史密斯图Smith Chart


The same chart can be used for both impedance and admittance calculations. 常见形式的史密斯图,可以同时用于电感和导纳的计算
When the impedance form is used, this chart is a polar plot
of an S parameter. If the admittance form is used, the reflection coefficient is rotated 180 degree. 当使用电感形式,史密斯图即为散射系数 S S S的极坐标图。如果使用电导形式,反射系数需要旋转180°。

sample 01 确定传输线长度

Use a length of a terminated transmission line to realize an impedance of 140 j Ω j \Omega jΩ. 使用有端传输线的长度来实现140 j Ω j \Omega jΩ 的阻抗。

First normalize impedance 140 j Ω / Z 0 140j\Omega/Z_0 140jΩ/Z0
Z 0 = 100 Ω Z_0=100\Omega Z0=100Ω, normalize impedance= 1.4 j 1.4j 1.4j
140 j Ω j \Omega% jΩ 纯虚数,纯导纳(total admittance),不消耗能量,所以传输线(TL)必须lossless——使传输线一端短路(short)或开路(open)可以实现。

1- 短路情况(short-circuit case)
在史密斯图中找到代表短路的点 A A A和代表 Z 0 = 1.4 j Z_0=1.4j Z0=1.4j的点B。
从外圈wavelengths toward generator刻度读出 A , B A,B A,B对应的长度,相减得传输线长度
l A = 0 λ l B = 0.1515 λ l = l A − l B = 0.1515 λ l_A=0\lambda \\ l_B=0.1515\lambda \\ l=l_A-l_B=0.1515\lambda lA=0λlB=0.1515λl=lAlB=0.1515λ
传输线长度在Smith Chart上表示为从 A → B A \rightarrow B AB的路径(clockwise,即towards generator)
2- 开路情况(open-circuit case)
表示开路的点 A ′ A' A在外圆与“+x轴”交点处
l A ‘ = 0.25 λ l B = 0.1515 λ l = l A ’ + l B = 0.4015 λ ( c l o c k w i s e ,所以是相加) l_A‘=0.25\lambda \\ l_B=0.1515\lambda \\ l=l_A’+l_B=0.4015\lambda(clockwise,所以是相加) lA=0.25λlB=0.1515λl=lA+lB=0.4015λclockwise,所以是相加)

sample 02 特殊电路情况的史密斯图表示

Special cases on Smith Chart.

  1. 阻抗匹配 Z = Z 0 Z=Z_0 Z=Z0
    Normalized impedance=1, ∣ Γ ∣ = 0 |\Gamma|=0 ∣Γ∣=0, reactance x = 0 x=0 x=0, resistance r = 1 r=1 r=1, at the center.

  2. 电路中纯感抗 L L L
    ∣ Γ ∣ = 1 |\Gamma|=1 ∣Γ∣=1, reactance x > 0 x>0 x>0, resistance r = 0 r=0 r=0
    沿最大圆( r = 0 r=0 r=0)的上半部分,随着频率 f f f增加逐渐向点 Γ r = 1 \Gamma_r=1 Γr=1靠近,即reactance x x x不断增大,频率达到无穷大相当于断路。

  3. 纯电容电路
    capacitor only
    Z = − j ω C Z=-\frac j {\omega C} Z=ωCj, ∣ Γ ∣ = 1 |\Gamma|=1 ∣Γ∣=1, reactance x < 0 x<0 x<0, resistance r = 0 r=0 r=0

沿最大圆( r = 0 r=0 r=0)的下半部分,随着频率 f f f增加逐渐向点 Γ r = − 1 \Gamma_r=-1 Γr=1靠近,即reactance x x x不断增大(负数增大即为靠近0),频率达到无穷大相当于短路。

  1. L C LC LC串联电路

Z = j ( ω L − 1 ω C ) Z=j(\omega L-\frac 1 {\omega C}) Z=j(ωLωC1), ∣ Γ ∣ = 1 |\Gamma|=1 ∣Γ∣=1, reactance x < 0 x<0 x<0, resistance r = 0 r=0 r=0

沿最大圆( r = 0 r=0 r=0)的顺时针方向,以点 Γ r = 1 \Gamma_r=1 Γr=1为起点,随着频率 f f f增加逐渐向点 Γ r = 1 \Gamma_r=1 Γr=1靠近。
上半圆时感抗 > > >容抗,下半圆感抗 < < <容抗。
Γ r = − 1 \Gamma_r=-1 Γr=1处表示 f = f 0 = 1 2 π L C f=f_0=\frac 1 {2\pi \sqrt{LC}} f=f0=2πLC 1 达到resonance frequency 谐振频率,此时reactance x = 0 x=0 x=0,电路短路。

