抑郁症 售前工程师_为什么抑郁症成为软件工程师的问题以及如何应对

抑郁症 售前工程师

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Editor’s Note: This article is not intended to be medical advice in any way. If you are experiencing depression or depressive symptoms, please contact a physician. If you feel suicidal, please Google for and call your local suicide hotline to get help.

编者注:本文决不以任何形式提供医学建议。 如果您有抑郁或抑郁症状,请联系医生。 如果您有自杀倾向,请致电Google并致电您当地的自杀热线以获得帮助。

Well paid jobs, cool work offices, free snacks and gaming areas, the benefit of working from anywhere, a super high demand market, no need for B. Tech, and the list goes on.

高薪工作,凉爽的办公室,免费小吃和游戏区,在任何地方工作的好处,超高需求的市场,无需B. Tech,因此清单还在继续。

Sounds really like a dream job, right?


Yes, and it is!


So, why is depression becoming more and more a common issue in the software development arena?


Let's briefly understand depression and its signals.


"Depression is a common illness worldwide, with more than 264 million people affected. Depression is different from usual mood fluctuations and short-lived emotional responses to challenges in everyday life. Especially when long-lasting and with moderate or severe intensity, depression may become a serious health condition. It can cause the affected person to suffer greatly and function poorly at work, at school and in the family." — Source: World Health Organization

“抑郁症是世界范围内的常见疾病 ,受影响的人群超过2.64亿。抑郁症不同于通常的情绪波动和对日常生活挑战的短暂情感React。特别是当持续时间长,强度中等或严重时,抑郁症可能会变得严重的健康状况。 它可能使受影响的人在工作,学校和家庭中遭受巨大痛苦,并且工作能力差 。” —资料来源: 世界卫生组织

"In most cases, depression doesn’t have a single cause. Instead, it results from a mix of things: your genes, events in your past, your current circumstances, and more." — Source: WebMD

“在大多数情况下,抑郁症没有单一原因。而是由多种因素共同导致的:您的基因,您过去的事件, 您的当前状况等等。” —来源: WebMD

Now that we have highlighted some information about depression, let's take a look into how software developers spend most of their time regardless of their seniority level.


Software engineers are problem-solving people.


As a software engineer, most of our time is invested in thinking hard.


We need to understand the technology/stack of our preference and its constant evolution, new codebases from other developers, and business problems — and translate it into code, find new (and often fast) ways to solve problems and above all, learn A LOT.


Of course, being a software engineer is a fun journey, but our blessing can also be our curse.


Focus, resilience, self-study, curiosity are some of the key characteristics every software engineer should have.


The pitfall is this: Those characteristics are basically the expected outcome.

陷阱是 :这些特征基本上是预期的结果。

They are basic attributes we need to acknowledge, develop, and nourish constantly until they become a habit.


But, wait!


How can I develop these habits in the noisiest environment of all — the tech world? Where notifications, news, messengers, social media, tech blogs are everywhere?

我如何在所有嘈杂的技术环境中养成这些习惯? 到处都有通知,新闻,通讯程序,社交媒体,科技博客?

Well, bear with me and we will address this in the end.


If you are a software engineer, I hope you're already identifying yourself with the information shared until here. I also hope that the signals I will share from now on are not your case, but if it is, there is hope.

如果您是软件工程师,希望您已经通过共享的信息确定自己的身份,直到此处。 我也希望从现在起我要传达的信号不是您的情况,但如果是,那就是希望。

讯号 (Signals)

Everybody has a bad mood, laziness, anxiety, and lack of inspiration once a while, but let be clear.


I said once a while, not constantly.


I have had countless stories about very good professionals who left software development because of burning out or some disappointment with the loss of the dreamed quality of life.


拖延,信号的信号 (Procrastination, the signal of signals)

Remember when I said developers are problem-solving people? Well, guess what happens when we don't solve things. Frustrations, disappointment, and self-doubt.

