

意见 (Opinion)

Artificial Intelligence is the fastest-growing field in the present-day. According to fortune, the statistics say that the hirings for AI specialists have grown by 74% over the last 4 years. Artificial Intelligence is regarded as the “Hottest” job of the present generation. The demand for skilled AI specialists is growing faster like never before. Requirements and open positions for experts in the sub-fields of AI like machine learning, deep learning, computer vision, statistics, and natural language processing are surging each day.

一个 rtificial智力是在当今发展最快的领域。 据《 财富 》杂志统计,人工智能专家的招聘在过去四年中增长了74%。 人工智能被视为当代的“最热门”工作。 对熟练的AI专家的需求以前所未有的速度增长。 人工智能子领域(如机器学习,深度学习,计算机视觉,统计和自然语言处理)的专家的要求和职位空缺每天都在增加。

What better time to make a startup of your own? You could be a self-made entrepreneur with some artificial intelligence skills and knowledge. Thanks to all the hype, there simply just can’t be a better time to build your very own startup in AI. However, this requires some fact-checking and digging up.

有什么更好的时间来自己创业? 您可以成为具有一些人工智能技能和知识的白手起家的企业家。 由于所有的炒作,在AI中建立自己的初创公司简直是一个更好的时机。 但是,这需要进行一些事实检查和挖掘。

Which fields actually live up to all the accelerated hype by AI? To answer this question we will have to explore the various fields of artificial intelligence and the various ideas that come along with each topic. I will be discussing the various possible startups with AI. Then I will recommend a few suggestions to get started with that particular startup and proceed to explain it in a bit more detail. Let’s start analyzing the 6 best startup choices for AI in no particular order.

哪些领域真正符合AI的所有加速宣传? 为了回答这个问题,我们将必须探索人工智能的各个领域以及每个主题附带的各种思想。 我将讨论使用AI的各种可能的创业公司。 然后,我将建议一些建议,以着手于该特定的启动程序,并继续对其进行详细说明。 让我们开始按特定顺序分析AI的6种最佳启动选择。

1.机器学习创业公司: (1. Machine Learning Startups:)

Ideas and approaches — Optimization algorithms to solve complex problems, high-quality recommendation systems, advanced spam filtering, fraud detection.


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Source: Photo by Daniel Wiadro on unsplash 来源: Daniel Wiadro摄影,未飞溅

Machine learning startups offer a wide range of opportunities. There are so many directions you can choose. This is also a great option for people with proficient machine learning knowledge but lack the deep learning perspective or are not that interested in deep learning. Some people just like more complex math and machine learning designing. Well lucky for them! This is the perfect startup option. The designing, strategic planning, and deployment of various machine learning models can be performed on the idea of their choice to earn cash and make profits on their business venture.

机器学习创业公司提供了广泛的机会。 您可以选择很多方向。 对于拥有精通机器学习知识但缺乏深度学习观点或对深度学习不感兴趣的人来说,这也是一个不错的选择。 有些人喜欢更复杂的数学和机器学习设计。 他们很幸运! 这是完美的启动选项。 各种机器学习模型的设计,战略规划和部署都可以根据他们选择的构想来进行,以从他们的企业中赚钱和获利。

2.自然语言处理: (2. Natural Language Processing:)

Ideas and approaches — Unique innovative chatbots for business and industry, sequence to sequence models with attention for machine translation for regional languages, text to speech, and speech to text tasks.

想法和方法- 独特的创新型聊天机器人,适用于工商业,采用点对点模型,并专注于区域语言,文本到语音以及语音到文本任务的机器翻译。

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Source: Photo by Kourosh Qaffari on unsplash 资料来源: Kourosh Qaffari摄影,未飞溅

Do you love text, lots of reading, pre-processing, and building models with text-based data? Bingo! This is the best choice to plan and build your startup on. The possibilities you have with natural language processing as a startup choice are diverse. These range from classification of text, segregation of useful data, construction of high-level chatbots, and much more. If you live in a place where the regional language is not yet verified as an official language in the google translator, that could be a great business option as well. Also, most google translations do not work well on some languages. You can improvise your own datasets and ideas resulting in a successful startup. If you want to build chatbots, the best approach is to look for what are your target audience, companies, or businesses. Making specific chatbots is ideal as you can greatly improve the performance for that particular task.