  1. L C Z 0 LCZ_0 LCZ0串联电路
    Z = Z 0 + j ( ω L − 1 ω C ) Z=Z_0+j(\omega L-\frac 1 {\omega C}) Z=Z0+j(ωLωC1)
    Γ = Z − Z 0 Z + Z 0 = j ( ω L − 1 ω C ) 2 Z 0 + j ( ω L − 1 ω C ) = j ( ω L − 1 ω C ) / Z 0 2 + j ( ω L − 1 ω C ) / Z 0 l e t ( ω L − 1 ω C ) / Z 0 = k Γ = j k 2 + j k = k 2 4 + k 2 + j 2 k 4 + k 2 Γ r = k 2 4 + k 2 Γ i = 2 k 4 + k 2 \Gamma=\frac {Z-Z_0} {Z+Z_0}=\frac {j(\omega L-\frac 1 {\omega C})} {2Z_0+j(\omega L-\frac 1 {\omega C})}=\frac {j(\omega L-\frac 1 {\omega C})/Z_0} {2+j(\omega L-\frac 1 {\omega C})/Z_0} \\ let \quad (\omega L-\frac 1 {\omega C})/Z_0=k \\ \Gamma=\frac {jk} {2+jk}=\frac {k^2}{4+k^2}+j\frac {2k}{4+k^2} \\ \Gamma_r=\frac {k^2}{4+k^2} \quad \Gamma_i=\frac{2k}{4+k^2} Γ=Z+Z0ZZ0=2Z0+j(ωLωC1)j(ωLωC1)=2+j(ωLωC1)/Z0j(ωLωC1)/Z0let(ωLωC1)/Z0=kΓ=2+jkjk=4+k2k2+j4+k22kΓr=4+k2k2Γi=4+k22k
    along the circle r = 1 r=1 r=1, 在谐振的情况下电路实现阻抗匹配。

  2. Z L = 2 Z 0 Z_L=2Z_0 ZL=2Z0 with harmonic frequency
    Z = 1 + Γ 1 − Γ Z=\frac {1+\Gamma} {1-\Gamma} Z=1Γ1+Γ Γ = 1 3 e − j 2 β l \Gamma=\frac 13e^{-j2\beta l} Γ=31ej2βl

f f f0 f 1 f_1 f1 f 2 = 2 f 1 f_2=2f_1 f2=2f1 f 3 = 3 f 1 f_3=3f_1 f3=3f1 f 4 = 4 f 1 f_4=4f_1 f4=4f1
λ \lambda λ ∞ \infin 8 l 8l 8l 8 l / 2 8l/2 8l/2 8 l / 3 8l/3 8l/3 8 l / 4 8l/4 8l/4
∠ Γ \angle\Gamma ∠Γ0 − π / 2 -\pi/2 π/2 − π -\pi π − 3 π / 2 -3\pi/2 3π/2 − 2 π -2\pi 2π
∣ Γ ∣ |\Gamma| ∣Γ∣1/31/31/31/31/3

along the circle r = 1 / 3 r=1/3 r=1/3, 达到谐振频率时的点即为圆与垂直/水平轴的交点。

  1. Open Transmission Line
    open TL
    Z = − j Z 0 cot ⁡ β l Z=-jZ_0 \cot\beta l Z=jZ0cotβl reactance only , Γ = e − j 2 β l \Gamma=e^{-j2\beta l} Γ=ej2βl
    along circle r = 0 r=0 r=0, start from Γ r = 1 \Gamma_r=1 Γr=1, 由图可知,当达到两倍 f 1 f1 f1, 等效于短路

  2. Short Transmission Line
    Z = − j Z 0 tan ⁡ β l Z=-jZ_0 \tan\beta l Z=jZ0tanβl reactance only , Γ = − e − j 2 β l \Gamma=-e^{-j2\beta l} Γ=ej2βl
    along circle r = 0 r=0 r=0, start from Γ r = − 1 \Gamma_r=-1 Γr=1, 和open Transmission Line的情况类似,起点不同,随着频率增大,电路先出现感性电抗(上半圆),后出现容性电抗(下半圆)

  3. TL terminated with Capacitor
    Z = Z 0 1 + Γ 1 − Γ Z=Z_0\frac {1+\Gamma} {1-\Gamma} Z=Z01Γ1+Γ                \,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\, Γ = e − j ( θ + 2 β l ) \Gamma=e^{-j(\theta+2\beta l)} Γ=ej(θ+2βl)
    纯电感电路的Smith Chart都是沿着 r = 0 r=0 r=0的最外圆,区别在于起点的不同. 随着频率( β l \beta l βl)增加, 轨迹都是沿着clockwise的方向.

