
千词令的目的旨在 编写一系列的故事来学习和理解单词,和传统的单独记忆每个单词方式不同,它重在组词造句,即便有一天 你不再学习英语,也依然会对那些高难度的单词有一定的感知力,如果有需要再来复习,回复理解的速度也是远超常人。他的核心理念主要体现在2个方面:

  • 环境构建:以句子和故事语境为单位和主线来理解单词。可能很多人会疑惑,为啥不是记忆而是理解,因为记忆解决的是情况有限的问题,而理解和学习解决的是针对情况无限变化的问题,比如cross,如果只记得是“穿过”的含义而忽视 其十字架的本意,那么在翻译这句话 Jesus died on the cross(耶稣死在十字架上,可不是 耶稣死在了十字路口。。。) 时就会闹出笑话了,理解所学单词的含义,这种能力才是我们真正需要的,死记硬背英语单词长期来看终究是死路。
  • 构词法:也就是词根词缀,像汉语中的偏旁部首,对这个单词可以读出来 也可以拆解出来,判断由哪些词根词缀构成,理解其最真实的含义,同时可以能清楚的了解其衍生词汇有哪些,比如:habit的含义有“习惯”,但它作为词根还有“拥有、占有”的含义,可以理解为 经常拥有和占有的东西是 他的习惯,这样就容易理解和记忆了,它的衍生词有habitat、habitation,含义为 栖息地、居住地,有 habitable 适合居住的,也有cohabit(co一起+habit居住)同居,cohabitation(cohabit同居+ation 名词后缀)同居状态,可以理解为 习惯了的地方,也就是栖息地,居所的含义。 


1 整合的单词


  1. abdicate 退位,放弃
  2. academic 学术
  3. abolish 废除
  4. abide 遵守
  5. abstract 抽象的
  6. absolute 绝对的
  7. abuse 滥用
  8. abundantly 大量地、十分地
  9. abound 充满,到处都是(bound 边界)
  10. accelerate 加速
  11. accuracy 精确性、准确性
  12. absorb 吸收
  13. access 进入 使用
  14. acclaim 称赞 喝彩(claim 声称、索赔)
  15. accommodate 容纳 使适应
  16. accompany 陪伴 伴随
  17. account 占比 解释、账户 资料
  18. achieve 实现 获得
  19. acknowledge 承认、认可
  20. acquire 获得、习得
  21. activate 刺激、激发
  22. acute 严重的、急性的
  23. adaptable 适应的、适合的
  24. adequate 充足的、充分的
  25. adhere 坚持、遵守
  26. adjoining 邻近的、相邻的
  27. adjust 调整、适应
  28. administration 管理、美国政府
  29. admire 欣赏、佩服
  30. admit 承认
  31. adopt 收养、采纳
  32. adorment 装饰品
  33. advocate 提倡、拥护
  34. affect 影响、感动、情感
  35. affiliation 联系、有关联的事物
  36. affirm 肯定、证实
  37. agency 代理、机构
  38. aggravate 加重、恶化
  39. aggregation 聚合、形成
  40. aggressive 激进的、过激的、有进取心的
  41. agitated 激动的、焦虑的
  42. agony 痛苦
  43. alien 外国人
  44. allay 减轻、使缓和(alleviate)
  45. allegation 指控、陈述
  46.  alliance 联合 联盟
  47. allocation 分配、配置
  48. alter 改变
  49. amateur 业余的,业余爱好者
  50. amazing 令人惊讶的、兴奋的
  51. ambiguous 模糊不清的、模棱两可的
  52. ambition 雄心
  53. amplify 扩大、增强
  54. analogy 类比
  55. ancestor 先驱者、祖先
  56. announce 宣布、声明
  57. annoy 困扰、烦扰
  58. annual 年度的、四季常青的
  59. anonymity 匿名
  60. anticipate 预测、预料
  61. apparent 明显的
  62. appeal 吸引、请求
  63. appease 安抚、抚慰
  64. apply 运用、适用
  65. appoint 指定、任命
  66. appreciate 感激、欣赏、理解
  67. apprehensive 忧虑的、不安的
  68. approach 接近、处理
  69. appropriate 适当的、合适的
  70. arbiter 仲裁者
  71. arouse 引发、激发
  72. array 排列
  73. artificial 人工的、人造的
  74. aspect 方面
  75. aspire 渴望,追求
  76. assembly 集合、组装
  77. assert 宣称、断言
  78. assess 评估、估算
  79. asset 资产
  80. assign 分配、配置
  81. assimilation 同化
  82. assist 帮助
  83. associate 联合、使有联系
  84. assume 假设
  85. astrological 占星的
  86. astronomy 天文学
  87. atmosphere 天气
  88. attract 吸引
  89. auction 拍卖
  90. authority 权威、官方
  91. automated 自动化的
  92. available 有效的、存在的,可得到的
  93. awkward 尴尬的