还记得我说过开发人员是解决问题的人吗? 好吧,猜猜我们不解决问题会发生什么。 挫折,失望和自我怀疑。

Don't get me wrong. Procrastination alone is not capable of pushing you to depression, yet the whole equation of bad routine, lack of good habits, constant (inner and outer) pressure, unhealthy life, and procrastination is a recipe for disaster.

不要误会我的意思。 拖延本身并不能使您沮丧,但是不良习惯,缺乏良好习惯,持续的(内在和外在)压力,不健康的生活以及拖延的整个方程式都是灾难的根源。

The issue begins when you start your career and no one explains to you that you’re allowed to not know everything.

问题开始于您的职业生涯,没有人向您说明 你被允许不知道一切

Because of this simple misunderstanding, a dangerous spiral begins.


This myth leads many developers to close themselves into the “don’t ask” mode and suffer alone. Yes, they suffer. Because of our problem-solving nature, we need to (guess what) solve problems in order to feel evolution, satisfaction, and release some dopamine!

这个神话导致许多开发人员将自己封闭在“不问”模式中并独自受苦。 是的,他们受苦了。 由于我们具有解决问题的天性,我们需要(猜测是什么)解决问题,以便感到发展,满意并释放一些多巴胺!

We all want to hear the inner voice saying “well done".


The longer it takes to achieve this stage, the more we don't experience these benefits, and the worse we feel.


Additionally, as an escape, many engineers find themselves searching for some instant gratification shortcut in order to fill the lack of happiness/fulfillment.


Now, imagine the scenario of high pressure, fast passed environment, faked competitiveness (because of our misunderstanding), happening over and over again.


Got it?


Good, now we found the dangerous place many are trapped into.


Now you must be thinking, "Wait a minute, I feel like that but I am not depressed". Aren't you?

现在您必须在思考:“ 等等,我有这种感觉,但我并不沮丧 ”。 不是吗

  1. Are you addicted to something you know is bad, and it's draining your energies? ie. Porn, gaming, alcohol, etc.?

    您是否沉迷您知道是坏的东西,并且正在消耗您的精力? 即。 色情,游戏,酗酒等?

  2. Are you often asking yourself about your purpose in life?


  3. Are you often being rude with family and friends without noticing?


  4. Are you avoiding social relationships as much as possible?


If you live the cycle I described previously and answered "yes" to most of these questions, there's a huge red flag here.


The good news is that I've been there and I know how to disrupt the cycle.


实际步骤 (Practical Steps)

1.寻求帮助 (1. Ask for help)

Software developers are often too proud to admit they need help. My first and most important advice is: Ask for help. There's a ton of ways to do that, like online or in-person physiological sessions (highly recommended) or speaking with a close friend/husband/spouse/mate/preacher. This will produce two important fruits. a) You will acknowledge to yourself that you need help, but more importantly, you're progressing in healing and that's releases dopamine. It will also b) bring outside wisdom and accountability to the table.

软件开发人员常常以无法接受帮助为荣。 我的首要建议是:寻求帮助。 有很多方法可以做到这一点,例如在线或面对面的生理课(强烈推荐)或与亲密的朋友/丈夫/配偶/伴侣/同伴讲话。 这将产生两个重要的结果。 a)您将承认自己需要帮助,但更重要的是,您在康复中不断进步,这会释放多巴胺。 它还将b)带来外界的智慧和责任感。

2.设定小的健身目标 (2. Set small fitness goals)

Yes, you heard that. F-I-T-N-E-S-S. A person who lives a life based in healthy habits is someone with far fewer chances to face depression. Additionally, habits are built upon goals, and goals, once achieved, produce happiness and fulfillment, and then dopamine. Remember, developer, we are logical people. We are breaking a bad cycle and in order to succeed, we need to fill this place with something else. Walking, running, some sit-ups, etc. Start slow, but start.

是的,你听到了。 健身。 一个以健康习惯为基础生活的人面临抑郁的机会要少得多。 此外,习惯是建立在目标之上的,目标一旦实现,就会产生快乐和满足感,然后产生多巴胺。 记住,开发人员,我们是有逻辑的人。 我们正在渡过一个糟糕的循环,为了取得成功,我们需要用其他方式填补这个地方。 散步,跑步,仰卧起坐等。开始缓慢,但要开始。

3.停止吃垃圾 (3. Stop eating garbage)

Your body needs some fuel to help you get out of this cycle, so make a deal with yourself. Set a goal of small changes, i.e., Tuesdays without eating/drinking sugar, or drink three liters of water three days a week. Again, the main objective is to define small yet achievable goals that will produce direct and indirect benefits for you.

