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翻译 建立没有数据集96准确性的辣胡椒分类器

数据科学 , 机器学习 (Data Science, Machine Learning)In this article, I will create an AI capable of recognizing a spicy pepper from measurements and color. Because you won’t be able to find any dataset on t...

2020-09-30 07:33:47 464

翻译 机器学习 个性化推荐_使用机器学习来个性化用户体验

机器学习 个性化推荐E-commerce websites, such as shops and platforms with many users, are designed to meet the needs of customers. Usually, a website behaves the same for each customer. However, this “one-size-...

2020-09-30 07:23:51 802

翻译 数据分箱方法 woe编码_功能工程深入研究编码和分箱技术

数据分箱方法 woe编码Feature engineering is the most important aspect of a data science model development. There are several categories of features in a raw dataset. Features can be text, date/time, categorica...

2020-09-30 07:13:31 2432

翻译 spark ml 文本分类_您的ml模型可以从文本输入中学习哪些功能

spark ml 文本分类 目的 (Objective)The objective of this post is to help you understand how to identify the features that your ML model learns from the text input and understand the reason behind predicting...

2020-09-30 07:04:00 280

翻译 人工智能python初学_适用于初学者的python实时AI人脸检测

人工智能python初学In this article, we’ll look at an easy method to get started with Face Detection using Python and OpenCV. OpenCV is the most popular library for computer vision. Originally written in C/C+...

2020-09-30 06:54:26 119

翻译 先学计算机视觉还是机器学习_了解机器学习的某些术语视觉视觉挑战ml奖学金计划...

先学计算机视觉还是机器学习I’ve recently participated in a visual challenge as a part of my task for phase 1 in Machine Learning Scholarship Program for Microsoft Azure 2020 Organised by Udacity and Microsoft. I’ve...

2020-09-30 06:44:34 217

翻译 数据扩充中的数据对抗性?_利用新颖的数据流对抗covid 19

数据扩充中的数据对抗性?With social distancing measures in place, a large amount of discourse relating to COVID-19 now takes places on social media platforms such as Twitter. These platforms contain a treasure tr...

2020-09-30 06:35:24 235

翻译 有向图 寻路算法_第2部分探索寻路图算法

有向图 寻路算法 旅游旅客 (Traveling tourist)In the first part of the series, we constructed a knowledge graph of monuments located in Spain from WikiData API. Now we’ll put on our graph data science goggles and...

2020-09-30 06:24:38 1492

翻译 数据分析(入门)纳米学位_tensorflow纳米级程序对机器学习入门的回顾

数据分析(入门)纳米学位About the service provider for the context: 关于上下文的服务提供商: Udacity is a for-profit organization offering online educational courses. The origin of the name Udacity comes from the company’s ...

2020-09-30 06:14:59 232

翻译 三个指标怎么做分层图_分层性能指标以及在哪里找到它们

三个指标怎么做分层图Hierarchical machine learning models are one top-notch trick. As discussed in previous posts, considering the natural taxonomy of the data when designing our models can be well worth our whi...

2020-09-30 06:05:33 1700

翻译 深度学习 第一课第四周_我的第一个深度学习项目

深度学习 第一课第四周Looking for patterns on stock market using sentiment analysis 使用情绪分析寻找股市模式 TL; DR: (TL;DR:)It’s pretty difficult to notice patterns on stock market. Correlating it with financial news se...

2020-09-30 05:54:56 341

翻译 pytorch 文本分类_了解pytorch转换形状以进行文本分类

pytorch 文本分类Hello Readers, 各位读者好, I am a Data Scientist working with a major bank in Australia in Machine Learning automation space. For a project that i was working on i was looking to build a text ...

2020-09-30 05:45:04 178

翻译 熊猫数据集_在熊猫数据框中使用日期时间

熊猫数据集Datetime is a common data type in data science projects. Often, you’ll work with it and run into problems. I found Pandas is an amazing library that contains extensive capabilities and features f...

