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When Apple acquired my preferred weather app, Dark Sky, and shut it down for Android users in July, I decided I finally had the excuse I was looking for to set up my own hyper-local weather station. I could get my own personalized weather forecast to replace what I lost with Dark Sky, and I could track and nerd out over how the weather at my house changed over time.

当苹果公司在7月份购买了我偏爱的天气应用程序Dark Sky,并将其关闭供Android用户使用时 ,我决定终于有了找寻自己的超本地气象站的借口。 我可以获得自己的个性化天气预报,以用Dark Sky代替丢失的东西,并且可以跟踪和思考我家中的天气如何随时间变化。

Others may have more important reasons for tracking the ultra-local weather: As wildfires ravage California and the West, for example, a home weather station can help those impacted by the smoke understand the air quality immediately outside, rather than relying on more general measures.

其他人可能更重要 跟踪超本地天气的原因:例如,随着野火肆虐加州和西部,家庭气象站可以帮助受烟尘影响的人们立即了解室外的空气质量,而不是依靠更一般的措施。

There are a bunch of options for home weather stations, generally starting at hundreds of dollars. I eventually settled on a device from a company called Netatmo, which costs $180 and easily connects with other “smart home” devices I already own.

家庭气象站有很多选择 ,通常起价为数百美元。 我最终选择了Netatmo公司的设备 ,价格为180美元,可以轻松连接到我已经拥有的其他“智能家居”设备。

Netatmo’s weather station is made up of wireless indoor and outdoor modules, which measure temperature, pressure, humidity, and air quality levels. If you’re looking for better accuracy — if you’ve read this far, you probably are — the company sells optional modules for tracking rainfall and wind speed, both of which I added to my system.

Netatmo的气象站由室内和室外无线模块组成,可测量温度,压力,湿度和空气质量水平 。 如果您正在寻找更好的精度-如果您已经阅读了到目前为止,很可能是-该公司出售了用于跟踪降雨量和风速的可选模块,这两个模块我都添加到了系统中。

The hardest part of setup is finding the right spot for measuring the weather conditions accurately.


The devices are dead simple to set up: Plug in the indoor module, pop batteries into each of the outdoor modules, and you’re away running with your own weather station. The hardest part of setup is finding the right spot for measuring the weather conditions accurately: I learned quickly that it’s important to place the outdoor module out of direct sunlight, or it’ll measure spiking temperatures during the day.

这些设备的安装非常简单:插入室内模块,将电池插入每个室外模块,然后您就可以不用自己的气象站了。 设置中最困难的部分是找到正确的位置,以准确地测量天气状况:我很快了解到,将室外模块放置在直射的阳光下非常重要,否则它将在白天测量峰值温度。

Even pickier is the anemometer, which tracks wind speed. This module is best mounted at least 10 meters above the ground in order to accurately track the wind. Unfortunately for me, I don’t own the house I live in, which means I’m not able to drill a mount into the roof. So I made do by placing it in the highest spot on my porch.

甚至更挑剔的是风速计,它跟踪风速。 最好将该模块安装在离地面至少10米的地方 ,以准确跟踪风。 对我来说不幸的是,我没有房子,这意味着我无法在屋顶上钻一个支架。 因此,我将其放在门廊的最高位置来做。

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The portability of these modules is a big benefit of the Netatmo system for renters; higher-end devices from competitors require permanent mounting, generally with a large pole, which just wasn’t an option for me.

这些模块的可移植性是Netatmo系统对租户的一大好处。 竞争对手的高端设备需要永久安装,通常使用大杆子,这对我来说不是一个选择。

Once you’ve installed the modules, the Netatmo app immediately starts generating weather forecasts locally based on that data, as well as details of the current conditions. You can nerd out about every aspect of the data in real time: the exact millimeters of the rain falling outside, or the current direction of the wind. Once you’ve been using your weather station for a while, you can delve into historical trends. If you really, really want to nerd out, the weather station also offers a full web-based dashboard, which provides even more insight into the data you’ve gathered, such as historical temperature trends or the ability to watch the wind speed climb as a storm rolls in.

