

As college classes transition online for the foreseeable future, one issue quickly rises. How will universities prevent cheating in examinations?

在可预见的将来,随着大学课程在网上过渡,一个问题Swift上升。 大学将如何防止考试作弊?

Companies like Respondus, ExamSoft, HonorLock, and Griti provide online proctoring services for universities to purchase. I know I don’t speak alone when I say these companies have no idea what they’re doing.

诸如Respondus,ExamSoft,HonorLock和Griti之类的公司为大学提供在线采购服务。 我知道当我说这些公司不知道自己在做什么时,我不会一个人讲话。

The most popular online proctoring company used (and the one my university uses) is ProctorU. If you thought the government spying on you is creepy, think about college students being watched for hours.

最受欢迎的在线代理公司(也是我的大学使用的一家)是ProctorU。 如果您认为政府对您的监视令人毛骨悚然,请考虑对大学生进行数小时的监视。

When you sign in to take an exam on ProctorU, one must give up all control of their device. Webcam, microphone, and keyboard being the primary ones. Your screen is also recorded.

登录以在ProctorU上进行考试时,必须放弃对其设备的所有控制。 网络摄像头,麦克风和键盘是主要的。 您的屏幕也会被记录。

This means ProctorU databases contain hundreds of thousands of hours of footage of students (many who are underage) in their homes. A hacker’s goldmine.

这意味着ProctorU数据库包含数十万小时学生(许多未成年人)在家中的录像。 黑客的金矿。

A few days before the publication of this article, ProctorU was hacked.


According to Honi Soit, a database of 440,000 ProctorU user records was published by hacker group ShinyHunters over the past week along with hundreds of millions of other user records. ProctorU user data exposed includes usernames, unencrypted passwords, legal names, and full residential addresses.- Info Security Magazine

Honi Soit称 ,在过去的一周中,黑客组织ShinyHunters发布了一个包含440,000个ProctorU用户记录的数据库,以及数亿其他用户记录。 公开的ProctorU用户数据包括用户名,未加密的密码,合法名称和完整的住所地址。-信息安全杂志

ProctorU provides a way for hackers to insert viruses onto the computers without being detected, it’s not unheard of.


Not to mention the hellish student stories that have surfaced over the past few months.


One Reddit user posted a story about being sl*t sh*med by her proctor. There are also several reports of students who were asked to download an applet, giving full remote control of their computers to ProctorU.

一位Reddit用户发布了一个关于被监禁者羞辱的故事。 也有一些报告,要求学生下载小程序,以便将他们的计算机完全控制到ProctorU。

The thought of a middle-aged man or woman watching a bunch of teenagers from their bedroom is just, well, uncomfortable. If the students have to turn their webcam on, it stands to reason the proctor should do the same.

一个中年男人或女人从他们的卧室里看一群十几岁的少年的想法是,很好,很不舒服。 如果学生必须打开他们的网络摄像头,则理所当然地认为监理人也应这样做。

Comparing testimonials from real students to testimonials on ProctorU’s website is mind-blowingly hilarious.


Awful customer service and misleading policies. Poor experience taking the exam…the proctor is slow to respond on chat and it takes far too long for the proctor to set up the testing environment so you begin. The customer support staff was incompetent and the proctors do not know how to use technology.- Google Review

糟糕的客户服务误导性政策 。 参加考试的经验很差 ……监理人员在聊天中的响应速度慢,监理人员设置测试环境所需的时间太长,因此您无法开始考试。 客户支持人员没有能力 ,监理人员不知道如何使用技术。-Google评论

If I could use one word to describe ProctorU, it’d be credibility. They are some of the best, most innovative individuals.- ProctorU

如果我可以用一个词来形容ProctorU,那将是可信的 。 他们是一些最好, 最具创新性的人。- ProctorU

They hire cheap, incompetent people from a third world nation and make you pay a lot to take tests. I feel this is very disrespectful to students and any school using them as a proctoring service certainly doesn’t care about their student’s experience.- Google Review

他们雇用来自第三世界国家的廉价, 无能的人,使您付很多钱参加考试。 我觉得这对学生非常不尊重 ,任何将他们用作指导服务的学校当然都不会关心学生的经历。-Google评论

What really drove us to ProctorU is their ability to safeguard our intellectual property. Their entire team has helped us realize our dream for what our certification can become.- ProctorU

真正促使我们进入ProctorU的是他们保护我们知识产权的能力 。 他们的整个团队帮助我们实现了成为认证的梦想。-ProctorU

Proctor U is like a nightmare, you connect to the system and test it with all the checks going green, as soon as the proctor takes over your computer all the components all of a sudden do not work. You immediately start stressing about your test time. They will continue the clock even though they are still working on the “tech” issues. They are the worst communicators and very rude. They speak in a foreign language, it’s like being at a nail shop and the whole time they are talking about you. They don’t read account notes. and they never can resolve their own tech issues. This is not suitable for test taking its by far the worst system I have ever come across.- G2

Proctor U就像一场噩梦 ,您将连接到系统并对其进行检查,并使所有检查变为绿色,一旦proctor接管您的计算机后,所有组件突然都不起作用。 您立即开始强调测试时间。 即使他们仍在处理“技术”问题,他们仍将继续工作。 他们是最糟糕的沟通者非常无礼 。 他们说的是外语,就像在指甲店里和他们一直在谈论您一样。 他们不阅读账单。 他们永远无法解决自己的技术问题。 这不适合进行迄今为止我遇到过的最糟糕的系统的测试。 -G2

But what else are colleges supposed to do? The solution ProctorU offers is unsafe and immoral, but it works better than no proctoring at all. T

但是大学还应该做什么? ProctorU提供的解决方案是不安全且不道德的,但是它比根本没有代理更好。 Ť

he best proctoring I’ve seen has been with TAs who know what the class is about, but this isn’t feasible for every university. So until the government decides to investigate ProctorU, or students develop a better solution, we’re stuck with this.

我见过的最好的指导人员是与知道课程内容有关的助教,但是这并不是每所大学都可行的。 因此,直到政府决定对ProctorU进行调查,或者学生开发出更好的解决方案之前,我们始终坚持这一做法。

ProctorU could well be the Theranos of online education.


Stay safe!


翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/proctoru-is-a-lukewarm-solution-to-college-exam-cheating-f0cc9b121a2d


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