特斯拉 自动驾驶 芯片_关于特斯拉和英国全面自我驾驶的真相

特斯拉 自动驾驶 芯片

It’s the question on everyones mind when purchasing a Tesla. Should I buy the Full Self Driving (FSD) package?

这是每个人在购买特斯拉时都会想到的问题。 我应该购买全自动驾驶(FSD)套餐吗?

I’ve owned my Tesla Model 3 with the Full Self Driving (FSD) package in the UK for almost a year and also watch a lot of Tesla YouTubers from the US (Notably Dirty Tesla) to get a good feel for differences in the US vs here in the UK.

我在英国拥有拥有完全自动驾驶(FSD)套件的Tesla Model 3已有近一年的时间,并且还观看了许多来自美国的Tesla YouTubers(特别是Dirty Tesla ),以很好地感受到美国的差异vs英国。

This post will provide you with everything you need to know to make your decision and give you my thoughts at the end.


价格 (The Price)

When purchasing a Tesla online and you hit the FSD add on page, you’ll be presented with a pretty steep add on price. This price changes fairly frequently however at the minute (August 2020) in the UK it sits at £6,800.

在线购买特斯拉时,您在页面上看到了FSD附加项,就会看到相当陡峭的附加项价格。 这个价格相当频繁地变化,但是在英国,一分钟(2020年8月)价格为6,800英镑。

This unlocks features like Smart Summon, Navigate on Autopilot, Automatic Lane Changes and a bunch of other cool stuff that I’ll dive into later. The important thing to note is that it also means you get any new full self driving features as software updates, when they become available in the UK.

这将解锁诸如“智能召唤”,“自动驾驶导航”,“自动换道”之类的功能,以及许多其他很酷的功能,我稍后会介绍。 需要注意的重要一点是,这也意味着您将在英国获得任何新的完整的自动驾驶功能作为软件更新。

If someone told you that you’d get a car that can drive itself for an extra £6.8k, especially with the Model 3 start price for around £40k you’d rightly think it too good to be true.

如果有人告诉您,您会花6.8万英镑购买一辆可以自行驾驶的汽车,尤其是Model 3的起步价约为40,000英镑, 那么您会以为它太好了,以至于无法实现。

And it kinda is…


And here’s why. In the US, the FSD package is currently priced at $8000 (equivalent to around £6.2k). It unlocks the same features, however they get new features a lot earlier, some features work differently (and by differently I mean better) and yet the price remains the same.

这就是为什么。 在美国,FSD软件包的当前价格为8000美元(约合6.2k英镑)。 它可以解锁相同的功能,但是它们早就获得了新功能,某些功能以不同的方式工作(不同的是,我的意思是更好),而价格却保持不变。

Right now, the car doesn’t drive itself everywhere, it’s capabilities are mostly limited to motorway driving as here in the UK it can’t stop at traffic lights, make turns at junctions or into side streets or navigate roundabouts.


So at this price point, you’re also gambling that Tesla solve the full self driving problem with the current hardware available in your vehicle and if they don’t, that they’ll upgrade you for free (they have already done this for some older Teslas but doesn’t guarantee they will continue to do so going forward).

所以在这个价位上,您也在赌博 特斯拉使用您车辆中的现有硬件解决了完全的自动驾驶问题,如果没有,他们将免费为您升级(他们已经为一些较旧的特斯拉做到了,但不保证它们会继续这样做)。

Tesla openly state when you purchase the feature that the price is likely to increase.


Image for post
Tesla FSD price UK

So for £6,800 what you’re really paying for is the promise of Full Self Driving hence it being cheaper than you’d expect.


Let’s break down the popular features of FSD and see how they work in the UK compared to in the US.


不太聪明的召唤 (Not So Smart Summon)

When released, Smart Summon was all over social media for both good and bad reasons. I’ll start with the good.

Smart Summon发布时,无论是出于好还是不好的原因,它在社交媒体中无处不在。 我将从好的开始。

It was the first time that the car had driven all by itself. This is a HUGE step in autonomous driving, especially on a road legal vehicle. As you can see from the GIF below, the car can literally navigate around obstacles without a human present in the vehicle.

