

Deepfakes is a class of synthetic media generated by AI and represents another dark side of technology — this form of Artificial Intelligence stole the headlines last year when a LinkedIn user by the name Katie Jones, who appeared on the platform & started connecting with the Who’s Who of the political elite in Washington DC. It was alarming, how deep learning created a real-life image of a person & then penetrated the social media spreading misinformation.

d eepfakes是一类由AI产生合成媒体和代表技术的另一个黑暗的一面-这种形式的人工智能偷走了头条去年当LinkedIn用户通过名字凯蒂·琼斯 ,谁出现在平台上和开始与谁的连接华盛顿特区的政治精英谁。 令人震惊的是,深度学习是如何创建人的真实形象,然后渗透到社交媒体中传播错误信息的。

With the U.S presidential elections looming, lawmakers in the country are worried about how deepfakes can greatly jeopardize the transparency of the democratic process. Many of the leading tech companies have been asked for help and are working on developing tools that can detect this fake synthetic media. Global software giant, Microsoft, has now released two new tools that can spot if a certain media has been artificially manipulated.

随着美国presidenti A L选举的临近,在国内立法者正在发愁怎么deepfakes可以极大地危及民主进程的透明度。 许多领先的科技公司都被要求提供帮助,并且正在开发可检测这种假合成媒体的工具。 全球软件巨头微软现在已经发布了两个新工具 ,可以发现某些媒体是否被人为操纵。

Dubbed as the ‘Video Authenticator’, the technology was originally developed by Microsoft Research in coordination with Microsoft’s Responsible AI team and the Microsoft AI, Ethics and Effects in Engineering and Research (AETHER) Committee, which is an advisory board at Microsoft that helps to ensure that new technology is developed and fielded in a responsible manner — according to the Microsoft Blog.

该技术被称为“ 视频身份验证器 ”,最初是由Microsoft Research与Microsoft负责任的AI团队以及Microsoft AI,工程与研究中的道德与影响(AETHER)委员会协作开发的,该委员会是Microsoft的顾问委员会,旨在帮助根据Microsoft博客,确保以负责任的方式开发和部署新技术。

To quantify the growing problem of disinformation, recent Princeton research provides some interesting statistics — which analyzed 96 separate foreign influence campaigns targeting 30 countries between 2013 and 2019. Although 26% of these social media campaigns to defame notable people were aimed at the United States, other countries like Armenia, Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Taiwan, Ukraine, the United Kingdom and Yemen were targets as well.

为了量化日益严重的虚假信息问题, 普林斯顿大学最近的研究提供了一些有趣的统计数据-分析了2013年至2019年之间针对30个国家/地区的96项独立的外国影响力运动。尽管其中有26%的诽谤知名人士的社交媒体运动是针对美国的,目标国家包括亚美尼亚,澳大利亚,巴西,加拿大,法国,德国,荷兰,波兰,沙特阿拉伯,南非,台湾,乌克兰,英国和也门。

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“In the case of a video, it can provide this percentage in real-time on each frame as the video plays. It works by detecting the blending boundary of the deepfake and subtle fading or greyscale elements that might not be detectable by the human eye.”

“对于视频而言,它可以在视频播放的每一帧中实时提供此百分比。 它通过检测可能无法被人眼察觉的深层虚假和淡入淡出或灰度元素的混合边界来工作。”

~ Microsoft Blog


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Since deepfakes are generated using AI, which learns as it goes, it becomes almost impossible to detect them with conventional detections tools. Microsoft has thus worked on a couple of tools to help stay ahead of the game. The first one is the Video Authenticator tool, which analyzes a still photo or video to provide a percentage chance, or confidence score, of the media being artificially manipulated.

由于Deepfake是使用AI生成的,它可以不断学习,因此几乎不可能使用传统的检测工具对其进行检测。 微软因此开发了一些工具来帮助保持领先地位。 第一个是视频身份验证器工具,它可以分析静态照片或视频,以提供被人工操纵的媒体的机会百分比或置信度得分。

For the purpose, the tool used a public dataset from Face Forensic++ and then tested on the DeepFake Detection Challenge Dataset —both leading models for training and testing deepfake detection technologies. The research team recognizes the fact that they are fighting AI with AI, therefore, they will continue to improve fake media detection techniques as deepfakes continue to grow in sophistication. Microsoft will be partnering with the San Francisco-based AI Foundation to make the tool available to organizations involved in the U.S election process this year.

为此,该工具使用了来自Face Forensic ++的公共数据集,然后在DeepFake Detection Challenge数据集上进行了测试,这两个都是用于训练和测试Deepfake检测技术的领先模型。 研究团队认识到他们正在与AI对抗AI的事实,因此,随着Deepfake的不断发展,他们将继续改进伪造的媒体检测技术。 微软将与总部位于旧金山的AI基金会合作,为参与今年美国选举程序的组织提供该工具。

In addition to Video Authenticator, the company also released a secondary tool that utilizes the digital watermarking technique to verify the authenticity of the media being viewed. There are two components to this tool — built into Microsoft Azure, the first part lets content producer add digital hashes and certificates to a piece of content, which stays with the content as metadata wherever it goes online.

除了Video Authenticator,该公司还发布了辅助工具,该工具利用数字水印技术来验证正在观看的媒体的真实性。 该工具有两个组件-内置于Microsoft Azure中,第一部分使内容生产者可以向内容中添加数字哈希和证书,无论内容在线上哪里,它都作为元数据保留在内容中。

The second component is a reader which can take many forms including browser extensions. It checks the certificates and matches the hashes, letting people know with a high degree of accuracy of the authenticity of the content, or whether it has been tampered — in addition to providing details about who produced it.

第二个组件是阅读器,可以采用多种形式,包括浏览器扩展。 它会检查证书并匹配哈希值,让人们以高度准确的方式知道内容的真实性,或者内容是否已被篡改-除了提供有关内容的出具人的详细信息。

For the second endeavor, Microsoft is collaborating with a trust news initiative led by leading British broadcaster BBC, which also includes media companies like the CBC/Radio-Canada, and the New York Times — under the auspices of Project Origin. Recognizing the fact that combating the disinformation campaign will take collaborative efforts, the software company is also partnering with the University of Washington (UW), Sensity & USA Today to improve media literacy — enabling people to separate facts from fiction.

作为第二项努力,微软正在与由英国著名广播公司英国广播公司(BBC)牵头的一项信任新闻计划进行合作,该计划还包括Project Origin主持下的CBC /加拿大广播电台和《纽约时报》等媒体公司。 该软件公司认识到打击虚假信息战将需要协同努力,因此还与华盛顿大学(UW), Sensity &Today Today合作,以提高媒体素养,使人们能够将事实与小说区分开。

The work is just getting started…


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