

Cancer is a devastating and unfortunate reality of our lives. It’s estimated that 1.8 million new cancer cases will be diagnosed in the United States in 2020, resulting in approximately 606,520 deaths. Despite the fact that cancer deaths in the United States are down a staggering 27% in 25 years, it’s still marked as the second leading cause of the death in the country, behind only heart disease.

çancer是我们生活的毁灭性和不幸的现实。 据估计 ,到2020年,美国将诊断出180万例新癌症病例,导致约606,520人死亡。 尽管美国的癌症死亡人数在25年内下降了惊人的27%,但它仍然是美国第二大死亡原因,仅次于心脏病。

There are very few of us lucky enough to get through our daily lives without feeling the effects of cancer, whether it be a loved one, a friend, a coworker, or ourselves that develop it. While the physical effects of cancer are obviously devastating, from the tumors themselves ravaging someone’s body to the horrid side effects of most treatments, a much less talked about — but equally as important — aspect of this horrid disease is the psychological and emotional toll it takes on people. Understandably, those who get diagnosed with cancer — especially breast, head, and neck cancer — have a high chance of developing some sort of depression, anxiety, and (even if they best the disease) Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Compounding this, many individuals going through chemotherapy (a drug treatment that uses potent chemicals to kill fast-growing cells in your body) suffer through different cognitive and mental challenges due to the treatment. Approximately 75% of patients who undergo chemotherapy experience cerebral issues like learning new information or tasks, have trouble multitasking, recalling common words, names, or dates, as well as generally taking longer to process information.

很少有人幸运地度过我们的日常生活而不会感觉到癌症的影响,无论是成为亲人,朋友,同事还是发展癌症的自己。 尽管癌症的物理作用显然是毁灭性的,但从肿瘤本身破坏某人的身体到大多数治疗方法的可怕副作用,这种可怕疾病的谈论少得多但同样重要的是心理和情感上的损失。对人。 可以理解的是,那些被诊断出患有癌症的人,尤其是乳腺癌,头颈癌和颈部癌,极有可能患上某种抑郁症,焦虑症和(即使他们最擅长于这种疾病)创伤后应激障碍。 除此之外,许多接受化学疗法治疗的人 (一种使用强效化学物质杀死体内快速生长的细胞的药物治疗方法)会遭受不同的认知和心理挑战。 大约75%接受化疗的患者会遇到大脑问题,例如学习新信息或任务,多任务处理困难,召回常用词,姓名或日期,并且通常需要更长的时间来处理信息。

Research in the treatment of cancer is always developing and changing, with researchers and doctors utilizing the best technology on offer to try to make combating the disease as quick, easy, painless, and effective as possible. It would seem that one of these modern day marvels is interactive entertainment, with the power of video games being harnessed as a legitimate addition to the treatment of those suffering from cancer. This idea has lead to researchers developing games specifically catering towards cancer patients, and analyzing whether or not those games can be used as a legitimate form of treatment towards the deadly disease.

癌症治疗的研究一直在发展和变化,研究人员和医生利用提供的最佳技术来尝试尽可能快,轻松,无痛且有效地抗击该疾病。 似乎这些现代奇迹之一是交互式娱乐,视频游戏的功能已被利用为治疗癌症患者的合法补充。 这个想法促使研究人员开发了专门针对癌症患者的游戏,并分析了这些游戏是否可以用作治疗致命疾病的合法形式。

Empower Stars! is one of those video games. Developed for iOS (iPads in particular) in 2018, Empower Stars! is designed to help children cope with the realities of cancer in a digestible and fun way, turning players into intergalactic explorers destined to make new discoveries amongst the stars. Along with the game itself, a special 3D case blueprint was conceived and printed to utilize the gyroscopic capabilities of the iPad, with one of the main focuses of Empower Stars! being the implementation of physical activity and fitness in an exciting, engaging, and simple way. These exercises were devised mainly to increase upper body strength, overall flexibility, and mobility while remaining fun, natural, and comfortable. The exercises consist of 30 second intervals of activity (specifically devised to feel the burn of lactic acid buildup and increase heart rate without fatiguing the player) which include things like shaking, spinning, and twisting the iPad. These workouts take place at game “power up stations” and provide power for the player’s ship to continue expedition. Unsurprisingly, these activities were performed with more vigor by those who felt better, so the game was designed to detect limited amounts of iPad movement, allowing those who don’t feel as energetic as others due to the disease to still enjoy the game and progress.

