数据库账户密码安全_3个密码提示,可确保您的网上银行帐户安全— Mielygraphy


Thanks to online banking, taking care of your financial transactions has never been easier. However, its growing popularity has made it a prime target for many cybercrime schemes. Hence, you should learn how to keep your accounts safe from these types of tactics. To help you get started, here are three password tips to keep in mind for a safer online banking experience:

多亏有了网上银行 ,处理您的金融交易从未如此简单。 但是,它的日益普及使其成为许多网络犯罪计划的主要目标。 因此,您应该学习如何从这些策略中保护帐户安全。 为了帮助您入门,请牢记以下三个密码提示,以获取更安全的网上银行体验:

每个帐户使用唯一的密码 (Use a Unique Password Per Account)

With so many accounts to keep track of, you may be tempted to use the same password across multiple sites. After all, it can be hard to memorize multiple unique passwords, especially if they’re a jumble of letters, numbers, and special characters.

由于要跟踪的帐户数量众多,因此您可能会想在多个站点上使用相同的密码。 毕竟,很难记住多个唯一的密码,尤其是当这些字母,数字和特殊字符混杂在一起时。

The thing is, using the same login details for everything makes you more vulnerable to hackers. Once someone cracks your only password, that means they can use it to break into all of your other accounts, too. And your bank account is one of the first that they’ll target.

事实是,对所有内容使用相同的登录详细信息会使您更容易受到黑客的攻击。 一旦有人破解了您的唯一密码,这意味着他们也可以使用它来破解您的所有其他帐户。 而且您的银行帐户是他们定位的第一个帐户。

That’s why you should create a different password for each app or site. However, it’s not enough to make weak variations of the same password, as these are still relatively easy for hackers to guess. For maximum security, you need to create a completely unique password for each account you own.

因此,您应该为每个应用程序或网站创建一个不同的密码。 但是,仅对同一密码进行微弱的修改是不够的,因为这些仍然相对容易被黑客猜测。 为了获得最大的安全性,您需要为自己拥有的每个帐户创建一个完全唯一的密码。

That said, it can be challenging to remember that many login details. So if you’re having trouble keeping track of all your accounts, try investing in a reliable password manager. This type of app allows you to generate strong and unique passwords while securely storing them all in one place. Whenever you want to log in to a site or app, all you need to do is input a master password. The password manager will then take care of automatically filling in your account details for you.

就是说,记住许多登录详细信息可能具有挑战性。 因此,如果您无法跟踪所有帐户,请尝试投资可靠的密码管理器 。 这种类型的应用程序可让您生成强大而独特的密码,同时将所有密码安全地存储在一个地方。 每当您要登录网站或应用程序时,只需输入主密码即可。 然后,密码管理器会自动为您填写您的帐户详细信息。

Related Post: Dashlane Password Manager (Full Review) This app allows you to generate unique password and store them SECURELY.

相关文章: Dashlane密码管理器(完整审阅) 此应用程序可让您生成唯一的密码并将其安全存储。

避免自动登录功能 (Avoid Automatic Login Features)

Most modern web browsers allow you to save your usernames and passwords automatically. Some sites even let you stay signed in, which saves you from having to input your login details each time manually. As a result, some people end up relying on this feature so that they don’t have to worry about remembering their passwords anymore.

大多数现代的网络浏览器都允许您自动保存用户名和密码。 某些网站甚至允许您保持登录状态,从而使您不必每次手动输入登录详细信息。 结果,有些人最终依赖于此功能,因此他们不必担心再记住密码。

While these types of features can be quite convenient, you may want to think twice before you activate any of them. Think about it- if anyone were to get a hold of your laptop, phone, or tablet, they wouldn’t even have to guess your login details to break into your account. With these features enabled, all they’ll have to do is click on the ‘Sign In’ button. And if you’re already logged in, they won’t even have to do anything at all.

虽然这些类型的功能可能非常方便,但是您可能需要三思而后行才能激活其中的任何功能。 考虑一下-如果有人想拥有您的笔记本电脑,手机或平板电脑,他们甚至不必猜测您的登录详细信息即可进入您的帐户。 启用这些功能后,他们所需要做的就是单击“登录”按钮。 而且,如果您已经登录,他们甚至根本不需要执行任何操作。

Fortunately, most online banks automatically log you out of your account if they detect that you’ve been inactive for some time. This dramatically decreases the chances of anyone accessing your account if they manage to steal any of your devices. Still, it’s best to manually log out of your online bank account after each session just to be sure. This is also another reason why a password manager can come in handy. With it, you won’t need to worry about remembering your passwords, giving you less of a reason to rely on the automatic login feature.

