2)
g->b = 0;
d = (unsigned int*)calloc(g->n1, sizeof(unsigned));
g->cd = (unsigned int*)malloc((g->n1 + 1) * sizeof(unsigned));
g->adj = (unsigned int*)malloc((g->e) * sizeof(unsigned));
g->w = (unsigned int*)malloc((g->e) * sizeof(unsigned));
for (i = 0; i<g->e; i++) {
g->cd[0] = 0;
for (i = 1; i<g->n1 + 1; i++) {
g->cd[i] = g->cd[i - 1] + d[i - 1];
d[i - 1] = 0;
for (i = 0; i<g->e; i++) {
u = g->edges[i].u;
g->adj[g->cd[u] + d[u]] = g->edges[i].v;
g->w[g->cd[u] + d[u]++] = g->edges[i].w;
g->b = 1;
d = (unsigned int*)calloc(g->n2, sizeof(unsigned));
g->cd = (unsigned int*)malloc((g->n2 + 1) * sizeof(unsigned));
g->adj = (unsigned int*)malloc((g->e) * sizeof(unsigned));
g->w = (unsigned int*)malloc((g->e) * sizeof(unsigned));
for (i = 0; i<g->e; i++) {
g->cd[0] = 0;
for (i = 1; i<g->n2 + 1; i++) {
g->cd[i] = g->cd[i - 1] + d[i - 1];
d[i - 1] = 0;
for (i = 0; i<g->e; i++) {
u = g->edges[i].v;
g->adj[g->cd[u] + d[u]] = g->edges[i].u;
g->w[g->cd[u] + d[u]++] = g->edges[i].w;
i = g->n1;
g->n1 = g->n2;
g->n2 = i;
//bidding towards convergence
unsigned bidding(bipgraph *g, double eps)
unsigned u, v, w, i, j, k, res;
double *p = (double*)calloc(g->n2, sizeof(double));//p[i]=price of object i
unsigned *a = (unsigned int*)malloc(g->n2 * sizeof(unsigned));//a[target]=-1 if not assigned = source if assigned
unsigned *aw = (unsigned int*)malloc(g->n2 * sizeof(unsigned));//aw[target]=? if not assigned = weigth of edge source-target if assigned
for (v = 0; v<g->n2; v++) {
a[v] = -1;
//set data structure
unsigned n_set = g->n1;//
unsigned *l_set = (unsigned int*)malloc(g->n1 * sizeof(unsigned));//
//bool *t_set=malloc(g->n1*sizeof(bool));//
for (u = 0; u<n_set; u++) {
l_set[u] = u;
//double eps=0.1;//1./((double)(g->n1)+1.);///
double max, max2;
unsigned wmax;
res = 0;
while (n_set>0)
u = l_set[n_set - 1];
//printf("n_set, u, w = %u, %u, %u\n",n_set,u,res);
max = 0;
for (i = g->cd[u]; i<g->cd[u + 1]; i++) {
v = g->adj[i];
w = g->w[i];
if ((double)w - p[v]>max) {
max = (double)w - p[v];
wmax = w;
k = v;
if (max == 0) {
max2 = 0;
for (i = g->cd[u]; i<g->cd[u + 1]; i++) {
v = g->adj[i];
if (v != k) {
w = g->w[i];
if ((double)w - p[v]>max2) {
max2 = (double)w - p[v];
p[k] += max - max2 + eps;
if (a[k] != -1) {
l_set[n_set - 1] = a[k];
res -= aw[k];
else {
a[k] = u;
aw[k] = wmax;
res += wmax;
g->edges = (edge*)malloc(g->n1 * sizeof(edge));
j = 0;
for (i = 0; i<g->n2; i++) {
if (a[i] != -1) {
g->edges[j].u = a[i];
g->edges[j].v = i;
g->edges[j++].w = aw[i];
g->edges = (edge*)realloc(g->edges, j * sizeof(edge));
g->e = j;
return res;
void printres(bipgraph *g, char *output) {
unsigned i;
edge ed;
FILE* file = fopen(output, "w");
if (g->b) {
for (i = 0; i<g->e; i++) {
ed = g->edges[i];
fprintf(file, "%u %u %u\n", ed.v, ed.u, ed.w);
else {
for (i = 0; i<g->e; i++) {
ed = g->edges[i];
fprintf(file, "%u %u %u\n", ed.u, ed.v, ed.w);
//int main(int argc, char** argv)
int main(void)
bipgraph* g;
unsigned w;
time_t t0, t1, t2;
char* argv[4];
argv[1] = "D:\\testspace\\拍卖算法\\auction\\testEdgesList.txt";
argv[2] = "D:\\testspace\\拍卖算法\\auction\\testRes.txt";
argv[3] = "0.01";
argv[5] = "6";
argv[6] = "6";
int n1 = atoi(argv[5]);
int n2 = atoi(argv[6]);
CreatRandomEdge(argv[1], n1, n2);
double eps = atof(argv[3]);
t1 = time(NULL);
t0 = t1;
printf("Reading edgelist from file %s\n", argv[1]);
g = readedgelist(argv[1]);
printf("Number of left nodes: %u\n", g->n1);
printf("Number of right nodes: %u\n", g->n2);
printf("Number of edges: %u\n", g->e);
t2 = time(NULL);
printf("- Time = %ldh%ldm%lds\n", (t2 - t1) / 3600, ((t2 - t1) % 3600) / 60, ((t2 - t1) % 60));
t1 = t2;
printf("Building datastructure\n");
t2 = time(NULL);
printf("- Time = %ldh%ldm%lds\n", (t2 - t1) / 3600, ((t2 - t1) % 3600) / 60, ((t2 - t1) % 60));
t1 = t2;
printf("Computing optimal assignment\n");
w = bidding(g, eps);
printf("optimal assignment value = %u\n", w);
t2 = time(NULL);
printf("- Time = %ldh%ldm%lds\n", (t2 - t1) / 3600, ((t2 - t1) % 3600) / 60, ((t2 - t1) % 60));
t1 = t2;
printf("Writting the results in file %s\n", argv[2]);
printres(g, argv[2]);
t2 = time(NULL);
printf("- Time = %ldh%ldm%lds\n", (t2 - t1) / 3600, ((t2 - t1) % 3600) / 60, ((t2 - t1) % 60));
t1 = t2;
printf("- Overall time = %ldh%ldm%lds\n", (t2 - t0) / 3600, ((t2 - t0) % 3600) / 60, ((t2 - t0) % 60));
return 0;
void CreatRandomEdge(char* filePath, int n1, int n2)
ofstream fout;
int edgesNum = n1 * n2;
int pI = n1 - 1;//人索引
for (int i = 0; i < n1; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < n2; j++)
fout << pI << " " << j << " " << (rand() % edgesNum)
<< "\n";