git .git目录提交_入侵git目录

git .git目录提交

When attacking an application, obtaining the application’s source code can be extremely helpful for constructing an exploit. This is because some bugs, like SQL injections, are way easier to find using static code analysis compared to black-box testing.

在攻击应用程序时,获取应用程序的源代码对于构造漏洞利用程序极为有用。 这是因为与黑盒测试相比,使用静态代码分析更容易发现某些错误(例如SQL注入)。

Obtaining an application's source also often means getting a hold of developer comments, hardcoded API keys, and other sensitive data. So the source code of an application should always be protected from public view.

获取应用程序的来源通常还意味着获得开发人员注释,硬编码的API密钥和其他敏感数据。 因此,应始终保护应用程序的源代码不受公开可见。

查找.git目录信息泄漏 (Finding .git directory information leaks)

A way that applications accidentally expose source code to the public is through an exposed .git directory.


When a developer uses Git to version control a project’s source code, a git directory (located at is used to store all the version control information of the project, including the commit history of project files. Normally, the .git folder should not be accessible to the public. But sometimes the .git folder is accidentally made available, and this is when information leaks happen.

当开发人员使用Git对项目的源代码进行版本控制时,将使用git目录 (位于 )来存储项目的所有版本控制信息,包括项目文件的提交历史记录。 通常,.git文件夹不应为公众访问。 但是有时会偶然使.git文件夹可用,这是信息泄漏发生的时间。

To check if an application’s .git folder is exposed, simply go to the application’s root directory, for example, and add /.git to the URL. There are three possibilities that can happen when you browse to the /.git directory:

要检查应用程序的.git文件夹是否公开,只需转到应用程序的根目录(例如 ,然后将/.git添加到URL。 浏览到/.git目录时,可能会发生三种情况:

  • If you get a 404 error, this means that the .git directory of the application is not made available to the public, and you won’t be able to leak information this way.

  • If you get a 403 error, the .git directory is available on the server, but you won’t be able to directly access the folder’s root, and therefore will not be able to list all the files contained in the directory.

  • If you don’t get an error and the server responds with the document tree of the .git directory, you can directly browse the folder’s contents and retrieve any information contained in it.

Image for post
Photo by Luke Chesser on Unsplash
Luke ChesserUnsplash拍摄的照片

从.git目录重构项目源 (Reconstructing project source from .git directory)

If directory listing is enabled, an attacker can simply browse through the files and retrieve the leaked information. She can also use the wget command in recursive mode (-r) to mass-download the contents of the directory.

如果启用了目录列表,则攻击者可以仅浏览文件并检索泄漏的信息。 她还可以在递归模式(-r)中使用wget命令来批量下载目录的内容。

> wget -r

But if directory listing is not enabled and the directory’s files are not shown, there are still ways for an attacker to reconstruct the entire .git directory. To understand how this is done, we must first understand the structure of .git directories.

但是,如果未启用目录列表并且未显示目录文件,则攻击者仍然可以通过多种方式来重建整个.git目录。 若要了解如何完成此操作,我们必须首先了解.git目录的结构。

.git目录结构 (.git directory structure)

The .git directory is laid out in a specific way. When you execute the command:

.git目录以特定方式进行布局。 执行命令时:

> ls .git

In the command line, you would probably see this:


COMMIT_EDITMSG HEAD branches config description hooks index info logs objects refs

Here are a few standard files and folders in the .git directory that is important in reconstructing the project’s source.


  • The /objects folder

    / objects文件夹

The /objects directory is used to store Git objects. This directory contains additional folders that each have two character names. These subdirectories are named after the first two characters of the SHA1 hash of the git objects stored in it.

/ objects目录用于存储Git对象。 该目录包含其他文件夹,每个文件夹都有两个字符名称。 这些子目录以存储在其中的git对象的SHA1哈希的前两个字符命名。

Within these subdirectories, there are files named after the SHA1 hash of the git object stored in it.


For example, the command below will return a list of folders:


> ls .git/objects00 0a 14 5a 64 6e 82 8c 96 a0 aa b4 be c8 d2 dc e6 f0 fa info pack

And this command will reveal the git objects stored in that particular folder:


> ls .git/objects/0a082f2656a655c8b0a87956c7bcdc93dfda23f8 4a1ee2f3a3d406411a72e1bea63507560092bd 66452433322af3d319a377415a890c70bbd263 8c20ea4482c6d2b0c9cdaf73d4b05c2c8c44e9 ee44c60c73c5a622bb1733338d3fa964b333f0
0ec99d617a7b78c5466daa1e6317cbd8ee07cc 52113e4f248648117bc4511da04dd4634e6753 72e6850ef963c6aeee4121d38cf9de773865d8

Git objects are stored in /objects according to the first two characters of their SHA1 hash. For example, the Git object with a hash of 0a082f2656a655c8b0a87956c7bcdc93dfda23f8 will be stored with the file name of 082f2656a655c8b0a87956c7bcdc93dfda23f8 in the directory .git/objects/0a.