幸运的是,如果大多数网上银行检测到您一段时间不活跃,就会自动将您从帐户中注销。 如果他们设法窃取您的任何设备,这将大大降低任何人访问您的帐户的机会。 尽管如此,最好还是在每次会话后手动注销您的在线银行帐户。 这也是密码管理器可以派上用场的另一个原因。 有了它,您将不必担心记住密码,从而减少了依赖自动登录功能的理由。

警惕要求您输入密码的任何人 (Be Wary of Anyone Who Requests Your Password)

You may have noticed that your bank regularly reminds you that they would never ask for your personal information. This is because of a particularly common scheme called phishing, a technique employed by hackers to fool people into handing over their login details without realizing it.

您可能已经注意到,您的银行会定期提醒您,他们永远不会要求您提供个人信息。 这是因为有一种特别常见的方案,称为网络钓鱼,这是黑客采用的一种使人们欺骗他们的登录详细信息而没有意识到的技术。

Essentially, hackers employ phishing by contacting targets through a telephone call, a text message, or an email. Said hackers would typically pose as a representative of a legitimate financial institution, requesting your personal information to resolve some problem relating to your account. Typically, they’ll claim that they’ve noticed unusual activity with your account or that you’ve been locked out of your bank’s online platform. If you ever receive a suspicious message with any links or attachments, don’t click on any of them. These may contain viruses or ransomware that can compromise your device.

本质上,黑客通过电话,短信或电子邮件与目标联系,从而利用网络钓鱼。 所述黑客通常会冒充合法金融机构的代表,要求您提供个人信息以解决与您的帐户有关的某些问题。 通常,他们会声称自己注意到您帐户的异常活动,或者您已被锁定在银行的在线平台之外。 如果您收到包含任何链接或附件的可疑消息,请不要单击其中的任何一个。 其中可能包含可能危害您设备的病毒或勒索软件。

Alternatively, they may give you a link that leads you to a fake login page made to look like your bank’s actual website. One way to check if this is the case is to hover your cursor over the link, which will show you the exact URL you’ll be redirected to. Make sure to read the URL carefully, as they may try to fool you by copying your bank’s actual URL. For example, they may try to pass themselves off as “www.mybank.com" by using “www.my-bank.com (with a dash),” “www.my-bamk.com (with a misspelling that’s easy to miss),” or variations thereof.

或者,他们可能会为您提供一个链接,使您进入一个伪造的登录页面,该页面看起来像银行的实际网站。 一种检查这种情况的方法是将光标悬停在链接上,这将向您显示您将重定向到的确切URL。 请务必仔细阅读该网址,因为他们可能会通过复制银行的实际网址来欺骗您。 例如,他们可能会尝试通过使用“ www.my-bank.com(带破折号)”,“ www.my-bamk.com(带有容易引起误解的拼写)伪装成“ www.mybank.com”错过”)或其变体。

结论 (In Conclusion)

Constant vigilance is the key to securing your online bank accounts. Though doing all of these may seem like a hassle at first (in my experience it was), they’re worth doing for security and peace of mind. After all, when it comes to protecting your hard-earned money, it’s better to be safe than sorry. If you agree please share this post to get everyone informed.

持续保持警惕是保护在线银行帐户的关键。 尽管在一开始似乎做所有这些工作似乎很麻烦(以我的经验来看),但为确保安全和内心的平静,他们值得这样做。 毕竟,在保护您辛辛苦苦赚来的钱时,安全要比后悔更好。 如果您同意,请分享此信息以使所有人了解。

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一如既往的感谢您的阅读。 订阅我们的新闻通讯和社交媒体以获取更新,销售警报等!

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Originally published at https://mielygraphy.com on May 5, 2020.

最初于 2020年5月5日 发布在 https://mielygraphy.com 上。

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/3-password-tips-to-keep-your-online-bank-accounts-safe-mielygraphy-15bd3058e0f3






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