

From the documentation we learn that JavaScript has six primitive types: undefined, boolean, number, string, bigint, symbol. If asked in an interview whether strings are primitives or objects, you might confidently answer “primitives”. And you’d be wrong.

从文档中我们了解到JavaScript具有六种原始类型: undefinedbooleannumberstringbigintsymbol 。 如果在访谈中被问到字符串是原始元素还是对象,您可能会自信地回答“原始元素”。 而且你会错的。

A primitive data type is a basic type that cannot be broken down to a smaller data type. It is a building block for more complex types. The MDN Web Docs provides the list of the six primitive data types we have seen above but also gives the following definition:

原始数据类型是无法分解为较小数据类型的基本类型。 它是更复杂类型的构建块。 MDN Web文档提供了我们在上面看到的六种原始数据类型的列表,还提供了以下定义:

a primitive is data that is not an object and has no methods.


But there are properties and methods on strings. If strings had no properties nor methods, this wouldn’t work:

但是字符串上属性和方法。 如果字符串没有属性或方法,则将无法正常工作:

"Some string".length; // 11
"Some string".charAt(0); // "S""Some string".indexOf("t"); // 6

包装对象 (Wrapper Objects)

All primitive values exept null and undefined have object equivalents that wrap around them. Strings can therefore be represented by too types: the string primitive type and String objects. You can create an object from a primitive by using the constructor new String and you get a primitive out of an object by calling its method valueOf.

nullundefined所有原始值都有环绕它们的对象等效项。 因此,字符串也可以用太类型来表示: string原始类型和String对象。 您可以使用构造函数new String从基元创建对象,并通过调用对象的valueOf方法从该对象中获取基元。

const a = "some string"; // "some string"const b = new String("some string"); // String {"some string"}
b.valueOf(); // "some string"

So primitive string values actually don’t have any method nor property, but String objects do. But there is no need to manually create a String object using the constructor (and you shouldn’t) even when wanting to access to some method, JavaScript takes care of this for you under the hood.

因此原始string值实际上没有任何方法或属性,而String对象却没有。 但是,即使想要访问某些方法,也不需要使用构造函数手动创建String对象(并且您不应该这样做),JavaScript会在后台为您解决这一问题。

强迫 (Coercion)

JavaScript is loosely typed and can convert values from one type to another. It does when you add a string to a number for example:

JavaScript是松散类型的,可以将值从一种类型转换为另一种类型。 例如,当您将string添加到number时,它会执行以下操作:

const c = "1";
const d = 2;c + d; // "12"

or when you compare them using the loose equality operator ==:


const e = "1";
const f = 1;e == f; // true

Back to our strings, when you call a method of the String object on a primitive value, JavaScript will implicitely convert it to an object. This leads to you being able to do this without having to think about it:

回到我们的字符串,当您在原始值上调用String对象的方法时,JavaScript会将其隐式转换为对象。 这使您无需考虑即可执行此操作:

const a = "some string"; // "some string"
a.length; // 11

It also works the other way around, JavaScript will convert objects to primitives:


const a = "some string"; // "some string"
const b = new String("some string"); // String {"some string"}a + b; // "some stringsome string"

Strings can be primitives or objects, even if they are technically not both at the same time. When you create a string with a simple assignment, which is the way you should always create your strings, you create a primitive value. In contexts where a method is to be called on a primitive string, for example when you call properties like length or methods like indexOf or chatAt, JavaScript will automatically wrap an object around the primitive, creating a String object and will call the method on it.

字符串可以是原语或对象,即使从技术上讲它们不是同时存在。 当您通过简单的分配创建string时(这是您应始终创建字符串的方式),您将创建一个原始值。 在要在原始字符串上调用方法的上下文中,例如,当您调用诸如length类的属性或诸如indexOfchatAt类的方法时,JavaScript会自动在原始类型周围包装一个对象,创建一个String对象并在其上调用该方法。

普通英语JavaScript (JavaScript In Plain English)

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翻译自: https://medium.com/javascript-in-plain-english/are-javascript-strings-primitives-or-objects-c52b812abc91


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