云桌面 未来_云游戏的现在和未来

云桌面 未来

Cloud gaming has been around for years. And it’s always faced serious questions around viability. It’s easy to forget that the OnLive service kickstarted cloud gaming way back in 2009. It promised to enable gamers to play their favorite titles from any device, entirely disconnecting players from the need to own expensive dedicated gaming machines.

ç 响亮的游戏已经有好几年了。 而且,它始终面临着关于生存能力的严重问题。 很容易忘记,OnLive服务在2009年就开始了云游戏。它保证了游戏玩家可以在任何设备上玩自己喜欢的游戏,从而使玩家完全无需拥有昂贵的专用游戏机。

Hindsight is 20/20. We know that OnLive ultimately didn’t succeed, and that cloud-based gaming has evolved significantly in the subsequent 10 years.

后见之明是20/20。 我们知道,OnLive最终没有成功,并且基于云的游戏在随后的10年中有了长足的发展。

There are now numerous cloud gaming services on the market, although the ultimate vision of cloud gaming still hasn’t been achieved — at least not in a mass market context. It seems unlikely that we’ll reach the stage where powerful local hardware is no longer required.

尽管仍然没有实现云游戏的最终愿景,但现在市场上有许多云游戏服务,至少在大众市场环境下还没有。 我们似乎不可能达到不再需要功能强大的本地硬件的阶段。

Despite this, it’s a mistake to suggest that our cloud-based future is far beyond the horizon in some unreachable place. Actually, it’s not quite so distant, and it’s growing ever-closer thanks to the major investments numerous large tech companies are making in their respective services.

尽管如此,建议我们基于云的未来在某个遥不可及的地方远远超出了地平线是错误的。 实际上,它并不是那么遥远,而且由于越来越多的大型科技公司在各自的服务上进行了重大投资,它变得越来越紧密。

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Given that we’re on the eve of a new console generation, it seems fitting to take stock of cloud gaming in general, and to consider where the technology might go next — especially in light of the progress made in recent months.


Google Stadia (Google Stadia)

It’s impossible to discuss the current and future state of cloud gaming without considering Google Stadia.

如果不考虑Google Stadia,就不可能讨论云游戏的当前和未来状态。

Stadia launched to much fanfare at the end of 2019. It is still, by far, the most advanced offering from a pure technology point of view. It demonstrates, rather convincingly, that concerns around input lag can be managed through clever technical design. Thanks to its depth of engineering and technical know-how, Google has shown that problem-free cloud gaming is actually possible right now — at least in some parts of the world.

Stadia在2019年底大张旗鼓地发布。从纯技术的角度来看,它仍然是迄今为止最先进的产品。 它相当有说服力地表明,可以通过聪明的技术设计来解决对输入滞后的担忧。 凭借其丰富的工程技术知识和技术诀窍,Google证明了至少在世界某些地区, 实际上现在可以实现无问题的云游戏。

As shiny and new as Google Stadia is, there’s also an evident problem here that is age-old. It’s not enough to simply flex your technical muscles; you have to offer compelling entertainment value to customers in order to justify the adoption of your services.

像Google Stadia一样闪亮和新颖,这里也存在着一个古老的问题。 仅仅发挥技术力量是不够的。 您必须为客户提供引人注目的娱乐价值,以证明您采用服务的合理性。

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The exclusive content offered by Google can be countered on one hand; they are certainly not comparable to the offerings available on traditional game consoles. The competition here is fierce; both Sony and Microsoft have invested heavily in building strong value propositions around their non-streaming online services like PlayStation Plus and Xbox Game Pass. It’s not just that Google needs to offer a fast and stable cloud streaming service; it actually needs to offer compelling entertainment and ancillary community services too.

Google提供的独家内容可以一方面加以抵制; 它们肯定无法与传统游戏机上提供的产品相提并论。 这里的竞争很激烈。 索尼和微软都在其非流媒体在线服务(如PlayStation Plus和Xbox Game Pass)上大力投资,以建立强大的价值主张。 不仅Google需要提供快速,稳定的云流服务,而且 它实际上也需要提供引人注目的娱乐和辅助社区服务。

现在的PlayStation (PlayStation Now)

Yes, Sony does offer their own cloud-based gaming service in the form of PlayStation Now.

是的,索尼确实以PlayStation Now的形式提供了自己的基于云的游戏服务。

In terms of game catalog, PlayStation Now is one of the strongest offerings out there (something SUPERJUMP has detailed recently) due to the fact that it also gives players the opportunity to play old titles not available on PlayStation 4.

