

The Macbook and a reformed Apple skeptic


Despite my reformed skeptisism, I have to clarify that I do not own an iPhone. I haven’t bought into the ecosystem. But now I can’t rule it out.

尽管我对怀疑论进行了改革,但我必须澄清一下,我没有iPhone。 我还没有进入生态系统。 但是现在我不能排除它。

I was issued a MacBook for my last two years in an experimental high school, and up until very recently, I hadn’t used one since. They’re expensive. They’re pretentious. They’re cliché. And there are some things they just can’t do. When I went off to college, I studied engineering, which meant needing a Windows machine for a ton of Windows-only programs. Of course, now that I’m in my career, I require the same software on my work machine. There hasn’t really been a choice. But even if their had been, why would I choose something that is vastly more expensive while boasting hardware that doesn’t compare to it’s rivals. It doesn’t make sense.

在实验性的高中的最后两年里,我获得了一台MacBook,直到最近,我一直没有使用过MacBook。 他们很贵。 他们自命不凡。 他们是陈词滥调。 有些事情是他们做不到的。 当我上大学时,我学习了工程学,这意味着需要一台Windows机器来处理大量仅用于Windows的程序。 当然,既然我从事自己的职业,就需要在工作机器上使用相同的软件。 真的没有选择。 但是,即使他们曾经如此,我为什么还要选择价格昂贵得多的产品,同时又拥有无法与之匹敌的硬件。 这没有道理。

But here I am, a student again. This time going for an MBA and the old Dell I used for school the first time around is dying a long, slow death. For my new schoolwork, though, I don’t need Altium or Solidworks, or any of the other programs that tied me to a PC. I finally had the freedom to make a choice, so after a lot of research, I purchased a new MacBook Pro. And despite my past life rolling my eyes and making pretentious comments to the apple lovers in my life, I have been converted.

但是我又是一个学生。 这次去读MBA,而我第一次去学校时所用的老戴尔,已经死了很长很长的时间。 但是,对于我的新功课,我不需要Altium或Solidworks,也不需要将我与PC捆绑在一起的任何其他程序。 我终于有选择的自由,因此经过大量研究,我购买了新的MacBook Pro 。 尽管我的前世翻白了眼球,并对生活中的苹果爱好者做出了自命不凡的评价,但我还是converted依了。

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原因: (The why:)

For one, the user interface is just better.


The touchpad is in a league of its own. To make a device more pleasurable to interact with is to directly increase the desire to use it.

触摸板属于自己的联盟​​。 使设备更易于与之交互是直接增加使用它的愿望。

Can you even imagine scrolling on a touchpad that actually works and moves up and down smoothly in reasonable amounts? I do a lot of reading on my machine. My other laptop’s touchpads have been useful for only awkwardly moving the mouse and essential click functions. The scrolling while reading is one step above useless. And no way have there been any useful shortcuts that consistently work. They have been an interface that technically does the job whenever I havent had a portable mouse on hand.

您甚至可以想象在实际起作用的触摸板上滚动并以合理的数量平滑地上下移动吗? 我在机器上做了很多阅读。 我其他笔记本电脑的触摸板仅在笨拙地移动鼠标和基本单击功能时才有用。 阅读时滚动是无用的第一步。 而且没有任何有用的快捷方式能够始终如一地工作。 它们一直是一个接口,从技术上讲,每当我手头没有便携式鼠标时,它们就可以完成工作。

But now here I am, swiping across four utterly different workflow windows with ease. Without a thought, as I swipe back to my internet browser, I can go back to a page in my history. Or quickly swipe up and see everything I have open up on my screen and choose precisely what I want. I know there are features like these on Windows machines, but none are intuitive and easily accessible. A mouse would actually be less useful. And I know I’ve only scratched the surface of cool features built into this machine. Features that start with the touchpad but continue into the keyboard.

但是现在我在这里,轻松地在四个完全不同的工作流窗口中滑动。 不经思索,当我滑动回到互联网浏览器时,我可以返回到历史记录中的页面。 或快速向上滑动并在屏幕上看到我打开的所有内容,然后精确选择我想要的内容。 我知道Windows机器上有类似的功能,但是没有一个是直观且易于访问的。 鼠标实际上将不太有用。 而且我知道我只是从表面上了解了这台机器内置的出色功能。 以触​​摸板开头但延续到键盘的功能。

I’ve never really thought about what it’s like to type on my laptops before. It is just something I’ve always needed to do, so I do it. I didn’t know that anything could be done to make it better or more bearable or even more fun. But I deeply enjoy typing on this machine. I’m typing on it now, and I’m not sure how to describe how oddly satisfying it is.