赋予星星! 是其中的一款视频游戏。 Empower Stars于2018年为iOS(尤其是iPad)开发 旨在帮助儿童以一种可消化且有趣的方式应对癌症的现实,将玩家转变为注定要在星际中发现新发现的星际探险家。 除了游戏本身,还构思并打印了一种特殊的3D外壳蓝图,以利用iPad的陀螺功能,而Empower Stars的主要重点之一就是该蓝图 以令人兴奋,引人入胜且简单的方式来进行体育锻炼和健身。 这些锻炼的主要目的是增加上身的力量,整体柔韧性和活动性,同时保持乐趣,自然和舒适。 练习包括30秒的活动间隔(专门设计成可感觉到乳酸积累的灼伤并在不使演奏者疲劳的情况下提高心率),其中包括摇晃,旋转和扭曲iPad等操作。 这些锻炼在游戏“加电站”进行,并为玩家的飞船提供动力以继续探险。 毫不奇怪,这些活动是由感觉更好的人进行的,充满活力,因此该游戏旨在检测有限量的iPad运动,从而使那些因疾病而感觉不到与其他人一样精力充沛的人仍然可以享受游戏和进步。

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Cancer is a terrifying and horrible experience for people of every age, but it’s especially difficult to explain cancer to children in a meaningful and easily understandable fashion. Due to this, a secondary focus of Empower Stars! is that of explanation. The game attempts to answer a variety of questions children may have pertaining to cancer, such as “What exactly is cancer?” and “What is chemotherapy, radiation, and their side effects?” The information provided is incorporated into the exercises themselves in the way of scrolling text, whether it be giving information while the games are being played or displayed while the next section is loading.. Along with this distribution method, information is also given in the way of mini games, such as a nutrition based game that requires players to move the iPad to separate food (like apples and French fries) into categories. Mini games like these are implemented to visually demonstrate how to stay healthy while simultaneously involving the player in physical activity.

对于每个年龄段的人来说,癌症都是一种可怕而又可怕的经历,但是以有意义且易于理解的方式向儿童解释癌症尤其困难 。 因此, Empower Stars的第二个重点 是解释性的。 该游戏试图回答儿童可能与癌症有关的各种问题,例如“癌症到底是什么?”。 和“什么是化学疗法,放射线及其副作用?” 所提供的信息以滚动文本的方式并入练习本身,无论是在玩游戏时提供信息还是在下一部分加载时显示。.除了这种分发方法以外,信息还以这种方式给出迷你游戏,例如基于营养的游戏,需要玩家移动iPad将食物(如苹果和薯条)分类。 实施此类迷你游戏,以视觉方式展示如何保持健康,同时让玩家参与体育锻炼。

Empower Stars! was received relatively well by doctors and other health care professionals. More importantly, children seemed to connect with the game, and — for the most part — it succeeded in its trial mission. Empowerment Stars! demonstrated that children are willing and often excited to participate in activities outside of traditional medicine and therapy to help them get through their disease. More than anything, Empower Stars! lives up to its namesake: it empowers kids by arming them with the knowledge and tools necessary to combat their disease and attempt to control the ostensibly uncontrollable.