  4. TL terminated with Inductor
    Z = Z 0 1 + Γ 1 − Γ Z=Z_0\frac {1+\Gamma} {1-\Gamma} Z=Z01Γ1+Γ                \,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\, Γ = − e − j ( θ + 2 β l ) \Gamma=-e^{-j(\theta+2\beta l)} Γ=ej(θ+2βl)
    轨迹图和情况8 TL terminated with Indccutor 中的相同

Sample 03 史密斯图求驻波比和回波损耗

For a 50 Ω 50\Omega 50ΩTL with load Z L Z_L ZL,find Γ \Gamma Γ, the SWR(circles), and determine the RL(dB): (a) Z L = 75 + j 25 Z_L=75+j25 ZL=75+j25 (b) Z L = 10 − j 5 Z_L=10-j5 ZL=10j5 ( c) Z L = 48.5 Z_L=48.5 ZL=48.5

(a) Z L = 1.5 + j 0.5 Z_L=1.5+j0.5 ZL=1.5+j0.5
(b) Z L = 0.2 − j 0.1 Z_L=0.2-j0.1 ZL=0.2j0.1
(c ) Z L = 0.97 Z_L=0.97 ZL=0.97
在圆上找到 Z L Z_L ZL对应的点, 以圆心(原点)到该点的距离为半径画圆, 该圆与实轴 Γ r \Gamma_r Γr的右交点即为SWR
如图,紫色圈是(a), 蓝圈代表(b), magenta色代表(c ), 右交点坐标分别为1.77, 5.0, 1.03 即为对应的SWR.
完整史密斯图的下方有几条刻度尺,其中一条代表Return Loss
已知Impedance,画出圆以后,做圆的垂直切线,切线与Return Loss轴的交点即为该Impedance对应的RL
其实就是找对应半径的刻度:placing radius of ∣ Γ ∣ |\Gamma| ∣Γ∣ circle on horizontal “RTN Loss (dB)”
三条cyan颜色的垂线与RTN LOSS刻度尺的交点读数分别为:
(a)(中间) R L = 11.3 d B RL=11.3 dB RL=11.3dB
(b)(最左) R L = 3.4 d B RL=3.4 dB RL=3.4dB
(c)(最右) R L > 30 d B RL>30 dB RL>30dB

sample 04&05 阻抗匹配的史密斯图表示

Graphical solutions for finding the lumped matching network

Design an L-C matching network for a capacitive load Z L = 200 − j 100 Ω Z_L=200-j100\Omega ZL=200j100Ω to be matched at f R F = 0.5 G H z f_{RF}=0.5GHz fRF=0.5GHz to a 100 Ω 100\Omega 100Ω source and a TL with Z 0 = 100 Ω Z_0=100\Omega Z0=100Ω

