

Forgive me if this sounds like the beginning of a rant by the fictitious Richard Hendricks, CEO of Pied Piper, from HBO’s Silicon Valley. It has been a year since the last episode of the series aired, but Hendricks’ mantra rings more pressing than ever, “We need a new internet.” The sense of community, support, free flow of ideas, and privacy that existed in the early days of the internet have been replaced with loneliness, vitriol, fear mongering, and intrusive data collection. The internet is broken, and no patch or retrofit will repair it. We need to start from the ground up. Privacy needs to be implemented by design. Fear needs to be relegated. Forums need to be empowering. And community needs to be local. In short, the internet needs to be decentralized and federated. Big Tech and Big Government have wrestled far too much control over the future of the internet from those who made it great, us, the users, and in so doing have undermined its strengths.

如果这听起来像是HBO硅谷Pied Piper首席执行官虚构的Richard Hendricks的愤怒之声,请原谅我。 自该系列的最后一集播出以来已经一年了,但是亨德里克斯的口头禅比以往任何时候都紧迫,“我们需要一个新的互联网。” 互联网早期存在的社区意识,支持,思想的自由传播和隐私已被孤独,琐事,恐惧滋生和侵入性数据收集所取代。 互联网已损坏,没有补丁或翻新产品将对其进行修复。 我们需要从头开始。 隐私需要通过设计实现。 恐惧需要降级。 论坛需要增强能力。 社区必须是本地的。 简而言之,互联网需要分散和联合。 大技术和大政府已经从那些使互联网变得伟大的人手中夺取了对互联网未来的太多控制权,这损害了我们的实力。

This was not always the case. While the internet can trace its roots back to ARPANET, a project of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the Federal Government took a largely hands-off approach in the early days of the internet. Legislation, such as Section 230 of the Communications and Decency Act (CDA), illustrate an early commitment to allowing the nascent technology to continually innovate and promote an open exchange of ideas among private, public, academic, business, and government users. Similarly, Big Tech, Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, Google, and the like either did not yet exist, or in the case of Amazon were new companies still gaining their footing. The dominate players on the internet in the 80s and 90s, CompuServe, Prodigy, AltaVista, GeoCities, Netscape, AngelFire, and Ask Jeeves were all new companies themselves, and have all since been bought out or gone out of business. The early internet had as many communities as there were companies, and as for privacy, you could be whoever you wanted to be online.

并非总是如此。 尽管互联网的起源可以追溯到国防高级研究计划局的一个项目ARPANET,但联邦政府在互联网发展初期却采取了不干预的方法。 诸如《通信与礼仪法》(CDA)第230条之类的立法表明了对允许新兴技术不断创新并促进私人,公共,学术,企业和政府用户之间思想交流的早期承诺。 同样,Big Tech,Facebook,Amazon,Netflix,Google等尚不存在,或者在Amazon的情况下,新公司仍在稳固地位。 80年代和90年代,互联网上的主要参与者包括CompuServe,Prodigy,AltaVista,GeoCities,Netscape,AngelFire和Ask Jeeves本身都是新公司,并且自此被收购或倒闭。 早期的互联网拥有与公司一样多的社区,而对于隐私,无论您想成为在线人,都可以成为您。

互联网的全盛时期 (The Heyday of the Internet)

In 2011, the internet had come into its own. Web forums grew into full-fledged social networks. Internet home pages became comprehensive search engines. Online communities promoted and ran offline events. And, the Arab Spring, showed how all these elements together could bring about real and lasting change in the world around us. The internet was empowering. Posts and reposts of the demonstrations in Tunisia following the self-immolation of Mohamed Bouazizi in December of 2010, a street vendor fed up with the humiliation he suffered at the hands of government, helped spur government protests against authoritarian regimes in Algeria, Egypt, Yemen, Libya, Bahrain, Syria, and many others throughout North Africa and the Middle East. As early protests proved successful, both Tunisia and Egypt saw new governments, citizens of even more cities and countries took to the streets to protest.