赋予星星! 受到医生和其他卫生保健专业人员的好评。 更重要的是,孩子们似乎可以玩这款游戏,而且在大多数情况下,它成功完成了试玩任务。 赋权之星 ! 表明儿童愿意并且经常兴奋地参加传统医学和疗法以外的活动,以帮助他们渡过疾病。 最重要的是, 赋予星星! 不辜负自己的名字:它通过向孩子们提供抵抗疾病所必需的知识和工具,并试图控制表面上无法控制的东西,从而赋予孩子权力。

A separate study conducted by the Isfahan University of Medical Sciences in Isfahan, Iran also tasked cancer patients with playing a game during their time fighting the disease. The game, titled The City of Dreams, is a computer game designed, much like Empower Stars!, with cancer patients in mind. The City of Dreams includes multiplayer games, puzzles, and “Ray Missions,” which tasks players with destroying unhealthy cancerous cells within a body, guided by a robot companion. Much like with the Empower Stars! study, the results are promising. Along with providing more knowledge on what cancer is and how it affects the body, the general quality of life improved for the entire group who played The City of Dreams, regardless of their race, gender, or age. Patients who played were able to increase in their physical activity, as well as simultaneously decrease their fatigue. With these increases also came the motivation to improve their level of self care, whether that be personal hygiene, getting enough sleep, or attempting to get more exercise. This is different than Empower Stars! in that The City of Dreams did not incorporate physical activity into the actual gameplay, rather bettering quality of life substantially enough to warrant a want for more activity in the patients.

位于伊朗伊斯法罕的伊斯法罕医学大学进行的另一项研究还要求癌症患者在与疾病作斗争的过程中玩游戏。 这款名为“梦想之城”的游戏是一款电脑游戏,非常类似于Empower Stars! ,谨记癌症患者。 新of天地包括多人游戏,拼图和“雷任务”,任务是在机器人同伴的引导下,摧毁玩家体内不健康的癌细胞。 就像授权星一样! 研究表明,结果是有希望的。 除了提供有关什么是癌症及其如何影响身体的更多知识外,整个玩着新of天地的人群的总体生活质量得到了改善,无论他们的种族,性别或年龄如何。 玩耍的患者可以增加运动量,同时减少疲劳感。 这些增加也带来了改善其自我护理水平的动机,无论是个人卫生,充足的睡眠还是尝试更多的运动。 这与授权之星不同 梦之城没有将体育活动纳入实际的游戏玩法中,而是大大改善了生活质量,足以保证患者需要更多的活动。

Perhaps most surprising about the The City of Dreams study were results from the patients’ blood tests, obtained using a CVAC (a small device that’s used to give treatment and to draw blood), which showed that participants’ fear and stress levels decreased. This is coupled with a significant reduction in heart rate, anxiety, and nausea following chemotherapy for those who played The City of Dreams. Maybe most importantly, the quelling of fear surrounding chemotherapy meant that the patients were more likely to continue their treatments, as they could overcome their apprehension of the side effects. Though we have no cure for cancer, treatment has been shown to increase the likelihood of survival and prolong life. Despite this, due to the many side effects of treatment, they stop prematurely. The treatments we have available to us are not fool proof, but the continuation of them is paramount in defeating cancer.

也许最令人惊奇的梦想 E 都市的研究,从病人的血液测试,使用CVAC(这是用来给治疗和抽血的小装置),这表明参与者获得恐惧和压力水平下降的结果。 对于玩过《梦想之城》的人来说,化疗后心率,焦虑和恶心的显着降低。 也许最重要的是,消除对化疗的恐惧意味着患者更有可能继续接受治疗,因为他们可以克服对副作用的忧虑。 尽管我们无法治愈癌症,但治疗已被证明可以增加生存率并延长寿命。 尽管如此,由于治疗的许多副作用,它们过早停止。 我们所能获得的治疗方法并非万无一失,但继续治疗对战胜癌症至关重要。

The treatment itself can be equally as devastating on an individual’s psyche as it is to their physical health. Chemotherapy specifically can cause what’s known as “chemo brain,” which is a common term describing the thinking and memory problems that occur during and after cancer treatment. Video games have already been shown to help fight against memory loss and reduce the risk of dementia, so researchers have decided to try to use it to combat chemo brain. Some doctors have been recommending mind games such as Sudoku along with 20–30 minutes of video gaming three times a week, and have likened it to the importance of completing homework. While some may see video gaming as “mindless fun,” in reality the mental load on your brain while playing games is pretty taxing. Reflexes, hand-eye coordination, memory retention, perception and decision-making skills are all salient parts of your cranial muscle, and video games give these muscles an important work out. With as many cerebral benefits as video games provide, researchers and medical professionals are starting to seriously look into them as a viable treatment for the devastating mental side effects of important procedures like chemotherapy.

