【模电读书笔记】CHAPTER 1 Semiconductor Diodes


Ideal Diode

Characteristic:those of a switch that can conduct current in only one direction. 一类仅能单向导通电流的开关。
The ideal diode, therefore, is a short circuit for the region of conduction. 理想二极管在导通区域相当于短路。
The ideal diode, therefore, is a open circuit for the region of nonconduction. 理想二极管在非导通区域相当于断路。

semiconductor material

A semiconductor, therefore, is a material that has a conductivity level somewhere between the extremes of an insulator and a conductor. 半导体的导电性介于绝缘体和导体之间。

Both Ge and Si are referred to as tetravalent atoms because they each have four valence electrons. A bonding of atoms, strengthened by the sharing of electrons, is called covalent bonding.
Covalent bond will result in a stronger bond between the valence electrons and their parent atom, it is still possible for the valence electrons to absorb sufficient kinetic energy to break the covalent bond and assume the “free” state. The term free reveals that their motion is quite sensitive to applied electric fields such as established by voltage sources or any difference in potential. 共价键会使价电子与其母原子之间的结合更加牢固,但价电子仍有可能吸收足够的动能来打破共价键,进入 "free "状态。"free"一词表明,价电子的运动对外加电场(如电压源或任何电位差)很敏感。

Energy Levels

在这里插入图片描述The more distance the electron from the nucleus, the higher the energy state, and any electron that has left its parent atom has a higher energy state than any electron in the atomic stucture. 电子距离原子核越远,energy state越高,任何电子脱离原子后,将有更高的energy state

extrinsic materials- n- and p- type

n-type is created by introducing those impurity elements that have 5 valence electrons(pentavalent), such as antimony, arsenic and phosphorus. n 型是通过引入具有五个价电子的杂质元素(如锑、砷和磷)而产生的

additional fifth electron due to the impurity atom, loosely bound to its parent atom, is relatively free to move within the newly form n-type material. 额外的第五个价电子相对游离,可以在n-型材料中自由活动

p-type material is formed by doping a pure germanium or silicon crystal with impurity atoms having 3 valence electrons. p型材料引入的是具有三个价电子的杂质
the resulting vacancy is called a hole (空穴)。

In a n-type material, the electron is the majority carrier
In a p-type material, the hole is the majority carrier

semiconductor diode

No applied bias ( V D = 0 V V_D=0 V VD=0V)

In the absance of an applied bias voltage, the net flow of charge in any one direction for a semiconductor diode is zero. 无偏置电压的情况,半导体二极管中任意方向的电流为0

Reverse-Bias Condition ( V D < 0 V V_D<0 V VD<0V)

depletion region will widen.

The current that exists under reverse-bias conditions is called the reverse asturation current and is represented by I S I_S IS, the reverse saturation current is seldom more than a few microamperes. 反向饱和电流的值很小,一般是几微安。

Forward-Bias condition ( V D > 0 V V_D>0 V VD>0V)

depletion region will decrease in width, resulting in a exponential rise in current 在这里插入图片描述

general characteristics of a semiconductor diode I D = I S ( e k V D / T K − 1 ) I_D=I_S(e^{kV_D/T_K}-1) ID=IS(ekVD/TK1)
I S = I_S= IS= reverse saturation current
k = k= k= constant, varies by material
T K = T C + 273 ° T_K=T_C+273\degree TK=TC+273°

zener region


there is a point where the application of too negative a voltage will result in a sharp change in the characteristics, The current increases at a very rapid rate in a direction opposite to that of the positive voltage region. 反向偏置电压过大,到达某个值后,电流会迅速反向增大。
the [maximum reverse-bias potential] that can be applied before entering the Zener region is called the peak inverse voltage (regerred to simply as the PIV rating) or the peak reverse voltage (denoted by PRV rating).

temperature effect

The reverse saturation current I s I_s Is will just about double in magnitude for every 10 ° C 10\degree C 10°C increase in temperature. 温度每升高十度,反向饱和电流的幅值会翻倍

resistance level

DC or static resistance

resistance of the diode at the operating point : R D = V D I D R_D=\frac {V_D} {I_D} RD=IDVD