2011年,互联网诞生了。 网络论坛已发展成为成熟的社交网络。 互联网主页成为了全面的搜索引擎。 在线社区促进并举办了离线活动。 并且,《阿拉伯之春》展示了所有这些要素如何共同为我们周围的世界带来真正持久的变化。 互联网正在授权。 穆罕默德·布阿齐兹(Mohamed Bouazizi)在2010年12月自焚之后,在突尼斯的示威游行的帖子和转贴,使一个街头小贩受够了他在政府手中遭受的屈辱,有助于刺激政府抗议阿尔及利亚,埃及,也门的独裁政权,利比亚,巴林,叙利亚以及整个北非和中东的许多其他国家。 早期的抗议活动证明是成功的,突尼斯和埃及都看到了新政府,更多城市和国家的公民上街抗议。

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Photo by AJ Colores on Unsplash
图片由 AJ ColoresUnsplash

Social media not only spurred action in Northern Africa and the Middle East, it allowed protestors to connect with one another to both share ideas and plan new rallies and events. Data from this period shows that social media use more than doubled in Arab countries during the protests, with 9 out of 10 Egyptians responding to a poll by the Dubai School of Government that they used primarily Facebook and Twitter to organize protests and spread awareness. A study conducted by Zeynep Tufekci of the University of North Carolina and Christopher Wilson of the United Nations Development Program further concluded that “[Social Media] provided new sources of information the regime could not easily control and were crucial in shaping how citizens made individual decisions about participating in protests, the logistics of protest, and the likelihood of success.” By April 5, 2011, the number of social media users in the Arab world surpassed 27.7 million. In countries with lower internet use and therefore fewer users of social media, such as Yemen and Libya, the proliferation of internet-based cellphones with access to email and YouTube helped spread the messages of the protestors.

社交媒体不仅刺激了北非和中东的行动,还使示威者能够相互联系,交流思想并计划新的集会和活动。 这一时期的数据表明,抗议期间阿拉伯国家的社交媒体使用量增加了一倍以上,十分之九的埃及人回应了迪拜政府学校的一项民意调查,该民意调查主要使用Facebook和Twitter来组织抗议活动并传播意识。 北卡罗莱纳大学的Zeynep Tufekci和联合国开发计划署的克里斯托弗·威尔逊进行的一项研究进一步得出结论:“ [社交媒体]提供了政权难以控制的新信息来源,对于塑造公民如何做出个人决定至关重要。关于参加抗议活动,抗议活动的后勤以及成功的可能性。” 截至2011年4月5日,阿拉伯世界的社交媒体用户数量已超过2770万。 在也门和利比亚等互联网使用率较低且因此社交媒体用户较少的国家,基于互联网的手机的普及(可访问电子邮件和YouTube)有助于传播抗议者的信息。

The internet was building towards this. Google went public in 2004, and just two years later acquired YouTube. Facebook became publicly available to everyone 13 and older in 2006. And Twitter made its first tweet that same year. In 2007, a junior senator from Illinois, Barack Obama, started his campaign for the White House. The campaign launched its own social-networking site,, and hired Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes to lead the platform’s development and the campaign’s social networking strategy. The death of Michael Jackson and the collective mourning that followed caused many of the biggest internet sites to crash in 2009. Google believing it was under a DDoS attack blocked all searches of Michael Jackson for 30 minutes. And, in 2010, Mark Zuckerberg was named person of the year. 2011, the same year that the Arab Spring was spreading, saw Occupy Wall Street and its various offshoots taking root across the United States.