1)Normalized: Z L = 200 − j 100 100 = 2 − j Z_L=\frac {200-j100} {100}=2-j ZL=100200j100=2j
2)Find Y L Y_L YL, Y L Y_L YL对应点和 Z L Z_L ZL关于原点对称
由图, Y L = 0.4 + j 0.2 Y_L=0.4+j0.2 YL=0.4+j0.2
(3) Adding a shunt capacitive susceptance (+jb)of C should result in a complex impedance Z ′ Z' Z with R e ( Z ′ ) = 1 Re(Z')=1 Re(Z)=1. 添加电容C(与 R L R_L RL平行),使得等效阻抗 (记为 Z ′ Z' Z) 的实部为1. Matching Network意味着 Z 0 = Z l o a d = 100 Ω Z_0=Z_{load}=100\Omega Z0=Zload=100Ω, 标准化以后 Z l o a d = 1 Z_{load}=1 Zload=1,没有虚部。虚部必须被抵消。The reactive part will have to be “resonated out” by inductor L. Z l o a d = 1 Z_{load}=1 Zload=1 is the original point on Smith Chart.
添加电容后的Admittance记为 Y ′ Y' Y ( Z ′ Z' Z 的相反数)。添加电容后Impedance(Admittance)的实部不变,所以 Y ′ Y' Y Y L Y_L YL在同一个圆上, R e ( Y L ) = R e ( Y ′ ) = 0.4 Re(Y_L)=Re(Y')=0.4 Re(YL)=Re(Y)=0.4.
Z ′ Z' Z Y ′ Y' Y关于原点对称, Z ′ Z' Z r = 1 r=1 r=1的圆上,在史密斯图上画出这两点:
读数: Y ′ ≈ 0.4 + j 0.48        Z ′ = 1 − j 1.23 Y'\approx0.4+j0.48\,\,\,\,\,\,Z'=1-j1.23 Y0.4+j0.48Z=1j1.23
C(susceptance of C)在图上表示为:沿着圆r=0.4(clockwise),由 Y L Y_L YL Y ′ Y' Y的弧线
L( reactance of L)在图上表示为:沿着圆r=1(clockwise), 由 Z ′ Z' Z Z l o a d Z_{load} Zload(即原点)的弧线,即resonated out the reactance.
j 0.48 − j 0.2 = j 0.28 j0.48-j0.2=j0.28 j0.48j0.2=j0.28, susceptance of C after denormalize: B = 2.8 × 1 0 − 3 B=2.8\times10^{-3} B=2.8×103
C = B 2 π f R F = 0.89 p F C=\frac B {2\pi f_{RF}}=0.89pF C=2πfRFB=0.89pF
reactance of L after denormalize: X = 23 X=23 X=23, L = X 2 π f R F = 39.2 n H L=\frac X {2\pi f_{RF}}=39.2nH L=2πfRFX=39.2nH

Design the C-L matching network in the circuit below to match a load Z L = 300 − j 100 Ω Z_L=300-j100\Omega ZL=300j100Ω to a signal source with impedance of 100 Ω 100\Omega 100Ω, which is itself matched to a feed TL ( Z 0 = 100 Ω Z_0=100\Omega Z0=100Ω). The operating frequency is f = 0.5 G H z f=0.5GHz f=0.5GHz

(1)Normalize: Z L = 2 − j Z_L=2-j ZL=2j, find Z L Z_L ZL on smith Chart, and fine Y L = 0.4 + j 0.2 Y_L=0.4+j0.2 YL=0.4+j0.2
(2) 并联电感L 以后,ademittance实部不变,虚部沿着逆时针方向增加, Y ′ Y' Y仍在圆 r = 0.4 r=0.4 r=0.4 上,对应的 Z ′ Z' Z实部为1,在圆 r = 1 r=1 r=1上, Y ′ & Z ′ Y' \& Z' Y&Z 关于原点对称,找出这两点。
Y ′ = 0.4 − j 0.5 Y'=0.4-j0.5 Y=0.4j0.5, Z ′ = 1 + j 1.2 Z'=1+j1.2 Z=1+j1.2

(3) Y ′ − Y L = j 0.7 = n o r m a l i z e d   s u s c e p t a n c e   o f   i n d u c t o r   L Y'-Y_L=j0.7=normalized \,susceptance \,of\, inductor\, L YYL=j0.7=normalizedsusceptanceofinductorL
L = 1 B ∗ 2 π f R F = 45.47 n H L=\frac 1{B*2\pi f_{RF}}=45.47nH L=B2πfRF1=45.47nH
为了保证 Z l o a d Z_{load} Zload虚部为0,加上电容C resonance out the reactance, 从 Z ′ Z' Z沿着 r = 1 r=1 r=1逆时针方向回到原点的弧线段表示C
normalized reactance of C= 1.2 j 1.2j 1.2j C = 1 X ∗ 2 π f R F = 2.65 p F C=\frac 1{X*2\pi f_{RF}}=2.65pF C=X2πfRF1=2.65pF

Sample 06 确定传输线和Stub的长度

Transmission Line and Stub Match
Design the stub-TL Z-matching network below to match a source Z S = 12.5 + j 12.5 Ω Z_S=12.5+j12.5\Omega ZS=12.5+j12.5Ω to a load Z L = 50 − j 50 Ω Z_L=50-j50\Omega ZL=50j50Ω. Z 0 = 50 Ω Z_0=50\Omega Z0=50Ω(for the TL and stub.) the objective is M.P.T( Z i n = Z s ∗ Z_{in}=Z_s^* Zin=Zs). Find the length of TL and Stub

