
If you’ve been around the Internet and Social Media the past few years, you’re probably aware of the ongoing trend surrounding house plants. What started as a few inspiring home decor pictures on Pinterest, slowly clawed its way to a plant “culture” and community amid Millenials.

如果您过去几年一直在使用Internet和社交媒体,那么您可能已经意识到室内植物的发展趋势。 最初是在Pinterest上制作了几幅鼓舞人心的家庭装饰图片,然后慢慢地在千禧一代中抓住了通往植物“文化”和社区的道路。

According to the National Gardening Association they made up a quarter of U.S. lawn and garden retail sales in 2019.


Their rise in popularity made sense since there’s an abundance of physical and psychological benefits of owning and taking care of plants. Being nice to look at, is a bonus.

他们的受欢迎程度的上升是有道理的,因为拥有和照顾植物有大量的生理和心理好处。 乐于助人是一种奖励。

But why the sudden surge? What was it about the huge monsteras in loft apartments that got people hooked? What made people turn to artificial plants when they weren’t able to take care of real ones?

但是为什么突然激增呢? 阁楼公寓里巨大的怪兽被人们吸引了怎么办? 是什么使人们在无法照顾真正的植物时求助于人造植物?

It’s easy to assume they were just part of another Social Media trend, but a closer look into the underlying psychology shows us something that can serve as a guideline to future-oriented product design.


自然与设计 (Nature & Design)

With the speed of technical and urban development in the last decades, we often struggle to connect with the planet we live on. In the past years a lot of mainstream awareness has emerged, when it comes to the horrific impact human behavior has had on earth. It leaves a lot of us feeling unsettling anxiety.

在过去几十年中,随着技术和城市发展的速度,我们经常难以与我们赖以生存的星球保持联系。 在过去几年中,关于人类行为对地球造成的可怕影响,已经出现了许多主流意识。 这使我们许多人感到不安。

The reason House Plants can alleviate this anxiety has a lot to do with the nature-deficit we are trying to correct. It’s something inherently human we crave.

室内植物可以减轻这种焦虑的原因与我们试图纠正的自然缺陷有很大关系。 这是我们本质上渴望的人类。

A study on the so-called Nature Deficit Disorder, conducted in 2015, showed nature immersion not only affects our relationship with nature but with ourselves and each other as well. After four weeks the subjects were more relaxed, positive-minded, and social.

一项研究对所谓的自然缺失症,在2015年进行的,显示的自然体验,不仅影响我们与自然的,但我们对自己,彼此之间的关系也是如此。 四周后,受试者变得更加放松,积极向上和社交。

设计课 (Design Lesson)

“The environment appears distant, because we designed it as such.” — Whitney Hopkins

“环境看起来很遥远,因为我们是这样设计的。” —惠特尼·霍普金斯

Through modern experiences, we have learned detachment. Developments in architectural and urban design show there is a way to make nature visible again.

通过现代经验,我们学会了超脱。 建筑和城市设计的发展表明,有一种方法可以使自然重现。

The main challenge is to design in a way that connects to nature instead of disconnecting from it. To not only change our physical relationship to the environment, but also the psychological.

主要的挑战是设计一种与自然相连而不是与自然脱离联系的方式。 不仅改变我们与环境的物理关系,而且改变心理。

In Digital Design this takes shape in a few Design Methodologies.


Biomimicry describes the mimicking of nature to resolve a design problem. For your solutions, you would apply the processes and ecosystems found in nature.

仿生学描述了模仿自然来解决设计问题。 对于您的解决方案,您将应用自然界中发现的过程和生态系统

It plays a large role in the development of sustainable products. According to Jay Harman, president of Pax Scientific, nature’s ability to accomplish multiple objectives with one design serves as an example for Sustainable Thinking.

它在可持续产品的开发中起着重要作用。 Pax Scientific总裁杰伊·哈曼(Jay Harman)表示,自然界通过一种设计实现多个目标的能力是可持续思维的一个典范。

Digital Naturalness aims to understand how to integrate the ‘code’ of ecosystems and organisms into the digital product design.

Digital Naturalness旨在了解如何将生态系统和有机体“代码”整合到数字产品设计中。

“Like nature, digital design must take into account both functionality and beauty.” — Maris Hall

“像自然一样,数字设计必须兼顾功能性和美观性。” —马里斯·霍尔

The overt approach makes an obvious link between the user and nature, through visual presentation.


Illustrated Monstera leaves emmerging from a phone display
Illustration by Author

The subtle approach draws inspiration from nature, but without making the user aware of it. This approach can have an even stronger impact because it embeds deep structures into the product.

这种微妙的方法从大自然中汲取了灵感,但没有使用户意识到它。 这种方法可能会产生更大的影响,因为它在产品中嵌入了深层结构。

Instead of putting the solution on top of an existing design, it’s used from the very beginning.


Nature has proven to have solutions helping it survive a lot of ups and downs. Its implementation in digital solutions makes our products well-adapted and responsive.

事实证明,大自然具有解决方案,可帮助其经受住许多风风雨雨。 它在数字解决方案中的实施使我们的产品适应性强且响应Swift。

With design close to nature, we can lead our users towards connecting with nature more deeply. This helps reinforce their awareness of nature and its value.

通过接近自然的设计,我们可以引导用户更深入地与自然联系。 这有助于增强他们对自然及其价值的认识。

幸福感 (Well-Being & Mood)

A study, conducted in 2019 shows small plants at our desks have the power to relieve stress and anxiety.


Some people like to call them “cheaper than a therapist” because taking care of them brings a sense of mindfulness. They encourage slowing down by engaging the senses.

