

Amazon has just announced that it is going to finally dive into the cloud gaming waters with a new service officially called Amazon Luna. What, did you think Amazon wasn’t going to cash in on their Twitch acquisition?

一种mazon刚刚宣布,它将通过一项正式称为Amazon Luna的新服务,最终涉足云游戏领域。 什么,您认为亚马逊不会通过收购Twitch获利吗?

Personally, I’ve been using Amazon since its early days as an online bookstore. I’ve had versions of the Kindle since it first debuted, and my Amazon Prime subscription fee more than pays for itself within the first few months of any given year. Though their modern business practices are hardly worth praise, they do have a good track record when it comes to adapting to the latest trends in technology. Most of their attempts aren’t entirely original — Apple had the Apple TV long before the Fire TV came about, and Alexa is essentially Siri’s cooler little sister — but they’re very good at perfecting the models set out by more innovative companies. With Google’s lackluster venture into the industry last year, Amazon is poised to pull off another eclipse if they play their cards right.

就个人而言,自亚马逊成立以来,我就一直在使用它作为在线书店。 自从Kindle首次亮相以来,我就拥有其版本,并且我的Amazon Prime订阅费用在任何一年的头几个月内都可以收回成本。 尽管他们的现代商业实践几乎不值得赞扬,但在适应最新技术趋势方面确实有良好的记录。 他们的大多数尝试都不完全是原创的-在Fire TV出现之前,苹果公司就拥有Apple TV,而Alexa本质上是Siri较酷的妹妹-但他们非常擅长完善更具创新性的公司提出的模型。 去年,由于Google在行业中的乏善可陈,如果亚马逊打出正确的牌,亚马逊有望拉开新的阴影。

Though there’s not a ton of information on Luna yet, it looks like a different take on cloud gaming right from the start. Rather than paying for individual games, you’re paying a subscription fee — starting at $5.99 a month for early access to the main Luna+ option — for access to individual gaming channels. So far, it looks like there will be a separate Ubisoft channel, though no dates or prices are available on the official website. It appears as though more publishers will follow suit, offering their own individual streaming channels through the Luna platform for a monthly fee. Amazon is talking this up, but there’s not much evidence to support the claims just yet.

尽管关于Luna的信息还不多,但从一开始看起来就好像对云游戏有所不同。 您无需支付单独的游戏费用,而要支付订阅费用-每月访问5.99美元即可开始使用主要的Luna +选项,以访问各个游戏频道。 到目前为止,尽管官方网站上没有日期或价格,但看起来将有一个单独的Ubisoft频道。 似乎越来越多的发行商会效仿,通过Luna平台提供自己的流媒体频道,每月收取费用。 亚马逊正在对此进行讨论,但是目前还没有足够的证据支持这些说法。

This model, however, falls in line with how much of the world is consuming their content today. If you ask any random Millennial off the street if they have a cable subscription, they’ll probably laugh in your face. But what about Netflix, Hulu, or HBOMax? That’s a different story. As a culture, we’ve been sliding into exclusively streaming-based entertainment consumption for the past decade or so, and with what seems like a new service popping up almost daily, it’s not showing any signs of stopping.

但是,该模型与当今世界上有多少人在使用其内容有关。 如果您在街上随机询问千禧一代是否有有线电视订阅,他们可能会在您的面前大笑。 但是Netflix,Hulu或HBOMax呢? 那是个不同的故事。 作为一种文化,在过去的十年左右的时间里,我们一直在专门基于流媒体的娱乐消费中滑行,而且似乎几乎每天都在弹出一项新服务,但并未显示任何停止的迹象。

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Amazon. 亚马逊

Much has been said about Microsoft’s Game Pass system already, and with Sony’s announcement of a similar service releasing with the PS5, there’s no shortage of AAA titles floating around. Where Amazon might have the advantage over these more established gaming companies, however, is with the hardware requirements. It’s looking like Luna can be played on several different platforms, including iOS, PC, Mac, and Fire TV. Even the Luna exclusive controller isn’t required to play the games — the service is compatible with both the DualShock 4 and Xbox One controllers — though it’s available if that’s the route you’d prefer to go. With this model, there is virtually no startup investment. If you have any of the aforementioned equipment, all you’re paying for is the monthly subscription.

关于微软的游戏通行证系统,已经有很多报道了,随着索尼宣布与PS5发行类似的服务,不乏AAA游戏。 但是,在硬件要求上,亚马逊可能会比这些较成熟的游戏公司更具优势。 看起来Luna可以在多个不同的平台上播放,包括iOS,PC,Mac和Fire TV。 甚至连Luna专用控制器都不需要玩游戏-该服务与DualShock 4和Xbox One控制器兼容-尽管如果您愿意这样做,则可以使用它。 使用此模型,几乎没有启动投资。 如果您具有上述任何设备,那么您只需支付每月的订购费用即可。

Oh, and it all connects with Alexa too, if that’s what you’re into.


With such little information about what games will be available through this new service, it’s hard to say just how well Luna is going to perform among its competition. As long as Amazon makes good on their promises of an extensive library and an upgraded 4K — early access will only be available in 1080p —streaming experience, Luna stands a chance of being an excellent option for gamers looking to dip their toes into new waters.

关于通过这项新服务将提供哪些游戏的信息很少,很难说Luna在竞争中的表现如何。 只要Amazon兑现其扩展库和升级4K的承诺(仅以1080p提供早期访问)的流媒体体验,Luna就有机会成为希望将脚趾伸入新领域的游戏玩家的绝佳选择。

Bre is a part-time writer based in Orlando, FL along with her handsome fella and two cats. She’s still working on her personal website, but you can find her anytime on Twitter and Facebook.

布雷是佛罗里达州奥兰多市的兼职作家,还有帅哥和两只猫。 她仍在自己的个人网站上工作,但您可以随时在TwitterFacebook上找到她







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