这是汽车第一次自行驾驶 。 这是自动驾驶特别是在公路合法车辆上的巨大一步。 从下面的GIF中可以看到,汽车实际上可以绕过障碍物行驶,而没有人在车辆中。

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source) 来源 )

The purpose of this feature, was to allow owners to “Summon” their car on private land, maybe in a supermarket car park, to drive to them by itself. Meaning you could be at the front of the supermarket, ask your car to come drive itself to you and it would reverse out its parking spot and find its own way to you. Useful for when it’s raining or let’s face it, for showing off to friends.

此功能的目的是允许所有者在私人土地上(也许在超级市场停车场中)“召唤”自己的汽车,以自行开车。 这意味着您可能在超市的前面,要求您的汽车自行开车驶向您,它将使停车位倒退并找到通往您自己的路。 在下雨或面对时很有用,可向朋友炫耀。

Besides the fact that in most cases, it doesn’t follow any normal road rules at all so essentially becomes very confusing for other drivers, it quickly became a bit of a gimmick, but a cool feature nonetheless.


However (and here comes the bad news) here in the UK, this feature is heavily restricted. Teslarati have a good article detailing this but essentially you can’t be more than 6 meters away from the car whilst using Smart Summon and it can only move a maximum of 20 meters.

但是,(在这里有个坏消息)在英国这里,此功能受到严格限制。 Teslarati有一篇很好的文章详细介绍了这一点,但实际上,使用Smart Summon时,您离汽车的距离不能超过6米,它最多只能移动20米。

Kind of pointless being able to move 20 meters really when you have to be within 6 meters of it yourself! You effectively have to walk along with your car whilst it’s driving itself, kinda like taking your dog for a walk.

如果您自己必须在20米以内的地方,实际上可以移动20米就有点没有意义了! 有效地,您必须在汽车自驾时与汽车同行,就像带狗散步一样。

With these restrictions it really is a gimmick as any practical use case is thrown right out the window.


导航到自动驾驶仪和交通信号灯以及停车标志控制 (Navigate on Autopilot and Traffic Light and Stop Sign Control)

NoA is probably Tesla’s most advanced feature as it allows the car to drive on public roads all by itself. A human driver still needs to be behind the steering wheel, ready to take over at any moment and provide feedback to the steering wheel to let the car know they’re still there. Apart from this, the idea of NoA is to have fully autonomous driving on all public roads.

NoA可能是特斯拉最先进的功能,因为它允许汽车自行在公共道路上行驶。 驾驶员仍然需要在方向盘后面,随时准备接管并向方向盘提供反馈,以使汽车知道他们仍然在那儿。 除此之外,NoA的想法是在所有公共道路上实现完全自动驾驶。

Right now, NoA works best on motorways or long stretches of road. In the US the car can automatically decide when to change lane on the motorway, make sure you exit at the correct junction (all by itself) and take care of speed, maintaining distance from the cars in front and keeping the car in the lane.

目前,NoA在高速公路或长途道路上效果最佳。 在美国,汽车可以自动决定何时在高速公路上更改车道,确保您在正确的路口退出(全部靠自己),并注意速度,保持与前方汽车的距离并保持汽车在车道上。

When not on the motorway, if lane markings are present it can still drive by itself maintaining speed and steering, in the US it can even stop at traffic lights and stop signs.


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source) 来源 )

The major limitations at the minute are that the car can’t make turns off one road and onto another one (for example at a junction or turning down a side street) and it also can’t navigate roundabouts, something we have an abundance of here in the UK.


Speaking of which, the UK variant of FSD can drive on motorways, and take the correct exit by itself, but we have to manually confirm lane changes. This means the car will suggest a lane change to maintain the same speed for example, and we have to confirm that we’re happy by pushing the indicator in the correct direction.

