

At Indeed, inclusion extends beyond employee resource groups and celebrations. Diversity of background, experience, and thought makes for a stronger workforce, more effective decision-making, and powerful innovation. To foster inclusion, we want to build a psychologically safe environment at every level and in every area of the business. That’s why we’re removing terminology that works against such inclusion from our codebase.

在Indeed,包容性超出了员工资源小组和庆祝活动的范围。 背景,经验和思想的多样性使员工队伍强大 ,决策更有效,创新能力更强 。 为了促进包容性,我们希望在业务的每个层次和每个领域建立一个心理安全的环境。 这就是为什么我们从代码库中删除了与此类包含相反的术语。

Diversity and inclusion is an ingredient for success. Leaders of Indeed Amsterdam’s Women at Indeed employee resource group (l-r): Edwin Moses, Trudy Danso-Osei, Freek van Schaik, Renske van der Linden, and Valerie Sampimon.

多样性和包容性是成功的要素。 确实员工资源小组(lr)的确实阿姆斯特丹妇女组织的领导人:埃德温·摩西,特鲁迪·丹索·奥塞伊,弗里克·范·史凯克,伦斯克·范德林登和瓦莱丽·桑皮蒙。

技术术语与包含有什么关系? (What does technical terminology have to do with inclusion?)

Like all words, technical terms have connotations that give them immense expressive power. Some connotations are well known and generally understood. Others depend on context and are understood differently by people with varying lived experiences. The original etymology of a term often has little to do with the connotations it accrues over time.

像所有单词一样,技术术语的含义赋予它们巨大的表达能力。 一些含义是众所周知的并且通常被理解。 其他人则依赖于上下文,并且具有不同生活经验的人们对它们的理解也不同。 术语的原始词源通常与它随着时间的推移所产生的含义无关。

Computer science and software engineering employ many terms that are convenient, meaningful, and useful. However, some terms ask groups of people to ignore the powerful negative and exclusive connotations they carry.

计算机科学和软件工程采用了许多方便,有意义和有用的术语。 但是,有些术语要求一群人忽略他们所携带的强大的负面和排他性含义。

The terms “master” and “slave” exemplify this. Some engineers see these words and are privileged to deduce a benign connotation — a slave is a subordinate process that acts in accordance with the demands of the master. However, for many people, particularly people of color, these terms immediately conjure images of human slavery’s horrors. This connotation doesn’t just exist in the context of one country’s history, such as American slavery. With an estimated 21–45 million people currently enslaved worldwide, the terms master and slave represent both an historic and current global humanitarian crisis.

术语“主”和“从”就说明了这一点。 一些工程师看到了这些字眼,并有特权推断出一个良性的含义-从属是一个从属过程,它按照主人的要求行事。 但是,对于许多人来说,尤其是有色人种,这些术语会立即让人联想到人类奴隶制恐怖的景象。 这种含义不仅存在于一个国家的历史背景下,例如美国奴隶制。 目前,全世界有约2145万人被奴役 ,“主人”和“奴隶” 一词既代表着历史性的危机,也代表着当前的全球人道主义危机。

Many other terms have similar negative connotations. Words that associate colors with value judgments, such as “blacklist,” and language around the exploitation or denigration of cultures, such as “tribal knowledge,” represent just a couple. Ableist language such as “lame” and “blind” used in the wrong context can negatively impact people with disabilities. People continually fight bigotry and prejudice based on these characteristics, and these terms invoke and perpetuate those injustices.

许多其他术语具有类似的负面含义。 将颜色与价值判断相关联的单词(例如“黑名单”)和围绕文化的剥削或贬低的语言(例如“部落知识”)仅代表一对。 在错误的上下文中使用诸如“ lam”和“盲”之类的语言会给残疾人带来负面影响。 人们基于这些特征不断地对抗偏执和偏见,而这些术语会唤起并永久化那些不公正现象。

Some of these terms might surprise those of us who don’t share the lived experiences of marginalized individuals. But when our colleagues tell us we are using terms that exclude or hurt them, we should trust them and find new words to use.