互联网正在朝着这个方向发展。 Google于2004年上市,仅仅两年后就收购了YouTube。 Facebook在2006年向13岁及13岁以上的所有人公开提供。Twitter在同年进行了第一条推文。 2007年,来自伊利诺伊州的初级参议员巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)开始竞选白宫。 该活动启动了自己的社交网站,并聘用了Facebook联合创始人克里斯·休斯(Chris Hughes)领导该平台的发展以及该活动的社交网络策略。 迈克尔·杰克逊(Michael Jackson)的死和随之而来的集体哀悼导致许多最大的互联网站点在2009年崩溃。谷歌认为该网站受到DDoS攻击,从而阻止了迈克尔·杰克逊(Michael Jackson)进行30分钟的所有搜索。 而且,在2010年,马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)被评为年度人物。 2011年,即阿拉伯之春盛行的同一年,《占领华尔街》及其各种分支在美国各地扎根。

非理性繁荣 (Irrational Exuberance)

Despite the rise of the modern internet in the late aughts, many of the troubles that plague it were already evident. We as users, obsessed by our ability to check-in to places, like posts, join online groups, and share statuses, simply ignored them. The concerns were minimal compared with our ability to connect with one another. Unfortunately, as we now know our ability to connect has come at a price far greater than we anticipated, and many of those connections have proved fleeting. In fact, many of the features that we appreciate about the modern internet, the predictive algorithms, shared news feeds, mapping features, and apps are the tools that have most undermined the modern internet. Being online is often so emotionally and physically burdening that being able to “unplug” for any period is now considered a luxury.

尽管在后期出现了现代互联网,但是困扰互联网的许多麻烦已经很明显了。 作为用户,我们迷恋于签到地点(如帖子),加入在线论坛和共享状态的能力,因此完全忽略了它们。 与我们彼此联系的能力相比,这些担忧降至最低。 不幸的是,正如我们现在所知道的那样,我们的连接能力所付出的代价远远超出了我们的预期,而且许多这样的连接已证明是短暂的。 实际上,我们欣赏的有关现代互联网的许多功能,预测算法,共享新闻提要,地图绘制功能和应用程序是对现代互联网造成最大破坏的工具。 在线通常在精神上和身体上都很沉重,以至于在任何时期都可以“拔出”电源现在被认为是一种奢侈。

In 2002, four years prior to Google’s acquisition of YouTube, Google turned sharply and purposely toward a new business model; utilizing the user data it harvested from its search engine to serve targeted ads. In 2003, Google announced this new business model to the world when it filed a patent entitled, “Generating User Information for Use in Targeted Advertising.” Users failed to grasp the significance. The acquisition of YouTube was not about adding video to the Google line of products, it was about adding new avenues to collect user data. Google Street View founded in 2007 allowed Google to not only capture location data and images, but scrap data from home and business networks as its vehicles roamed the streets. 2007 was also the year when Facebook launched Beacon, which allowed third party websites to share data with Facebook about activities on their sites, which would then be shared on Facebook users’ news feeds. Beacon was discontinued in 2009 as it was too public facing, however like Google, Facebook has found other ways to harvest user data for the purposes of targeted advertising.

2002年,也就是Google收购YouTube的四年前,Google突然转向了新的商业模式。 利用从搜索引擎中获取的用户数据来投放有针对性的广告。 2003年,Google申请了一项名为“生成用于定向广告的用户信息”的专利,从而向全世界宣布了这种新的商业模式。 用户未能掌握其重要性。 收购YouTube并不是在向Google产品线添加视频,而是在添加收集用户数据的新途径。 成立于2007年的Google Street View使Google不仅可以捕获位置数据和图像,还可以在车辆漫游街道时从家庭和企业网络中抓取数据。 2007年也是Facebook推出Beacon的一年,Beacon允许第三方网站与Facebook共享有关其网站活动的数据,然后将这些数据共享到Facebook用户的新闻提要中。 Beacon于2009年停产,因为它过于公开,但与Google一样,Facebook也找到了其他方法来收集用户数据以用于定向广告。

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Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash
Markus SpiskeUnsplash拍摄的照片

This surveillance capitalism as it has come to be known is not the only sin of the modern internet, but it is certainly a major driver of how the modern internet operates. Data collection is a zero-sum game; to stay relevant you have to continually acquire more sources of data, hence the continued multi-billion dollar acquisitions by Big Tech, which have resulted in less and less independent communities online. Data is also relevant to governments, which have both contracted with Big Tech and in many instances used force to acquire troves of data on their citizens. Big Government has used this data not just for criminal enforcement, but in many instances to crack down on dissenters, limit movement, and spy on citizens. The Chinese, North Korean, and Russian governments are perhaps the prime examples of this modern surveillance state. But data is not just for connecting individuals, for selling to individuals, or for spying on individuals, it can also be used as we have learned to manipulate users’ actions.

