

最小? 最大化? 准确? 不,不,不。 (Minimal? Maximal? Accurate? Nope Nope Nope.)

Many directors and their teams refer to reductive, templated design approaches as “Minimalism.” What are they minimizing? Often, new ideas. Why would good leaders do that? To start, they believe simple designs are scientifically better. Then there are clicks. Indicators. A/B. Reports. Responsive. Team needs. Customers. Headaches.

许多董事及其团队将简化的模板化设计方法称为“极简主义”。 它们使什么最小化? 通常,新想法。 好的领导者为什么要这么做? 首先, 他们认为简单的设计在科学上会更好。 然后有点击。 指标。 A / B。 报告。 React灵敏。 团队需求。 顾客。 头痛

Of course, today’s by the numbers web, product, and brand design definitely isn’t Minimalist in production, not when there are product managers, project managers, brand managers, marketing teams, UXers, CXers, growth-hackers, VPs, et. al. getting in on the design conversation. It’s more like “Inclusivism” — and sometimes to save the soup with that many chefs in the kitchen, you water it down.

当然,当今的数字网络,产品和品牌设计在生产中绝对不是极简主义,当有产品经理,项目经理,品牌经理,营销团队,UXers,CXers,成长型黑客,VP等时,绝对不是最低要求。 等 参与设计对话。 它更像是“包容主义” ( Inclusivism) -有时为了将汤和许多厨师一起保存在厨房中,您可以将汤用水倒掉。

Plenty of directors still innovate and conspire with daring, unusual designers. They design less reductively, while also keeping things clean and getting clicks. They are able to support creative solutions and earn enough business wins to demonstrate design as a value, not a luxury or a privilege.

许多导演仍然与大胆,与众不同的设计师进行创新和合谋。 它们的设计减少了精简性,同时还使事物保持清洁并获得点击。 他们能够支持创造性的解决方案,并赢得了足够的商业胜利,以证明设计是一种价值,而不是一种奢侈或特权。

Others mislabel anything remotely creative as examples of “Maximalism,” leveraging current and redundant trends where UIers and UXers are able to include a few benign trends like blinky borders or intrusive vectors. What are they maximizing? Often, the amount of noise in their Figma file. Why would good designers do that? To start, they’re depressed. They understand there are 6–8 stylistic templates companies are comfortable working from, and there’s so much stylistic overlap even among those styles that most of what’s left for a design lead to manage is “which lame design will they let me maximize vs how much of the existing outdated graphics can I convince them to replace?”

其他人则将任何极富创意的标签误贴为极简主义”的示例,从而利用了当前和多余的趋势,UIer和UXer能够包括一些良性趋势,例如闪烁的边框或侵入性矢量。 他们在最大化什么? 通常,他们的Figma文件中的噪音量。 好的设计师为什么要这么做? 首先,他们很沮丧。 他们了解公司可以轻松使用6–8个样式模板,即使在这些样式之间也存在太多样式重叠,以至于设计领导需要管理的大部分内容是“他们让我最大化的la脚设计与多少我可以说服他们替换现有的过时图形吗?”

Even excellent design executions (56k Cloud, Wealthfront) are so iterative of other projects that it’s hard to prioritize between them.

即使是出色的设计执行( 56k CloudWealthfront ) 也要迭代其他项目,因此很难在它们之间进行优先级排序。

Understanding this reality, the highest-paid of the designer class allows data science to subvert aesthetic differentiation as they activate customers. If you’re a leader, it makes sense. It’s hard to de-risk creativity, and sometimes design can seem extravagant — it’s too much. Too… maximized.

理解这一现实,设计师类中薪水最高的人员可以使数据科学在激活客户时颠覆美学差异。 如果您是领导者,那是有道理的。 很难降低创造力的风险,有时设计似乎过于奢侈-太多了。 太…最大化了。

Not that it’s a good thing, but even if it were a thing, Maximalism might look more like

不,这是一件好事 ,但即使它一个东西可能极多主义看起来更像

A black and white web design that features 300% more content and sections than a typical web design.