2 整合的短文(2天时间100个左右的单词整合为一篇文章)

说明:以下标注为红色的单词是要记忆的单词,蓝色表示不是重要单词 但依然要了解其含义的。我们如果想高效使用该方法,那么就需要在一篇短文中尽可能多的融入更多的新单词,由此而引发 部分释义多少会有些不连贯的问题,但我们要明白在这个过程中的重点是理解单词含义。

It‘s surprised That the old king who has always adhered to the concept of unreserved love for his people and acquired acknowledge of people and was admired by everyone died of acute appendicitis. his son,a prince who likes collecting all kinds of adorment and has adopted many pets and is also an amateur of magic became the new king,he must quickly adjust to the trend and life and make it adaptableIt was announced that the prince is in a position of authority.The prince has enough ambition for the development of the country which make people amazing.He wants to be a pioneer of reform. He wants to be an excellent ancestor.it is annoyed that he wants to amplify his power, but he is ambiguous about strategy .The prime minister approach the prince and appeased him and gave him all aspects of suggestions on governing the country.the prince appreciate him and isn’t apprehensive.The prime minister put forward a new capital allocation plan, which changed the original interest pattern of the country and the relations with some adjoining country. He advocated the concept of spiritual slavery, which is an aggressive concept of governance. If implemented, it will affect the development of the country and arouse public discontent, which is likely to aggravate the formation of contradictions between the country and the people, and make everyone agitated.

一直坚持对人民毫无保留的爱,得到了人们的认可,受到了大家的敬仰的老国王死于急性阑尾炎,这真是太离奇了。他的儿子,一个喜欢收集各种装饰品的王子,收养了许多宠物,也是一个魔术爱好者,成为了新国王,他必须迅速适应他的新岗位和生活。官宣现在王子当权。王子有足够的雄心壮志去发展这个国家,这让人们感到惊讶。他想成为改革的先驱。他想成为一个优秀的祖先。然而人恼火的是 他想扩大自己的权力,但他在战略上模棱两可。首相接近王子,安抚了他,并向他提出了治理国家的各个方面的建议。王子欣赏他,并不再担心。他的首相提出了一项新的资本分配计划,改变了该国原有的利益格局以及与一些邻国的关系。他提倡奴隶制的概念,这是一种激进的治理概念。如果实施将影响国家的发展,激起公众的不满,极有可能加剧国与民之间矛盾的形成, 使之人心惶惶。

Unfortunately, the young king is activated and have been assimilated by greedy desire under the guidance of the prime minister, he began to implement the plan. Finally, he knows the whole story and affirm that it was a wrong decision and did what he could to allay people’s fears,the king make the policy alleviated and tried to alter the state again. But no one accompanied him and acclaim him for recognizing the problem of leadership and administration.The king wanted to give prime minister an allegation, but it’s denied. Because he doesn't have adequate evidence. It's too late.


In fact,The prime minister is a wizard,he belongs to the organization“ABA” which has no affiliation to any political party and which tries to appeal to all classes of society,most of them  are genius who absorbed from believes and be assisted and no one else can access to it directly.it is an aggregation(set) that accommodate these genius in order to get stronger support.In addition,ABA has an annual private assembly every year, which assert that they can help them to get what they aspired. A vast array of talents are attracted and apply to join ABA. The price is that their assets are auctioned and reassigned after being assessed. These are controlled by anonymous arbitrators, and many processes are automated.it abounded with secret.Finally,ABA assume many possibilities in the future through the knowledge of astrology、artificial intelligence and astronomy,at last they get an accurate prediction,they anticipate they have enough appropriate resources available to create an era.It‘s an analogy that organization appoint the wizard to a key pawn.


