

What was the immediate impact on Minneapolis police activity after the videotaped and widely publicized death of George Floyd while he was being arrested? In a September 14 article entitled “The Precipitous Drop of Police Traffic Stops in Minneapolis,” Bloomberg CityLab examines the answer to that question. It’s a thought-provoking article that explores the changes, the possible reasons for and repercussions of those changes, and even whether police should enforce traffic laws in the first place.

录像带和广为流传的乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)被捕时的死亡对明尼阿波利斯警方的活动产生了直接影响? 在9月14日发表的题为“明尼阿波利斯的警察交通站点急剧下降文章,彭博CityLab检验了该问题的答案。 这是一篇发人深省的文章,探讨了这些变化,这些变化的可能原因和影响,甚至探讨了警察是否首先应执行交通法规。

The article also includes the chart below, showing the counts of three different types of police stops in Minneapolis since January 2019. Pop quiz: what is wrong with this chart?


1. Stacked area graph


The above is called a stacked area graph. Many data visualization professionals avoid using this because it tends to be confusing to the reader, but it can be useful for comparing parts to a whole as they evolve over time. For example, this Music Timeline from Google shows how different music genres have become more and less popular through the decades:

上面称为堆积面积图。 许多数据可视化专家都避免使用此方法,因为它会使读者感到困惑,但是当部件随时间变化时,将其与整体进行比较可能很有用。 例如,谷歌的《音乐时间表》展示了数十年来不同类型的音乐越来越流行的原因:

Image for post

On this graph it is easy to see, for example, that jazz nearly died out in the late ’60s but has had a growing resurgence over the past 20 years.


But comparing parts to a whole is not the purpose of the Bloomberg graph. Here, they are trying to show that all three types of police stops went down dramatically, not to focus on what portion of those stops were attributed to traffic law enforcement.

但是,将零件与整体进行比较并不是彭博图的目的。 在这里,他们试图证明所有三种类型的警察停车站都急剧下降,而不是着眼于那些停车站中属于交通执法的部分。

An easy solution to this would have been to use a simple line graph, with a line for each type of police stop. It may not have been as pretty, but it would have been more informative. In my opinion, the need for a graph to be easily understood by its readers supersedes the need for data visualization designers to think they made something that looks cool or is “very fancy.”

一个简单的解决方案是使用简单的折线图,每种警察站都有一条线。 它可能不那么漂亮,但是会提供更多信息。 在我看来,需要使图形的读者易于理解的图形取代了对数据可视化设计人员以为他们做出的看起来很酷或“非常漂亮”的图形的需求。

2. Color choice


Using shades of the same color often denotes intensity or severity, especially when they are arranged lightest to darkest or vice versa as they are in the Bloomberg graph. But that is clearly not the purpose of the gradated coloring here. In other words, even though they are represented by a darker shade of orange, I don’t believe that traffic violations are intentionally being portrayed as more serious than suspicious vehicles, or that suspicious vehicles are more serious than suspicious persons.

使用相同颜色的阴影通常表示强度或严重性,尤其是当它们按照彭博图中的最浅到最暗或反之亦然排列时。 但这显然不是这里渐变色的目的。 换句话说,即使它们以较深的橙色表示,我也不认为故意将交通违法行为描绘成比可疑车辆更严重,或者可疑车辆比可疑人员更严重。

Furthermore, that third category, “Suspicious person,” is such a light shade of orange that it is difficult to distinguish from the white background. Ideally, color choice should make a visualization easier to understand, not harder.

此外,第三类“可疑人”是一种浅橙色,很难与白色背景区分开。 理想情况下,颜色选择应该使可视化更容易理解,而不是更难。

3. Streamgraph


The name for this particular kind of stacked area graph, centered around a horizontal axis, is a streamgraph. One of the reasons designers avoid stacked graphs is that the lack of a consistent baseline makes it difficult for the reader to tell how any component has changed over time. A streamgraph compounds this difficulty. For example: it is visually clear in this graph that traffic stops have plummeted, simply because the difference is so extreme. But what about suspicious vehicle stops? According to the article, those are also down significantly (24 percent!) but it would be difficult to tell that from the graph alone. Again, this appears to be an error of trying to make the graph attractive rather than informative.

这种以水平轴为中心的特殊类型的堆积面积图的名称是流图。 设计人员避免使用堆积图的原因之一是缺乏一致的基线,使读者难以分辨任何组件随时间的变化。 流程图使这一困难更加复杂。 例如:在此图中从视觉上可以清楚地看出,交通停车量直线下降,这仅仅是因为差异如此之大。 但是可疑车辆停下来了怎么办? 根据文章,这些数据也大幅下降(24%!),但是仅从图表中很难看出这一点。 同样,这似乎是试图使图形更具吸引力而不是信息丰富的错误。

4. Editorial bias


The Bloomberg article is a relatively straight news analysis, not an opinion piece. The authors spend much of the article discussing the disparate racial and ethnic impacts of traffic stops, but they generally keep opinions contained to direct quotes from experts and advocates who were interviewed. Yet a subtle but important bit of opinion has made it into the graph itself: the label “May 25 George Floyd killed.” Until a legal verdict has been returned, using verbiage such as “George Floyd’s death” would have been more neutral and less inflammatory, especially in this time of high tensions.

彭博社的文章是相对直接的新闻分析,而不是观点。 作者在这篇文章中花费了大量时间来讨论交通停靠站对种族和种族的不同影响,但是他们通常保留意见,以直接接受采访的专家和拥护者的话。 然而,一个微妙但重要的观点已经融入了图表本身:标签“ 5月25日,乔治·弗洛伊德被杀”。 在做出法律裁决之前,使用诸如“乔治·弗洛伊德之死”之类的措词会更加中立,而煽动性较小,尤其是在紧张局势加剧的时候。

What do you think? Did I miss any other issues or am I being overly critical? Let me know your thoughts!

你怎么看? 我是否还想念其他任何问题,还是我过于挑剔? 让我知道你的想法!

Images in this article may include copyrighted material, the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Under Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research.

本文中的图像可能包括受版权保护的材料,未经版权所有者明确授权而使用该材料。 根据《美国法典》第17条第107款,为“合理使用”提供了津贴,用于批评,评论,新闻报道,教学,奖学金,教育和研究等目的。

翻译自: https://medium.com/@ericjshamblen/pop-quiz-whats-wrong-with-bloomberg-s-graph-of-police-stops-6a09b6d4df5a






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