众所周知,这种监视资本主义并不是现代互联网的唯一罪过,但无疑是现代互联网运作方式的主要驱动力。 数据收集是一个零和游戏; 为了保持相关性,您必须不断获取更多的数据源,因此,Big Tech继续进行数十亿美元的收购,这导致在线上独立社区越来越少。 数据也与政府相关,政府既与Big Tech签约,又在许多情况下使用武力获取其公民的大量数据。 大政府不仅将这些数据用于刑事执法,而且在许多情况下还用以镇压持不同政见者,限制行动和监视公民。 中国,朝鲜和俄罗斯政府也许是这种现代监视国家的主要例子。 但是,数据不仅用于联系个人,用于销售给个人或用于监视个人,还可以用于我们已经学会操纵用户行为的数据。

宠物小精灵Go,Cambridge Analytica和新现代互联网 (Pokemon Go, Cambridge Analytica, and the New Modern Internet)

In 2014, before Gamergate, before Cambridge Analytica, and before Charlottesville, the hashtag #EndFathersDay began circling around Twitter. The hashtag purporting to be from black feminists online soon caught the attention of the conservative media. Tucker Carlson, Dan McLaughlin, Ben Shapiro, and others used the opportunity to mock the feminist movement and undermine black feminists. The hashtag did not originate from the black feminist community however, it originated on 4chan, the conservative messaging board, and before the truth was realized by the public the damage was already done. In fact, it was two black feminists I’Nasah Crockett and Shafiqah Hudson who realized immediately that the hashtag was likely a hoax and exposed it. However, even after exposing the hoax, Twitter did nothing to help, and both Crockett and Hudson were subjected to numerous hate messages from the 4chan community.

2014年,在Gamergate之前,Cambridge Analytica之前和Charlottesville之前,主题标签#EndFathersDay开始在Twitter上盘旋。 声称来自网上黑人女权主义者的主题标签很快引起了保守媒体的注意。 塔克·卡尔森(Tucker Carlson),丹·麦克劳林(Dan McLaughlin),本·夏皮罗(Ben Shapiro)等人借此机会嘲笑女权运动并破坏黑人女权主义者。 主题标签并非来自黑人女权主义者社区,而是起源于保守派消息发布委员会4chan,在公众意识到真相之前,损害已经造成。 实际上,是两位黑人女权主义者I'Nasah Crockett和Shafiqah Hudson立刻意识到,标签可能是骗局,因此将其揭穿。 但是,即使揭露了这个骗局,Twitter也无济于事,而Crockett和Hudson都受到了4chan社区的仇恨消息。

Gamergate by contrast was a directed online harassment campaign original aimed at game developer Zoe Quinn by a disgruntled and jealous ex-boyfriend, Eron Gjoni, but later expanded to target other female game developers, gamers, and gaming critics. Gjoni’s words while targeted encouraged a backlash against an increase in woman in the gaming industry, and the role of feminism in gaming development. Types of harassment included doxing, threats of rape, and death threats. The hashtag #gamergate was picked up by 4chan, 8chan, and other right-wing message boards and continued to spread unimpeded with Twitter being criticized for its slow reaction to the online harassment. It is easy to draw a straight line between, #EndFathersDay, Gamergate, and the United the Right Rally in Charlottesville. Charlottesville was merely the online spewing into the offline, just as the Arab Spring was 6 years prior, except that the tools designed to connect were now dividing.