其中一些术语可能会让我们这些没有分享边缘化个人生活经验的人感到惊讶。 但是,当我们的同事告诉我们我们所使用的术语排除或伤害了他们时,我们应该信任它们并找到新的词来使用。

开始对话 (Starting the conversation)

Even before Indeed officially introduced inclusion and belonging as one of our company values in 2019, our engineers began removing problematic terms from our technology.


We started by opening up the discussion on our internal wiki, with internal blog posts and a dedicated content hub for identifying and deprecating exclusive terminology. All engineers can contribute to and comment on the Inclusive Terminology wiki page. From contributions made there, we created a non-exhaustive quick reference guide to help each other make responsible terminology decisions.

我们首先在内部Wiki上打开讨论,并在内部Wiki上发布帖子,并使用专门的内容中心来识别和弃用专有术语。 所有工程师都可以在“包容性术语”维基页面上做出贡献并发表评论。 根据那里的贡献,我们创建了一个非详尽的快速参考指南,以帮助彼此做出负责任的术语决策。

包容性语言快速参考指南 (Inclusive language quick reference guide)

Instead of: master* / slaveUse: primary, main, trunk / replica, secondaryWhy: These terms represent an inherently oppressive relationship.

代替: master * / slave 使用:主要,主要,主干/副本,次要原因:这些术语本质上是压迫性的关系

*The removal of “slave” from the set in common usage does not remove the implied oppressive relationship. Historically, the usage of the term “master” in relation to a Git branch stems from a master / slave relationship.

*从常用的集合中删除“从属”不会删除隐含的压迫关系。 从历史上看,与Git分支相关的术语“主”的使用源于主/从关系

Instead of: whitelist / blacklistUse: allowlist, unblocklist / denylist, blocklist, bannedWhy: These terms imply a culturally specific binary of good versus evil.


Instead of: backlog groomingUse: backlog refinementWhy: “Grooming” is a term with specific legal meaning in British English.

代替:待办事项修饰使用:待办事项清单改进原因: “修饰”是英式英语中具有特定法律意义的术语。

Instead of: tribal knowledgeUse: institutional knowledgeWhy: “Tribe” is a loaded term with negative connotations for First Nations and African communities.

代替:部落知识使用:制度知识为什么: “部落”是一个充满负荷的术语 ,对原住民和非洲社区带有负面含义。

Instead of: grandfatheredUse: legacy, pre-existingWhy: Grandfather clauses originated from Jim Crow era discrimination laws in the United States.


Each engineering team chose how to implement the new language in their code. Then, teams shared best practices and processes. We continue these conversations today.

每个工程团队都选择了如何在其代码中实施新语言。 然后,团队共享最佳实践和流程。 今天我们继续进行这些对话。

案例研究:在Git项目中将“主”替换为“主要” (Case study: Replacing “master” with “primary” in a Git project)

Renaming the master branch of a Git project is not a trivial exercise, especially for projects with lengthy histories. Recently, our Design Systems team completed this work for one of their projects. To do this, the team:

重命名Git项目的主分支并不是一件容易的事,特别是对于历史悠久的项目。 最近,我们的设计系统团队为他们的一个项目完成了这项工作。 为此,团队:

  1. Cloned the master branch and named the clone “primary.”

    克隆了master分支,并将克隆命名为“ primary”。
  2. Updated the default branch in GitLab from master to primary.

  3. Locked down the master branch. It still exists for historical purposes, but it can no longer be used.

    锁定了master分支。 它仍然出于历史目的而存在,但是不能再使用。
  4. Applied the former settings for the master branch to the new primary branch.


A couple of issues could arise in this scenario. For example, a user could create a branch off master before the team created the new primary branch. Because primary and master share a common history, the user could theoretically merge the feature into primary. To mitigate such issues, the team enacted a code freeze while they made the change. They also tested their process on a smaller project before renaming the main project.

