

What is the most important thing to do after you got your skills to be a data scientist? It has to be to show off your skills. Otherwise, there is no use of your skills. If you want to get a job or freelance or start a start-up, you have to show off your skills to people effectively.

在掌握了成为数据科学家的技能之后,最重要的事情是什么? 它必须是炫耀自己的技能。 否则,将不会使用您的技能。 如果您想找到工作或自由职业者或开始创业,则必须向人们有效地展示自己的技能。

Here are some effective ways to show off the skills and get involved in the data science community.


You should not start all at once. It will be overwhelming.

您不应该一次全部开始。 这将是压倒性的。

Start with one or two that you are most comfortable with. Slowly, you will feel like doing more.

从您最习惯的一两个开始。 慢慢地,您会想做更多的事情。

Github (Github)

This is free and the easiest way to make a profile. Whatever small big projects you have done for practice, make a nice and well-organized GitHub profile with them. Employers ask for a Github profile link in your job application. So it’s almost mandatory for coders to have a Github profile. It took me some time, in the beginning, to know that GitHub profiles can rank in Google. If you search for a certain project or topic on Google, you will see some Github profiles show up in the search results.

这是免费的,也是创建个人资料的最简单方法。 无论您为实践做了什么小项目,都请使用它们创建一个很好且井井有条的GitHub个人资料。 雇主要求在您的工作申请中提供Github个人资料链接。 因此,对于程序员来说,拥有Github档案几乎是强制性的。 一开始,我花了一些时间才知道GitHub个人资料可以在Google中排名。 如果您在Google上搜索某个项目或主题,则会在搜索结果中看到一些Github配置文件。

Try searching with this “linear regression from scratch in python, GitHub”.


You can have a nice portfolio for free to show off your skills. If you keep posting regularly, your profile will also become popular. Though it will take some time. Probably 7/8 months or a year. But even if your Github profile is not popular, still you will be able to use your Github profile link in your resume.

您可以免费拥有一个不错的作品集来炫耀自己的技能。 如果您保持定期发布,则您的个人资料也会变得很受欢迎。 虽然需要一些时间。 大约7/8个月或一年。 但是,即使您的Github个人资料不受欢迎,您仍然可以在简历中使用Github个人资料链接。

社交媒体 (Social Media)

I mostly use Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin. On Facebook, there are a lot of groups that you can join very easily. You will find many people sharing their ideas, asking for help, and having conversations. I suggest, join some groups that you think are suitable for you and get involved in the conversation. Share your ideas, good articles, courses, videos, or resources that you know are helpful. When you will help others, you will get help back. Here are some Facebook groups that I joined:

我主要使用Facebook,Twitter和Linkedin。 在Facebook上,您可以很容易地加入很多团体。 您会发现许多人分享他们的想法,寻求帮助并进行对话。 我建议加入一些您认为适合您的小组,并参与对话。 分享您认为有用的想法,好的文章,课程,视频或资源。 当您帮助他人时,您将获得帮助。 以下是我加入的一些Facebook团体:

Data Science World


Deep Learning and Machine Learning


Python Programming


Beginning Data Science, Analytics, Machine Learning, Data Mining, R, Python


Artificial Intelligence & Deep Learning


There are so many groups like that. Choose the ones you like. The same way, follow the people in the profession on Twitter and connect on Linked In.

有很多这样的团体。 选择您喜欢的人。 同样,在Twitter上关注该行业的人们并在Linked In上进行连接。

I got my first internship through a connection on LinkedIn


I can talk only about these three social media platforms because I use them. If you use other platforms as well, use them for your professional networking.

我只能谈论这三个社交媒体平台,因为我使用它们。 如果还使用其他平台,请将它们用于专业网络。

聚会 (Meetups)

There are groups in every area for sure who meet in person. Please join them and go to their events. This is the most effective way to network and get involved. You will meet the people in the industry directly and exchange ideas and learn what to focus on. I can share what I do to find good meetups. I started with meetup.com and Eventribe. I met some solid people there. I learned about some more cool meetups and events from there. Some times employers come to these events to announce some openings in their company.