相比之下,Gamergate是一场针对游戏开发商Zoe Quinn的定向在线骚扰活动,最初是由心怀不满和嫉妒的前男友Eron Gjoni进行的,但后来扩展到其他女性游戏开发商,游戏玩家和游戏评论家。 乔尼(Gjoni)的目标话语鼓舞了人们反对在游戏行业中女性人数的增加以及女权主义在游戏发展中的作用。 骚扰的类型包括催眠,强奸威胁和死亡威胁。 标签#gamergate被4chan,8chan和其他右翼留言板所拾取,并继续不受阻碍地传播,Twitter因其对在线骚扰的React缓慢而受到批评。 在#EndFathersDay,Gamergate和夏洛茨维尔的United the Right Rally之间绘制一条直线很容易。 就像6年前的《阿拉伯之春》一样,夏洛茨维尔(Charlottesville)只是一个在线进入离线的渠道,只是现在设计连接的工具正在分裂。

Unfortunately, Big Tech and Big Government have little incentive to change this paradigm despite their public posturing. President Donald Trump has famously used Twitter to attack opponents and promote new initiatives, China has used social media to spread disinformation against Taiwan and other countries. And, most famously, Russia used bots and fake accounts to influence the 2016 Presidential Election. Social media has become the ideal propaganda machines for Big Government. Big Tech similarly has realized that they can make money not only by selling targeted ads, but by manipulating consumer behavior. Pokemon Go and Cambridge Analytica are perhaps the primarily examples of corporate campaigns to manipulate consumer behavior.

不幸的是,尽管有公开的姿态,大技术公司和大政府也没有动力去改变这种模式。 唐纳德·特朗普总统曾以Twitter攻击对手和推广新举措而闻名,中国已利用社交媒体向台湾和其他国家散布虚假信息。 而且,最著名的是,俄罗斯使用漫游器和伪造帐户影响了2016年总统大选。 社交媒体已成为大政府的理想宣传机器。 大技术公司同样意识到,他们不仅可以通过出售目标广告来赚钱,而且可以通过操纵消费者的行为来赚钱。 Pokemon Go和Cambridge Analytica可能是公司开展活动来操纵消费者行为的主要示例。

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Photo by David Grandmougin on Unsplash
David GrandmouginUnsplash上的 照片

Pokemon Go, an augmented related game, that seemed to be everywhere in 2016, was developed by Niantic Labs, an offshoot of Google. With the creation of Niantic Labs, and the expansion of the augmented reality space, Google was no longer limited to collecting data, it could now directly impact users’ actions. Instead of placing an add for Starbucks, it could encourage a user to enter a Starbucks via the promise of a Pokemon or other virtual reward. Niantic Labs has contracted with Starbucks, Sprint, Jamba Juice, Hint Water, Vodafone, Motorola, AXA, SoftBank Group, Mitsubishi, Lawson, Circle K, among others to induce foot traffic. Niantic Labs has also continued to collect data as users moved about different locations thereby creating a self-feeding loop. Facebook is also known to have a history of experimenting with consumer behavior manipulation. More than once Facebook has been caught up in an uproar on how it experiments with features on its platform to impact how users engage with its site. Facebook’s most famous user manipulation scandal, however, involves a third-party political consulting firm, Cambridge Analytica. Cambridge Analytica used data it had obtained in violation of Facebook’s terms of service to manipulate election results for its clients. That a third-party could obtain this data for any purpose is particularly telling, as was Facebook’s anemic response.