说到这一点,英国的FSD变型可以在高速公路上行驶,并自行驶出正确的出口,但我们必须手动确认车道变更。 这意味着汽车会建议例如改变车道以保持相同的速度,并且我们必须通过向正确的方向推动指示器来确认我们是否满意。

In the UK the car can also recognise and display traffic lights and stop signs on the screen, however doesn’t actually do anything in relation to them yet. There are different laws and regulations that Tesla has to deal with in Europe that are preventing these features from advancing as quickly here as they do in the US.

在英国,汽车还可以识别并在屏幕上显示交通信号灯和停车标志,但是实际上还没有任何作用。 特斯拉在欧洲必须应对不同的法律法规,以阻止这些功能在美国像在美国那样Swift发展。

汽车公园 (Auto Park)

The final feature worth talking about is Auto Park. It’s an older feature that hasn’t really been given much love in recent updates, however it does a job and might be something you bake into your FSD purchase decision.

最后值得一提的功能是汽车公园。 这是一个较旧的功能,在最近的更新中并没有给它带来太多的爱,但是它确实起作用,并且可能是您决定购买FSD的原因。

As you might have guessed, auto park does exactly that, automatically parks the car for you, but with one caveat.


You have to park between two other cars.


Yes you’re reading that correctly. It doesn’t identify any open parking bay and just park the car, you have to drive near bays that already have cars parked in the bays either side, only then will the car pick this up as a valid space and allow you to activate the Auto Park feature. The same goes for parallel parking too.

是的,您没看错。 它不能识别任何空旷的停车位,而只是停放汽车,您必须在附近已经停有汽车的停车位附近驾驶,然后汽车才能将其作为有效空间并允许您激活自动停车功能。 平行停车也是如此。

This isn’t the end of the world, if you think about it, you’re most likely going to need help when spaces are tight rather than when you have the whole parking lot to choose from. However it would be nice to be able to activate the feature anywhere.

这不是世界末日,如果您想一想,当空间狭窄时,而不是整个停车场可供选择时,您最有可能需要帮助。 但是,能够在任何地方激活该功能都很好。

The feature can also be used to self park a car in a garage, although I’ve never tried this feature, only watched it on YouTube.


您应该在英国购买全自动驾驶包装吗? (Should you buy the Full Self Driving packing in the UK?)

My short answer: YES, absolutely.


The more long winded answer is this. Even after all of the negatives I’ve outlined in this post, there are still an abundance of positives.

答案更长远的是这个。 即使在我在这篇文章中概述了所有负面因素之后,仍然存在大量正面因素。

  • If any of these features sound even remotely useful to you right now then FSD is for you.

  • If the thought of only having to confirm lane changes on a long distance motorway drive sounds like heaven to you, then FSD is for you.

  • If you always buy the latest cutting edge mobile phone and love technology, then FSD is for you.


As you can see from the reasoning above. I don’t think you should buy FSD solely on the promise of its future functionality.

从上面的推理中可以看到。 我不认为你应该买FSD 就其未来功能的承诺。

If the features make sense to you and seem worth the price now then you should buy FSD. Your reward for being an early adopter will be access to all the future features at a heavily discounted price. However I would urge you to make the decision based on what’s available today.

如果这些功能对您有意义并且现在看来值得,那么您应该购买FSD。 作为早期采用者,您的奖励将是以折扣价使用所有将来的功能。 但是,我敦促您根据今天的可用情况做出决定。

This is what I did. As a software engineer and tech nerd, the answer was obvious to me. I didn’t pay for the performance model as the speed wasn’t important to me, the technology was. This is why I purchased FSD and it’s a decision I do not regret.

这就是我所做的。 作为软件工程师和技术专家,答案对我来说很明显。 我没有为性能模型付费,因为速度对我而言并不重要,而技术则如此。 这就是为什么我购买FSD的原因,这是我不后悔的决定。

If you decide to take the leap, I don’t think you’ll regret it either.


翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/the-truth-about-tesla-and-full-self-driving-in-the-uk-9a2ab4c0268c

特斯拉 自动驾驶 芯片

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