您喜欢文本,大量阅读,预处理以及使用基于文本的数据构建模型吗? 答对了! 这是计划和构建启动的最佳选择。 使用自然语言处理作为启动选择的可能性是多种多样的。 这些范围包括文本分类,有用数据的隔离,高级聊天机器人的构造等等。 如果您居住的地方还没有在google翻译器中确认为官方语言,那么这也是一个不错的业务选择。 另外,大多数Google翻译在某些语言上无法正常运行。 您可以临时创建自己的数据集和想法,从而成功启动。 如果要构建聊天机器人 ,最好的方法是寻找目标受众,公司或企业。 制作特定的聊天机器人非常理想,因为您可以大大提高特定任务的性能。

3.计算机视觉: (3. Computer Vision:)

Ideas and approaches — Face recognition, object detection, human activity recognition, human emotion and gesture detection, image segmentation, optical character recognition (OCR).

想法和方法— 面部识别 ,对象检测,人类活动识别, 人类情感和手势检测 ,图像分割,光学字符识别(OCR)。

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Source: Photo by Carl Heyerdahl on unsplash 资料来源: Carl Heyerdahl摄,未飞溅

I am personally very pumped for computer vision projects and computer vision related startups. This field offers unique and diverse options to build so many innovative projects. Computer vision projects are meant to interpret and visualize the images and objects in the surrounding. A fruitful computer vision business venture can generate a high income. Computer vision can be used across many platforms. Face recognition tasks can be performed on smartphones, IoT devices, etc. Object detection tasks can be performed for image retrieval, surveillance, automated vehicles, and machine inspection. Here is an example of human emotion and gesture recognition by me. Set up your startup by picking your target audience and company for which you want to perform the specific computer vision task.

我个人非常喜欢计算机视觉项目和与计算机视觉相关的初创公司。 该领域提供了独特而多样的选择来构建如此众多的创新项目。 计算机视觉项目旨在解释和可视化周围的图像和对象。 富有成效的计算机视觉企业可以产生高收入。 计算机视觉可以在许多平台上使用。 面部识别任务可以在智能手机,IoT设备等上执行。对象检测任务可以在图像检索,监视,自动车辆和机器检查中执行。 是我对人类情感和手势识别的示例。 通过选择要为其执行特定计算机视觉任务的目标受众和公司来设置启动。

4.基于医疗AI的初创企业: (4. Medical AI-based Startups:)

Ideas and approaches — Advanced x-ray scanning, advanced screening and diagnosis of malicious diseases, retinal scans, identification of various symptoms for specific conditions.


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Source: Photo by Owen Beard on unsplash 资料来源: Owen Beard摄影,未飞溅

Artificial intelligence is being extensively used in the medical research and science fields. Medical startups with artificial intelligence technologies are gaining extremely high popularity due to the precision and accuracy of predictions. The development of high-quality models especially in the field of medicine and medical science is essential. This is because an individual’s life could be on the line with each prediction. This is one of the main reasons the demand for these startups are rising each day. This is the best startup idea for you if you are interested in helping people and innovating the equipment in the medical industry.

人工智能正在医学研究和科学领域中广泛使用。 凭借人工智能技术的医疗初创企业由于预测的准确性和准确性而获得了极大的欢迎。 开发高质量模型尤其是在医学和医学领域至关重要。 这是因为个人的生活可能与每项预测都息息相关。 这是这些创业公司的需求每天都在增加的主要原因之一。 如果您有兴趣在医疗行业帮助人们和创新设备,这是最佳的启动想法。

5.带有AI的物联网(基于IoT的AI初创公司): (5. Internet of Things with AI (IoT-based AI Startups):)

Ideas and approaches — AI-based robotics, security using embedded systems, self-driving AI cars, face recognition and emotion analysis on embedded devices, home automation setups.


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Source: Photo by Marvin Meyer on unsplash 资料来源: Marvin Meyer摄影,未飞溅

This is perhaps the coolest startup idea with AI. Both IoT and AI are buzz-words in today’s world. There are tons of options one can choose to integrate AI with IoT. Incorporation of AI with embedded systems to perform various chores like security, surveillance, face recognition, and finger print recognition among many others are fantastic startup options. Robotics and AI are one of the most popular fields together. To read more about the AI-based robots dream check out this article here. Overall, this is the best option for anyone interested in real-life and real-time computational processing of IoT projects together with artificial intelligence.