您的身体需要一些能量来帮助您摆脱这种循环,所以要与自己做个对策。 设定一个小的变化目标,即在星期二不吃/不喝糖,或每周三天喝三升水。 同样,主要目标是定义小的但可以实现的目标,这些目标将为您带来直接和间接的收益。

4.加入社区并社交 (4. Join a community and socialise)

In times like we're living in, it's really hard to be physically connected to a community, but if possible, I'd highly recommend that. Churches, small interest groups, meetups, mentorship meetings, etc. We are social animals and we need to interact with others, for real.

在我们生活的时代,与社区建立联系实在很困难,但如果可能的话,我强烈建议您这样做。 教堂,小利益团体,聚会,指导会议等。我们是社交动物,我们需要与其他人进行真正的互动。

5.帮助他人 (5. Help others)

Yes, help others, even if you’re not ready with your own healing. There’s tremendous power in helping others. As a side effect of this, a different perspective based on somebody else’s problems can shift your mind and change your inside almost instantly. Teach a course for free, mentor junior developers, or do a Q&A session with people trying to get into our profession.

是的,即使您还没有准备好自己的康复方法,也要帮助他人。 帮助他人有巨大的力量。 这样做的副作用是,基于其他人的问题的不同观点可能会改变您的想法并几乎立即改变您的内心。 免费为有经验的初级开发人员讲授课程,或与尝试进入我们行业的人们进行问答环节。

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”


— Mahatma Gandhi

- 圣雄甘地

6. 寻找责任伙伴 (6. Find an accountability partner)

This is a golden rule. There's no need for it to be a close friend if you don't want to. Find someone who you can drop a daily message sharing your progress. This person will be like your personal trainer. You will be amazed at how many people are willing to play this role and help others.

这是一个黄金法则。 如果您不想,就不必成为密友。 查找可以发送日常消息以分享您的进度的人。 此人将像您的私人教练一样。 您会惊讶于有多少人愿意扮演这个角色并帮助他人。

Bonus advice: In order to set those goals, we need discipline, and because I know the most difficult part is to start, I'd suggest you use some techniques.

额外的建议 :为了设定这些目标,我们需要纪律,并且因为我知道最困难的部分是开始,所以建议您使用一些技巧。

  1. Turn all phone notifications off.

  2. Leave your phone in another room while you work and set specific times to check it.

  3. Use the Pomodoro approach and use the breaks to complete some of the goals above. i.e. a work interval of 50 minutes and breaks of 10 minutes. In every break, I will drink water and/or do one exercise session.

    使用Pomodoro方法并使用中断来完成上述一些目标。 即工作间隔为50分钟,休息时间为10分钟。 在每个休息时间,我都会喝水和/或做一次运动。
  4. Write four main goals per day and just move to the next when finish the current one.

  5. Go to bed one hour earlier than usual.

  6. Wake up one hour earlier than usual.

  7. Record (ie. voice record) a journal at the end of your day.


结论 (Conclusion)

I want to remind you how amazing the super-power we have as software developers is. The power to create new things, to change and improve people's lives, and literally to change the world.

我想提醒您,我们作为软件开发人员所拥有的超能力是多么惊人。 创造新事物,改变和改善人们生活以及改变世界的力量。

If, somewhere along the way, you lost this spark, rest assured you can overcome this season and be the best version of yourself.


Remind yourself why you started programming in the first place.


If you need help, drop me a message and I will be more than happy to help.


At the end of the day, I am in the process of healing myself, too.

归根结底, 我也正在康复中

翻译自: https://medium.com/better-programming/why-depression-is-becoming-an-issue-for-software-engineers-and-how-to-deal-with-it-8478f361033d

抑郁症 售前工程师

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