

By Connor Upton, Group Design Director, Fjord at The Dock, Accenture’s flagship R&D and global innovation center in Dublin, Ireland.

埃森哲位于爱尔兰都柏林的旗舰研发和全球创新中心,The Dock峡湾集团设计总监Connor Upton致辞。

Artificial intelligence (AI) is already firmly enmeshed in our lives and businesses the world over. It sits behind many of our apps and services, making our busy lives manageable through prediction, personalisation, and automation. We once asked how can we apply artificial intelligence, but the question now is how do we use AI to its full potential? It’s a big question — not just for businesses aiming to improve services but for each of us as individuals.

人工智能(AI)已经牢固地融入了我们的生活和全球业务中。 它位于我们许多应用程序和服务的后面,可通过预测,个性化和自动化使我们的繁忙生活易于管理。 我们曾经问过如何应用人工智能,但现在的问题是我们如何充分利用人工智能? 这是一个很大的问题-不仅对于旨在改善服务的企业,对于我们每个人都是个人。

As we grow ever more reliant upon it, there is a growing critique of its pervasiveness in our lives and its unintended consequences. At times, AI systems have failed to make good decisions because they can’t quite fathom the complexity and context of the real-world.

随着我们越来越依赖于它,人们越来越批评它在我们的生活中无处不在及其后果。 有时,人工智能系统无法做出正确的决策,因为它们无法完全理解现实世界的复杂性和环境。

We’ve seen evidence of algorithmic discrimination with gender bias in recruitment recommendations and credit scoring, and racial bias in healthcare and judicial sentencing decision support systems.


There are also issues around AI dependency when people become over-reliant on technology. The most dramatic examples of this are autonomous vehicle accidents, where drivers don’t have full awareness when the system needs them to step in.

当人们过度依赖技术时,也会存在与AI依赖有关的问题。 其中最生动的例子是自动驾驶汽车事故,当系统需要他们介入时,驾驶员并没有完全意识到。

Failures like these deeply affect the lives of individuals, they can result in reputational damage for businesses, and at a societal level they reduce trust in technology and data. They stem from a mindset that perceives AI as automation technology and a business case that seeks to replace human activity to improve efficiency. In reality, most things that can be automated will be automated. After all, we don’t want to be hand weaving our clothes or managing the spam in our inboxes. But as AI becomes broadly adopted and is applied to more complex problems we must be careful to understand the unique value that people bring. People tend to not just define useful processes but are also remarkably flexible, for example developing communications and hacks that keep organisations running. If we don’t learn from these, we run the risk of making systems less resilient and increasingly risky. By the same token, paying close attention to the contribution of the human in AI systems allows us to better confront and account for our own harmful biases.

诸如此类的失败会深深影响个人的生活,会给企业声誉造成损害,在社会层面上也会降低对技术和数据的信任。 他们源于一种将AI视为自动化技术的理念以及一个寻求替代人类活动以提高效率的商业案例。 实际上,大多数可以自动化的东西都是自动化的。 毕竟,我们不想手工编织衣服或管理收件箱中的垃圾邮件。 但是随着AI被广泛采用并应用于更复杂的问题,我们必须谨慎了解人们带来的独特价值。 人们不仅会定义有用的流程,而且还会非常灵活,例如开发使组织保持运转的通信和黑客攻击。 如果我们不从中汲取教训,则会冒使系统的弹性降低和风险增加的风险。 同样,密切关注人类在AI系统中的贡献,可以使我们更好地应对和应对自己的有害偏见。

“When designing artificial intelligence it’s critical that we also design for human intelligence and the interactions between these agents.”


Beyond the risks, taking a more human- and systems-oriented approach to AI brings huge opportunities. What if we looked beyond cost reduction and adopted a growth mindset? Organisations are driven by people and their ingenuity. So, the fundamental question should be: how might we use AI to amplify people’s abilities to create net new value? Achieving this requires a new systematic approach.

除风险外,对人工智能采取更面向人和系统的方法带来了巨大的机会。 如果我们不仅仅局限于降低成本,而是采用增长的思维方式,那该怎么办? 组织受人及其才智的驱动。 因此,基本问题应该是:我们如何使用AI来增强人们创造净新价值的能力? 为此,需要一种新的系统方法。

We call this approach Designed Intelligence. It encapsulates three aspects of how businesses can harness AI to generate value responsibly. First is the application of AI to envision new strategies, second is harnessing it to empower people in increasingly complex and dynamic systems, and third is using it to enhance the human experience.

我们称这种方法为“ 设计智能” 。 它概括了企业如何利用AI负责任地创造价值的三个方面。 首先是应用AI来构想新策略,其次是利用AI在日益复杂和动态的系统中增强人们的能力,其三是利用AI来增强人类体验。

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The three E’s of Designed Intelligence.

构想新策略 (Envisioning new strategies)

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AI-inspired Tapas from the Dock

Artificial Intelligence is not like human intelligence. It sees the world in a very different, data-oriented way. This alternative perspective can help people break out of their orthodoxies and envision new strategies, services, and products that they would never be able to imagine on their own. We use this approach in projects and design thinking sessions to help businesses blend human expertise with analytical insight, giving them what we call “informed intuition”. We’ve applied this to help food manufacturers develop new flavour combinations, to help banks imagine new personal services for financial wellness, and to help hotels redesign how they measure quality.