每个区域都有小组,以确保谁亲自见面。 请加入他们并参加他们的活动。 这是建立联系并参与其中的最有效方法。 您将直接与业内人士见面并交流想法,并学习重点。 我可以分享我的工作以找到好的聚会。 我从metup.comEventribe开始。 我在那里遇见了一些扎实的人。 我从那里了解到一些更酷的聚会和活动。 有时,雇主来参加这些活动来宣布公司的一些职位。

堆栈交换和/或堆栈溢出 (Stack Exchange and/or Stack Overflow)

These are two very useful sites. I use stack overflow. But both of them are good. Start using them today if you are not already. They are good in very many ways.

这是两个非常有用的站点。 我使用堆栈溢出。 但是他们两个都很好。 如果尚未开始使用,请立即开始使用。 它们在很多方面都很不错。

When I do a project and get stuck, I ask questions here and most of the time I get a reply within the first 10 minutes.


You even won’t have to ask a question for very common problems. Just search with the question, you will see that other people already asked that question and there are already answers there.

对于非常常见的问题,您甚至不必问一个问题。 只需搜索问题,您就会看到其他人已经问过这个问题,并且那里已经有答案。

If you are a complete beginner in Stack Exchange/Overflow, it can be tricky

如果您是Stack Exchange / Overflow的完整入门者,那可能会很棘手

Some of my friends told me, they do not find it good. Because asking questions is hard. But it’s not hard. It may take a little time to understand, how to ask a question to get help. Once you learn that, you will love it.

我的一些朋友告诉我,他们觉得不好。 因为问问题很难。 但这并不难。 可能需要一点时间来了解如何提出问题以寻求帮助。 一旦了解到这一点,您就会爱上它。

After some time, you will be able to answer other people’s questions there. That’s a great way to practice your skill and also to show off your skills to the community.

一段时间后,您将能够在那里回答其他人的问题。 这是练习技能并向社区展示您的技能的好方法。

You can use these platforms to search job as well. They announce job openings and you can upload your profile.

您也可以使用这些平台搜索职位。 他们宣布职位空缺,您可以上传个人资料。

会议活动 (Conferences)

Attend conferences and present your projects in the conferences or even in the meetups. This is a great way to show your skills and also improve. You gain so much confidence from it.

参加会议,并在会议中甚至在聚会中展示您的项目。 这是展示自己的技能并提高自己的好方法。 您从中获得了很大的信心。

You do not have to be an expert in anything to present your project. You just need to prepare well.

您无需成为任何专家即可展示您的项目。 您只需要做好准备。

Choose a project or topic and prepare it.


I first started presenting when I was just taking online courses and had no professional experience of any sort.


Someone in a meetup told me that you should present next. I said ‘yes’. After that, I was extremely nervous and scared until my presentation. I received so many positive vibes, encouragement and someone even gave me a referral! Since then I take every chance to do a presentation. That helped me improve my knowledge so much. Because when I prepare for a presentation I study a lot!. I am sure everyone does some extra studying when they know that lots of people will watch them talking.

一个聚会中的某人告诉我,你应该下一个出席。 我说是'。 在那之后,我非常紧张和害怕,直到我演讲。 我收到了很多积极的氛围,鼓励和鼓励,甚至有人推荐了我! 从那时起,我将抓住一切机会做一个演讲。 那帮助我极大地提高了我的知识。 因为当我准备演讲时,我会学习很多! 我相信每个人都知道很多人会看着他们说话时,会做一些额外的学习。

You may find this article useful. It has a selection of datasets to do projects with also some ideas of projects:

您可能会发现本文很有用。 它可以选择要执行项目的数据集,同时还具有一些项目思路:

If you start going to meetups, stay involved in social media, you will see so many small big events are going on constantly around you and they are always looking for new presenters. Volunteer in those events and slowly engage in conversation with people.