就游戏目录而言,PlayStation Now是目前最强大的产品(最近SUPERJUMP对此进行了详细介绍 ),原因是它还使玩家有机会玩PlayStation 4上没有的旧游戏。

However, the number of current-generation games available on the service is fairly limited, which begs the most serious questions about PlayStation Now going forward.

但是,该服务上可用的当前游戏数量非常有限,这困扰着有关PlayStation Now即将推出的最严重的问题。

Sony has (for whatever reason — perhaps related to their physical distribution of current-gen games) decided to cleave current-gen from previous-gen as part of their PlayStation Now strategy.

索尼(出于某种原因-可能与其当前游戏的实际发行有关)决定将PlayStation Now策略的一部分从当前一代中分离出来。

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It is undoubtedly true that Sony — despite being a large company — likely lacks both the financial resources and expertise to do something more akin to Google Stadia. Sony will need to carefully evaluate its continuing investments in cloud gaming for this reason; biting off more than they can chew is a risk, especially given the success of their traditional games business.

毫无疑问,尽管索尼是一家大公司,但它可能缺乏财力和专业知识来做类似于Google Stadia的事情。 因此,索尼将需要仔细评估其在云游戏方面的持续投资; 咬掉他们无法咀嚼的东西是一种风险,尤其是考虑到传统游戏业务的成功。

现在的GeForce (GeForce Now)

As we continue the journey, we come across GeForce Now — it’s a service that has significant question marks surrounding it right now.

在我们继续前进的过程中,我们遇到了GeForce Now-该服务现在周围带有重大问号。

Released from the beta phase a few months ago, Nvidia’s service adopts a unique angle by integrating Steam libraries (and other online stores) with cloud gaming services, allowing players access titles owned in multiple locations via streaming.


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It’s a mixed bag in reality though, thanks to inevitable queues to access content (with the free subscription), as well as the ebb and flow of games entering and exiting the platform’s catalog at different times.


微软xCloud (Microsoft xCloud)

The latest entrant into the cloud gaming wars is Microsoft’s own xCloud service.


xCloud launches on September 15 and, perhaps more importantly, will be included in the Xbox Game Pass Ultimate subscription package at no additional cost. It’s a compelling offering, and one that Microsoft has been building towards for years now, largely thanks to CEO Satya Nadella driving the company towards a cloud-first mentality.

xCloud将于9月15日发布,也许更重要的是,它将不包含在额外费用中的Xbox Game Pass Ultimate订阅包中。 这是一个引人注目的产品,并且微软多年来一直在努力开发该产品,这在很大程度上要归功于首席执行官Satya Nadella推动公司迈向云优先的心态。

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In some respects, Microsoft is in an ideal position. From a technology standpoint, they are well ahead of Sony — and much closer to Google. Microsoft owns and operates the enormous Azure cloud platform, which has massive global coverage and is already being used extensively around the world.

在某些方面,Microsoft处于理想位置。 从技术的角度来看,它们远远领先于Sony,并且更接近Google。 微软拥有并运营着庞大的Azure云平台,该平台具有广泛的全球覆盖范围,并且已经在全球范围内广泛使用。

Given Azure’s giant global footprint — and proven track record — Microsoft has a strong foundation on which to provide a streaming game service. Wherever you live in the world, there’s a good chance you have an Azure datacenter near you. xCloud ticks the boxes on the technology front, but also in terms of the catalog — at least compared to Google.

鉴于Azure在全球范围内的庞大足迹以及可靠的往绩记录,Microsoft在提供流媒体游戏服务方面拥有坚实的基础。 无论您生活在世界上的任何地方,都有很大的机会在您附近建立一个Azure数据中心。 xCloud不仅在技术方面而且在目录方面都打了勾—至少与Google相比。

结论 (Conclusion)

Cloud gaming is still in its infancy, but there are many positive signs around the growth we can expect to see over the next couple of years. There is now so much investment in cloud gaming from all quarters that it’s no longer the province of obscure start-ups. At the same time, there are many potential outcomes here; nobody knows exactly how cloud gaming will shape up over the coming years.

云游戏仍处于起步阶段,但是在未来几年中,我们可以看到许多积极的迹象。 现在,来自各个方面的云游戏投资都很大,以至于不再是不起眼的初创企业。 同时,这里有很多潜在的结果。 没有人知道未来几年云游戏将如何发展。

It’s also very difficult to see if PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X will really be the last consoles we see in our living rooms.

很难说PlayStation 5和Xbox Series X是否真的是我们在客厅看到的最后一个游戏机。

翻译自: https://medium.com/super-jump/cloud-gaming-present-and-future-3abdbacd6853

云桌面 未来

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