我以前从未真正考虑过在笔记本电脑上打字的感觉。 这只是我一直需要做的事情,所以我去做。 我不知道有什么办法可以使它变得更好,更可忍受甚至更有趣。 但是我非常喜欢在这台机器上打字。 我正在输入内容,但不确定如何描述它的满足程度。

Now, yes, I could buy a high-end, stand-alone keyboard. But I use laptops. I like the portability, and even though I do a lot of work at a desk, I like the other chairs in my apartment too. I like having my coffee steaming next to me while I’m sitting in my comfiest chair with a laptop against my knees. An external keyboard only really makes sense for a desk. And I do have one, but actually enjoying the actual keyboard attached to my actual laptop is a love I have never known.

现在,是的,我可以购买高端的独立键盘。 但是我使用笔记本电脑。 我喜欢便携性,即使我在办公桌上做了很多工作,我也喜欢公寓中的其他椅子。 我喜欢坐在舒适的椅子上,膝盖上放着一台笔记本电脑,一边在我旁边喝咖啡。 外接键盘只对办公桌有意义。 我确实有一个,但实际上享受与我的实际笔记本电脑相连的实际键盘是我从未知道的一种爱。

Interacting with this machine is a delight.


Now, for the software.


The OS. The bread and butter of any machine. In my, arguably limited, experience, the software is just better. Everything I’ve tried runs quick and smooth. The transitions are seamless. The search function actually works. I can access any program, file, browser bookmarks, calendar events, or system settings directly from a keyboard shortcut that pulls up spotlight search. I get the results so fast its almost instant.

操作系统。 任何机器的面包和黄油。 根据我的经验(可能有限),该软件会更好。 我尝试过的所有内容都能快速流畅地运行。 过渡是无缝的。 搜索功能实际上起作用。 我可以直接通过键盘快捷键访问任何程序,文件,浏览器书签,日历事件或系统设置,以加快Spotlight搜索的速度。 我几乎很快就得到了结果。

There are probably more individual pieces of software for Windows. But I would argue that the quality of the software on Mac is higher. I’m not referring to the built-in Pages and iMovie, although I’m sure they’re great, but all the great third-party apps and how well they integrate with the native OS.

Windows可能有更多单独的软件。 但是我认为Mac上的软件质量更高。 我并不是指内置的Pages和iMovie,尽管我确定它们很棒,但是所有出色的第三方应用程序以及它们与本机OS集成的程度如何。

This has been true for the iPad too, which I purchased after researching the best tablet to take notes as a student. It’s not the best because of the Apple Pencil, which I don’t even use, but the tremendous third-party note-taking apps that aren’t offered on other platforms. I love how seamless it is to write and then search notes. Highlighting is nice and easy to use. I can finally draw a straight line. If I accidentally write too large and run out of space on a line, I can just make the word smaller or pick it up and move to the line below. My messy scrawl can now be tamed and organized.

iPad也是如此,我在研究了最好的平板电脑以记笔记后购买了它。 这不是最好的,因为我什至没有使用Apple Pencil,但是不是其他平台上提供的大量第三方笔记应用程序。 我喜欢写笔记然后搜索笔记是多么无缝。 突出显示很好并且易于使用。 我终于可以画一条直线了。 如果我不小心写了太大的文字而在一行上用完了空间,我可以将单词缩小或拾起然后移到下面的行。 现在可以驯服和整理我凌乱的草稿。

It is all the little things tied together that make life a little more enjoyable. If the center of my productivity system is more enjoyable to use, then I use it more. I want to sit down and write so I can touch this delightfully tactile machine. I want to write emails for work and read the notes from my class lectures. I can’t deny that my enjoyment may lie in the novelty of working with something new. Still, I love every interaction with this machine. And you may too.

正是所有紧密联系在一起的小事,才使生活变得更加愉快。 如果我的生产力系统的中心更易于使用,那么我会更多地使用它。 我想坐下来写字,这样我才能触摸这款令人愉悦的触觉机器。 我想写电子邮件上班,并阅读课堂讲义中的笔记。 我不能否认我的乐趣可能在于与新事物打交道的新颖性。 尽管如此,我还是喜欢与这台机器的每一次互动。 而且你可能也是。

翻译自: https://medium.com/the-innovation/how-a-new-laptop-made-me-more-productive-cf9ac1a1dc31


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