在这种情况下可能会出现几个问题。 例如,用户可以在团队创建新的主要分支之前在master之外创建分支。 由于主数据库和主数据库共享相同的历史记录,因此用户可以在理论上将功能合并到主数据库中。 为了缓解此类问题,团队在进行更改时制定了代码冻结。 在重命名主项目之前,他们还对一个较小的项目进行了测试。

有形的结果 (Tangible results)

To track this work, Indeed engineers leaned on Atlassian’s Jira, our tool for software development tracking. We added a label to Jira tickets that involve inclusive terminology so we can filter and sort them. This gives us a high-level view of where exclusive language exists, our ongoing efforts to remove that language, and our progress. To date, we’ve closed 97 of 113 issues and counting.

为了跟踪这项工作,Indeed工程师依靠Atlassian的Jira (我们的软件开发跟踪工具)来进行跟踪 。 我们在Jira票证中添加了一个包含包容性术语的标签,以便我们可以对其进行过滤和排序。 这使我们对专有语言存在的位置,我们为删除该语言所做的持续努力以及我们的进展有一个高层次的了解。 迄今为止,我们已经解决了113个问题中的97个并且还在增加。

Graph: inclusive-terminology Jira issues by status — 97 closed, 1 deferred, 9 backlog, 1 pend. review, 1 pend. triage, 3 wish

Jira issues labeled “inclusive-terminology” by status


实现这一目标的挑战 (Challenges to making this happen)

This work sparked lots of discussion among our engineers. The last thing we wanted to do was turn these language changes into a policing and shaming process. So, we decided to make this a grassroots effort instead of a top-down mandate. That way, everyone is empowered to respectfully discuss terminology changes while learning from one another. Leadership provides support and guidance when necessary and actively participates in the conversation.

这项工作引起了我们工程师之间的大量讨论。 我们要做的最后一件事是将这些语言更改转变为警务和羞辱过程。 因此,我们决定将其作为基层工作,而不是自上而下的任务。 这样一来,每个人都可以在互相学习的同时尊敬地讨论术语更改。 领导在必要时提供支持和指导,并积极参与对话。

One subject that came up in these discussions was cost and level of effort. Changing terminology throughout all our products is a long-term project that requires many engineer hours. In fact, as of today we still need to remove over 5000 instances of the term “slave” from our codebase. We’re committed, and the psychological safety generated by this work far outweighs the time and effort required to remove exclusive terminology.

这些讨论中提出的一个主题是成本和工作水平。 更改我们所有产品中的术语是一项长期的项目,需要花费大量的工程师时间。 实际上,截止到今天,我们仍然需要从代码库中删除超过5000个“奴隶”一词的实例。 我们承诺,并且这项工作所产生的心理安全性远远超过了删除专有术语所需的时间和精力。

前进的道路 (A way forward)

Language constantly evolves to meet the needs of those who use it, and words fall out of fashion as we progress. Because of this, we know changing the terms in our codebase is an ongoing practice, not a one-time effort.

语言不断发展以满足使用语言的人们的需求,随着我们的进步,语言已经过时。 因此,我们知道更改代码库中的术语是一种持续的实践,而不是一次性的工作。

We continue to document words we want to replace and offer suitable alternatives. We avoid using those terms in any new code and ask our vendors to avoid those terms in their products as well. As we change our codebase, we methodically and carefully locate and replace the existing usages.

我们会继续记录要替换的文字,并提供适当的替代方法。 我们避免在任何新代码中使用这些术语,并要求我们的供应商在其产品中也避免使用这些术语。 在更改代码库时,我们将有条不紊地仔细查找并替换现有用法。

We still have work to do. We constantly increase our awareness of exclusive terms and their implications, and we engage in respectful conversations about these topics with each other. Together, we want to create a work environment that is psychologically safe, inclusive, and welcoming for all people at Indeed. By sharing these practices, we hope to model inclusivity and improve the tech industry as well.

我们还有工作要做 。 我们不断提高对专有术语及其含义的认识,并就这些主题进行相互尊重的对话。 我们希望共同创造一个工作环境,在心理上是安全的,具有包容性的,并欢迎所有在Indeed的人们。 通过分享这些实践,我们希望为包容性建模并改善科技产业。

Cross-posted on Indeed Engineering Blog.

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