

Now that we’re all trapped at home and face an indefinite future of remote work, we have a lot more time to visit the fridge, raid the pantry, and sit in our home offices. It also provides ample opportunity for us to notice how we’re not walking as much, working out, or fitting into our mostly-unused work clothes.

ñOW是我们都被困在家里和面部的远程工作的一个不确定的未来,我们有更多的时间来参观的冰箱,RAID的储藏室,并坐在我们的家庭办公室。 它还为我们提供了充分的机会,让我们注意到我们没有怎么走那么多步,锻炼或穿上我们最不用的工作服。

It may be the right time for Amazon Halo Band, which Amazon unveiled on Thursday.

亚马逊周四推出的Amazon Halo Band可能是合适的时机。

I already wear an Apple Watch that’s tracking my steps, heart rate, and keeping me abreast of incoming messages and news (but not yet sleep, though that’s on the way — thanks, watchOS 7). I don’t really need another wrist-based device.

我已经戴了一块Apple Watch,它可以跟踪我的步伐,心律,并让我及时了解收到的消息和新闻(但还没有睡着,尽管这已经在路上- 谢谢watchOS 7 )。 我真的不需要其他基于手腕的设备。

On the other hand, Amazon Halo is the anti-Apple Watch, leaving behind a screen and notifications for a laser-like focus on watching your personal health and wellness. It’s also not just hardware: It’s the Halo Band and the Halo Service. You can get the Halo wrist band and 6 months of service for $69.95 (it’s normally $99.95). After that, there’s a $3.99 a month subscription fee. This leads to my first question:

另一方面,Amazon Halo是反Apple Watch,它留下屏幕和通知,像激光一样专注于观察您的个人健康。 这不仅是硬件:还有光环乐队和光环服务。 您可以花69.95美元(通常是99.95美元)获得Halo腕带和6个月的服务。 之后,每月需要支付3.99美元的订阅费。 这引出了我的第一个问题:

As another Amazon Service, similar to Music or Video, can it be folded into Prime or at least added as a $10-a-year premium?


Amazon Halo Band tracks sleep and fitness in its own Amazon-y way. Instead of just tracking steps or various kinds of exercise and activity based on duration, it credits you more for the intensity of activity. A run, for instance, gets you more than a walk. It may also be the first service to penalize your scores for not moving around. This leads to another question:

Amazon Halo Band以自己的Amazon-y方式跟踪睡眠和健身状况。 它不仅可以根据持续时间跟踪步骤或进行各种类型的锻炼和活动,还可以让您更多地了解活动的强度。 例如,跑步可以带给您更多步行的乐趣。 它也可能是第一个因为不停步而对分数进行惩罚的服务。 这导致另一个问题:

Does Amazon worry that we’ll come to resent a device that criticizes our life choices? To be fair, I already resent my Apple Watch for pestering me about standing up and breathing.

亚马逊是否担心我们会反感批评我们生活选择的设备? 公平地说,我已经对Apple Watch感到不满,因为它困扰着我站起来和呼吸。

In some ways, these features are still table stakes in the world of personal fitness devices. Things get interesting in Halo’s “Body Fat Percentage” tracker, which, for what it’s worth, doesn’t even need the Halo Band hardware. The system uses your smartphone’s camera to build a realistic-3D image of you. Yes, you have to strip down to your skivvies and take a photo. You also have to share your height and weight. Machine Learning and Deep Neural Networks then come up with a BMI (Body Mass Index). There’s even a slider that lets you see how you might look with a different BMI.

在某些方面,这些功能仍然是个人健身设备领域的赌注。 Halo的“人体脂肪百分比”跟踪器使事情变得有趣,就其价值而言,它甚至不需要Halo Band硬件。 系统使用智能手机的摄像头为您构建逼真的3D图像。 是的,您必须脱身并拍摄照片。 您还必须分享身高和体重。 然后,机器学习和深度神经网络提出一个BMI(身体质量指数)。 甚至还有一个滑块,可让您查看使用其他BMI时的外观。

But I have a big question here:


Why does Amazon make you upload your likely embarrassing (maybe I’m projecting here) near-nude photo to its cloud for analysis?


Amazon promises to delete the image as soon as the faceless AI is done, but I don’t like it.