有些人喜欢称他们为“比治疗师更便宜”,因为照顾他们会带来正念感。 他们通过参与感官来鼓励放慢脚步。

But they can also improve our moods by releasing feel-good chemicals in the brain like serotonin and dopamine.


设计课 (Design Lesson)

Today many people need to counteract stress from interacting with technology.


It’s becoming more important to connect to our users by showing empathy. Constant engagement and self-service have been feeding the market of user-centered design.

通过表现出同情心与用户建立联系变得越来越重要。 持续的参与和自助服务已经为以用户为中心的设计市场提供了动力。

But to be empathetic, we need to understand the user’s needs.


“When thinking about design, consider what parts of your brain are being affected.” — Liz Cohen

“在考虑设计时,请考虑大脑的哪些部分受到影响。” —莉兹·科恩(Liz Cohen)

Dopamine is often used to keep the user sucked in. But there are different ways to use the brain’s chemistry in the user's favor.


It’s important to keep asking the following questions when trying to find solutions to a design problem:


  • Does this actually help solve a problem?

  • What emotion does it evoke?


Considering the user’s well-being can help connect to them through our designs.


It creates more meaningful experiences because we’re not only considering how the user thinks but also how they feel. This creates a positive effect on them.

它创造了更有意义的体验,因为我们不仅考虑了用户的想法,还考虑了他们的感受。 这对他们产生了积极的影响。

Establishing a connection to the user can be a stepping stone to provoke behavior change not only on the product but also in the user's environment.


色彩理论 (Color Theory)

Not only the mere presence of plants can physically reduce stress. A study conducted at the VU University Medical Center in Amsterdam showed looking at pictures of them can have the same effect.

不仅植物的存在可以从物理上减轻压力。 在阿姆斯特丹的VU大学医学中心进行的一项研究表明,查看它们的照片可能具有相同的效果。

Personally, I’m not the biggest fan of artificial plants, so finding they can have the same psychological benefits made me stumble.


But a lot of the scientific research ties the benefits to the plants’ colors.


A few illustrated monstera leaves in different colors
Illustration by Author

设计课(Design Lesson)

Our minds react to colors without us having to notice it. There has been a lot of research tied to the psychology of color and its effect on us.

我们的大脑对颜色做出React,而无需注意。 有很多与颜色心理学及其对我们的影响有关的研究。

When it comes to green, it’s connected to calming and renewing feelings. It’s also called the color of nature, balance, and harmony. Its use in design is often associated with much more positive energy than most other colors.

当涉及到绿色时,它与镇定和更新感觉有关。 它也被称为自然,平衡与和谐的色彩。 它在设计中的使用通常比大多数其他颜色具有更多的正能量。

Colors have a significant impact on our behavior and emotions. When accurately chosen they can advance the usability of the design.

颜色对我们的行为和情感有重大影响。 如果选择正确,它们可以提高设计的可用性

大图景 (The Big Picture)

Bringing life into the home can remind us of our connection to nature. These days we often get confronted with the negative effects past and current human behavior have had on the environment. But the outcome is often still centered around us as humans rather than the entire planet.

将生活带回家可以使我们想起我们与自然的联系。 这些天,我们经常面对过去和当前人类行为对环境造成的负面影响。 但是结果往往仍然以人类为中心,而不是整个星球。

设计课 (Design Lesson)

Design still has the power to make positive, sometimes even radical change. Jeffrey Hollender‘s take on Net Positivity gives a starting point:

设计仍然可以做出积极的,有时甚至是根本的改变。 杰弗里·霍尔伦德(Jeffrey Hollender)对净积极性的看法给出了一个起点:

“As individuals and organizations, we need a new vision of the future — a vision driven by what we want rather than what we want to avoid, […], what is good for “we” rather than “me.” We should base decisions on what will be best for tomorrow, not just today. This is the essence of what it means to be net positive.”

“作为个人和组织,我们需要对未来有新的愿景-这种愿景是由我们想要的而不是我们想要避免的事物驱动的,[...]是什么对“我们”而不是“我”有好处。 我们应该基于明天而不是今天的最佳决定。 这就是保持积极乐观的本质。”

Focusing on “we” instead of “me” describes the shift from user- and human-centered to life-centered design.


The result should be sustainable and desirable products that take the life cycles of environmental and societal impact into account. Contributing to a much bigger purpose without losing business value.

结果应该是考虑到环境和社会影响的生命周期的可持续且理想的产品。 在不损失业务价值的情况下为更大的目标做出贡献。

We need to reconnect our users to the ecosystem they are part of, to help rebuild it instead of making humans the only focus point.


“In today’s fast-changing landscape, designers must change too” — Fjord

“在当今瞬息万变的环境中,设计师也必须改变” —峡湾

Implementing nature into Digital Design is not as straightforward as purchasing a monstera. But it has the power to reconnect us to something we might think of as lost.

将自然纳入数字设计并不像购买龟背竹一样简单。 但是它有力量使我们重新与我们可能认为丢失的事物建立联系。

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Bay Area Black Designers: a professional development community for Black people who are digital designers and researchers in the San Francisco Bay Area. By joining together in community, members share inspiration, connection, peer mentorship, professional development, resources, feedback, support, and resilience. Silence against systemic racism is not an option. Build the design community you believe in. 海湾地区黑人设计师:一个专业的黑人开发社区,他们是旧金山湾区的数字设计师和研究人员。 通过在社区中团结起来,成员可以共享灵感,联系,同伴指导,专业发展,资源,反馈,支持和韧性。 对系统性种族主义保持沉默是不可行的。 建立您相信的设计社区。

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/what-house-plants-can-teach-us-about-future-proof-design-b29692bcc208





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