如果您开始参加聚会,继续参与社交媒体,您会发现周围有那么多小型大型活动不断发生,他们总是在寻找新的主持人。 自愿参加这些活动,并与人慢慢交谈。

松弛通道 (Slack Channels)

Join slack channels. In every area, there are meetup groups, study groups, volunteer groups. Most of those groups have slack channels. Join them. They announce the events, conferences, meetups in those slack channels. You will be able to stay updated. Also, most slack channels have a job board. They post job openings there.

加入闲散频道。 在每个地区,都有聚会小组,学习小组,志愿者小组。 这些团体大多数都拥有宽松的渠道。 加入他们。 他们通过闲暇的频道宣布活动,会议和聚会。 您将能够保持最新状态。 同样,大多数闲置通道都有工作板。 他们在那里发布职位空缺。

写博客 (Write Blogs)

This is one of the best ways to demonstrate that you know how to express. But I am putting it in the end because I hear from many of my friends that “Oh no, writing is not my thing”. Like any other skill, it will also take time to develop. But if you can get used to it, it’s great! Because it stays on the web for everyone to see. It’s almost like an asset for you. You can even earn money from it if you do it regularly.

这是证明自己知道如何表达的最好方法之一。 但是,我将其放在最后是因为我从许多朋友那里听到“哦,不,写作不是我的事”。 像其他任何技能一样,这也将花费一些时间。 但是,如果您习惯了,那就太好了! 因为它停留在网络上,每个人都可以看到。 这几乎像是您的资产。 如果您定期这样做,甚至可以从中赚钱。

This is a great platform for writing!


If you want your own individual domain, there are some free blogging sites like blogger.com. Use it. The good thing is, it is owned by Google. Or, another very easy way is to do a WordPress blog.

如果您想要自己的个人域,则有一些免费的博客站点,例如blogger.com 。 用它。 好消息是,它归Google所有。 或者,另一种非常简单的方法是创建WordPress博客。

You can get a domain from freenom.com for free and a free hosting site is unlimitedfreehost.in. There may be other free resources too. But I used them before. So, that’s why I am sharing these ones.

您可以从freenom .com免费获取域名,免费的托管站点是unlimitedfreehost.in 。 可能还有其他免费资源。 但是我以前用过。 所以,这就是为什么我要分享这些内容。

If you want a space only to make a portfolio and add in your resume, these free sites are great. But if you want to take blogging seriously, the best thing is to buy a domain that you want and get a paid hosting. Here is my blog. Please check:

如果您只想要一个空间来制作作品集并添加简历,这些免费的站点就很棒。 但是,如果您想认真对待博客,最好的方法是购买所需的域名并获得付费托管。 这是我的博客。 请检查:

结论 (Conclusion)

These are some techniques I followed to get involved with the professional community. Now, I know a lot of cool people in the industry. The only thing I need to warn you is, please do not overdo it.

这些是我参与专业社区活动所遵循的一些技巧。 现在,我认识了业内很多很酷的人。 我唯一需要警告的是,请不要过分使用。

You have to save some time for yourself as well to study and improve your skills. There is no alternative to that.

您还必须为自己节省一些时间,以学习和提高技能。 除此之外,别无选择。

My suggestion is to make a routine or plan. As per your schedule, fix sometime in a week or a day for this networking or community development. And stick to that. Otherwise, you will see that you are only busy with social activity and no time to improve your skills. You do not want that. On the other hand, you cannot avoid socializing or networking. Because if you have skills and you do not know how to show off, it will not help you develop your career. So, please find a way to balance them both.

我的建议是制定例程或计划。 根据您的计划,在一周或一天的某个时间修复此网络或社区的问题。 并坚持下去。 否则,您会发现自己只是在忙于社交活动,而没有时间提高自己的技能。 你不希望出现这种情况。 另一方面,您无法避免社交或联网。 因为如果您有技能并且不知道如何炫耀,那将无法帮助您发展职业。 因此,请找到一种平衡两者的方法。

Reading Recommendation:


翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/how-to-show-off-your-data-science-or-software-engineering-skills-effectively-dca18e059b38






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