Git对象根据其SHA1哈希的前两个字符存储在/ objects中。 例如,具有0a082f2656a655c8b0a87956c7bcdc93dfda23f8的散列的GIT中对象将被存储与082f2656a655c8b0a87956c7bcdc93dfda23f8在目录的.git /对象/ 0A的文件名。

Git stores different types of objects in .git/objects. An object stored here could either be a commit, a tree, a blob, and an annotated tag. You can determine the type of an object by using the command:

Git在.git / objects中存储不同类型的对象。 此处存储的对象可以是提交,树,blob和带注释的标签 。 您可以使用以下命令确定对象的类型:

> git cat-file -t OBJECT-HASH

Commit objects store information about the commit’s directory tree object hash, parent commit, author, committer, date, and message of a commit. Tree objects contain the directory listings for commits. Blob objects contain copies of files that were committed (read: actual source code!). Whereas tag objects contain information about tagged objects and their associated tag names.

提交对象存储有关提交的目录树对象哈希,父提交,作者,提交者,日期和提交消息的信息。 树对象包含提交的目录列表。 Blob对象包含已提交文件的副本(请参阅:实际源代码!)。 而标记对象包含有关标记对象及其关联标记名称的信息。

You can display the file associated with a Git object by using the command:


> git cat-file -p OBJECT-HASH
  • The /config file is the Git configuration file for the project.

    / config文件是项目的Git配置文件。

  • The /HEAD file is a file that contains a reference to the current branch.

    / HEAD文件是包含对当前分支的引用的文件。

> cat .git/HEAD
ref: refs/heads/master

确认文件可访问 (Confirming that files are accessible)

If you are not able to access the .git directory listing, you’ll need to confirm that the folder’s contents are indeed available to the public. You can do this by trying to access the config file of the .git directory.

如果您无法访问.git目录列表,则需要确认该文件夹的内容确实可供公众使用。 您可以通过尝试访问.git目录的配置文件来执行此操作。

> curl

If this file is accessible, you might be able to download the entire contents of the .git directory.


下载文件 (Downloading the files)

If you cannot access the /.git folder’s directory listing, you have to download each file you want instead of recursively downloading from the directory root.


But how do you find out which files on the server are available when object files have complex paths such as “.git/objects/0a/72e6850ef963c6aeee4121d38cf9de773865d8”?

但是,当目标文件具有复杂的路径(例如“ .git / objects / 0a / 72e6850ef963c6aeee4121d38cf9de773865d8”)时,如何找出服务器上哪些文件可用?

You start with file paths that you already know exist, like “.git/HEAD”! Reading this file will give you a reference to the current branch (for example, .git/refs/heads/master) that you can use to find more files on the system.

从已知的文件路径开始,例如“ .git / HEAD” ! 阅读此文件将为您提供对当前分支的引用(例如.git / refs / heads / master ),您可以使用该分支在系统上查找更多文件。

> cat .git/HEAD
ref: refs/heads/master
> cat .git/refs/heads/master
> git cat-file -t 0a66452433322af3d319a377415a890c70bbd263
> git cat-file -p 0a66452433322af3d319a377415a890c70bbd263
tree 0a72e6850ef963c6aeee4121d38cf9de773865d8

The .git/refs/heads/master file will point you to the corresponding object hash that stores the directory tree of the commit. From there, you can see that the object is a commit and is associated with a tree object, 0a72e6850ef963c6aeee4121d38cf9de773865d8.

.git / refs / heads / master文件会将您指向存储提交目录树的相应对象哈希。 从那里,您可以看到该对象是一个提交,并且与树对象0a72e6850ef963c6aeee4121d38cf9de773865d8关联

Now when you examine the tree object stored at 0a72e6850ef963c6aeee4121d38cf9de773865d8:


> git cat-file -p 0a72e6850ef963c6aeee4121d38cf9de773865d8
100644 blob 6ad5fb6b9a351a77c396b5f1163cc3b0abcde895 .gitignore
040000 blob 4b66088945aab8b967da07ddd8d3cf8c47a3f53c
040000 blob 9a3227dca45b3977423bb1296bbc312316c2aa0d README
040000 tree 3b1127d12ee43977423bb1296b8900a316c2ee32 resources

Bingo! You discover some source code files and additional object trees to explore.