I wouldn’t let my product be buried in that, either.


将数据支持的设计系统与包容性设计过程相匹配的问题 (The Problem With Matching Data-Supported Design Systems With Inclusivist Design Processes)

An incomplete idea is thriving: Develop a new system for a process, and the new system can deliver results at scale, and the new system is intrinsically superior to the existing approach. All of this makes sense on its face, and, as industries do, they create mountains of supporting jargon making their new money-maker easy to defend.

一个不完整的想法正在蓬勃发展:为流程开发新系统,新系统可以大规模交付结果,并且新系统本质上优于现有方法。 所有这些在表面上都是有道理的,而且与行业一样,它们创造了大量支持行话的术语,使他们的新赚钱者容易捍卫。

Many new businesses are making money, and leverage other factors for record profits. Unfortunately, since the introduction of these new design systems, data actually shows a noticeable net decline in new business success rates.

许多新业务正在赚钱,并利用其他因素获得创纪录的利润。 不幸的是,由于引入了这些新的设计系统,数据实际上显示出新业务成功率的明显下降

A graph showing business creation volume from 1978–2012 is roughly the same as it is today, despite new group processes.
A business started in 1995 and/or 2005, both stronger economic years, endured nearly identical failure rates as businesses started near 2000, when the economy began to spiral.

Inclusivist Design Processes are design processes that permit design jurisdiction to non-designers such as project managers, marketing managers, growth hackers, developers, etc. Inclusivist Design Processes allow these critical contributors to actively direct design decisions rather than to provide critical data to the design team.


Minimalist content is effective at producing clicks and driving the sales funnel, but when we mix that approach with Inclusivist Design Processes, are we true to First Principles? What is really happening?

极简内容可以有效地产生点击次数并推动销售渠道,但是当我们将这种方法与包容性设计流程相结合时,我们是否恪守第一原则? 到底发生了什么事?

Antiqued press clipping w/highlighter over quote “…the headlines look good, but… dig deeper… something’s not quite right.”

~20 percent of small businesses with employees in the U.S. fail in their first year. In the tech sector, where the highest-earning and highest spending startups deploy the greatest talent pool, guess how many startups fail in their first year? ~20 percent.

在美国拥有雇员的小型企业中,约有20% 在第一年就失败了 。 在科技行业中,收入最高,支出最高的初创公司部署了最多的人才库,您猜想第一年有多少家初创公司倒闭? 〜20

I’m not saying these are complete stats, or that this is a complete statistical argument. I’m not saying you can’t outspend a lack of innovation or leverage market dominance. I’m saying that as I lead into the next decade in search of creative adventure, I plan to be honest about what the past ten years have proven: Good design direction still means taking real risk, making real impact, and producing real creative. Is data + inclusivism the magical solution? No. Design may not be a magical solution, either; but we might figure out how to get the golden egg without killing the duck.

我并不是说这些是完整的统计信息,也不是说这是一个完整的统计论点。 我并不是说您不能超过缺乏创新或利用市场主导地位。 我说的是,在我进入下一个十年寻求创造性冒险的过程中,我打算对过去十年所证明的事实诚实: 良好的设计方向仍然意味着承担真正的风险,产生实际影响并产生真正的创造力。 数据+包容性是神奇的解决方案吗? 不。设计可能也不是一个神奇的解决方案。 但是我们可能会想出如何在不杀死鸭子的情况下获得金蛋的方法。

Kevin Landwehr is a design generalist executing brand/visual efforts of every kind for clients of every size, shape, and type.

凯文·兰德维尔 ( Kevin Landwehr) 是一名设计通才,致力于为各种规模,形状和类型的客户提供各种品牌/视觉效果。

He took a year off to design an award-winning San Francisco brewery and is a big fan of the best tortillas in New York.

他休假了一年,设计 了一家屡获殊荣的旧金山啤酒厂, 并且是 纽约最好的玉米饼的 忠实 拥护者 | LinkedIn | | LinkedIn |







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