这可能是AI最酷的启动想法。 物联网和人工智能都是当今世界的流行语。 人们可以选择无数种选择来将AI与IoT集成。 将AI与嵌入式系统集成在一起以执行各种繁琐的工作,例如安全性,监视,面部识别和指纹识别等,是绝佳的启动选项。 机器人技术和AI一起是最受欢迎的领域之一。 要了解有关基于AI的机器人梦想的更多信息,请在此处查看本文。 总体而言,对于那些对物联网项目的实时和实时计算处理以及人工智能感兴趣的人,这是最佳选择。

6.虚拟助手: (6. Virtual Assistants:)

Ideas and approaches — Speech recognition to interact with the user, conversational chatbot AI, natural language processing, computer vision knowledge.


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Source: Photo by Bence Boros on unsplash 资料来源: Bence Boros摄影,未飞溅

Virtual assistants require a special mention of their own. This is because the more precise and robust virtual assistants are quite complex to build. However, the revenue generated by these virtual assistant startups can be very high. It is important to have some knowledge across IoT, natural language processing, computer vision, and speech translation. The existing popular virtual assistants are Amazon Alexa, Apple’s Siri, Google Assistant, and Microsoft’s Cortana. The market needs more virtual assistants. People love the options these virtual assistants provide. However, virtual assistants like Alexa can be slightly expensive for some people. This opens up an amazing startup idea to sell. Cheaper better performing virtual assistants with optimized algorithms can be a great selling point. I will be a doing series in the near future on how can you make your very own virtual assistant.

虚拟助手需要特别提及自己。 这是因为构建更精确,更强大的虚拟助手非常复杂。 但是,这些虚拟助手初创公司产生的收入可能非常高。 拥有有关物联网,自然语言处理,计算机视觉和语音翻译的知识非常重要。 现有流行的虚拟助手是Amazon Alexa,Apple的Siri,Google Assistant和Microsoft的Cortana。 市场需要更多的虚拟助手。 人们喜欢这些虚拟助手提供的选项。 但是,对于某些人来说,像Alexa这样的虚拟助手可能会稍微贵一些。 这开辟了一个惊人的创业想法来出售。 使用优化算法的廉价,性能更好的虚拟助手可能是一个不错的卖点。 我将在不久的将来做一个系列文章,介绍如何制作自己的虚拟助手

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Source: Photo by V2osk on unsplash 资料来源: V2osk摄影,未飞溅

最后的想法: (Final Thoughts:)

A Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.

角色不能轻松安静地发展。 只有通过经历磨难和磨难的经验,才能使灵魂得到加强,激发雄心并取得成功。

Helen Keller


These are overall the 6 best startup ideas in my experience. Feel free to let me know if you felt I missed something or you feel any other startup idea is on the rise. At the end of the day, self-satisfaction and feeling happy about what you perceive is the most important thing in life. If you do choose any of the following startup ideas, I wish you all the best of luck! Enjoy your startup idea without the fear of success or failure.

这些是我经验中最好的6个最佳启动创意。 随时让我知道您是否觉得我错过了什么,或者您觉得其他任何新兴想法正在兴起。 归根结底,自我满足和对自己的感知感到高兴是生活中最重要的事情。 如果您选择以下任何一种启动方法,希望您一切顺利! 享受您的创业想法,而不必担心成功或失败。

The real test is not whether you avoid this failure because you won’t. It’s whether you let it harden or shame you into inaction, or whether you learn from it; whether you choose to persevere. — Barack Obama

真正的考验不是您是否会避免失败,因为您不会。 这是您让它变得僵硬还是让自己无所作为而感到羞耻,还是您是否从中学到东西? 是否选择坚持不懈。 - 巴拉克奥巴马

Setting up your startup idea and a concrete plan is crucial for the prosperity of your startup and the journey to becoming a successful entrepreneur. I hope all of had fun reading this article and were able to learn a few things from this. Good luck to all the people setting out to be AI entrepreneurs of the modern era! Have a wonderful day and see you all in another article.

设定创业理念和具体计划对于创业的繁荣和成为成功企业家的旅程至关重要。 我希望所有人都阅读本文并从中学习到一些东西。 祝所有准备成为现代AI企业家的人们好运! 祝您有美好的一天,在另一篇文章中见。







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