It’s also especially confusing when you consider the other marquee feature, the ability to analyze your tone of voice (read emotion), is all done locally. It, too, uses AI, and a pair of Halo Band hardware mics, to figure out if you’re speaking in a friendly, calm, stressed, or happy tone, but it does the analysis on your phone.

当您考虑其他选框功能(分析语音语气(阅读情感)的能力)全部在本地完成时,这也特别令人困惑。 它也使用AI和一对Halo Band硬件麦克风来判断您是在友好,平静,紧张还是快乐的语调中说话,但是它会在手机上进行分析。

To have such divergent approaches on a single service is a real headscratcher. It’s like one team didn’t talk to the other.

在单一服务上拥有如此不同的方法是一个真正的难题。 就像一个团队没有与另一团队交谈。

Leaving aside these privacy concerns, I do have other questions about Tone. Amazon says the app’s AI analyzes vocal attributes like pitch (is my voice too high?), intensity (am I screaming?), tempo (am I speaking too fast?) and rhythm (am I …singing?) to understand the tone of your voice.

除了这些隐私问题,我还有其他有关Tone的问题。 亚马逊表示,该应用程序的AI会分析人声属性,例如音高(我的声音太高吗?),强度(我在尖叫吗?),速度(我在说得太快吗?)和节奏(我在...唱歌吗?)以了解音调你的声音。

The Halo Band doesn’t arrive listening to your voice. You have to train it and allow the pair of mics to listen. I know I’d soon forget I set it up and then, when I looked in the app, be mortified at how I spoke to my wife, kids, and the cable guy.

Halo乐队无法收听您的声音。 您必须对其进行培训,并允许一对麦克风收听。 我知道我很快会忘记我进行设置的,然后,当我查看该应用程序时,会对我与妻子,孩子和有线电视员的交谈方式感到厌恶。

My Halo Tone questions:


Does Tone’s voice analysis improve over time? I talk a lot, especially now that I’m so often alone in my home office and need to keep myself entertained. Can Halo’s Tone analysis service use that to get smarter?

音调的语音分析会随着时间的推移而改善吗? 我经常说话,尤其是由于我现在经常独自在家中,需要保持自我娱乐。 Halo的Tone分析服务可以使用它来变得更聪明吗?

How many false positives should I expect? There’s no way Halo’s system will be able to tell when I’m kidding.

我应该期待多少误报? Halo的系统无法告诉我什么时候开玩笑。

How often should I feel bad that I raised my voice? Sometimes I shout just to be sure that my wife, who might be upstairs, hears me. I am NOT angry.

我应该多久提高一次声音? 有时我大喊只是为了确保我可能在楼上的妻子听到我的声音。 我不生气。

What about other languages? Perhaps tone of voice is the same no matter what language you use. I mean, I can tell when someone is yelling in Chinese, even if I can’t understand a word they’re saying.

那其他语言呢? 不管您使用哪种语言,语音语调都是一样的。 我的意思是,即使我听不懂他们在说什么,我也可以说出有人在喊中文。

Perhaps my biggest question is why there’s no Alexa on the Halo device. It’s not that Amazon is concerned about sending information to the cloud. (Remember our mostly naked bodies?) It has the mics and will be on us all the time. Maybe it has to do with the Tone feature and that integrating Alexa might’ve lead to confusion: Are you talking to your friend and Halo’s Tone should be listening, or are you talking to the Halo Band and Alexa should listen in?

也许我最大的问题是,为什么Halo设备上没有Alexa。 并不是说亚马逊担心将信息发送到云。 (还记得我们几乎全裸的身体吗?)它具有麦克风,并且会一直在我们身上。 可能与Tone功能有关,并且集成Alexa可能会引起混乱:您是在和朋友聊天,而Halo的Tone应该在听,还是在与Halo Band和Alexa应该在听?

I give Amazon credit for taking a slightly different health, fitness, and wellness wearable path and, with it, at least a couple of big swings. I’m too self-conscious to take a seminude photo of myself (even for the sake of fitness), but I would love to test-drive Tone.

我赞扬亚马逊采取了略微不同的健康,健身和健康可穿戴路径,并为此做出了至少两次大动作。 我太自觉了,无法为自己拍一张半裸的照片(即使是为了健身),但是我很想试驾Tone。

Maybe I will sign up. What about you?

也许我会报名。 你呢?



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