口袋妖怪围棋(Pokemon Go)是一款增强型相关游戏,在2016年似乎无处不在,它是由Google的分支机构Niantic Labs开发的。 随着Niantic Labs的创建以及增强现实空间的扩展,Google不再局限于收集数据,它现在可以直接影响用户的行为。 代替为星巴克添加配件,它可以鼓励用户通过口袋妖怪或其他虚拟奖励的承诺进入星巴克。 Niantic Labs已与星巴克,Sprint,Jamba Juice,Hint Water,沃达丰,摩托罗拉,AXA,软银集团,三菱,Lawson,Circle K等签约,以吸引人流。 当用户在不同位置移动时,Niantic Labs还继续收集数据,从而创建了一个自动进纸循环。 Facebook还具有尝试进行消费者行为操纵的历史。 Facebook不止一次地陷入一场关于如何使用其平台功能进行试验以影响用户与网站互动方式的争吵中。 但是,Facebook最著名的用户操纵丑闻涉及第三方政治咨询公司Cambridge Analytica。 Cambridge Analytica使用违反Facebook服务条款获得的数据来操纵其客户的选举结果。 第三方可以出于任何目的获取此数据特别有说服力,就像Facebook的消极React一样。

解决方案:去中心化的联合互联网 (The Solution: A Decentralized and Federated Internet)

In retrospect, it is not all that surprising that the modern internet has developed to no longer be representative of its users. As the internet has coalesced around a select few tech companies, and has faced greater abuses by governments, its gatekeepers have been traditionally white and male. When stories appear in the news that President Trump wants to do away with Section 230 immunity, because of a spat over Twitter censoring his Tweets, or that Mark Zuckerberg appeared before Congress to justify Facebook’s data collection techniques once again all sides appear out of touch. Twitter all too often fails to stand up for its users, President Trump frequently threatens his critiques, Facebook has a history of privacy abuses, and Congress rarely asks the right questions of Big Tech. How can the internet return to the days when it was a bastion for creating community, empowerment, the free flow of ideas, and privacy if those that manage it no longer are representative of its users? The only way to make the internet more representative is to decentralize it and federalize it.

回想起来,现代互联网已经发展成为不再能够代表其用户,这并不令人惊讶。 由于互联网已经与少数几家高科技公司合并在一起,并且面临着政府的更大滥用,因此其网守传统上是白人和男性。 当新闻中出现有关特朗普总统希望取消230节豁免权的新闻时,由于Twitter审查他的推文而发生争吵,或者马克·扎克伯格出现在国会面前以证明Facebook的数据收集技术合理性时,各方再次脱节。 Twitter常常无法为用户辩护,特朗普总统经常威胁他的批评,Facebook有滥用隐私的历史,国会很少问大技术的正确问题。 如果管理互联网的人们不再代表互联网,互联网又如何回到创建社区,授权,思想自由和隐私的堡垒的时代? 使互联网更具代表性的唯一方法是将其分散并联邦化。

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How does this work? Firstly, there must be no central power brokers or servers. Instead, small groups and servers connect to other servers and groups to form federations, similar to a blockchain (or federated government). Each server and group can have its own set of rules and procedures for who can join, what data is collected (or not collected), what content is allowed, and how ideas are promoted. Community is fostered because smaller groups and servers mean individuals forge deeper connections. Smaller groups also provide support to users especially when those groups are built to support causes. Ideas are thought tested and vetted in groups before being spread to the federated community (just as States act as laboratories for the Federal Government). And users can choose which group or groups to join that they believe adequately protect their privacy online. #EndFathersDay and #GamerGate would not have spread as rapidly if they were promoted on a decentralized social network where they would have to be vetted first, whereas #MeToo, #MarchForOurLives, #BlackLivesMatter, and #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd would not have had to contend with disinformation campaigns designed to undermine them.

这是如何运作的? 首先,必须没有中央电源代理或服务器。 相反,小团体和服务器连接到其他服务器和团体以形成联盟,类似于区块链(或联合政府)。 每个服务器和组可以有自己的一套规则和过程,以供谁可以加入,收集(或不收集)哪些数据,允许哪些内容以及如何推广想法。 之所以建立社区,是因为较小的组和服务器意味着个人可以建立更深的联系。 较小的组也向用户提供支持,尤其是在建立那些组来支持原因时。 在将思想传播到联邦社区之前,这些思想经过思想测试和审核(就像各州充当联邦政府的实验室一样)。 用户可以选择加入的一个或多个组,他们相信这些组可以充分保护其在线隐私。 如果#EndFathersDay和#GamerGate在分散的社交网络上进行推广,则传播速度不会如此之快,而必须首先对其进行审查,而#MeToo,#MarchForOurLives,#BlackLivesMatter和#JusticeForGeorgeFloyd不必与虚假信息抗衡旨在破坏他们的运动。