AC or dynamic resistance

The varying input will move the instantaneous operating point up and down a region of the characteristics. With no applied varying signal, the point of operation would be the Q-point.
变化的输入会令特性曲线上对应的瞬时工作点上下移动。 变化的信号为0时,此时的工作点是Q点。
the AC resistance at a Q-point:
r d = Δ V d Δ I d r_d=\frac {\Delta V_d}{\Delta I_d} rd=ΔIdΔVd
also, the dynamic resistance an be found simply by substituting the quiescent value of the diode current into the equation: r d ′ = 26 m V I D + r B r_d'=\frac {26mV}{I_D}+r_B rd=ID26mV+rB
The factor r B r_B rB can range from typically 0.1 Ω 0.1\Omega 0.1Ω for high-power devices to 2 Ω 2\Omega for some low-power, general-purpose diodes.

average AC Resistance

average ac resistance: the resistance determined by a straight line drawn between the two intersections established by the maximum and minimum values of input voltage. In equation form: r a v = Δ V d Δ I d r_{av}=\frac {\Delta V_d} {\Delta I_d } rav=ΔIdΔVd

diode equivalent circuit

piecewise-linear equivalent circuit

approximate the characteristic of the device by straight-line segments
a battery V T V_T VT opposing the conduction direction must appear, specifying that the voltage across the device must be greater than the threshold battery voltage before conduction is established.

simplified equivalent circuit

$r_{av} is sufficiently small to be ignored

Ideal equivalent circuit

ignore both r a v r_{av} rav and V T V_T VT, only ideal diode.

transition and diffusion capacitance

In the reverse-bias region we have the transition- or depletion-region capacitance( C T C_T CT), while in the forward-bias region we have the diffusion( C D C_D CD) or storage capacitance

在这里插入图片描述In the reverse-bias region, there is a depletion region(free of carriers) that behaves like an insulator between the layers of oppostite charge. 在反偏区域,没有carriers的depletion region便起到电容介质的作用。
The depletion width will increase with increased reverse-bias potential, the resulting transition capacitance will decrease. depletion region的宽度会随着反偏电压的增加而增加,对应电容减小。
increase levels of current will result in increased levels of diffusion capacitance. 电流的增加会使diffusion capacitance增加。

For low- or mid- frequency applications, the capacitor is normally not included.

reverse recovery time t r r t_{rr} trr

In the forward-bias state - earlier) a large number of electrons from the n-type material progressing through the p-type material and a large number of holes in the n-type _ a large number of minority carriers in each material - applied voltage should be reversed to eastablish a reverse-bias situation - diode chage instantaneously from the conduction state to the non-conduction state
large number of minority carriers in each material - stay at a measurable level for period of time (storage time) for the minority carriers to return to their majority-carrier state in the opposite material

t r r = t s + t r t_{rr}=t_s+t_r trr=ts+tr
t s t_s ts: storage time, when applied voltage is reversed to establish a reverse-bias situation, for the minority carriers to return to their majortiy-carrier state in the opposite material. 当外加电压反向,构建反偏情况(即二极管从导通到关闭),minority carriers需要一定时间回到原位,这段时间就是storage time
I r e v e r s e I_{reverse} Ireverse: druing the time that minority carriers return, the diode will remain in the short-circuit state with a current I r e v e r s e I_{reverse} Ireverse. minority carriers 回到原位的时间内,二极管还是短路状态(导通状态),此时会产生一个电流 I r e v e r s e I_{reverse} Ireverse
t r t_r tr: transition interval, when storage phase has passed, the current will reduce from I r e v e r s e I_{reverse} Ireverse to “non-conduction state”. I r e v e r s e I_{reverse} Ireverse逐渐消失的时间叫transition interval。

Zener diodes

for the Zenner diode, the direction of conduction is opposite to that of the arrow in the symbol. 对于齐纳二极管,导通方向与箭头( I Z I_Z IZ)方向相反。
equivalent circuit of the Zener diode in the Zener region includes a small dynamic resistance and dc battery equal to the Zener potential. 齐纳二极管的等效电路包括一个小的动态电阻 r z r_z rz,和一个直流电源,其值等于Zener potential V Z V_Z VZ

Light-Emitting Diodes

LED: Light-Emitting Diodes
LCD: Liquid-crystal display

graphic symbol on the right

the conducting surface connected to the p-material is much smaller, to permit the emergence of the maximum number of photons of light energy. The recombination of the injected carriers due to the forward-biased junction results in emitted light ar the site of recombination. 与p型材料接触的导电面面积较小,尽可能产生最大数量的光子。由正偏结导致的入射载流子重组,使得重组部分发光。


Resistance level table:

Diode Equivalent Circuits Models table

Boylestad, R.L. (1999) Boylestad and Nashelsky’s electronic devices and circuit theory. 7th edn. Toronto: Prentice Hall.



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