A stochastic parrot in every pot 每口锅里都会有一只随机鹦鹉? | 经济学人社论双语精翻

本期双语文章来自《经济学人》2023年5月13日周报社论:《人工智能经济学》(The economics of AI)

A stochastic parrot in every pot?


What does a leaked Google memo reveal about the future of AI?


Open-source AI is booming. That makes it less likely that a handful of firms will control the technology.


They have changed the world by writing software. But techy types are also known for composing lengthy memos in prose, the most famous of which have marked turning points in computing. Think of Bill Gates’s “Internet tidal wave” memo of 1995, which reoriented Microsoft towards the web; or Jeff Bezos’s “API mandate” memo of 2002, which opened up Amazon’s digital infrastructure, paving the way for modern cloud computing. Now techies are abuzz about another memo, this time leaked from within Google, titled “We have no moat”. Its unknown author details the astonishing progress being made in artificial intelligence (AI)—and challenges some long-held assumptions about the balance of power in this fast-moving industry.

他们通过编写软件改变了世界。但是这些技术型人才也因为用散文撰写冗长的备忘录而闻名,其中最著名的一篇标志着计算机科学的转折点。想想比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)1995年的“互联网浪潮”备忘录,该备忘录将微软重新定位到网络;或者杰夫·贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)2002年的“API授权”备忘录,该备忘录开辟了亚马逊的数字基础设施,并为现代云计算技术铺平了道路。现在,技术人员正在讨论另一份备忘录,这次是从谷歌内部泄露的,标题为“我们没有护城河”。其未知作者详细介绍了人工智能(AI)取得的惊人进展,并对这个快速发展行业中势力均衡的一些长期假设提出了挑战。

1995年,微软总裁比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)在巴黎举行的新闻发布会前展示了微软的Windows 95程序。下图为比尔·盖茨1995年“互联网浪潮”备忘录

AI burst into the public consciousness with the launch in late 2022 of ChatGPT, a chatbot powered by a “large language model” (LLM) made by OpenAI, a startup closely linked to Microsoft. Its success prompted Google and other tech firms to release their own LLM-powered chatbots. Such systems can generate text and hold realistic conversations because they have been trained using trillions of words taken from the internet. Training a large LLM takes months and costs tens of millions of dollars. This led to concerns that AI would be dominated by a few deep-pocketed firms.


But that assumption is wrong, says the Google memo. It notes that researchers in the open-source community, using free, online resources, are now achieving results comparable to the biggest proprietary models. It turns out that LLMs can be “fine-tuned” using a technique called low-rank adaptation, or LoRa. This allows an existing LLM to be optimised for a particular task far more quickly and cheaply than training an LLM from scratch.


LoRA的思想逻辑可简单描述为:在原始PLM(Programmable Logic Matrice,可编程序的逻辑矩阵)旁边增加一个旁路,做一个降维再升维的操作,来模拟所谓的intrinsic rank。训练的时候固定PLM的参数,只训练降维矩阵A与升维矩阵B。而模型的输入输出维度不变,输出时将BA与PLM的参数叠加。



Activity in open-source AI exploded in March, when LLAMA, a model created by Meta, Facebook’s parent, was leaked online. Although it is smaller than the largest LLMs (its smallest version has 7bn parameters, compared with 540bn for Google’s PALM) it was quickly fine-tuned to produce results comparable to the original version of ChatGPT on some tasks. As open-source researchers built on each other’s work with LLAMA, “a tremendous outpouring of innovation followed,” the memo’s author writes.


This could have seismic implications for the industry’s future. “The barrier to entry for training and experimentation has dropped from the total output of a major research organisation to one person, an evening, and a beefy laptop,” the Google memo claims. An LLM can now be fine-tuned for $100 in a few hours. With its fast-moving, collaborative and low-cost model, “open-source has some significant advantages that we cannot replicate.” Hence the memo’s title: this may mean Google has no defensive “moat” against open-source competitors. Nor, for that matter, does OpenAI.




Not everyone agrees with this thesis. It is true that the internet runs on open-source software. But people use paid-for, proprietary software, from Adobe Photoshop to Microsoft Windows, as well. AI may find a similar balance. Moreover, benchmarking AI systems is notoriously hard. Yet even if the memo is partly right, the implication is that access to AI technology will be far more democratised than seemed possible even a year ago. Powerful LLMs can be run on a laptop; anyone who wants to can now fine-tune their own AI.

不是每个人都同意这个论点。的确,互联网运行在开源软件上。但人们也使用付费的专有软件,从Adobe Photoshop到Microsoft Windows。人工智能可能会找到类似的平衡。此外,对人工智能系统进行基准测试是出了名的困难。然而,即使备忘录的部分内容是正确的,其含义是,人工智能技术的获取将比一年前更加民主化。强大的LLM可以在笔记本电脑上运行;任何想要的人现在都可以微调自己的AI。

This has both positive and negative implications. On the plus side, it makes monopolistic control of AI by a handful of companies far less likely. It will make access to AI much cheaper, accelerate innovation across the field and make it easier for researchers to analyse the behaviour of AI systems (their access to proprietary models was limited), boosting transparency and safety. But easier access to AI also means bad actors will be able to fine-tune systems for nefarious purposes, such as generating disinformation. It means Western attempts to prevent hostile regimes from gaining access to powerful AI technology will fail. And it makes AI harder to regulate, because the genie is out of the bottle.




Whether Google and its ilk really have lost their moat in AI will soon become apparent. But as with those previous memos, this feels like another turning point for computing. 






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