The beauty of the decentralized internet is that it already exists, albeit in rudimentary form. But the internet too was once rather rudimentary. It was the public embrace of its users that brought it into the mainstream. Tools already exist online for decentralized word processing, video sharing, cloud storage, and even social networking. Perhaps the most well known decentralized and federated service is Mastodon, an open source social network that resides on the Fediverse (a series of federated servers). Mastodon, which is comparable to Twitter, has both a local and federated timeline, and allows users to choose privacy settings for each toot (comparable to a tweet) they compose. Each community, which the user chooses which to join, has its own set of privacy features and uses community-based moderation to filter out undesirable content. Of course, there are the drawbacks, as each community sets its own rules, rogue communities (like rogue states) do pop-up. Gab, the infamous far-right social network, is a fork (independent development based on publicly available open source-code) of Mastadon. But innovative communities are far more common.

分散式互联网的美丽之处在于它已经存在,尽管它只是基本形式。 但是互联网也曾经是初级的。 正是它受到用户的广泛欢迎,才使它成为主流。 在线上已经存在用于分散字处理,视频共享,云存储甚至社交网络的工具。 也许最著名的分散式和联合服务是Mastodon,这是一个驻留在Fediverse(一系列联合服务器)上的开源社交网络。 Mastodon可与Twitter相提并论,具有本地和联合时间表,并允许用户为自己撰写的每个嘟嘟声(与推文相比)选择隐私设置。 用户选择要加入的每个社区都有其自己的一组隐私功能,并使用基于社区的审核来过滤掉不良内容。 当然,也有弊端,因为每个社区都设置自己的规则,所以流氓社区(如流氓国家)会弹出。 Gab是臭名昭著的极右翼社交网络,是Mastadon的一个fork(基于公开可用的开放源代码的独立开发)。 但是创新社区要普遍得多。

In October 2019, the Fourth Estate Public Benefit Corporation, a member owned social cooperative dedicated to human rights, advocacy and a strong free press announced the beta launch of Project Civiq, a social network describing itself as, “Free to use, free from ads, free from tracking, free from distractions and free from AI manipulation. It offers a secure platform for social interaction, sharing and networking.” It too is a fork of Mastadon. It is unclear yet whether the social network will deliver on its promise, what is clear is that a decentralized internet and federated social networks are the future of the internet. As the Electronic Frontier Foundation has stated:

2019年10月,致力于人权,倡导和强大自由媒体的会员制社会合作社第四房地产公益公司宣布Beta版推出Civiq项目,该社交网络自称为“免费使用,无广告” ,无追踪,无干扰,无AI操纵。 它为社交互动,共享和联网提供了一个安全的平台。” 它也是Mastadon的叉子。 尚不清楚社交网络是否会兑现其诺言,显而易见的是,去中心化互联网和联合社交网络是互联网的未来。 正如电子前沿基金会所说:

Distributed social networks represent a model that can plausibly return control and choice to the hands of the Internet user…With more user control, diversity, and innovation, individuals speaking out under oppressive governments could conduct activism on social networking sites while also having a choice of services and providers that may be better equipped to protect their security and anonymity.


In essence, distributed social networks bring back community, support and empower users from diverse backgrounds, spark innovation, activism, and free speech, all while protecting security and anonymity. This is the future we as users deserve. This is what we should demand.

从本质上讲,分布式社交网络在保护安全性和匿名性的同时,从不同的背景带回社区,支持并赋予用户权力,激发创新,行动主义和言论自由。 这是我们用户应得的未来。 这是我们应该要求的。







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