治疗本身既可能损害个人的心理,也可能损害他们的身体健康。 化学疗法特别会引起所谓的“化学脑” ,这是一个常见术语,用于描述在癌症治疗期间和之后发生的思维和记忆问题。 电子游戏已被证明有助于对抗记忆力丧失和减少痴呆症的风险,因此研究人员决定尝试使用它来对抗化学大脑。 一些医生一直在建议像数独游戏这样的智力游戏,以及每周进行3次20至30分钟的视频游戏,并将其比作完成家庭作业的重要性。 尽管有些人可能将视频游戏视为“无聊的乐趣”,但实际上,玩游戏时大脑的精神负担实在令人发指。 反射,手眼协调,记忆力保持,知觉和决策能力都是颅骨肌肉的重要组成部分,而视频游戏则可以使这些肌肉得到重要锻炼。 随着视频游戏所能提供的许多大脑益处,研究人员和医学专家开始认真研究它们,以作为治疗重要过程(如化学疗法)的严重精神副作用的可行方法。

Despite showing promise, these studies are just that; studies. Video games are yet to be designated as a miracle treatment for cancer side effects, and a doctor should always be consulted before attempting anything new in a treatment plan. The fact that they’re being considered is extremely important, however. More important still is the fact that they’re actually showing promise in helping combat one of the most deadly diseases to plague our species. Cancer can be overwhelming, but medical professionals will always try to utilize new technology to create the safest and most efficient treatments available. I’m all the more comforted knowing that that technology could potentially be the hobby I love so much, and it goes to show how widespread the enjoyment and therapeutic nature of video games actually is. It would seem the interest the medical community has in games as medicine is showing no signs of wavering, meaning it is absolutely feasible — fingers crossed — that part of a comprehensive and effective treatment plan for something as ruinous as cancer could be to take time to sit back, unwind, and play some video games.

尽管显示出了希望,但这些研究仅仅是这样。 学习。 电子游戏尚未被指定为治疗癌症副作用的奇迹疗法,在尝试任何新的治疗计划之前,应始终咨询医生。 但是,考虑它们的事实非常重要。 更重要的是,它们确实在帮助对抗最致命的疾病之一困扰我们的物种方面显示出了希望。 癌症可能不胜枚举,但是医学专家将始终尝试利用新技术来创建最安全,最有效的治疗方法。 令我感到非常欣慰的是,该技术可能是我非常喜欢的一种爱好,它表明了电子游戏的享受和治疗本质实际上是多么广泛。 似乎医学界对游戏充满了兴趣,因为医学没有显示出动摇的迹象,这意味着,对于像癌症这样的毁灭性疾病而言,全面而有效的治疗计划的一部分是绝对可行的,这可能是需要时间的。坐下来放松身心,玩一些电子游戏。

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Hello everyone! As always, thank you for reading. Cancer is an awful disease, and I truly hope research into the topic of video games as treatment is continued to help guide those afflicted back into a healthy, normal life. There’s a ton of cancer charities available to donate to, but my favorite three are the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, the National Pediatric Cancer Foundation, and the Prevent Cancer Foundation, if you feel so inclined! Either way, thank you for taking the time to read.

大家好! 与往常一样,感谢您的阅读。 癌症是一种可怕的疾病,我真的希望随着治疗的继续对视频游戏这一主题进行研究,以帮助指导患病者恢复健康,正常的生活。 有很多癌症慈善机构可以捐款,但如果您愿意的话,我最喜欢的三个机构是乳腺癌研究基金会国家小儿癌症基金会预防癌症基金会 ! 无论哪种方式,谢谢您花时间阅读。

Jared McCarty

贾里德·麦卡蒂(Jared McCarty)

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Aleksandr Ledogorov. Aleksandr Ledogorov撰写

翻译自: https://medium.com/super-jump/video-games-vs-cancer-826fcc1726c5


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