It‘s a awkward things that the king abdicated because the wizard whose academic specialty is abstract magic abolished the king's privileges. the army that wizard controlled accounts for 70% of the whole country,so the state's agents have to admit his regime even if they are very agony, because they are not his opponents even if they are now in alliance.now no one abide by the king's orders. then the wizard who has an alien cultural background achieved success and began to abuse his power,he made it abundantly clear that anybody who disagrees with his absolute government will not last long.But such dictatorship also accelerated the demise of the new regime.the old empire atmosphere becomes weakened apparent and a new era has come.


3 练习与测试


  1. abdicate
  2. academic
  3. abolish
  4. abide
  5. abstract
  6. absolute
  7. abuse
  8. abundantly
  9. abound
  10. accelerate
  11. accuracy
  12. absorb
  13. access
  14. acclaim
  15. accommodate
  16. accompany
  17. account
  18. achieve
  19. acknowledge
  20. acquire
  1. activate
  2. acute
  3. adaptable
  4. adequate
  5. adhere
  6. adjoining
  7. adjust
  8. administration
  9. admire
  10. admit
  11. adopt
  12. adorment
  13. advocate
  14. affect
  15. affiliation
  16. affirm
  17. agency
  18. aggravate
  19. aggregation
  20. aggressive
  1. agitated
  2. agony
  3. alien
  4. allay(alleviate)
  5. allegation
  6. alliance
  7. allocation
  8. alter
  9. amateur
  10. amazing
  11. ambiguous
  12. ambition
  13. amplify
  14. analogy
  15. ancestor
  16. announce
  17. annoy
  18. annual
  19. anonymity
  20. anticipate
  1. apparent
  2. appeal
  3. appease
  4. apply
  5. appoint
  6. appreciate
  7. apprehensive
  8. approach
  9. appropriate
  10. arbiter
  11. arouse
  12. array
  13. artificial
  14. aspect
  15. aspire
  16. assembly
  17. assert
  18. assess
  19. asset
  20. assign
  1. assimilation
  2. assist
  3. associate
  4. assume
  5. astrological
  6. astronomy
  7. atmosphere
  8. attract
  9. auction
  10. authority
  11. automated
  12. available
  13. awkward


因为故事是自己编的,所以理解起来相对不难(注意:这里的理解实际上也是包含构词法的基础,如果不了解可以参照之前的系列文章:专题分纲目录 英语单词记忆 词源法-思维导图,个人测试两天后记住的单词大概是在90-95%之间。同时对于未理解的词汇再次多读自己写的文章并使用构词法和其他的例句(百度翻译)来辅助理解、学习和回忆,这样就把单词死磕的比例降到了10%以内,比如经过3天的复习,目前有以下几个单词不熟悉:affiliation、aggravate、aggregation、allegation、anonymity、associate,开始使用 构词法和例句感知的方法来专注这几个单词的记忆:

  1. affiliation:隶属、从属、附属,如何理解呢?affiliation = af(表加强) + fili(子女)+ ation (名词后缀) → 加入,入会,隶属、附属。
  2. aggravate:含义为 加剧、使之严重,如何理解呢?aggravate = ag(强调)+grave(严重的)+ate(后缀表形容词),Stress and lack of sleep can aggravate the situation
  3. aggregation:含义为 聚合,凝聚,如何理解呢?aggregation = ag(强调,在一起)+grege(生丝)+ateion(名词后缀),→因此该含义为聚合,凝聚。
  4. allegation:含义为 指控、陈述,如何理解呢?allegation = al(强调)+leg(说)+e(连接符)+ation(名词后缀)→因此该含义为指控、陈述,而单词allege含义为 断言。
  5. anonymity:含义为 匿名,如何理解呢?anonymity = an(前缀表否定)+onym(词根为名字)+i(连接符)+ty(名词后缀)→因此该含义为匿名​​​​
  6. associate:含义为联合、使有联系,如何理解?跟social 社会关联,社会是一种关系,associate前缀ass表加强,即表示为 加强了社会关系,也就是使联合,有联系。

这样,这些不熟悉的词 就可以通过构词法更容易被理解,那么这个不熟悉的单词比例大概降低到1%-2%左右,一周后再复习,这样对于考研这种考试 单词基本就过关了。看样子 这种方式不错,再一次继续。

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