答对了! 您会发现一些源代码文件和其他对象树以进行探索。

On a remote server, your requests to discovering the different files would look more like this:

在远程服务器上,您发现不同文件的请求看起来像这样: (to determine the HEAD) (to find the object stored in that HEAD) (to access the tree associated with the commit) (to download the source code stored in the README file)

On a remote server like this, you will need to decompress the downloaded object file before you read it. This can be done using Ruby:

在这样的远程服务器上,您需要先解压缩下载的目标文件,然后再读取它。 这可以使用Ruby完成:

ruby -rzlib -e 'print' < OBJECT_FILE

寻找有用的信息 (Finding useful information)

After recovering the project’s source code, you can grep for hardcoded credentials, encryption keys and developer comments for quick wins. You should also look for new and deprecated endpoints and record them for further analysis.

恢复项目的源代码后,您可以grep获取硬编码的凭据,加密密钥和开发人员注释,以快速获胜。 您还应该寻找新的和过时的端点,并记录它们以进行进一步分析。

If you have time, you can simply browse through the entire recovered codebase to find potential vulnerabilities. Here’s a guide to reviewing code for security purposes:

如果有时间,您可以简单地浏览整个恢复的代码库以查找潜在的漏洞。 这是出于安全目的而检查代码的指南:

Thanks for reading. And remember: trying this on systems where you don’t have permission to test is illegal. If you’ve found a vulnerability, please disclose it responsibly to the vendor. Help make our Internet a safer place.

谢谢阅读。 请记住:在没有测试许可的系统上尝试这样做是非法的。 如果您发现了漏洞,请以负责任的方式向供应商披露。 帮助使我们的互联网更安全。


git .git目录提交

### 回答1: 这句代码是一个 Python 语句,用于从名为 "version" 的模块中导入了两个变量 "__gitsha__" 和 "__version__"。 这些变量可能是用于记录项目版本和 Git 仓库的 SHA 值。 变量 "__version__" 可能用于记录项目的版本号,例如"1.0.0",它可以表示软件或代码的发布版本。 而变量 "__gitsha__" 可能用于记录 Git 仓库的当前提交的 SHA 值。SHA 值是 Git 版本控制系统用于标识每个提交的唯一标识符,可以用于追踪代码的状态和更改历史。 这行代码的目的是导入这两个变量,以便在代码中使用它们。通过引入这些变量,可以轻松地访问和使用版本和 Git 提交信息。这对于项目或代码库的管理和追踪是非常有用的。 ### 回答2: from .version import __gitsha__, __version__ 是一个Python引入模块的语句。通过这个语句,我们可以在Python程序中使用两个特殊变量:__gitsha__和__version__。 __gitsha__表示的是当前代码所在Git仓库的最新commit的sha值。在代码提交Git仓库时,每次都生成一个唯一的sha值,表示该次提交的版本。通过这个变量,我们可以在代码中获取当前版本的sha值,用于追踪和查找代码的历史记录。 __version__表示的是当前代码的版本号。版本号是用来标识代码的不同版本的,通常采用x.y.z的形式,例如1.0.3。版本号的变化可以代表着代码的改动和更新,方便开发者和用户了解当前使用的是哪个版本的代码。 使用这个导入语句,可以方便地在代码中获取和使用当前的gitsha和版本信息。在编写程序时,我们可以使用这些信息进行日志输出、版本比较、错误追踪等功能。同时,这些信息也可以在程序运行时展示给用户,帮助他们了解当前程序使用的版本和提交记录。 总之,通过from .version import __gitsha__, __version__这个语句,我们可以在Python程序中方便地获取和使用当前的gitsha和版本信息,提供更好的代码管理和版本控制的功能。 ### 回答3: from .version import __gitsha__, __version__ 是一段代码中的引入语句。它的作用是引入一个名为__gitsha__和__version__的变量,这两个变量分别用于存储代码的Git版本号和软件版本号。 在使用这段代码时,我们需要确保版本文件(位于当前工作目录的同级目录下,或者是在Python解释器的搜索路径中。引入成功后,可以直接使用__gitsha__和__version__这两个变量来获取相应的版本信息。 __gitsha__变量用于存储代码的Git版本号,通常以SHA-1哈希值的形式表示。利用Git工具,我们可以方便地在代码修改和提交时生成唯一的版本号。在软件发布或者代码管理中,利用该变量可以追踪和确认代码的版本,保证代码的一致性和可追溯性。 __version__变量用于存储软件的版本号。软件版本号通常由数字和点号组成,表示软件的不同版本和更新级别。在软件开发和发布过程中,版本号的更新通常与功能增加、修复漏洞、改善性能等相关。 总之,引入语句from .version import __gitsha__, __version__的目的是方便我们在代码中获取当前代码的Git版本号和软件的版本号,以便进行版本管理和追踪。




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