安装模块后,Netatmo应用程序将立即开始根据该数据以及当前状况的详细信息在本地生成天气预报。 您可以实时了解数据的各个方面:外面确切几毫米的雨或当前的风向。 使用了一段时间的气象站后,您可以深入研究历史趋势。 如果您真的很想呆呆,气象站还提供了一个完整的基于Web的仪表板,该仪表板可让您更深入地了解您收集的数据,例如历史温度趋势或观察风速上升的能力。一场暴风雨滚滚而来。

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The quick forecasts that Netatmo generates are pretty accurate for our microclimate: For the less-nerdy others in my house, they provide a quick “big picture” view of the weather in the next few hours and days, just as would be expected from a normal mainstream weather app. For me, I get the detailed weather data I’d never thought was possible on a home system.

Netatmo生成的快速预报对于我们的小气候非常准确:对于我家中比较烦的其他人,它们提供了对未来几个小时和几天的天气的快速“概览”,就像在天气预报中所期望的那样。正常的主流天气应用。 对我来说,我可以获得从未有过的家用系统上可能出现的详细天气数据。

A genuinely useful aspect of Netatmo’s system is that it’s able to plug into a map of other users around the world that own their own weather stations, allowing you to view conditions on the other side of your city or across your state in a single interface. In Toronto, where I live, this is particularly useful, as there are often pockets of rain in a specific neighborhood, while the rest of the city is basking in sunshine.

Netatmo系统真正有用的方面在于它可以插入世界各地拥有自己的气象站的其他用户的地图,从而使您可以在一个界面中查看城市另一端或整个州的状况。 在我所居住的多伦多,这特别有用,因为特定区域经常有小雨,而城市的其余部分则在阳光下晒太阳。

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Unlike most home weather systems, Netatmo’s system is squarely aimed at the smart home market, so it integrates with other home products like Apple’s HomeKit and Samsung SmartThings, which allows you to create automations based on the weather at your actual location. For example, you can set up SmartThings to warn you when the air conditioning is running but it’s actually cooler outside.

与大多数家庭天气系统不同,Netatmo的系统直接针对智能家居市场,因此它与Apple HomeKit和Samsung SmartThings等其他家庭产品集成在一起,可让您根据实际位置创建自动化的产品。 例如,您可以设置SmartThings来在空调运行时发出警告,但实际上室外温度较低。

While Netatmo’s air quality monitoring is nice to have, particularly in places affected by wildfires, because this data is only being recorded every few hours, it’s probably worth investing in a dedicated air quality sensor. A popular option is PurpleAir’s “laser” air quality sensor, which also contributes to a publicly available air quality map, and updates much more regularly.

尽管Netatmo的空气质量监控非常好,尤其是在受到野火影响的地方,但是由于该数据每隔几个小时才记录一次,因此值得投资购买专用的空气质量传感器。 最受欢迎的选择是PurpleAir的“激光”空气质量传感器 ,该传感器还有助于制作公开的空气质量图,并定期更新。

If you find yourself interested in the weather, and like the idea of diving into historical trends, ultra-local forecasts, or even just automating your house around the weather, the Netatmo is a great device and fun to play around with. But, for a starting price of $180, the majority of people are probably better served just using a free weather app.

如果您发现自己对天气感兴趣,并且喜欢潜入历史趋势,超本地化的预测,甚至只是根据天气自动对房屋进行改造,那么Netatmo就是一个很好的设备,并且可以玩得开心。 但是,对于起价为$ 180的大多数人,仅使用免费的天气应用程序可能会更好地为他们服务。

翻译自: https://onezero.medium.com/forget-dark-sky-build-your-own-diy-weather-app-126809c2091c


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