人工智能不像人类智能。 它以完全不同的,面向数据的方式看待世界。 这种替代的观点可以帮助人们摆脱正统观念,并构想他们自己无法想象的新战略,服务和产品。 我们在项目和设计思维会议中使用这种方法来帮助企业将人类的专业知识与分析见解相结合,从而为他们提供所谓的“知觉直觉”。 我们已将此方法用于帮助食品制造商开发新的风味组合 ,帮助银行为财务健康设想新的个人服务,并帮助酒店重新设计其质量度量方式。

在系统中赋予人权力 (Empowering people within systems)

While digital services have made our lives more convenient, they can also make systems difficult to understand and less transparent. For customers, this includes understanding why you’re getting that product recommendation, or not getting that loan approval. For workers, it might be figuring out why your caseload is changing or deciphering your performance report. As AI becomes more prevalent in digital services, their logic could become even less clear as algorithms are typically designed for outcomes, not explanations.

尽管数字服务使我们的生活更加便利,但它们也会使系统难以理解且透明度降低。 对于客户而言,这包括了解为什么要获得该产品推荐或未获得该贷款批准。 对于工作人员而言,可能正在弄清楚为什么您的案件数量正在变化或破译绩效报告。 随着AI在数字服务中变得越来越普遍,由于算法通常是针对结果而不是说明而设计的,因此其逻辑可能变得越来越不清楚。

This poses a challenge for businesses that want to apply AI. While AI has the potential to bring great benefits, it will only succeed if people are willing to adopt it. In our research, we find that trust between people and AI tools requires transparency, control, and relevant interactions. To get the best out of an AI investment, we help businesses understand how their people are currently working, what pain points they encounter and how AI will change their practices.

这对想要应用AI的企业构成了挑战。 尽管人工智能具有带来巨大利益的潜力,但只有人们愿意采用它,它才会成功。 在我们的研究中,我们发现人与AI工具之间的信任需要透明度,控制力和相关的交互作用 。 为了从AI投资中获得最大收益,我们帮助企业了解其员工目前的工作方式,遇到的痛点以及AI将如何改变其实践。

For example, in our work on the Accenture Logistics Platform, we helped postal dispatchers harness AI to predict service demand and optimise delivery routes. We also designed a mobile app to guide delivery workers in the field. Workers can make adjustments to the AI’s suggested routes directly in the application and even override them if needed. This means workers can build up trust in the service over time while remaining empowered. Crucially this ability to act independently is also a source of new training data that allows the AI models to get feedback, adapt to changes and improve.

例如,在埃森哲物流平台上的工作中,我们帮助邮政调度员利用AI预测服务需求并优化交货路线。 我们还设计了一个移动应用程序来指导现场的送货人员。 工人可以直接在应用程序中对AI的建议路线进行调整,甚至在需要时进行覆盖。 这意味着,随着时间的推移,工作人员可以建立对服务的信任,同时保持其能力。 至关重要的是,这种独立行动的能力也是新训练数据的来源,该数据允许AI模型获得反馈,适应变化和改进。

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Click to watch video. 单击以观看视频

As the world evolves, businesses will continue to need people long into the future. People can deal with ill-defined problems, interpret the real world with all its messiness and bring context to complex issues like social biases and discrimination. At the same time, AI can radically scale our human expertise by speeding up mundane tasks, monitoring dynamic systems and discovering relationships in large complex data sets.

随着世界的发展,在很长的将来,企业将继续需要人才。 人们可以处理不确定性的问题,以其所有的混乱来解释现实世界,并为诸如社会偏见和歧视之类的复杂问题带来背景。 同时,AI可以通过加快平凡的任务,监视动态系统并发现大型复杂数据集中的关系,从根本上扩展我们的人类专业知识。

增强人类经验 (Enhancing the human experience)

At the experience level, we’re applying AI to extend human capabilities. Computer vision and voice technologies are forms of AI that provide more natural ways to interact with information. Applied correctly they can create automagical experiences that truly engage customers. Working with VELUX, for example, we built a mobile app that lets people visualise what new roof windows would look like in their home. This intuitive service gives homeowners the ability to envisage 3D space like an architect and provides them with the confidence to make dramatic changes to their homes.

在体验级别,我们正在应用AI来扩展人员能力。 计算机视觉和语音技术是AI的一种形式,可提供更自然的方式与信息进行交互。 正确应用它们可以创造出真正吸引客户的自动体验。 例如,与VELUX合作 ,我们构建了一个移动应用程序,使人们可以看到家中新的屋顶窗户的外观。 这项直观的服务使房主能够像建筑师一样设想3D空间,并使他们充满信心对房屋进行重大改变。

Designed Intelligence is about helping businesses embrace the next stage of AI innovation where people and machines generate value together. This approach makes the invisible visible and enables people to experience what AI can do for them and with them. As Kevin Kelly say in his book, The Inevitable, “this is not a race against the machines, this is a race with the machines”.

Designed Intelligence旨在帮助企业拥抱AI创新的下一阶段,在此阶段,人与机器共同创造价值。 这种方法使看不见的东西可见,并使人们能够体验AI可以为他们和与他们一起做的事情。 正如凯文·凯利(Kevin Kelly)在他的《不可避免 》一书中所说,“这不是与机器的竞赛,这是与机器的竞赛”。

Designing for both human and artificial intelligence together will build trust, increase adoption and open up a myriad of ways to solve challenges on a scale and complexity like never before.


“It’s not a race against the machines, this is a race with the machines.” — Kevin Kelly, The Inevitable

“这不是与机器的竞赛,这是与机器的竞赛。” —凯文·凯利(Kevin Kelly),不可避免







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