(1)normalize( Z / Z 0 Z/Z_0 Z/Z0): Z S = 0.25 + j 0.25            Z L = 1 − j Z_S=0.25+j0.25\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,Z_L=1-j ZS=0.25+j0.25ZL=1j
(2)Find the conjugate of Z S Z_S ZS- same real part and inversed imaginary part,so the conjugate point and the original Z S Z_S ZS is symmetric about real axis
Z S ∗ = 0.25 − j 0.25 Z_S^*=0.25-j0.25 ZS=0.25j0.25
(3)Conver Z to Y, find Y S ∗ Y^*_S YS and Y L Y_L YL
Show on the Smith Chart
Y S ∗ = 2.1 + j 2.0 Y^*_S=2.1+j2.0 YS=2.1+j2.0
Y L = 0.5 + j 0.5 Y_L=0.5+j0.5 YL=0.5+j0.5
(4)draw Γ \Gamma Γ circle for Y L Y_L YL, 就是以圆心到 Y L Y_L YL的距离为半径画圆
(5)rotate Y L Y_L YL along that circle toward generator until intersection with conductance circle of Y S ∗ Y^*_S YS, intersection point is A A A A A A点是画出的圆和 Y S ∗ Y^*_S YS 所在的圆( r = 2.1 r=2.1 r=2.1)的交点。在这里插入图片描述
(6)从最外圈“length toward generator”找到 A A A Y L Y_L YL对应的点,方法是连接圆心和该点,延长这条直线,找到与外圈刻度尺的交点。两个刻度之差就是TL的长度(注意是相对于波长 λ \lambda λ而言),大约是 0.212 − 0.087 = 0.125 λ 0.212-0.087=0.125\lambda 0.2120.087=0.125λ
(7) A = 2.1 + j 1.1 A=2.1+j1.1 A=2.1+j1.1 Y S ∗ = 2.1 + j 2 Y^*_S=2.1+j2 YS=2.1+j2 之间的弧长(沿着conductance circle r=2.1)即对应susceptance(admittance)of stub= j 1.1 j1.1 j1.1 y s t u b = 0.9 j y_{stub}=0.9j ystub=0.9j. Find the length of stub from the outside circle, moving from y = 0 y=0 y=0 (open term) to j 1.1 j1.1 j1.1(在外圈找到 X = j 1.1 X=j1.1 X=j1.1对应的length,就是大约虚轴的位置), aprroximate 0.122 λ 0.122\lambda 0.122λ
(8)second solution. Notice that the green circle in step (6) has the other intersection point with addmitance circle r = 2.1 r=2.1 r=2.1, marked as B, so length from Y L Y_L YL to B coule be the orther length of TL, length from B to y ∗ s y*_s ys coule be the orther susceptance of stub
B = 2.1 − j 1.1 B=2.1-j1.1 B=2.1j1.1, normalized susceptance of stub= j 2 − ( − j 1.1 ) = j 3.1 j2-(-j1.1)=j3.1 j2(j1.1)=j3.1, 图中的蓝线标出了 j 3.1 j3.1 j3.1对应的"length toward genertator", from y = 0 y=0 y=0 to y = 3.1 y=3.1 y=3.1(外圈的蓝色长弧线), the aprroximate length of stub is 0.198 λ 0.198\lambda 0.198λ, 棕色的弧线是length of TL,大约是" 0.288 − 0.088 = 0.2 λ 0.288-0.088=0.2\lambda 0.2880.088=0.2λ"

Sample 07 史密斯图与放大器的稳定性

Instability: ∣ Γ ∣ 2 > 1 |\Gamma|^2 >1 ∣Γ2>1, reflected > incidented
Stability: ∣ Γ ∣ 2 < 1 |\Gamma|^2 <1 ∣Γ2<1