2020-09-26 23:47:48 1076

翻译 python概率编程_pymc3简介:用于概率编程的python包

python概率编程Introduction 介绍 We often hear something like this on weather forecast programs: the chance of raining tomorrow is 80%. What does that mean? It is often hard to give meaning to this kind of ...

2020-09-26 23:37:45 1110

翻译 历史模拟与蒙特卡洛模拟_骰子战中的蒙特卡洛模拟可能会使80位攻击者与20位防御者...

历史模拟与蒙特卡洛模拟 统计 , 教程 (Statistics, Tutorial)In this tutorial, I will explore the domain of Stochastic processes and simulations by performing 1 Million simulations of the same exact battles to see what...

2020-09-26 23:27:38 879

翻译 长序列检测 深度学习_深度学习时代的时间序列异常检测

长序列检测 深度学习by Sarah Alnegheimish 莎拉·阿尔内海姆(Sarah Alnegheimish) In the previous post, we looked at time series data and anomalies. (If you haven’t done so already, you can read the article here.) In par...

2020-09-26 23:17:08 3279

翻译 建立您自己的情绪识别系统的逐步指南

计算机视觉 , 深度学习 (Computer Vision, Deep Learning)Are you one of those who are excited about deep learning? Have you thought about creating something which can detect human emotions?Well, if that’s so th...

2020-09-26 23:07:12 792

翻译 概率推理_概率推理的基本问题

概率推理By now, I know many people that do research in ML or play around with machine learning algorithms. Yet, most of them somehow don’t appreciate the fundamental problems that machine learning is buil...

2020-09-26 22:56:32 829

翻译 软件开发同行请注意_请注意

软件开发同行请注意 语言建模路径:第2章 (THE LANGUAGE MODELING PATH: CHAPTER 2)Hi and welcome to the second step of the Language Modeling Path; a series of articles from Machine Learning Reply aimed to cover the most i...

2020-09-26 22:45:48 289

翻译 人脸检测卷积神经网络_卷积神经网络和计算机视觉的人脸面具检测算法

人脸检测卷积神经网络In this article, we explore an application of Computer Vision that is largely relevant to the global health crisis that is the Coronavirus. As many countries continue their desperate fight t...

2020-09-26 22:35:46 2278

翻译 php 数据表每月统计数据_每个数据科学家都必须知道的5大统计概念

php 数据表每月统计数据 重点 (Top highlight)Any data scientist can glean information from a dataset — any good data scientist will know that it takes a solid statistical underpinning to glean useful and reliable ...

2020-09-26 22:25:23 795

翻译 三维网格模型重采样方法_一种有效训练视频模型的多网格方法

三维网格模型重采样方法 问题 (The Problem)3D convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are state-of-the-art amongst deep learning models for videos. However, these models for videos are extremely slow. 3D卷积神经网络(CNN)是视频...

2020-09-26 22:15:14 968

翻译 cnn实现情感识别_使用CNN进行面部情感识别的最终指南

cnn实现情感识别 有关图像预处理和使用Keras实施CNN的全面指南 (A comprehensive guide for image preprocessing and to implement CNN using Keras)Note: This is a long post to read to coverup everything. So don’t get frustrated :)...

2020-09-20 03:28:40 2642

翻译 决策树算法原理_决策树算法

决策树算法原理 决策树 (Decision Trees)Decision Tree is a tree shaped algorithm used to determine a course of action. Each branch of the tree represents a possible decision, occurrence or reaction. 决策树是用于确定操作过程...

2020-09-20 03:19:17 532

翻译 多分类评估指标_评估指标分类

多分类评估指标If you are familiar with machine learning competitions and you take the time to read through the competition guidelines, you will come across the term Evaluation Metric. The evaluation metric i...

2020-09-20 03:09:26 2055

翻译 使用Jupyter进行机器学习使用开放平台解决工作流管理问题

The infamous data science workflow with interconnected circles of data acquisition, wrangling, analysis, and reporting understates the multi-connectivity and non-linearity of these components. The sam...