Define the output stability circle with
{ C e n t e r : C L = S 22 ∗ − S 11 Δ ∗ ∣ S 22 2 ∣ − ∣ Δ ∣ 2 R a d i u s : R L = ∣ S 12 S 21 ∣ S 22 2 ∣ − ∣ Δ ∣ 2 ∣ \begin{cases} Center: & C_L=\frac {S_{22}^* -S_{11}\Delta^*} {|S_{22}^2 |- |\Delta|^2}\\ Radius: & R_L=|\frac {S_{12}S_{21}} {|S_{22}^2 |- |\Delta|^2}| \end{cases} {Center:Radius:CL=S222∣Δ2S22S11ΔRL=S222∣Δ2S12S21
represent it on the Γ L \Gamma_L ΓL axis:
∣ Γ L − C L ∣ 2 = R L 2 |\Gamma_L-C_L|^2=R_L^2 ΓLCL2=RL2
2 Cases: ∣ S 11 < 1 ∣ |S_{11}<1| S11<1∣ & ∣ S 11 > 1 ∣ |S_{11}>1| S11>1∣
(1) ∣ S 11 < 1 ∣ |S_{11}<1| S11<1∣ . For Γ L = 0 \Gamma_L=0 ΓL=0, ∣ Γ i n ∣ = ∣ S 11 + S 12 S 21 Γ L 1 − S 22 Γ L ∣ = ∣ S 11 ∣ < 1 |\Gamma_{in}|=|S_{11}+\frac {S_{12}S_{21}\Gamma_L}{1-S_{22}\Gamma_L}|=|S_{11}|<1 Γin=S11+1S22ΓLS12S21ΓL=S11<1, POINT Γ L \Gamma_L ΓL belongs to stable region, whitch is outside the stability circle. Thus, the stable region is that outside the stability circle falling with in the Smith Chart.

(2) ∣ S 11 > 1 ∣ |S_{11}>1| S11>1∣ . For Γ L = 0 \Gamma_L=0 ΓL=0, ∣ Γ i n ∣ = ∣ S 11 + S 12 S 21 Γ L 1 − S 22 Γ L ∣ = ∣ S 11 ∣ > 1 |\Gamma_{in}|=|S_{11}+\frac {S_{12}S_{21}\Gamma_L}{1-S_{22}\Gamma_L}|=|S_{11}|>1 Γin=S11+1S22ΓLS12S21ΓL=S11>1, POINT Γ L \Gamma_L ΓL belongs to unstable region, whitch is outside the stability circle. Thus, the stable region is that inside the stability circle falling with in the Smith Chart.

How to plot stability circle(以output circle 为例子)
(1)使用上述公式求出 C L = ∣ C L ∣ ∠ ϕ C_L=|C_L|\angle \phi CL=CL∣∠ϕ R L R_L RL


  1. The Smith Chart is a graphical mapping of Γ \Gamma Γ into Z Z Z(must be normalized)
  2. 最大的圆代表 r = 0 r=0 r=0,其与“x轴/水平轴”的左交点为代表短路,右交点代表开路,圆心代表阻抗匹配。
  3. 上半平面的点对应 R L RL RL,reactance x > 0 x>0 x>0
    下半平面的点对应 R C RC RC,reactance x < 0 x<0 x<0


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Smith Chart V4.1是一种用于分析射频电路的绘工具。它在射频和微波领域中广泛应用,特别是在阻抗匹配中。Smith Chart V4.1可以帮助工程师们更好地理解和优化射频电路的性能。 Smith Chart V4.1的主要特点有以下几个方面。首先,它能够直观地展示电路中的阻抗情况。通过Smith Chart V4.1,工程师可以看到阻抗的大小和相位,以及它们在频率变化时的变化趋势。这有助于工程师们更好地了解电路的特性,从而更好地进行设计和优化。 其次,Smith Chart V4.1可以用于阻抗匹配。在射频电路设计中,阻抗匹配是非常重要的一环。Smith Chart V4.1提供了一种直观、快速的方法来寻找最佳的匹配网络。工程师们可以通过观察Smith Chart V4.1上的阻抗匹配曲线,确定最佳的匹配点,并选择合适的匹配元件来实现阻抗匹配,以提高电路的效率和性能。 此外,Smith Chart V4.1还可以用于分析和解决射频电路中的反射问题。通过观察Smith Chart V4.1上的反射系数曲线,工程师们可以直接得出反射系数的大小和相位信息。这对于检测射频电路中的反射问题以及解决它们非常有帮助。 总之,Smith Chart V4.1是一种非常实用的工具,它可以帮助工程师们更好地分析和优化射频电路。它直观地展示了阻抗的大小、相位和变化趋势,提供了阻抗匹配和解决反射问题的快速方法。在射频和微波领域的电路设计中,Smith Chart V4.1是一个不可或缺的工具。


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  • 没帮助
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  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助
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