2020-09-20 02:58:59 430

翻译 奥德赛修改器_语音奥德赛2020的声音在演讲者嵌入方面取得了进步

奥德赛修改器At Speech Odyssey 2020 IQT Labs sponsored a special session on applications of VOiCES, a dataset targeting acoustically challenging and reverberant environments with robust labels and truth data...

2020-09-20 02:49:51 667

翻译 nlp自然语言处理_nlp第1集简介和nlp库中的0to1

nlp自然语言处理 什么是自然语言? (What is Natural Language?)Natural language is simply human language like English, French, etc., whereas computer languages include C, Python among many others. Machine languages h...

2020-09-16 23:22:24 192

翻译 烧瓶中的机器学习模型简单易行

If you have created a machine learning(ML) model and you want your friends to try it out, the best way to do is to deploy your model in a flask server. Flask comes way too handy for beginners who want...

2020-09-16 23:12:20 88

翻译 线性回归 梯度下降_线性回归梯度下降简介

线性回归 梯度下降Linear Regression is one of the most popular supervised machine learning. It predicts values within a continuous range, (e.g. sale prices, life expectancy, temperature, etc) instead of trying...

2020-09-16 23:03:05 900

翻译 线性回归python_python线性回归的终极初学者指南

线性回归pythonMachine Learning is making the computer learn from studying data and statistics. Machine Learning is a step into the direction of artificial intelligence (AI). Machine Learning is a program ...

2020-09-16 22:53:28 204

翻译 机器学习实战的数据集在哪找_在哪里找到很棒的机器学习数据集

机器学习实战的数据集在哪找Good machine learning research starts with an exceptional dataset. There is no need to spend your evening crafting your own set of data in MySQL or, god forbid, Excel. Basically, anything...

2020-09-16 22:43:28 3333

翻译 模糊或平滑图像opencv

An image can be represented as a matrix. Features like edge, contrast, etc. have to be extracted from the image for image processing. 的 图像可以被表示为矩阵。 必须从图像中提取边缘,对比度等特征,以进行图像处理。 Convolution is a fundame...

2020-09-16 22:34:09 135

翻译 python初学者编程指南_python多元回归的终极初学者指南

python初学者编程指南Machine Learning is making the computer learn from studying data and statistics. Machine Learning is a step into the direction of artificial intelligence (AI). Machine Learning is a progr...

2020-09-16 22:24:56 117

翻译 使用python在视频上渲染文本

In this post, I will show you how to add text to your videos using Python. It may sound very difficult at first glance, but trust me it’s much easier than you think, and also it’s cool. This will be a...

2020-09-16 22:14:34 739

翻译 人脸检测模型_使用tflite模型进行人脸检测,没有扑火声

人脸检测模型In this article, we will see how to detect faces using Tensorflow models without using libraries like Firebase in Flutter, the process is based on the BlazeFace model, a lightweight and well-per...

2020-09-16 22:04:45 1686

翻译 用biobert标记基因和蛋白质

一,引言 (I. Introduction)Text mining in the clinical domain has become increasingly important with the number of biomedical documents currently out there with valuable information waiting to be deciphe...

2020-09-16 21:54:35 1742

翻译 多元线性回归建模_使用面向研究的建模和解释对多元线性回归建模

多元线性回归建模 文章大纲 (Article Outline)Dataset description 数据集描述 Exploratory data analysis 探索性数据分析 A simple linear regression model fitting 简单的线性回归模型拟合 Model interpretation 模型解释 MLR regression model fitting ...

2020-09-16 21:45:13 1530

翻译 13个至关重要的机器学习面试题

Given the increased demand for experts in the field of Machine Learning, more and more developers start looking for common questions on such interviews. In this story, I have listed the typical questi...

2020-09-16 21:35:06 1306

翻译 python用于科学计算_以正确的方式启动用于数据科学的python环境

python用于科学计算Virtual Environments in Python are super important because they allow the user to manage all dependencies within their project. This consistency is vital for when smaller projects go into ...

2020-09-16 21:25:33 83



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